forgotten in the woods (will it start 1972 nova that's sat for 28 years)

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okay I gotta cut my way through the bush and get over here I really really gotta stop saying yes cheap stuff but this one's kind of like a dream and this one's kind of for grainy so let's see if we can get this turn to run um I've got rain in the distance I don't think I'm gonna get it done today I may have to come back tomorrow but at least want to get this thing somewhat turn it I know it's locked up it's a 305 I just wanted to make smoke a noise for now because that motor is going in the bin and I have possibly a motor for this possibly I'm a freaking hoarder and I gotta stop saying yes the cheap crap alrighty guys well welcome back to the channel and uh yeah I bought a Nova this one's kind of a kind of a Little Dream project my grandmother had a 1970 and it's kind of hard to find a 70 and my uh my my my budget range and so I found a uh something better or something as good it's a 72 it's a two-door um picked it up in Ward a while back and uh it's not in the best of shape it's got cancer and the quarters so it needs both quarters needs a half quarter on the passenger side needs a full quarter on the driver's side which you know that's all fine Dandy and everything but the uh the biggest downside is let me open this door and you'll see there's no interior this is a blank slate car there is a 305 of a 1980 car truck or something I didn't remember exactly so it's a blank slate and it's had the rock cut out of the floorboards so it needs floors popped in it and uh wheel houses are a little a little crunchy a little crunchy a little bit of rustier in there ah nothing not in a welder can't fix it needs a tail panel needs a trunk lid the hood the fenders the only thing is really doesn't need is the roof skin and I don't know about anything under the cowling I think it's that might need a little little help but it's also been sitting since 1994. so yeah let's get to the let's get to the gloriousness that is unfortunately this car we're missing beats we're missing the radiator we're missing the oh the carburetor yeah this is gonna be fun so it is locked up I have confirmed that it is locked up so uh we're gonna go through and oh wow that shark's not even balanced sorry scoreboard anyways we're gonna go through and we're going to take this 305 see if we can get to sing for a little bit and then I'm gonna rip it out and probably dump myself a nice little 350 in it that's a small carburetor that's a small two barrel that is a really really small two barrel on this thing um let me see if I can pull up the suffix numbers it looks like it's C I don't know if you can see that one oh you can see that oh you guys can't see it no yeah everything caught anyways that is a 1980 I want to say is what I've decided 1980 small block Chevy 305. that side post that is top post bonus and that's black for ground or black for positive and red for ground oh boy this is gonna be fun wow the steering linkage is disconnected all right do you have the steering linkage disconnected like that okay but so if I look at this we got oil it's not milkshake it's oil it doesn't smell like water kind of smells like gas but it's also like super old you can smell it super old I don't want to do an oil change on this one until I get this thing to sing and say hello but I might not also give this thing an oil change at all oh baby look at that that is pretty red if anything I've got a good 350 that I could put behind it any kind of motor I decide to put in here alrighty I'm gonna show you guys that this motor is completely freaking locked up put your hand on the Belt all right I'll put this yeah put your hand on the Belt that fan is just moving my hand ain't moving with the belt which means either the belt's really really bad or it's locked up we're gonna go grab a box and we're going to double check as my bucks my mini bucks is reduced to absolute ruins good Lord I gotta reorganize this again five eights extension ratchet no okay okay um that's a little more stuck than I thought [Laughter] okay well crap this is gonna be interesting let me get over uh let me get over and get some my impact and let's start pulling plugs yes I know I'm doing this the wrong way I don't care about this motor so all right let's see oh my God that club just shattered that one just completely shattered that fell on the frame and that completely shattered oh that one don't look bad my plug don't look bad full of rust that is a completely usable spark plug s okay I'm gonna need at least a spark plug what am I doing I'm forgetting something the whole reason why I'm pulling out the plugs if I can get this thing soaking this may take a few days of soaking to oh that was my fault uh we're definitely gonna need some spark plugs that's not covered in rust which is good now there's more of the guts of the spark plug that's fine I got something at the in the truck I got the bin you got some in my Dodge trainer alrighty we have no signs of moisture on this side so we're probably just dealing with a little bit of surface rust on these all righty get your Preferred Choice of Panther piss stick and spark plug hole that looks can help if it's more vertical there's one all right so those first two cylinders we're just going to set these plugs back in it oh I'm probably gonna have to change out all these plugs but we're definitely going to need some more Panther piss and I ain't dead get off me there's a ton of flies coming around now okay well