Forza 7: Shameful Ramming Attempts

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hello viewers Super GT here I am playing a bit of Forza Motorsport 7 back on good old rec fest for a while so just going to embrace in s-class for a bit see what all sorts of atrocities we can witness on this fine evening today so so kicking things off we gonna go for the the Corvette around Watkins Glen starting dead last 21st our 21st out of 21 and walking's Glen despite all of the space on the exit of the first corner always kicks off there so let's see where we can emerge coming into the asses so already you can see all manner of depravity appearing and it's on it you're only on a straight line there and we've already got into a top 10 position up in tonight open to a 720 first 8 not really doing anything good just avoiding everyone else's stupidity and that's the key to success in Forza Motorsport online clearly into the chicane viper out of nowhere into the side of james bond and he goes really wide and just comes back with the awful rejoin into the strain to the wall on the other side so quite what I'm witnessing here I just don't know and this was my very first race back on in quite a while so you know what welcoming just everyone crashing as per usual everyone just rejoining at 90 degrees straight on to the other side of the track crashing into the barriers no one knew each other space and it's only lap one of race one so plenty of meme stool to continue didn't quite follow a process Aston Martin seemed to be the widest car on the track and eventually we do on the main straight come out to a 911 a little bit late on the brakes this callback good speed car and the brake seemed to be suffering a little bit as a result James Bond looking at the inside have to find a given space into the esses then just last week ahead of him will show all over the base I'm gonna go to the outside and then a smokescreen has been deployed out of which a Ferrari suddenly emerges and well he's he's done nice nine hundred turn punted him back into the barrier so sitting here now and sit we've been repast by James Bond get past that green Porsche so we're gonna kind of to go past James Bond for the second time here just come to be the long right onto the back straight so this puts the short configuration and I've extended like a noob on the exit actually there the Aston Martin a over there decent Avenger just has no brakes or handling so I'm not gonna make the same mistake as to the last lap I'm just gonna send it up the inside nor no brakes so that's quite easily got the inside and reclaim my fourth position at the end of second lap so this is a fourth lap now and coming into the chicane where we're quite a long way off of bird but this is the Ferrari who we have incident with at the beginning of the second lap but I'm just trying to go through this only just just close the door first don't do anything other than send him away wide and fast food a little bit and the welcome party continues see some just someone drifting for no reason and we're gonna go past him and he's a Subaru and with this Porsche to contend with and you see in second what's gonna happen gonna try to ram me and you know I'm specialists in this exact thing here because I know what's gonna go I know what's happening so I know the deal err off you go mate and you too so you scored a double whammy there and we can't we can reuse the kit off fast and furious meme here perfect use for head oh good times just just just a typical day in Forza Motorsport 7 where yet round off people are crashing people at rejoining at 90 degrees and well just all manner of depravity in all locations so I'm gonna try to have a good race eh from pole position Nurburgring one Prix circuit good for a German car around the Germans track Porsche Carrera GT one of my favorites actually and this guy is going to come in for a nice overtake the straight onto the grass on the other side say keeping 1st position and from pole position which doesn't matter of well ie avoiding all of the carnage which is somewhat easy to do but if people don't brake then there's always the chance I mean if I wasn't paying attention there but that have easily been claimed by the sliding 911 luckily just spied him come in so before by cleanly which is actually a surprise there's no burger ring one Prix actually rate is one of them the most carnage filled first corners in the game if not the worst there are three bad ones I mean most tracks reduce carnage on on turn 1 we know that but this track here with a very sharp F in big baking zone tends to really top the list this time getting away with no scratches at all so coming through the hairpin up towards the Schumaker s into 2 goes onto this curve look around requires plans is like a race car in our cars that's not to be expected though with the s class cars sort of just beefing up a road car essentially so quite often the brakes and handling on quite up to scratch compared to the speed that they can produce so far performing well on this lap we are being hunted down by someone here as you come around towards the final chicane on the lap looking for the two balls on the right hand side the first tip was there and they're breaking it halfway between them can be quite hard to spot but that is a good idea breaking point through the chicane nicely and we're being hunted down by a Lotus Elise gt1 one of the few o P wagons of s-class but it did matter we're gonna flash for two lap three I've dealt with the threat he couldn't keep up Porsche Carrera GT doing their business I've across the lines of win so next top limo hunt LeMond without the chicanes on the straight this is always a mean field race this one always produces absolute carnage you've got thunder go go for the mix of speed in your car but you're gonna suffer through I say that Porsche curves and under brakes so fun for the Lotus Esprit one of my go-to speed cars for s-class don't for the first turn the Ferrari and I lay there just just pushing each other off really stupid drive and pull softly inside of me and just want to keep it nice and tidy up it's been around at all we've done that so down into third courtesy mainly poor long to the car but once the car gets going on the backs rate we