Former Royal Marine, Aldo Kane Shares Experience Of Life-Threatening TV Show 'First Man Out'

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[Music] I'm Sam Thompson and as always we alive coming from London now I am joined in a very short while by well I didn't know what he'd like adventurous survivalist Explorer ro Berean sniper basically if he stared us he would kill us please put your hands together for out okay outside you did the same thing takes my hand off every time he shakes it I mean I'm very well now welcome to build it's a pleasure to have you here oh actually before we get started if anyone you know the Joe if you're watching at home and you have any questions I'm sure you do to ask out oh please feel free to tweet us at build series lgnore for watching us on Facebook live just leave a comment below now mate number one please don't hurt me number two to tell us a little bit about first man out yeah first man oh is Edie Stafford's new Survival show but it's not just a survival show it's a survival race and he's pitting himself against potentially six of the world's best survivalists expedition people and general badasses which I'm one of and that was out on Discovery Channel around the world America Far East UK on 31st of January so next week 9 and 10 o'clock I'm actually very excited for this we've got the trailer and I'm going to take a look now that was actually quick by the way not a trailer but I mean utah's and that thing you might well that was my Tarzan shower by the way but like how'd you how that must have been so harrowing that well that that was the plan was to go up and cross that one particular part but like I say it's not just a survival race you're continually trying to cover ground in and obviously in the mangrove swamps you can't cover ground at night and you're not eating you're getting not enough water so you're mentally not making all the right decisions and that's why you know Ed's picked people like myself I've trained in these environments that are you know that are capable in these environments to do it but this this shows you you know you can't fight the jungle and you can't fight the mangrove swamps we in my old job and the Marines you would avoid the mangrove swamps like the plague because you cannot fight in them you can't operate in them and in this part of the world there are huge saltwater crocs and that's the concept of the show is it put you into the the hardest of extreme circumstances and then have a race like that doesn't sound normal to me well that's that's the thing I mean in in this day and age with television and and an adventuring and it's very hard to find something a format which is different and this is very different you know it's the first survival show that shot in glorious 4k so every single detail shows up and also this is one where edy puts himself right out there you know a lot of people can stand up and bang the chest about how hard they own what they do but this is this is real you know this is real life survival and adventuring you know we're racing and you know it's what's in all you'll see me fall off things in there which which I should never fall off but I'm a human and I make mistakes an edge when did you first meet him and I yeah I met Ed quite a few times over the last few years I was at a wedding with him fairly recently two or three small yeah and you didn't go big there we both of us went fairly large I think I was hung over for about a week after that but yeah we've been in the same circle television is very small whether you're on Discovery BBC channel 4 and we're all doing very very similar stuff and how deep suade you to do this or did he you probably didn't even need persuasion you probably hate this is a walk in the park it is everyday it definitely wasn't if you if you imagine like on my social media I'm putting myself out there as this hard man that can do all of this stuff it's very easy to never be questioned or to have that brought into question I'm 41 now looking Wow I'm 41 knowing and in my head I'm still a 22 year old marine you know I'm hard as nails and actually I'm thinking am I I made that good can I actually go up against one of the world's best you know in a survival race there's only one way to find out and that was say yes and I think your Marine training must have kicked in at some point for sure I mean he tell us a little bit about that I've heard some of the induction things are horrible yeah I mean the ROM Marines being a robbery in command or to get to that point it's the longest hardest infantry training on the planet bar none so there's a lot I take a lot away from being in the Marines whether it's just the commando spirit no courage determination unselfishness cheerfulness in the face of adversity those four things get me through pretty much everything from living in an active volcano to dealing with gun-toting narcos to being in a survival race against that Stafford what I was gonna say you used touched upon the volcano just then you you've managed to change like Turner sort of a survival instinct into a career and I think there's a real skill in that and you know you you've been inside volcanoes now like when did you ever think when you were the Marines that would be the case it's hard when you're in the Marines as a trained killer as one of you know the most sort of all the best trained killers on the planet to find any transferable skills into any other line of work until I got into television and film and you have very similar attributes you have small small film crews working in relatively dangerous high-risk hostile environments around the world you know I thought I'd done stuff until I met my cameraman on the very