Former House Speaker Paul Ryan on Trump indictment

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Trump did nuffin wrong!! This is a planned hit by the GOP to remove our front runner so they can shoehorn in Deep State DeSantis.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 10 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Drifter_of_Babylon ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jun 13 2023 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

What a giant douche.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 3 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/QuicheSmash ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jun 14 2023 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Fuck outta here with a 10 minute clip of Fox. The hell did I do to you to deserve that?

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 3 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/BalledEagle88 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jun 14 2023 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
former president Donald Trump will make history today when he appears in a Florida Court as you've heard he faces 37 Federal accounts related to the alleged mishandling of some of America's most closely guarded National Security Secrets he is expected to plead not guilty and he's getting a lot of support from fellow Republicans only on CBS morning's former speaker that would be Paul Ryan is here to talk about that some other things that were mulling over today at the table he was a Republican's Vice Presidential nominee back in 2012 we welcome you Mr Speaker it's good to see you again good to see you again good to have you here thanks for having me nice to be with you so we're saying you know he's getting support from a lot of fellow Republicans are you one of those that are going Donald Trump is my guy and no I've been a never again Trump for some time now yeah so no I'm not I'm not a trump fan uh I want to win and if we nominate Trump we're going to lose uh we hasn't won anything since 2016. we lost the house in 18 we lost the presidency in 20 we've lost the Senate we would have won the Senate this time in 22 had it not been for Trump and his his nominees and some of our key primary elections and my guess is we probably would have picked up 10 to 15 seats in the house if it weren't for you know his involvement well you know when Marco Rubio was here yesterday he said something very interesting he said even if Trump did something wrong you have to weigh that against a harm indicting him could already cause a divided country what do you think about that way of thinking I think this I think this one's different I think you could make that case for this New York prosecutor that one seemed I mean look it's a never again Trump that seemed pretty Petty and political I can't help but think of his name was Don Smith he probably wouldn't have had that indictment this one's National Security this one's different I used to have these same documents myself um as Speaker of the House so I think this goes beyond just um some petty thing now my guess is Trump will play this politically pretty well and make this weaponization argument and make this about Joe Biden's justice department and that's going to have some political saliency so I don't think Marco's wrong in saying that there's some political sting here but I can't help but think the weight and the baggage of all of this and this one's National Security this one I think we want a nominee who's not weighed down with so much baggage in order to win this election and it's really clear a lot of our Suburban voters will not vote for Donald Trump I can tell you how it works in Wisconsin I can't imagine Donald Trump winning Wisconsin he lost it in 20 and do you think he's done things since 2020 election like January 6 that make those swing voters want to vote for him but why do you think he's trying to help the support that he has though because he has a very good core of support and he's got a good it's as simple as that he's got a great core of support in in in in a primary that is what you build off of and so it does matter but my point is I think the electability argument is going to become more Salient with with this indictment and whatever happens in the future all the exhaustion of all the Trump baggage is going to make it easier now I think to make the argument to his core supporters he's not electable he's going to cost us the Senate again he's going to cost us more House Seats it'll cost us the White House and we want to win and we do want to win yeah so in this so go look at what are these other great conservatives that are in the race who don't have all this baggage I think if we nominate anybody not named Donald Trump we're going to beat Joe Biden okay we got to nominate somebody who would that be we follow any one of these candidates anyone anyone yeah anyone I don't know the Vivid guy so but what I know Nikki I know Chris they're all people we know well right it's too early in my opinion to start this is my own perspective to pick somebody in the primary to support but I think there are plenty of people I think Tim Scott Rhonda Sanders Nikki Haley Mike Pence Chris Christie they're all in the race they're very viable people and I honestly believe any one of them could beat Joe Biden if they become the nominee and with the exception of Chris Christie I don't hear from those others the direct Trump cannot win we need better argument that you make so clearly I think I think people are probably waiting just I think there's a timing to that I don't think you can get this nomination without going through Donald Trump I don't think you can get it going around him I think he had to go through him to get the nomination Chris is I mean Chris is unique in the in his style but I think others will start making that kind of what are they waiting for though with all the other people to get in the race so it's a group thing the thing with Trump is he's so vindictive that if you have a future in front of you that you envisioned in the Republican party you start with your base you have to win a primary and if