should be golden absolute gold to fly back past these people so lots of people go for this 9/11 I don't quite know why is the new gt3 RS of the day and a lot of people in this lobby were we're choosing it it seemed to be a very popular choice I can't quite fathom why cuz I don't think it really is one of the best cars but anyway you know so get me act get the hammer down go easily fly past back in and enter hyperspace mode don't fly past him as well lots of Porsches on offer and down towards the kink in the in the straight just here gonna get caught by Ferrari sees on the inside now downs a second we've built up a nice buffer though to the best of the behind at the end of the street try to search our breaking point of course we are going in there very quickly in cosmos don't have great brakes punting in the rear ends plays okay try ahead for the apex and this these proximity arrows tell me a nice story that someone has been punted like a snooker ball and yes that's the best confirmation of that and some other kite just flying across the track they're forgetting to break for probably the biggest braking zone on the circuit and across the line eventually in first so I thought I'll go with the Porsche because they're going to choose me this has proved to them you can win in the 911 of one for the nice pink pig flying people livery naturally and sweeping outside up into second I try and hunt down this Ferrari bdlm BB LM very good handling car remember for the six it was borderline overpowered but it's just simply a very quick off in S Class now I think the cars such as the gt40 the Ferrari 330 I think it is and the Lotus uses one very very strong cars bbl and perhaps not quite on that level anymore I probably can try to engage in battle against this BB 11 in the Porsche 911 go through into the dekhna turns number one little bit wide but it's okay into another two trying to swallow gearing make sure they know which gear we're using for these turns Optimas the hairpin and sweep hopefully to the right on to the brakes just before the end of the curb he's played quite early there surprisingly because I think I think should have a lot better brakes or I've got cuts it back on the exit give me a drag race through this long right-hander here and the run towards spoon so that's quite hard on this game to kind of give each other space but it goes side by side is quite hard to be precise on on the steering in that kind of situation there so it's very easy actually to to hit people actually knock each other off we've just about got the top done here don't get socks off what spoon and on the exit trying to maximize the track width get on the power zone as you can and you put yourself a good run onto this long back straights Awards 130 oh no expecting this car to do go back right through here actually that baby limb should be a lot more planted and a little bit wider the apex you can see they're gonna be slow off the turn and the B BLM has to go attacking around the outside and he does quite a good job kind of cuts across doesn't really need me too much paper on what's he bothered and on the exit of this chicane well he's just gonna leave himself for no space and just drive themselves straight off the track I've really couldn't quite fathom why and once again similar story end of the race lap three and it's a comfortable win now this is a quick recap of something I think is really wrong with Forza Motorsport online which is the track voting now I don't mind doing an oval racing now then that's fine but we'll see just a moment what have so you put away from the look from the grids and these two just kill each other as per usual no before the rounds we win and then yeah the base finishes you vote for the next track we vote for a random track to get your money whatever and car floats a bit and then you just you're back at the same circuit I mean that should never happen I should why simply never happened so first off you should never be at the same track and then you should never be a same track shouldn't come up within a couple of races as well and vir at night ideally should pop up as well this guy tried to swerve across about their wine and ended up actually killing him instead and well I actually got killed in that then later on is looking comfortable and then he just took a really weird why enough just to know what the hell is day and as resolve that got back past this s7 he was having the other night mouthing he possibly he's recovering from the spin and then eventually we finish and we come here to a special episode of can we at least get to the first corner of the week let's have a look around bath swim out panoramic you like putting away from the line and well there it is to sector but about two and a half seconds into the race yeah well done guys very proud of yourself I can't even make it the first corner so the answer is a resounding no we can't but we're going to move to the final rate of the vo Monza we all know what Monza means and that is absolute death carnage and just all well misery basically now the cipher base I realize I had TCS on for some reason so luckily you can actually change your assists going not super easy to put and manual clutch as well okay so I've lost a bit time there but to be honest it doesn't really matter because this is Monza and I'm just going to gain back at the time but everyone killed each other at one of the stains not not this chicane we're not writing the first chicane so the second chicane now becomes the first chicane through curva grande and what kind of stuff are we gonna be greeted by around here you have blended people off the track we got to swerve across onto the grass grind across the barrier to get through that no babe carnage PEGI 18 through the chicane actually cut that ruthlessly all to the sale of the McLaren into the lesbos and he just makes the wrong decision there goes left off the track should have slowed down with one right stayed on the circuit bails himself off for the for the greater good super TT thumbscrew in tonight they need to eight that guy recovering in less mode too so you see there a two three assists and they're already back into eighth or make that six now someone else just crashing it's like people just cannot give