FORGOTTEN 1962 Ford Thunderbird 428! Cruisin' After 29+ Years! Part 3

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what has happened to budget Builders and welcome back to the 1962 Ford Thunderbird rescue this car was parked roughly 29 years ago in a garage and forgotten we got that Big Block 428 to fire the life and we were able to drive this thing home and we need to address a few major things today they're going to make this thing much more roadworthy some cooling issues that we had on the way home and one major suspension issue that gave this car the terrible driving characteristics that it had We'll Wash and clean the inside and outside of the car and we've definitely got to get some exhaust on this thing [Music] [Music] foreign thing you'll notice under the hood here we don't have a radiator if you remember when we first got this thing going we drained the water out of it and that hose the coil inside it completely rusted apart bought a replacement one and that is this one this is Gates right here and for some reason replacement hoses that you buy from the auto parts store don't have coils in them and so what was actually happening I had pulled the radiator it was completely clear flowed really nicely put a put our hose on it and that we have some really good water pressure down here still completely sucking this thing flat went ahead and ordered from Larry's Thunderbird an oem style hose so you can see fomoco there C1 which would be 61 and there's that coil hopefully we'll have a good cooling system and we can continue to run this thing kind of what was happening is as soon as it sucked it down it would start scorching the water pump and squealing those belts and we're trying to figure out what the world's going on until we notice that right there so let's get this reinstalled and let's get our radiator back in place foreign ly heard that belt is still screeching that is because if you remember in our first video that water pump was pretty crusty and I think the water pump is bad [Music] oh yep so that's what it is just the residual probably from cranking the motor the little bit of water that was in it pushed up in there and that first start so many years ago never ran again and we have this nasty crust got our new water pump ready to go gone ahead and got a new 160 thermostat now Factory would have been 180 especially with a big block here in the South where it tends to be warm during the summer we want to run a 160. [Music] everything's sounding much better smoother no belt squalling power steering working really good we can really hear stuff there's not much to hear because this exhaust is dead quiet for exhaust coming out at the back of the manifolds then there is back here one thing we need to address is we need to go ahead and drop the front of those the exhaust off at the manifolds let's get new Donuts put in there we have a fire breathing 428 Ford big block it makes no noise we got him liven this thing up a little bit looking under here you can see those Factory Style really quiet mufflers and the exhaust really isn't bad and what's cool is [Music] put down hey if you look down here it's got some funny Wells but it's not rust out but it's also h-pipe we can see some of the gnarlies looking welds I've ever seen but it's solid probably an exhaust shop honestly took the time to actually h-pipe this and everything and so realistically just taking care of the rear this thing should sound pretty darn good [Music] foreign foreign [Music] I'm excited to see how this thing's gonna sound not a huge fan of having the clamps right at the rear that's just kind of part of the 60s early 60s Ford deal was having those clamps at the very rear of the car but pretty happy with how they look real similar to the Galaxy of course other than we have a quite a bit different Muffler and obviously quite a bit a little bit bigger motor let's hear how this thing sounds now foreign and there goes the heater core wow does that exhaust sound so much better completely liven this car up it does appear to maybe have a little bit of a cracked manifold maybe on this side but that's one of those things it's pretty aggravating we may drop it here but sooner than later if not we'll change that out when we pull the motor but for the time being completely makes a huge difference in this car and I cannot wait to hit the road in this thing now with that being said you may remember we had some issues there with our brake booster the brakes work okay they're not the greatest but it's a big it's a you know over 4 000 pound car and the booster was not working when you actually hooked vacuum to it it would completely collapse and lock the brakes up super super weird and that's because we need to put a kit in it but what's really cool is as you remember we were able to take that one apart so we're going to take it back apart and we're going to put a rebuild kit in it and see if we get these brakes working foreign and right here the diaphragm is in perfect shape but what we need to get into is in here that's basically it so we got a kit from Harman classic brakes this should be everything we need to bring this booster back to life okay it actually does come with this as well one remove the large c-ring that retains the rear seal adapter assembly [Music] I don't know what that is grab or not be real careful this is scary all right once that's loose our assembly here comes out and this is what