Forza Horizon 5 Rally Adventure - Part 1 - The Beginning

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I hope you guys are ready to get dirty because we are heading to Sierra Nueva here in the brand new Forza Horizon 5 rally Adventure DLC did it feel so good to say that welcome back Forza Horizon five one of my favorite games I have ever played I have missed this thing so much and we finally have a new expansion to be able to check out we've got a ton of new rally races I think we have an entirely new campaign mode we're gonna be joining rally teams there's like a whole crazy experience six new biomes tons of new vehicles a lot to uncover so Amigo what's under the tarp you rally car patience Rami I'll show you once we get there hey Superstar you're here getting the truck with Alex and let's get going sounds good to me look at that waterfall back there wow welcome to Sierra Nueva it's time to fire up her a skeleton vehicle one of the best electric trucks you'll see it's alejandros so you know it's going to be absolutely cracking a Ford Lightning come on let's go okay we're going electric saving the world baby just unlimited torque much as you could ask for Here We Go hold on lift and please yourself dude this sounds happening come man jumping off a mountain in a lightning all right I'll take it here we go sounds good to me in the jaw bar go surprise Lane dog dude this thing feels heavy I mean it's it's fast but it feels heavy those battery packs down there yeah guys welcome back to Forza Horizon 5. brand new DLC just dropped I actually had a a little bit of Early Access Microsoft said it to me early I've been playing it all week so excited to bring you guys these videos excited to be back on this game I miss it this Forza Horizon you guys know is is my favorite racing series on planet Earth so very excited to see what we can get into here on the dirtier side of things back we make a good rally team yeah we did the core driver requires absolute concentration and sorry double caution water ahead Ready to Brew for a Ricky who says a Reiki has to be boring I've made the traffic police the first staging area coming up no I'm gonna get in the chopper so the chopper is kind of like our our spotter for God [Music] typically you have a a co-pilot in the passenger seat but we've got one up in the sky that's even better here we go I'll call the left and race you go as fast as possible that's what Raleigh is he left so this is like legitimately rally like this is like a you know dirt game or something okay makes sense don't worry I can see a shortcut we're good we'll just jump off this no problem okay I'll Scout you're descended into the craters now keep going and once you make the jump turn right we're back on the roots I love how it's like normal call outs instead of like the the right six over Crest left four no cut s bumps [Music] empty jump baby it's a job maybe you're right I mean it's a little bit easier to understand for sure just send it just gonna send it here made the jump did I miss checkpoint back there I don't know got a surface change happening that's gonna be fun with my heart rate bro don't tell me that Forza actually made the best rally game out there beautiful all right so we've got a lot of changing a lot of changing uh okay I'd sense that a little bit too hard the gears into a jump double caution in the water landing then hard left at the same cardio and we'll be back on the roots perfect sounds good to be double caution water landing we're good to go um [Music] there's the rules we got a lot of a lot of different uh textures and and things that we're going to be racing on now we got a hard dirt road so we're gonna have a little bit more grip I'm gonna have to wear right I'm gonna have to really I feel like the e-brake is is not something we typically use much in Forza a little bit but not a ton we're gonna have to be the left I have to get that thing dialed in huh [Music] no inside the festival [Applause] and we made it welcome the Forza horizon 5. rally Adventure baby this is gonna be great [Applause] they know how to do an intro that's for sure so it doesn't have to get too compensative good because then you'd both be in trouble please little cousin team rally Showtime it is hey Superstar what do you think I've took a pretty good off to a pretty good start so far I gotta be honest I feel like our garage is gonna be a little weak here we know the best most technical racing is always on asphalt right it doesn't have to be a competition L.A dude I'm just always amazed by just how beautiful this game is I I truthfully I forgot how good this game looks oh we've got actual roads out here too okay that's good we're here Devil's Pass racing rally style is as simple as it gets faster the splits the better your race position okay giving you Pace notes from the sky so listen closely so we got rally modes or we've got race modes interesting rally driving line off or on I'm gonna say off more challenging recommended yeah absolutely but yeah our garage is going to be a little bit weak here I feel like dirt racing was never really our focus in the main campaign we're gonna have to get some