Forgotten Ones - Defiant Until Time (Star Wars Fan Series)

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Tempest come in. This is the Victory, attempting to make contact Tempest, please report. This is Admiral Koepper of the victory. Please come in! Tempest, please report. This is Admiral Koepper of the victory. Please come in. Admiral, did you requested me? Sergeant Price Indeed I did. I believe I have a mission for you and your squad. K squad, isn't it? That's correct. That crews that are out there, drifting all by itself is the Tempest. The Tempest, eh? What happened to her? Well, that's your mission sergeant. She went missing a week ago. No distress call. There comms are open, but no one is responding. So it's a ghost ship. Perhaps. Its mission is also highly classified logged off even to me. That makes it more interesting. Or more concerning. Board the ship, get to the breach and recover system logs. I'm standing with you an investigator and RAM squad. RAM squad? I don't think RAM squad is necessarily Admiral. Why is that? To put it bluntly we don't exactly get along all too well with other squads. Admiral. Very well. Dismissed. Oh, by the way, scans indicate the tempest is carrying an unusual cargo. If anything happens, I do what I must. Of course Admiral. Yeah, iron is dead. That's taking the ship. Come on Hoppes. You really believe that? Well, as a matter of fact. All right, squad. Listen up. We've got our first assignment to tackle today in a couple of moments. We'll board the tempest, control doesn't know what happened to her. And that's our mission. We go in, get to the bridge. We gather the system logs, and get out. Very simple. Any crew sarge? We need to find that out Johnny? Hey sarge... Who is she? My name is Aylia Vene. I am a Republic Investigator. Ah, right. She's our VIP. Nothing can happen to her whatsoever. Aylia, this is Johnny, Xander, Finn, Charles, Adam and Hoppes. It's a pleasure to be working with you all. So it's one of these missions. That's odd. There's no cool. Yeah, I don't like it. Guns aren't working. Charles, you stay here and guard the ship. Rest of you, on me. Ordered like this. It's given me the creeps. escape pods are still here. That means they never lift. How much longer until we reach teh bridge. I'm not too familiar with the layout of this ship. Not too far, though. I hate that. Come on. Let's keep moving. Whoa, what's this place? Well, I guess it's maintenance. One moment. Any luck? No. Odd... It keeps overriding my override. That's possible. Where's the ventilation? Ah, Sarge. Is this part of the plan? I'm getting higher here. Squad. you've trained for this magnetize quickly. Ah. Aylia where are you? I'm here. Behind you. Here. Grab my arm. Finn, Johnny, Magnetize. It's not working Sarge. He broke his leg sir! Hoppes, Take Finn and go back to Charles and wait for us. My guess is the reactor is failing. We might not have long. Go. You got it. You okay, Johnny? I'm fine Sarge. I think we should just get out of here. Something by far it's not right. No, we need to complete the mission first. We're already down a man. And more weird things might happen. We must complete our mission Johnny. It's our duty. We must push on. I'm getting readings of a hazardous air supply. Perhaps ventilation is also down. Thats concerning. Rest of you Let's move. Damn, how big is this ship. That looks like it's the bridge. I really don't like that. Come on. Let's hurry. What? Wait, no Sarge... I really hate this. How does that even happen? Cooler saves. Let's think clearly. If we can't get to the bridge, then the best we can do is restore ventilation. Okay, but where would that be? I am unsure. Maybe near the reactor. It would make sense. for it to be. We'll try this way Blast how does this even happen Sarge? Im sure we'll find our answer on the bridge. It's just us now. Let's keep going... Is that the hyperdrive? move it. Let's go. It's going into hyperdrive. disengage quickly. Maam, the ship is going into hyperdrive. Quickly. Ready the turbo lasers, fire on my mark. We cannot let that ship get away. No. This is Lina Dara of the Republic RESEARCH DIVISION aboard the Tempest. Our labs have been compromised and our cargo has been breached. There's something a creature perhaps roaming around the ship and the gas, some gas. It's killing off the crew, systems are going haywire. And, and there's not many of us left. That thing is hunting us. He won't be long before it finds us. That or the gas. Please, if you get this message, send help immediately. Aylia, can I ask you a question? Sure. Go ahead. Why are you here with us, Johnny? No, no. Like you seem like a nice person at all. I just was wondering what made you join the Republic and go on dangerous missions and stuff? Do you really want to know? Yes, I do. I never had parents growing up, I was put in a home with other kids and looked down upon by everyone. For so long. I believe there was nothing to anyone. I wanted to be different. I wanted to be more. I craved the adventure