I got that both side done now we're just gonna have to deal with sitting in my sink for a little bit until we can get knocked the loose I just wish I knew why the carburetor is all right see the funny part was my car my grandmother's car was a 350 with a two barrels but if I build this into what her ultimate dream car was that's not gonna be this is not going to be a small block car anywhere oh it's definitely showing signs that it should be a uh a runner okay those rings are soaking in there I know why am I doing wasn't wrong but you don't want I don't really care at all stole the ring around this car hey and what is number four say to us it still looks clean some new plugs in this all right well new as we all know this thing ain't getting anything new all right that one definitely got a uh healthy healthy shot sorry there's that one all right I know there's a hundred people right now just cringing but you know what I'm gonna put them back in with uh well at least spark plugs are shot oh no oh no no no oh we ain't free in this motor really I ain't dead get off me do you see that oh no oh no oh no no no no no shoot crop crap crap crap crap crap oh that's not good that's really not good oh bloody bullets let's try the PB Blaster first this one's gonna have to get a nice liberal coating oh boy that was what I was afraid to find that means number eight is probably completely rusted which means there is it and you know what that's fine it's a 305. it's a 305 . and number six is pretty good so we have one complete fubarb oh boy we're gonna have to probably put some vinegar in that cylinder 100 oh boy I just realized something if that's the case that means that intake valve is Rusted that means that this thing had water come down the intake into that cylinder [Music] doesn't matter this motor is going to get replaced in this car anyways I've got a 350 that I'm gonna put in it or 400. I don't know yet all I know is uh this is fubarb this is completely fubard oh boy I don't know if I'm gonna be able to get this trained in this thing off the transmission either I'm running out of pressure oh no that sounds like I got some or I've ran out the pressure up Scotty there's no more pressure I'm about to break my hand build up air pressure please air pressure air pressure air pressure air pressure oh boy we're gonna have to do the Crowbar trick on this one we're gonna have to Jack this up and we're gonna need to get a crowbar on the flywheel and we're going to Crowbar this thing over that's if we can get it to come loose we're gonna have to put vinegar in that cylinder and everything oh boy that's that's exact opposite well let's let this sit for a day let's see what it does alrighty and we're back for day two let that stuff sit for the last I'd say about 24 hours now I'm gonna go grab the ramps uh the Mustang and uh see if we can pull off of the Mustang hopefully the wind the Saco and the filter or the microphone keeps the wind down just a little bit because I'm thoroughly annoyed with the women alrighty that's a let's see if we can get this up on the ramps oh boy here we go yes it's all lovely oh let's make sure it's a neutral here we go [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] Plan B yeah what's that done foreign backside over the concrete and all over the freaking the dirt and the nails and everything else that's on the ground and I already see a problem fantastic and let's do more ah that's on the way that's got to come off uh I think that's like 3 8. maybe 7 16. man somebody was did the whole gotta get it done thing why is it looks like there's a piece of all thread it's holding the exhaust holy crap I think boss exhaust pipe is dented all get out huh it's looking a lot like uh we're going from a single to a double and you know what I'm not gonna complain about it this other side okay it looks like it's two three eighths bolts let's go grab some all right I got my little my little go box absolutely love this little thing highly recommend to have yourself a quick box that way you can ham it right next to you while you're working on something oh Ally Ally ah okay [Music] that is one ouch that was rocking in the stomach oh alrighty and that'll stick in the eyeball or a weed in the eyeball oh I need to do with this group oh it's still up there alrighty now this should just help me understand how the hell this comes out of here Brute Force brute force it is I can go right there I can go right there and magically [Applause] better sells a fry bar and yeah hey we got a pop ah did you see that ah we got a pop it is tighter oh not a nun yeah oh hey that's the face they didn't like me calling you a nun huh okay well that is a really really good sign now can I stick this someplace where I can get a better hey did that work nope that's gonna bring the flex plate oh that's just that uh as much as I enjoy being underneath here that's what I'm laying on concrete bricks and stuff like that I am actually uh thoroughly amazed at that man that actually popped a loose that might have just had some surface rust in it oh we you can hear that crunch oh my gosh oh my God oh that was almost the face again that was almost the face again oh it popped the loose which is nice now the problem is is I'm trying to figure out what is what I'm wearing this you can see we've got okay ah I haven't whacked myself in the face in the face enough times on this side let's go try the other side let's try the back pedal it a little oh oh oh relief oh sticks all righty all right oh baby that's that's moving like Grease