some builds going I hope you're ready for this I'm Gonna Bump us up I'm gonna say highly skilled to start should be a an easy first one right [Applause] it's just us just a time trial and we have a lot of asphalt here it should be left should be fairly simple try not to spin the tires and let's just keep it as as smooth as possible jump and bumps [Music] coming up see like here I don't I don't think we would want um okay we got to slow down a little bit more than that trail I was gonna say I don't think we want to use the e-brake much because we're just gonna slide on asphalt it's not like dirt you're gonna slide too I just I feel like okay hard right medium left into medium right I just realized we can't see how good we're doing unless she calls it out to us on to bridge dude this is sick this is different once we get faster cars and we're on like I mean there's a lot of verticality here this is a pretty good track but I'm sure this is just the beginning let's make sure we slow down go inside check your position each split gate like to see that green baby we're good oh it is way more intense inside and the call outs actually really help outside you have so much more Vision in here you can't see as much so you kind of depend on your spotter flat out into a left [Music] double hard left there's a little eat right there we might have to play most of this in the cockpit cam I feel like you know a rally game kind of deserves that I didn't realize this was so rally focused this is cool foreign again it's it's you know kind of forks a style but it's it's very different than what the rest of this game has been right ain't too easy left easy right and the easy left we're just surfing the waves maybe flat out Bridge hard right medium left into medium right it's nice that they found a way to do this without getting all technical like the uh the other games are I mean it's you know the technicalness is cool if you're into it but I feel like you know it's a more casual racing series more arcade style I feel like they killed it with that somebody who doesn't understand all the intricacies such as myself can totally understand this I mean right [Music] should we slow down here anytime those tires are squealing we're losing time dude these are long stages that's the thing I've always left not hated but like been intimidated by rally games by is it's like an eight minute let's keep Focus here Trev it's like an eight minute stage and if you have one small mistake in that eight minutes it's like you're right you're done you wasted all that time looks like we finished here whenever you do don't slow down I got you all right I've been pretty good about that one that was solid I definitely think it's more fun inside the cockpit getting wheel spins too yeah we have like 19 million dollars in our account I didn't realize we had that that much left over last time we played I really do miss this game man unlocking some new events all right here we go looks like we're gonna have you know that was on road that was fairly easy I think off-road's gonna be a bit more intense it's not complicated logic but I'm not taking sides right I hear you but with the Ali had done some road racing there's loads of that back in Mexico but we're in Sierra Nueva and real rally it's all about going off-roads and into the dirt ahead for the race event on my phone for you it's a nice rough run cutting through Hills do you have any idea how long I've been planning this this so happens I'm pretty good at that dude look at the waterfall up there Cascade off where let's do this take my car oh we've got a we've got a rally spec bug here Volkswagen Beetle Corners with plenty of gravel jumps depths and lots of off-cambered sections good clean fun the hoonigan beetle dude this is outrageous all right let's see what the inside of this looks like pretty good let's start outside we'll move inside I do think that I you know most of the DLC should be played inside I'm kind of I'm curious to see the comments you're right it's more fun to drive that way I wonder how it looks on Watch and go see this is where we're going to be able to to get a bit more creative obviously that wall slowed us down right there but we're going to be able to you know cut a few more corners slide around a bit more find some more traction start sliding on asphalt it's not really a good thing on dirt you have a bit more control easy left that's okay that was about it hairpins we're gonna slow down quite a bit got our split here you're right hairpin rates looks like we're looking pretty good gonna have to slow down on The Hairpin yep that's that's clean we're good still staying online gonna be able to set up our next corner it's all about being smooth it's not even about the shortest distance between anything it's just about linking everything together it's like a dance see like the oh you hit the rocks that kind of slowed us down left crest Crest into a hairpin right see here see if we can hit a little e-brake slow down some it's okay another split here we're looking pretty good four seconds ahead of second place go inside here medium left then Crest I gotta be honest this thing