Forsaken Easter Egg Speed Run World Record New Strat 15:03

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ah this place is in chaos the outbreak must have caught omega off guard kraftschenko is willing to risk his own men if it means getting to zaikov he's our only way to stop the forsaken do not let him fall into krakjenko's hands said teleporter should provide facility access provided it can be rendered operational [Music] this huh there you go huh warning dimensional bridge in progress report to safe zones and await further instruction requiem how nice of you to join us just in time to witness us achieve greatness this isn't over kavchenko the psycho is ours then we're coming for you pick up and go i'm glad you're here to witness my crowning achievement i'm certainly not about to let you ruin this moment this is it my friends once we have zykov omega's collapse will be assured whoever there is the observation tower zykov is our only chance to stop the forsaken we must find him before omega fools the most weapon of all time and you can't think beyond destroying it russia's future begins when the forsaken destroys washington which he will once he seems the subterranean level is still under lockdown i already told you stop meddling with my work ethereum your world will fall like all those before i can hold him back for now but please get to the town square what are our options the only accessible path has been overtaken by the phase an ethereum neutralizer will be required for traversal very sneaky what are you looking for [Applause] a monitor let's go [Music] so [Music] ah a less than ideal vessel to hold the ethereum you'll need neutralizers um you can't really expect this to work [Music] now you just need to destroy that crystal no i wonder doctor [Music] how about that you are finished nick your reputation will be in ruins your body will be buried and your name will be forgotten gonna kill all of us it doesn't give a damn about east or west so you have two choices be useful and help or shut up all right let's assemble that device new orders from the director if we can't kill this thing we should try to capture it using the containment chamber the director will handle it from there i will just let you take what is what's going on what are you doing colonel they're breaking through you idiot watch grab the device [Music] i'm trying but i'm not sure i can do it alone hang in there sam the team's on their way thank you the forsaken is growing stronger [Music] is [Music] [Music] is there a place where i can wash going to up [Music] [Music] is there a place where i can wash up maxis the teams of the town square glad to hear it let's fix this the energy [Music] you got him impressive you've gotten farther do you even know you are so eager to stop me would you like to see how that story ends upon the future that awaits you should you defeat me live or baby i cannot stay here clean shot nothing no i am is expanding make sure you rub it up we're getting reports about brick zones expanding around the globe you will not consume this world not as long as i am here sam whatever you're thinking of doing don't do it i'm not a bad person weaver i am a good soul i know what i have to do i'm sorry this is the only way [Music] um [Music] she's gone [Music] back into the dark ether [Music] the forsaken is secure dimensional breaches are closing around the word on it's over it's done [Music] you
Channel: llStevell
Views: 841,212
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: zombies, guide, walkthrough, forsaken, full, solo, cod, call of duty, new map, ee speedrun, easter egg, world record, wr
Id: 5zBv5xFPijM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 16sec (1036 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 10 2021
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