Lightning oh baby that is moving like grease lightning this way I wonder nope there's a tough spot I wonder if we're fighting a valve I think we may be uh we may be fighting a foul which one is uh a complete guesstomy ah come on nope which means this is about to be a fun Endeavor which means we gotta go pull a valve cover um random stuff that comes in your head whenever you're working on cars look great yeah that thing is moving like butter now whoops give me backpack probably mark what the heck oh wow oh my God oh if it runs it's just gonna be running just enough to play with it okay okay can I please have this back there we go back oh that was a shoulder blade yay that it's free but I'm probably gonna say that we're gonna have some issues with the bowels no whoops gotta get it stuck here again and back to being locked up solid ah no no no as tough as this is and as much as I'm hearing some crunchy noises we're gonna need to uh we're gonna need anything to go up top and we're pulling a let's pull a valve cover see if we can uh make sure the valves are moving but we're moving down here again woohoo that's uh that's amazing all right are we oh okay I'm sure I'm short not really freaking shirt now I don't recommend this to anybody who's uh wanting to keep their engine I'm about to open this thing up without a cleaning off any of this junk which you know what it's fine this motor is uh not staying in this car this motor is probably just going to be in a boat anchor which is fine you know I'm trying to get back into videoing I keep saying I'm going to get back into video I need a 7 16. I need a 7 16. okay I'm too short to reach up here top deep well straight down all right cover bolt s let's make sure we don't lose those because even though it's going to leak because I ain't putting the valve cover gasket on it doesn't mean I want to dispute all the oil everywhere okay there's that that is all out way oh there we go okay all righty Let's uh stick a socket on the front of this crank let's see what we can muster up let's see what's uh what's making this thing stick puppies that's right highlights on the front or a creek holy bolt yeah oh my gosh I'm gonna grab a vacuum and I'll vacuum this off just a little bit when I go to put together to get it to run you know what let me be smart I'm tired of getting intimate with this fan oh hey any of these valves stuck oh now you're back being stuck oh what the hell just happened I went up I need to find a hammer I want to make sure that the uh this thing's still uh foreign okay we got a small problem I got the motor stuck again it's even more stuck than it was before well it's not even more stuck it's just it's probably just as stuck it's just let me make sure I think one of the valves is stuck open it's causing it to give us our issues thank you foreign okay I think you can hear it that one sounds like it's moving that one's definitely moving that one doesn't seem like it there's no tension on it okay I gotta crawl back down there and uh borrow the motor back the other direction oh let's make sure we got the jumper cables hooked up this Cable in on this pattern hey three two one contact that's not good okay what are you going on here okay I got that take two next lecture if you got valves oh you should see the junk coming out of this back cylinder foreign [Applause] [Applause] hooked up because uh that Cable's hating life okay let me make sure let me get on this other side I have one now if you keep cranking this thing okay let me just make sure how much stuff's coming out of this side [Applause] all right there's some really bad at hoarding stuff I have random stuff laying around I got a piece of wire we're gonna hook this up to the positive oh wow and we're going to pull that off well let's pull this side up okay we're gonna stick this under the positive that's got juice now let's see if it Sparks [Applause] we have no smart all right let's see what condition our points are in because that will tell us okay look back here marginally okay is that on that back up and crank it real quick I want to make sure I Can See Spark Le him up [Applause] [Music] okay disconnect the coil please just humor ourselves and make sure it's just that we're not so far away from that all right we're next to the coil body well not close enough all right put the coil back up nice angry Pixies let's give it a crank foreign not dumb enough to grab all right I'm also not dumb enough to grab that so we're gonna double the insulation [Applause] Okay so we have we have the technology we have the ability this motor should say hello but unfortunately that countdown's ran down for the day I'm not going to be able to get this done for the day that we need to go get uh I need to go grab a vacuum cleaner so I can vacuum clean all this crap out here I've got something massive missing right here so we need to grab a vacuum cleaner so I can vacuum clean this off see that got all the junk up Hoover it all up and we'll be done uh then we get to find a carburetor I think I got one in the truck I think alrighty be back again another day a little Misty a real cold I'm not gonna try to crawl or crawl on top of this thing to put plugs in it let's drive it back down to the ground shall we the first time trying is free Jack foreign that is a really really big jacket that is a really really crappy thing to use it on is dirt thank you foreign oh this is a really really nice Jack okay here we go let's get this uh let's get this a carburetor hurry yeah it's a carburetor [Music] wow that's exactly what I thought alrighty man that is a really really small 305. all right so okay then alrighty they got a carpetator on there we gotta fix this before we start because that's gonna piss atfl um yeah that's a hundred percent discount 80 ounce ATF now I've noticed the gas tank on about 90 is empty but we'll take a gander because if it's empty I got some fuel we're gonna put in the tank yay what we are definitely getting there I need to put all the bolts back in and yes I know into the balcony dirty under the balcony yeah I know I don't care about this boat anchor this boat anchor is going in a bin boating crew 100 going on a bit we're gonna pull this out we're gonna put a 350 I got a 400. 