is not as fast as I thought it was going to be I think we're just kind of you know getting into the basics here I would imagine it's [Music] gonna get a lot quicker and more difficult see it already feels so much faster inside though it's more fun inside it's a jump baby way more fun inside airplane right all right looking pretty good four seven ahead got a medium left you can't even see some of the stuff because you're a pillars it's like crest there's just so much more going on request to jump baby can't see anything over the jumps you're relying on your spotter to be able to call it out we've got the dust happening he's kicking up dust from his Chopper it's not exactly the best strategy easy right surface change to sand oh and the sand gonna be a bit more loose got a hard left here harder than I thought okay [Music] just gotta make sure you're right we don't lose it all right here a little e-brake fly around the corner Channel our Doc Hudson you got to turn right to go left sometimes old sport just like right there easy right and that's a wrap feeling pretty good about that one too I'm excited to get some some crazy builds I want to put an R8 in rallies pack can we do that Lambos put our Bugatti on giant off-road tires I'm not sure if they're gonna let us do that but that'd be cool look Friday take it in the Majesty of Nature and chucking around big chunks of dirt for your rally tires like that make a good case but like I said to La I'm not taking I want what's best for Horizon which is close competition all I'm saying is my knowledge of Mexican roads and conditions is so much better than anyone else that I have to race at night very considerate I thought so it's also a good life lesson my friend be careful when you open your mouth or someone might make you go through with it you could always admit you're a blood thing ready but never ever to do it disability and podcasts are very bad but I think the helicopter has a Searchlight I'll be fine perfect so we're gonna be rally racing at night this is great dude this map is massive is this a crater oh we bypassed it this looks like a crater out here I think a meteor may have hit okay I mean it's it's it's big we're not actually on the main map you know kind of like the the Hot Wheels DLC we kind of go to a new place got a giant Lake over here gonna be able to mess with yeah this is great [Applause] though at night I honestly have no idea all right we're just gonna hop right into it I'm gonna go up to expert making our way up the uh the difficulty list here and let's see we can do night time rally racing in the out dude look at the wing on this thing we've pressed got all the downforce and she's fast all right it's it's nighttime and raining I uh I don't think I was I was prepared did a little e-brake there all right not not our best start this is where we're gonna have to modulate speed a little bit we don't we don't want to go all out all the time this is a split gate let's see how we're doing you could handle the conditions third place medium right we can do better what was that three seconds down I hope it wasn't three I feel like three is pretty aggressive dude this is right okay back outside this is hard this is difficult this is what I was talking about those the first two just kind of threw me for a loop dirt to be honest I was a little bit worried the whole DLC was going to be too easy but now this this is this is where it makes things a bit more interesting don't hit that wall trap up in the first place one second ahead chickens I didn't get the chickens call out man I'm not trying to make any come on I don't even know where I was going with that not trying to make any chicken sandwiches I guess you know smooshing between the car on the road kind of the little morbid but here we go it's just constantly changing textures and and surfaces underneath our tires here were two seconds ahead we are on the line though if we mess up we're done asphalt that's good anything else the rain is is what is messing us up here easy left Crest easy left then medium lift easy left medium left I went a little a little faster Trev we're good onto a bridge right then left him left feel right bro this is this is so good inside is so good I can't see anything all right we're good have a glare from our our headlights into a Finish Line holy cow this is fun I gotta be honest like the dirt racing has never really been my favorite in these games but we had the mixed that was really good and I feel like you know the rally Focus dirt racing is totally different but I think we might have invented a brand new and exciting exciting kind of rally sportstick drivers will love this dude this this is really good ideas will love it I'm excited I gotta admit like that the I mean the Hot Wheels DLC I think has always been my favorite DLC for this game but this is good tournament three rally teams competing for the title of horizon rally champion and the services of the talk driver at the festival you have to spread yourself around Superstar it'll try a bit of everything a real question here who will it be first oh okay so we've got Alex and the dirt rally team Alejandra and the