The Power of Believing: Eckhart Tolle on Manifestation Principles

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now [Music] um when you read uh what Jesus said um when you [Music] have faith faith is the faith in the terms that Jesus used is to be connected with the The Power Within you that is inseparable from The Source Consciousness when you have faith you can tell a mountain Mo go move from here to there and it will happen now there could be a kind of parable or analogy or some people might want to take it literally um he also said as you know I've said before the the one statement that is that encapsulates the entire uh secret about manifestation Jesus said when you when you ask for something believe that you have received it and it will be yours they just encaps believe that you have received it I've spoken about that at length in other sessions to believe that you have received it is to feel uh connected with the the the essence of being where you anything else is that's the cream everything else is the skimmed milk so if you have the cream you can manifest anything in the realm of the skimmed milk now to more that would mean that you can entirely change if the statement about the mountain is to be taken literally then it would be is saying that it's possible to completely change external reality so-called physical reality simply by the power of your mind and I believe that is the destiny of humans eventually humans will be able to Simply manifest through the mind if that were the if at the moment no to suic a few you you can you can manifest quite a bit not immediately you always need a little bit of time mostly there's a lot you can do and even sometimes things that you think might be almost impossible that is that's too far that is possible to manifest but there are limitations you're absolutely right to what and you need to recognize those limitations so that you are not engaged in completely useless manifestation practi aiming at something that is not within the realm of possibility for example let's say I suddenly got it into my mind that I going to participate in whatever capacity uh in the Olympic Games the next Olympic Games whenever they are going to be uh and I'm going to win a gold medal in uh uh boxing or whatever or um jumping or whatever it is um and no matter how powerful my manifestation is that is not going to happen so I know um that is an impossibility or I want let's say I got it into my mind I want to become a the world's greatest ballet dancer okay now if I had been uh 10 years old it might have worked but it's not going to happen that's for sure no matter how powerful my manifestation practice is so there are um no these things are kind of obvious that there are physical limitations to what you can do or what your body can do there may also be mental manifestations um sometimes people have an image in their mind of what they want to be uh but you I remember watching years ago when we still had cable television um American Idol American Idol is this all these people who perform they want to be chosen as the great the next American Idol in all kind of singing and dancing and so on and money sometimes uh amazed at the discrepancy between what people thought of themselves how good they were at singing or dancing and how bad they actually were when they performed it's just the discrepancy was just incredible they thought they were had they were the potential greatest singer but they were just awful just everybody could see they they can now that's uh now that could be that they that they haven't practiced enough it could be that they haven't that they forgot that in order to achieve Mastery in anything you have to focus your mind and you have to enjoy what you're doing for quite some time before power flows into what you do so they have just a mental projection I'm I'm going to be a rock star but then all there's the practice you have to live it you have to live the music you have to live or or you compose the music and you live it every day and you live your instrument becomes part of your your very being and you live it and you you you enjoy it and then and then you go into the the subway and you play there for a year or two and then you go somewhere else to a little bar and you play there so many great stars have started and and then you live and there was this book uh I can't remember the title he found and he looked at various great musicians and dancers who had achieved great things he calculated that they had 10,000 hours of practice before Mastery was achieved and something was able to flow through them that was made them great with the Beatles for example he he examined how many for how many years The Beatles performed in little in just little bars and in Liverpool and then in Hamburg they were performing in little uh beer Sellers and and Tiny bus and he calculated and he came to the average figure of 10,000 hours 10,000 hours of practice and uh that's so very often the the people don't achieve the heaven the goal may not be totally unrealistic it maybe within the realm of possibility uh but what they miss is the intervening the journey towards the goal and they don't enjoy the journey and they don't want to they they the energy is not there to practice every day to do every day so that the power of increasing and flows through them now many quite a few of those people they never man they never consciously manifested something The Beatles I'm sure um it just was a gradual evolutionary process for them before they be what they created was very deeply inspiring I mean the the songs are relatively simple but they have an Essence there's something there that makes them they'll still be around in two or 300 years years time