that vindictiveness gets trained on you it's sort of like the eye of Sauron going after you yeah um it will make it more difficult for you to succeed where you are you know what it's like to be attacked by yeah I don't but I don't care anymore it's not yeah I I'm not looking for anything I don't have political ambition and so that is fairly liberating and so it and so that's why people like me make an electability argument which is to his supporters let's win we win by stitching our Coalition together the Maga Coalition and the Suburban base those two right there give us presidencies and House and Senate majorities and if we go with Trump that fractures it's just that as the race becomes more crowded doesn't that work as an advantage for Trump it does it so the question is do people get out of the race in time for first for we for us to Galvanize around somebody let's let people go test themselves let's go see who gets traction it's it's fine having people enter the race and see if they do well the question is come I don't know super Tuesday right does it feel get shrunken enough that let's just say Trump gets 33 consistently I don't know what the number is and the rest of it is is divided by six people then Trump's going to get the nomination but if people try don't get traction then get out of the race and we have one or two people making up the rest of that vote Coalition that's 66 then I think that person gets the nomination I think that is that's how I want to see this play out I think it's reasonable to think that that's definitely what could happen but at the same time yeah I mean Trump if you had to like take a linear projection from the election from where we are today he's he's primed to win the primary things aren't linear in politics it's never a straight line so I just don't think that's the way it's going to go well he's going he's got a lot of support right now according to all our polls a lot of those supporters are probably viewers of Fox News and shifting topics here a little bit Fox paid this huge settlement 800 million dollars uh because uh of alleged lies about Dominion in the discovery in what was made public we saw that many Executives and anchors at Fox were saying things to their viewers their millions of viewers that they were not saying privately they were spreading lies and they were doing so knowingly you're on the board you know where this is going yeah did you think to yourself at some point E I don't want to be involved in this no I'm down no if if I think Fox News is a very important part of the conservative movement and if you want the conservative movement uh to be going in the right direction then Fox News can have a big hand in that so I don't want to comment on on what is a legal issue you know frankly because I'm a board member um but there's a big difference between a big hand and an honest no but I don't want to get into the Tit for Tad with it but the point is you think about stepping the point is the conservative no I did not think about check me down the point is the conservative movement is a big movement and and the conservative movement right now is going through lots of turmoil and churn and change and I think Donald Trump is the middle of that Tempest I think if we get past Donald Trump I think the conservative movement will be viable and majoritarian we have proven recently that we can get majorities and win presidencies I don't think we can with Trump but if we get past Trump I believe we the conservative movement Republican party can get our majorities back we barely have a majority in the house it's four seats it's it's it's technical we don't have a majority in the Senate we should have this next election I think it's uh it's 33 people are up 23 or something like that senators are Democrats we should get the majority in this next election but if but if we nominate Trump it's we're going to leave seats on the table we may not get the Senate majority if we nominate Trump again so my point is as as a guy who's a fan of Fox News Fox News is a big part of this Fox News and the whole constellation of the conservative movement the Republican movement if we can get ourselves as a party in a movement past Trump we're going to start winning majorities again I think can I get your thoughts on that movement just quickly I know we have to go but Republican lawmakers around the country are pushing legislation when it comes to Banning books it could be trans rights call it anti-walker however you want to label it is that a good approach a good strategy or a football fan is that the way you should approach yeah I'm not a cultural guy I think it's really polarizing look on some of these issues outside uh you know with the anti-wolf crowd but to me I'm worried about a debt crisis I'm worried about you know the future of our country and and China there are big policy problems that we need to tackle if we want to have a great 21st century for this country um my work at AEI Notre Dame and my poverty Foundation is all about poverty and upper Mobility you know what I worry about are the big policy challenges that are going unresolved or made worse by Joe Biden so that's why I want to win this election so we can actually fix these big policy problems cultural War politics is good primary election politics it's very divisive but it's effective politics it's effective politics I'll grant you that but for me I'm an old Jack Kemp guy I believe an inclusive aspirational politics solve problems we got we got huge problems yeah so we're getting a debt crisis we've got to get on top of that neither Biden or Trump are good on this issue so both of these people but you're saying Mr speakers you missed the day-to-day of Washington yeah I hear the long 13 years ago you and Kevin McCarthy wrote a book called Young Guns the future of conservative leadership what's amazing is you're still so young wow that was in the tip of your tongue Paul Ryan thank you very much
Channel: CBS Mornings
Views: 740,211
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 9min 52sec (592 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 13 2023
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