road rally team or Ramiro and the night rally team I'm Gonna Save night rally because that's by far the most difficult and the most fun I really enjoyed that I think uh do you want to start let's start with dirt let's let's get dirty that that's the whole point of the thing you know what I mean we're gonna start with dirt we're gonna work our way up okay so we're gonna do dirt races to rank up our our dirt Team every engine and then we're gonna be able to do the dirt finale get going our team select here each team we're gonna have tiers that we're gonna rank these up as we do uh events for these teams you can switch which team you want to be working on the current moment and then over on the right here to feed all three team captains to unlock the Horizon Badlands Goliath so we're gonna have like a boss for each team and then once we have all three complete we're gonna be able to get into the the final boss The Big Race the Goliath race for uh Sierra Nueva so okay I got we've we've got a route we've got a plan same surfaces same courses but you face off against other drivers a bit of extra motivation you know oh so rally uses the driver's directions or Horizon race we're racing on the same track but we're racing against other cars you're not doing the directions in the time trial okay let's let's do a race we haven't done a race yet off-road rally monster we're gonna have to do we're retro rally we're gonna need some new some new builds we're gonna start that up um unlimited Buggies Unlimited off-road I I don't I don't know how much we have but I'm sure we have some stuff right I mean we've done a little bit of off-road racing this escort's pretty good oh I remember the the RS 200 was insane we've got oh I forgot about a trail cat okay so we have a few things we can work with off the bat we can race in the Jeep let's go with the Jeep first keep it simple start with the Jeep maybe go into the RS200 S2 class ridiculously fast go go it's technical cool all right so if I remember correctly two one go the the off-road races I feel like we're always the easiest in the main game because you can you can cut Corner yeah you can cut Corners put your your rear end out there grab checkpoints and I mean they're fighting back here you can grab checkpoints in weird ways and you can just like I don't know it always felt like the AI wasn't as as aggressive as they are on the road races so we'll see how that how that goes here foreign it's a lot on you if you're staying consistent if you're staying smooth with it it's great if you ride that line a little bit too far it's not great we got to turn the can we turn the thing off I don't think I can turn it off in the race I want to turn off the uh the line in Raleigh I mean it might be kind of hard to see where we're going I feel like we don't need it though still have no idea where we're at in terms of the race there's no like percentage complete we have the Hellcat motor in this thing right oh my goodness maybe something something different she's wine and it's supercharged for sir almost missed that checkpoint there like I said you know the the AI isn't quite as aggressive as they are on the road races but at the same time [Music] it's more about a battle with yourself than it is against them boom go back outside here and the chopper is still following us around helping us out but they're not uh not doing the call outs I kind of wish we could have a mix that might be a bit too much I think I think I might enjoy the call outs more we'll just have to mix it up every race we're gonna go inside outside we're also going to switch things up call outs first no call-outs and I think in the the races we're gonna have to up the difficulty because we are absolutely flying here love it cut that last corner and it with a dude I mean it's this is cool this the ultimate off-road sandbox for vehicles here take a look at the have fun with these and YouTube probably appreciate you Alex so do we do we get a rank up there oh we've got pinatas I see we got we rep we ranked up there we're up to tier three I wonder how high we oh we got a gift and a car on Horizon technicians maybe even jackets so we got a free car there the Baja beta we also got uh these are rep points that we're getting I don't know how how high up we go we need air skills okay this is interesting all right so that I mean they've got quite a few stipulations they need for us to be able to rank up we've got these pinatas we're gonna have to get around the place Perfect all right let's go to our next race we might pretty much be on top of it oh so this one Cascada Fuerte we've already done this one but we've done it in uh in rally so now we're going to do it and see that makes sense so we're gonna we're gonna race each thing twice but it's gonna make sense that you know you get kind of a different experience I'm gonna go in the RS200 this thing's outrageous this thing is is ridiculously fast but it's pretty easy to control I don't know it's hey and the accelerator and let's go this route's got jumps steps off convert sections and tight Corners we are ready to get those tires dirty okay sounds good to be I'm gonna get