we need to focus on but we'll get all this cleaned up really good we know this thing holds vacuum good but for some reason the actuation part of it is funky and I'm excited to dig in and see what is going on here a lot of crust and corrosion in there it goes there foreign this was just floating around in here I have no idea where that goes so if you've ever been interested in what a booster looks like on the inside like I have now we know so it's got these little almost like clutch forks I guess that actually actuate the whole dealio here yeah this is definitely our problem this guy right here is supposed to run in and out and it is frozen so basically what it is is it's working but as soon as it's showing the booster that the brakes are applied which they are not so we need to clean that up and try to get that thing out of there all right ended up having to throw it in the Vise real quick to push down but now we know our issue so this right here is supposed to slide freely and that is what applies and actuates your brakes and look at that crust so we just need to get this thing cleaned up really well every little bit of it got to remember to pay attention to that orientation which I did not when I took it off but thankfully we have the diagram that shows us supposed to be [Music] then we have a new spring that replaces that old one drop this in there along with those tarot breaks if you remember in that video when we tried to drive this thing home well we did drive it home we were able to make it I was White Knuckle steering this thing we thought well you know we didn't have the power steering work and maybe it needs an alignment but it needed a lot more than that when we took this wheel off we noticed it was really chewed up and let me show you why I'm not sure oh if you can see but this the whole thing has slid and so this is called your strut rod I think is what it is and if you can see down in there there is no grooves left so I'm not sure if you could tell but basically what it done with it like that is had allowed this whole wheel just to slide way back and just drag I mean it was just hanging out to the side and dragging it couldn't come loose so it's not like it was something that we could have you know the wheel would have fallen off because I mean this is still good and tight but it just made it really hard to keep this thing straight foreign oh wow that bushing is completely gone there we go so here's the replacement side of our parts car now this is the parts car to 64. but as you can see they use the same one from 61 to 65 but look at the difference nice pretty stout grooves this one uh nothing I don't know find somewhere on the car and then measure to the spindle or something I can imagine the bopper oh yeah like the bumper straight let's see the big old Buckle in it right now it'd be good enough right 17 inch so we're gonna get it close into my needle line [Music] foreign little 14s we'll be going with these 15s and it's time to break a tire someday we'll get a tire machine but we like doing it the old-fashioned way foreign [Music] [Music] foreign a tire so we're gonna try the old school way and put some portal walls on this thing so what you do you get this on here we put this in place okay oh and this set of tires and they're 55 000 mile tires we're only like 230 dollars from Walmart so for the full set so this is going to be the try hopefully it'll look good A little unsure we'll see when this thing popped up on the bead [Music] There She Goes She's Gotta show this boss foreign pops on sometimes that kind of flops you see it's not sitting quite right in there so we have to make it even and then you just Whack It Down there we go I guess we got some big wide white walls for a fraction of the price and honestly even though we took wire wheels off they were Keystone really goofy looking wire wheels and we thought about original Kelsey Hayes now the problem with Kelsey Hayes they're very rare they're very expensive and you can't run fender skirts on these cars and this thing has to have fender skirts it just makes the look of the rear end of this car so what we came up came up with we did some searching on Marketplace and this is what we felt like was the best looking style hubcap for this car so this right here is actually off of a 1966-67 Mercury Cyclone this would have been similar to what would have been on your Galaxy stuff of that time and I and in 14s you could get this as an option I think our Mustang had these very similar hubcaps on them and so this will give us that Kelsey Hayes wire wheel look without being kind of tacky like the ones that were on here when we first got this thing here it did get rained on and so that's where a majority of the Dust went but this paint is still just disgusting this is all Mouse tracks so if you know what they do is they kind of have their babies and then they run around and this is poop and Blood and Guts and that's uh that's pretty gross on paint so it's raining today it's a perfect day to pull this thing outside get it wet get us wet get it clean foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] absolute monster to try to get in here and clean this Grill very Orange very grody I don't have it so what I'm gonna try is some aluminum brightener hit everything look at that difference our main priority is the distributor carburetor generator the rest will throw some Degreaser on and it will probably