something the other kids never did. I wanted to be something big and something they never could. And here I am after so many years of failure. Right You know, that's really similar to the squad and me. We're still nothing to anyone. Come on, let's keep moving. It looks like the cargo hold. What is this? I can't see it. I'll go over first. Run. Quick, in here. I believe we've just found the ventilation controls. You're a bit late for rescue. We're not rescue. What's your name? Gavid Korden, lead biologist. Mr. Korden You wouldn't happen to know what's happening around here would you? It's Rego Thule. He's gone mad. He is the lead scientist smartest man aboard. He's discovered this gas that not only kills everyone nearly instantly, but also stimulates this creature he brought aboard for our last expedition. Expedition? You're on a research vessel. Theres all sorts of things here. He released this gas to kill everyone aboard. So no one could stop him. stimulated this creature and broke out. It escaped and killed everyone else the gas did not. And he said no one was able to stop him correct? That's right. You must stop him at all costs. Please. This ship is going right to Coruscant. And with that cargo that gas it will spread like wildfire. Kill every living being. Wait a minute, why hasn't the gas killed us? Thule's species is immune. He wants to make sure his plan is carried out. Me almost immune. You... are lucky Your helmets are enough to filter what gas is left on the ship. That control Panel. Open it up. Flip the switch that will manually reboot the comms. You can still stop Rego from his plan you can shut down the hyperdrive with a certain code. only he has it. He'll be there though. I'm sure of it. You have my word. He'll be stopped. Testing Squad, listen up. Only way to stop this ship is to stop the hyperdrive itself. Charles, Hoppes and Finn, you guys go get the escape pods ready. The rest of you. I'll meet you at the hyperdrive. It's over Rego give up the codes now. Sergeant Price I'll be honest, I'm surprised you've made it this far for a clone. The codes. Give 'em! They are up here, Sergeant. And I'm afraid I can't do that. Besides, I need to do this for the people of Coruscant. But why kill all of those innocent people? What have they done? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Yes, they're innocent. But sergeant, have you seriously not thought about what the separatists will do to those people when they win the war? Win the war? Who told you that? it's so obvious, They will enslave everyone. Torture them and do unspeakable things and slowly kill them? I know because they do that to my people. And I will not let them do that again. Not to these people. So your solution is genocide. If there was another way, I would take it. This, this is more humane. There are other ways don't destroy the hope. Think about the innocent children. They have their whole life ahead of them. You can't take that away from them. And you can't convince me to change my mind. To the core of my soul I know this is the only humane option. Goly Gee... for a lead scientist you sure aren't thinking straight? Well, I don't expect a clone to know any better. You all bred to do one thing and I tried to scare you all off. The doors, the lights that gravity All me. And you all didn't take the hint and leave. I didn't want to kill you. But it seems your stupid perseverance Will lead your own demise. Thule. Give me the codes. Coruscant will be safe. Not what it's always at war. No. Great that we're all gonna die. Thanks Sarge. Well, maybe not. Oh, have you got an idea? Look over there. They look like heat dampeners. If I'm correct, and we destroy them. Then the hyperdrive will overheat and take us out of hyperspace. You're right. The core will become unstable. Rip the whole ship apart. What other choice do we have? Can't argue you with that! K-squad... open fire. On your feet Johnny! We are leaving. Aylia No, Keep going. Don't wait for me. Just hold on. We can get you out! Just listen to me. Save yourself. I beg you. Don't worry. I'll be all right. Trust me. Thank you for the greatest adventure ever. Go! There you are. Wait. Where's Aylia? Johhny.. where is she? Missian failed sarge. What happened? Just go go. Hello there... :)
Channel: 7 Cubed Films
Views: 188,034
Rating: 4.9562521 out of 5
Keywords: season 1, full episode, animated, star, wars, star wars, star wars fanfilm, star wars sfm, fan, film, fan film, sfm, source, maker, clone, lock, story, pilot, battle, grounded, models, clone trooper sfm, forgotten ones, ones, forgotten, lucasfilm, 7 cubed films, trooper, sci fi, space, disney, lucas, trailer, kel, riptide, droid, star wars theory, clone wars theme song, animation, female, season 7, rainbow, six, siege, lol, 104, 501, rex, episode 5, prequel, rights, progressive
Id: p9EPdZkiPlE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 43sec (1243 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 02 2021
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