into it we're gonna try unbeatable I don't think there's any chance we could do this I don't think it's gonna happen but we'll we'll see we'll test it out we're gonna push ourselves to the Limit here and we're gonna have to be very smart and a new car that we haven't used yet to probably not the best idea almost got ran over thing is we're gonna have to be very smart oop don't pit me bro come on uh he kind of got me on my line a little bit gotta cut those Corners slide in where we can I mean if we got a race a little dirty and dive on a couple of corners we'll do what we got to do just think oh okay A bit of a bit of a myth turn there mmm this might be the ultimate car for got it yeah I'll try to get a nice a nice jump there shoot this would be a good one for the the call outs because you're going so fast having the call outs would help a lot we're good I have no idea what position we're in looks like maybe fifth dude this thing is so fast she just she feels so good I think we got a little too aggressive back there I don't think we were racing as as clean as we could have we're flying now though oh my gosh that that Crest messed us up there we're good come on holy cow all right I'm gonna try inside this is where we're gonna mess it up though got a hairpin here I remember this oh [Music] I could hardly stew there's so much smoke and everything I didn't even think about that not smoke but dust come on baby try to keep it in there this thing is outrageously fast we have to okay okay okay we're go oh I thought we were going into a wall there we're gonna have to use this in a time trial that's gonna be the play oh my God too hard there see I didn't know that wall was coming up we should have slowed down a lot earlier I need my spotter inside here we're making our way up into a PO oh not quite a podium dude I think we might have been able to get it if we were a little bit more prepared I'm still happy with how he raced didn't quite get the podium but for the ultimate difficulty that wasn't bad my only tentacles are slowing down for The Hairpin corners but try to cut the others nice views of trees and puddles along the way perfect sounds good to me we're gonna back this off to Pro and I I really want to try the rally we're pushing it here this is gonna be fun inside the entire time just I mean try to link everything together baby oh my gosh going downhill right off the start all right uh probably want to be careful about our speed a little bit here is that the festival garage have to go check that out so we're gonna be doing our builds buying some new vehicles and stuff ooh that was easy right not too bad through there Trev let's go hard into a hairpin check our status we're in second place third of a second behind we can make that up oh break break heart rate hairpin with the wall there we're good Heartland a lot of hard Corners here medium left easy right job gotta jump easy left okay left oh my goodness dude this is there's just right into water there's just so much happening try to keep it clean Trevor it's not about going as fast as possible we're 2.6 I feel like that hard left was a little late there bud water gotta keep our feet up easy left jump surface change the dirt medium left medium left flat out we're good qualified bumps that costs us some time right there for sure hold my heart left oh my God it's a hard left oh my God hard water into hard left all right come on baby sometimes I feel like the calls are a little bit late I could I could use them a little bit a little bit earlier there bud just taking the liberty of that quarterback there my bumps easy right left bro there is so much happening hairpin came in a little hot there but we're good just keep it going keep them tires spinning keep them warm let's go flat out is that the finish line oh my God bro this is insane I think we got first oh my hands are sweating this is the hardest I mean unless we're on unbeatable some of the unbeatable races in the main game were really hard but this is the hardest racing I've done in Forza yet and then you come out of that and like we could just do some chill Canyon drives look at this man the landscapes in this game are just ridiculous oh my goodness all right so I think we we leveled up our team 2100 rep to unlock a new team so we're gonna have to get a lot more rep to be able to get the Predators I might even do some some grinding off screen for that there's a lot of ways to earn rep I think we're gonna rank up pretty quickly here so hope you guys enjoyed I'm gonna see you guys in our next episode of very excited for this DLC I need to decompress that last one was crazy I'll see you guys later peace out
Channel: TmarTn2
Views: 149,560
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: forza horizon 5, rally adventure, forza horizon 5 rally adventure, offroad, off-road, dlc, expansion, gameplay, game play, forza horizon 5 dlc, forza horizon 5 expansion, forza horizon 5 rally, forza horizon 5 gameplay
Id: h6r5h7Yv2DE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 7sec (2047 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 29 2023
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