there's something there that suddenly came and that was it wasn't there initially uh so are you able to enjoy the doing in the present moment really comes back to the present moment do you enjoy the journey towards it I the let's all let's say you want to become a uh people have an image of what they want to become but are not able to give it attention in the continuous in the present moment so that the the the journey must be joyful to be empowered um so many things are possible now even people who seem to have a very bad voice that say this person could never sing that's not necessarily true if this person continues it could happen that something will be come through look at somebody like um uh who was this Jazz sing a very famous uh africanamerican very famous jazz singer uh who had this deep Croy voice for the name ESC me right know one of the the most famous uh Louie Armstrong I I think was he a d singer mhm was he I think he was yeah so he had and you would say how could this person ever have a singing career it's totally impossible but the strange thing is Al the everybody would have said there's no chance for you just do something else when he when he did eventually something happened it didn't matter anymore that this wasn't a no normally regard would not normally regard it as a good singing voice there was an Essence that came through him that that used the voice and and touched everybody so there was incredible if this person had asked anybody I want to be a singer and say okay course what you can do please think of something else they so often that it is the case uh and I don't know I haven't read his uh biography I don't know what his paast was what his journey was but it's amazing that somebody who has such a bad singing voice can create such wonderful songs quite Lou quite amazing so there are incredible possibilities that the mind would exclude by saying prematurely so any things many things are possible possible but some things are not possible uh often involving as the examples I gave him for for myself I well I think for to get a um a medal in the Olympic Games there may be one or two disciplines that I could still be good at who knows uh one could be that's a Canadian favorite Canadian a discipline called curling where you push that thing on the I it doesn't require too much physical strengths so there might be a chance for me participating in the Canadian team of Carling but I doubt it that's a little aside yes knowing what is possible but without limiting yourself as in the example of Louie Armstrong would he would have done if he had listened to others uh and said who probably told him your voice is no good if he had listened to others and he didn't fortunately and when I was writing The Power of Now um people sometimes asked me what do you do and I said I'm writing I'm writing a book spiritual book and I say what about I said it's about present moment living in the present moment and several times people said oh forget about it it's been done so many times uh I this is something it's already been overdone you should think of something else this possibly present moment is old hat just uh don't do it there's no point you're wasting your time somebody actually told me literally he had read many spiritual books and said if you are writing another book about the present moment you're wasting your time and I was writing The Power of Now I didn't listen to him I knew I wasn't voicing around the I led the the process it was there was an empowerment that happened it didn't H it didn't matter to me very much that whether the book book would be successful or not which was very much secondary I knew the book had to be written if I had not written it would have become ill and I would have died that that's That's How Strong the the energy flow was if I had not responded to it I would have died or been become seriously ill uh so don't necessarily listen to others but yes it is true on the one hand there are things that are not possible um for example physical flying right now is not yet possible at least not in this Dimension you can probably fly in the Astro Dimension you can in when your dream you might might travel to the Astro Dimension and experience as I sometimes do that you you actually lift off and you can there you go but in this Dimension I would not strap off my balcony and jump off or start practicing flying I don't recommend it certain things are in possible and you need to just use your discrimination and look at it without limiting yourself unduly because many things that other people will might tell you are impossible are actually within the realm of possibility and even certain things that your mind will tell you are impossible may be within the realm of possibility and again there's a fine line there um important thing is make sure that you enjoy the doing of it and then you can you focus on your destination but enjoy the doing in the present moment and then whether or not you even arrive at your destination becomes secondary because there's such deep enjoyment in the present moment
Channel: Eckhart Tolle
Views: 45,095
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Keywords: eckhart tolle, the power of now, a new earth, presence, consciousness, nonduality, mindfulness, spiritual awakening, spiritual awareness, enlightenment, self development, sadhguru, mooji, manifestation, Eckhart Tolle manifestation, conscious manifestation, Faith, Believing, Limitations of manifestation, realism, persistence, Journey of manifestation, mastery, success, possibility, power of now
Id: pgmDtu8QnY0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 33sec (993 seconds)
Published: Thu May 02 2024
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