first job I ever did and he's been in five volcanoes they've they've all done much more than than what we have you know we do a couple of these jobs a year and you know these guys are smashing it every single month of the year just back to the show very quickly you know we just saw the clip with the crocodiles I just what happens if you fall in it just game over or it's like there's there like a safety something yeah it's basically if if you fall in that water you know when you're making television programs you can't have someone fall in and get eaten but there is very little you can do if there's a croc there and you fall onto it or it's in the close proximity I you know you're in the mangrove swamps twice a day it floods and it floods you know three four meters it's quite a high tidal range and the salties do come in there's a safety team there and they place themselves off-camera they never get involved with what I'm doing or what Edd's doing from a survival point of view and from you know delivering content to the camera but they they're there in case something does happen they'll have you know potential a rifle but I don't know if anyone's seen someone being taken down by a crocodile you're not going to make as a sniper I'm not going to even make an accurate shot onto the animal never mind you know if without hitting the person so it's yeah I mean it's more of a the safety team are there it's what I do for a job as well so I know how that works you know we do and mitigate as much as we can from the risk element of it and then out with that it's just a fairly risky job we're talking about risks actually what would you say the most extreme shoot you've ever done is it's probably easier to say the most extreme in the last year probably so there's got to the tooth there's two that stand out let's say three I'll be quick I worked with Jason Fox Fox he on on a series with narcos I watched that I don't know it really well yeah yeah so we did foxing now I've known each other 20 years ish know we've been through quite a few scrapes together so we were putting together the show as you know drug lords I think they called it in the end for Channel four and so it was foxy camera guide director and myself and that was that was fairly edging away there didn't you at the very end have a hit put on you by the cartel you had to get out finish our fish we when you spend that amount of time with the various different cartels in Colombia Mexico and and Peru it becomes quite the norm to be to have your life threatened and then that was just yet exactly at the end of filming in a specific place we we had to hightail it out of there yeah it was basically quite quite a dodgy setup another expedition coming out soon don't you yeah so I guess the other two one dodgy ones whereas I was inside a volcano last year when it was erupting that's scary just hold it back a little bit so the volcano's exploding and you're in it yeah but how it's the biggest lava lake on earth so it's like it's a big volcano like that an inside it there's a lava lake and then over on the right-hand side of it there's a there's like this new vent opened up and we was up camping up on this level here and then the time that I'd gone out back down in Tacoma this is in the Congo picked up the film crew brought them back up and down this vent started opening up and then over the period of the next two days it was they call a rumble the corruption but it was blowing red-hot lava at the top of it and I was just about to abseil down onto the bottom level it was actually my brother that stopped me going down and at that point the entire corner of this volcano had collapsed on the inside and covered the area that I was about to land on in lava so that would have been that was a close call and then recently I'm working on another expedition show with Steve Backshall is that the one coming out soon yes coming out March onwards it's ten world-first Steve's doing ten world first and I'm supporting him doing that and just you know all of them are quite of sketchy but big things like rock fall [Music] it's when you're exploring a new place and basically are down 200 meters and rocks get kicked off above your head and they explode round about you it's like being in a in a mortar storm but yeah that's it there's probably three dodgy moments in the last year okay out those dodgy modes is the volcanoes gotta be almost proud moment for sure the volcano was the volcano was excellent in lots of different ways of pure unadulterated adventure boy zones of get in there go to the bottom of a volcano it's it's like the stuff that's you know comics and written about but it's not always like that I spent ten days on my own underground and a bunker for a BBC horizon experiment in the dark on my own food water had food and water but no communication with the outside nor daylight and that was one of the most boring things as I have a brother maybe exactly I don't know anything about survival ISM or it's not even a word I even know I don't know really anything about it and you know I'm just gonna throw a couple of things you right now you know I want a desert island okay no I mean the cold I mean the cold I've changed it I all I have is much a lighter and a sleeping bag what do I do to survive the first day so and any environment good and put on the spot here which is good it's fine the first thing you have to do in any survival situation is just appreciate where you are as in what what are my priorities is it water or is it shelter or is it food in the cold is usually always shelter because you can get water in the cold you can either melt snow you can you can not supposed to drink it but you can certainly get