each other space it is so just so silly it's just really so silly all you have to do look sideways is better I think people just really thinking about themselves too much sometimes it's better to give someone space so that you preserve yourself you see at the Watkins Glen started the beginning of the video I just I slowed down doesn't everyone do that thing and then I made my way through I didn't do it particularly quickly but at least I didn't spit out and that's the crucial thing in this game just make sure you don't end up facing the wrong way just slow down if you have to do whatever you have to do but wherever you do don't engage in combat and stop spinning yourself around with other people it's the worst thing you can do but anyway let's lap one complete up into fifth as a result of all of that anarchy so games against all positions after changing a serviced half the race for 5-10 seconds so if we curve or grinder this skirt this point has really looked very scary actually when you but let's know that there's no first came into the braking zone of the that out first today I spoke and they take this a little bit more conservatively this time actually not cut the track limits so we're gaining slowly on the back of the Year 2005 for GT see if we can go about overhauling him and potentially grabbing a podium because first thing a third not too far away we've sir - laps remaining up to this one you see here the Fugees he's struggling through the Lesbos then on the straights he just has the measure of Mesa just now beginning to put away as we come up towards the Ascari chicane looking for the top three on the right hand side there's little bit of tarmac it's a good breaking point as you go into that so coming through here trying to keep it nice and playa slow down the APUs it couldn't quite make the most of our could have very easy to go into the back of there just having to get on the brakes to make sure that doesn't happen we can be patient here still two laps and it looks like I am gaining a second third then about first but I think second is definitely possible here at least so you taking a nice late apex we can get the power onto the back straight and they're talking to the solution with this Ford not that not the solution with does too much in this game quite annoyingly it is definitely underpowered it seems to almost have no effect but if it has any effect Venice you might as well try and get it free so down the back straight or down the main straight actually very long main straight now we've got a chicane it looks like we have a viper putting on the best car to choose for this track by for something typically more imitated then in such pain I should have the better of him on the brakes yes I do easily around the outside up against the Bible now goes very deep into the turn and quite predict where he was going to go so again just playing it nice and it's nice and it's safe though we could have easily tried to get that outside of light back and good obedient resolving to contact you do have therefore relays my one ball just about going to the position into third second just going around there's no - so we've probably about two three seconds behind him or three or four seconds I can do our best to try to keep up so again just trying to make make sure we can get away from the to behind you don't really want to get caught up in there accidents you know try to seek a better position so through there okay you just run a little too wide on the exit he's gonna cost me I did lose a couple of miles per hour just for up there grazing the gravel so over the line to begin the final lap here we go now plenty more carnage as we come to that these guys they're just typical stuff really so coming up towards her for Bradley for a lot of time I'm now up into second so actually one of those guys spinning I think we've got involved with the back marker or should I say the back marker just deliberately punted them off the most likely hashtag ghost black markers please into the first game first a picture nice have done second apex PEGI 18 but we are slowly gaining on I think the BMW out in the lead so through let's make one beautiful line late apex and get the power and I see that into this mode sooo we're going to engage this one again she was up in that curve really maximize the width on the run-up to Awards yes koshish Kay I think it'd be him Doug actually very good in straight line which I'm surprised about must be a scientific tune than normal so if we look through the Ascari she came not the best run for me and you can maybe possibly put it on to pressure into this final turn it's only one will corner left on the race and on this lap is gone over deep so potentially could get run if you make some mistake on the exit let's see Kentucky to his slipstream on the way up to the finish line it's not quite gonna be enough as we've just come up to the line now so I'm gonna finish first yeah I'm gonna finish first because I can hack the game actually somehow finish ahead of him despite clearly being behind him on the line so actually finished seven temps ahead they're super TT hacker confirmed quite how that happened I don't know well just alien technology basically just finished in front of people when they're clearly in front there we go quick little episode and my experience or for the several on this day on this fine wonderful evening but we hope you enjoyed it as always let me know your thoughts if you're new to the channel consider subscribing and if you did enjoy the video do hit the like button thank you all for tuning in as always I shall see you in the next video goodbye [Music]
Channel: Super GT
Views: 4,808,601
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Forza, forza 7, forza 7 rammer, forza 7 funny, forza 7 online, forza motorsport 7, forza 7 multiplayer, forza 7 crash, forza 7 idiot, forza 7 s class, forza 7 tuning, forza 7 best car, forza 7 ramming, forza 7 xbox one x, forza 7 4k, forza 7 review, forza 7 car list, forza 7 update, forza 7 dlc, forza 7 drifting, forza 7 crashes
Id: _0H6RxTqwWs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 19sec (1159 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 16 2018
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