400 Nova Mr Alvin LS Nova nah we'll probably just keep it just a small block it's so much easier to maintain and find parts for it there we go I'm pretty sure this tank is empty 90 positive this tank is empty because uh I'll crawled up underneath it and it sounds Hollow so we're gonna go through oh come on open up huh just enough to say hello hello anybody home twisted I remember when that one person hit the back of my grandma's Nova oh she was all right let's see if this thing says hello foreign spark plugs alrighty and this is a motor I really don't care about ran down the junkyard found myself a set of really nice old ngks oh yeah oh the devil's knocking at my door and that's what we got sealed up engine with a carburetor on it oh I gotta finish putting the plug wires on okay hurry let me double check and make sure one excuse me one eight one eight oh wow one eight four eight four three is over there so three over here six all right all right foreign Bingo we've got plug wires we've got everything okay I got something to fix this issue foreign okay we get prank cranky cranky drink sure foreign oh man we're gonna need to go get a battery they can have it have you ever had those moments where you're a total idiot I had all this all planned out I had everything done I forgot to hit the record button God dang it I had this thing sitting running and idling and then all of a sudden it just started stopping didn't want to idle and do anything I'm like okay this ain't good why are you uh acting uh acting all fishy why are you acting all funky or to here or to here okay okay let's try this again make sure I have that connected good okay that's 100 connected [Applause] did I run the thing out of gas oh come on I know I didn't put that much in a tank but I didn't think it would burn through half a gallon real quick oh God I am so freaking stupid I had my moment I had my moment I had it running it was idling I got the exhaust cam to prove but I took the audio off God dang it dang it dang it dang it dang it dang it dang it oh I'm so dumb God dang it all right let's try to get some let's get some gas and we'll we'll get back here alrighty I got some gas put back in the tank I dumped some gas down the carburetor [Applause] it's alive and look at all that blow by I could I could oh I should have cut the exhaust camera oh I've already put it back up foreign it's kind of settling now with the smoke wow that's being pelted with well this is successful that blow-by's starting to disappear some but the crank bearings are still wiped out of this thing yeah the crank bearings are still wiped out of this thing it at least runs I'm amazed this thing was stuck three days ago this motor was completely stuck locked up bug flying in the face this motor was completely stuck and locked up three days ago I threw a carburetor and got it going oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah now I can smell cool it so that means that motor's getting hot which means no more running yet for today which is fine we don't need to run it I need to see a power steering myself power steering power steering please please please please just one last time that starter is definitely tired stop power steering at work oh yeah oh yeah [Music] it's a miracle I didn't think this thing actually would run I really didn't think this thing was going to run again I don't know why I'm excited for a lot of junk motor that I'm gonna replace but if you guys are excited as me you know what to do click on that subscribe button and that like button I'm gonna try to keep going the more you guys hit here liking everything we're gonna sit here and have more fun all right guys well that's last you'll see the Lenova for a little bit I gotta dig out the motor and go through a motor I may do a video on building the motor for everything but uh that's cool you'll hunk of drunk 305 in your runs granted kind of a boat anchor you saw the crank the cranky thrust bearings are wiped out in the thing this motor is junk for now let's jump anyways you guys are as happy as I am get this turd running make sure to hit the thumbs up buttons and everything a thumbs up hit the like and everything follow the more people follow I'll try to keep getting more of your videos out I was on a roll for a little bit sorry for the Hiatus but uh here we go let's try to make this year a little better I've got some more projects I got something sitting over there today you guys ain't gonna want to miss watching me bring back from the dead so as always like comment or you got all that stuff but remember the biggest thing anybody can find beauty in a wilted Rose I know I sure do
Channel: WiltedRoseRacing
Views: 472
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 28sec (4048 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 11 2023
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