water from it at some point so in the code the first thing is if it's snowy is to take a shelter take a grave dig a hole dig a tunnel into you'll have seen it on s here so I'm channel four over they have I've done it yes know how we've done it so that is the first thing is always get out of the elements and the second thing depending on where you are is food water you know they say you can do three minutes without air three days without water and three weeks without food just choosing weeks I've done it before I've done 22 days without eating but you have to you have to drink out okay and Diet everybody yeah yeah you have to drink a phenomenal amount of water and keep all your body functions working well you know we've spoken about sort of like sketchy moments in terms like volcanoes and rockfall and all that but have you ever sort of been in in a moment where maybe you're injured or and you're on an expedition and it's got a bit dicey yeah three litter ones I had this year was a fractured my eye socket I was a little by the way guys let you all know at home that's just a little tiny one I was starting a pull cord on and something Andy that punched myself in the face you settled myself in the face and chipped my chip my orbital socket I fell off a boat and dislocated my thumb this year as well but the big ones actually I've been super lucky two years ago three years ago I was exploring a cave system with Steve Backshall and we were right that we were about seven I was into this cave and I mean it was only this rock ledge was about the height of this roof down and fairly easy climbing in a dark head to toe and I just slipped and fell off it and I tore two of the three ligaments that hold your foot on that all them off in the cave I keep seeing this lady's face down here and investing every time I look at the audience it's a new face and it's never one of delight it's always like oh I mean it's never all that bad that was that was tough because it was you know it took us 12 13 hours to hobble back out of the cave in the dark I'd taken so many painkillers that I was I was pretty high and not able to function too well but then had to carry on for another three weeks down then this river system after that so it's I have been to be honest I have been pretty lucky a nun scraped we get to we get to the point a lot of the time where you think this is this is quite dangerous whether you're falling out of raft or whether you're rocks fall down on top of you whether you're having cooked up narcos pulling guns on you it's it's all gets to be that point where you think this we are just making television here and let's look after ourselves first I wanted to ask you actually do you does it ever get too much sometimes you're like obviously it's mind over matter and you were with the Marines so maybe not too much but do you sometimes think to yourself as you say I'm making television right now what's the point I bought guys putting guns on me I could die for a for an episode yeah we a lot of it looks like it might be completely you know we're winging it and we're cuffing and we're going in there and we shouldn't be going in but the actual fact is we do you know sometimes a year's worth of planning preparation meeting people making sure everything's right so we have mitigated as much of the really the hazards as we can and then ultimately some of the stuff is just dangerous if you're inside a volcano when it erupts it's you know it's just luck at the first point and then it's what you do to get out of that afterwards what you do to relax and don't just say like oh yeah I go Vikings that's not relaxing me okay Julia is a horse riding croquet bit balls I was gonna say two years ago foxy now a team of us ruled across Atlantic I was gonna say that's kind of relaxing but those blisters like drinking your own pee yeah I mean yeah there's I mean there's a lot there is a lot of downtime we've done ten world firsts in the last seven months so we're away for like three weeks back for two weeks away for three weeks back for two away for a month so the time that I'm at home I'm either in the gym trying to just defrag my head going running getting up into the hills and obviously getting back to Scotland which is which is my own you know what I said possibly machine at the start when I introduced him I think we now know you a definite part cyborg and actually with that in mind I this is a personal question we got another sound personal question coming here who who would win in a Hunger Games style event okay we got you who admitted soon we've got Bear Grylls go I have no idea yes you do I would give both of them a good run for the money I would say yes you words might know I'm really sorry that is actually all we have time for time so that has gone so very quickly first my now is out on the 31st of January on discovery oh we got the trader actually no sorry so we've got the trainer back apologies for that and we're gonna look at it right now January on discovery Wow we could not leave without that being played and I say I cannot wait to watch that that's definitely on my top priority list once again guys please put your hands together for out okay it's been amazing thank you very much guys Cheers [Music] you
Channel: BUILD Series LDN
Views: 11,724
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Keywords: BUILDSeriesLDN, BUILD Series LDN, BUILD UK, BUILD, BUILD LDN, BUILD London, entertainment, live, build speaker series, build series, build london, interview, UK, London
Id: QQTiC70fVYk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 57sec (1137 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 07 2019
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