oxidize it just a bit but obviously we still need to wax and buff the buff and wax this car anyways [Music] foreign we knew just by looking at this thing that it was a pretty nice car we obviously have the couple little rust Bubbles and stuff there but I think they were there when this car got parked because wow has all those years in that garage been so good to this car after all the dust and grime cleaned off of this thing it's a pretty little car now with the exterior the initial cleanup taken care of what's not pretty is this interior it is disgusting rat poop and pee and obviously we have a floorboard full of coolant because this thing decided to kill the why am I brain farting yeah because this thing decided to kill the heater core of course so we are gonna go ahead let's throw some Gordon Lightfoot on and get the inside of this interior cleaned up yuck thankfully it's hold most of the coolant pretty cool floor mats though definitely you want to see if we can't pull that back seat because you know it's got Nest underneath it oh yeah [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] that's okay [Music] thank you [Music] thank you foreign foreign [Music] can't believe I didn't notice this check that out I mean how often do you see an original build sheet in a 61 year old car that is so so cool because it's somewhat hard as far as getting the rest of the odors out of stuff like the back of these seats this stuff right here I bought at our local hardware store you just kind of missed it on every car we've ever put it in I don't know what it is it neutralizes the odor and we've never had it come back as long as we keep mice and stuff out of it and it's good and clean we've never had issues again with smell in a car so any of your little spots like this you can Mist with this just kind of damp it down a little bit let it dry and it neutralizes that odor as far as we can tell foreign wow so much nicer in here smells much better we don't have that disgusting Aroma that you get with having a bunch of mice now it's not perfect we did what we could with the carpet and if you notice this is like a big multi-piece really nice carpet set I imagine it was probably a pretty expensive Endeavor at one point of time so we did our best to save it it does have some staining that's really in there that we were not able to get out but it looks far better it smells good the seats are really nice we have some nice chew spots not too bad though we will need to address our door panels and the steering wheel maybe a few other little odds and ends but overall really happy with the interior of this car and with that being said also the exterior this thing cleaned up so nice just for initial wipe off we do need to still do some buffing and some waxing that's obviously pretty time consuming but sitting in the garage for that long other than the mice getting into stuff this car was pretty well taken care of and hid from the elements and it really does show now we jump in we grab the key [Music] this thing fires right up the head exhaust sounds awesome super happy with it it's quiet in here we're sitting here talking it's got a nice little throaty sound it's you can feel the cam in it and everything probably needs some tweaking and adjusting still but with that being said we're still in the break-in period obviously even though it's uh 30 years roughly difference I think it's time to go ahead and start cruising this thing get in gear eBay special sunglasses see how this thing does now one big thing taking off we can actually steer this car now not only that but one thing that really made it a bit of a treat to drive we have really nice power brakes now I mean this thing stops I wouldn't say crazy fast but it never did this is a big heavy heavy car he's got a she's got a little power we actually feel like we can drive this thing now but it really just goes to show you never know what's still tucked away in those garages the barns The Sheds even out in the field that can be rescued and cleaned up and brought back to life thankfully this car didn't need a full restoration it's a great candidate for it but it's just an awesome driver these cars are ridiculously expensive but nice examples bring good money this one isn't the nicest example we got it on a budget we brought it back to life on a budget we can enjoy it on a budget and that's a wrap I really hope you all have enjoyed the rescue of this 1962 Ford Thunderbird now obviously the car is not completely done there's a few little odds and ends that we're gonna do down the road as we continue driving the car and I'll be sure to throw that in some other videos she is running well she's driving awesome and she's such a cruiser I just want to thank everyone so much for following along as we bring these cars back we really do appreciate it so incredibly much it's so much fun that Dad and I have the ability to be able to do this full time now and if you haven't already and you do enjoy these kind of rescues these will it runs these rebuilds get these cars back on the road be sure to hit that subscribe button a notification Bell to keep up with our newest content but that will wrap it up peace out and catch you all on the flip side [Music] [Music]
Channel: Budget Buildz
Views: 146,567
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: willitrun, sitting, barnfind, fieldfind, oldcar, classic, budgetbuildz, drive, garagefind, woods, buried, dirt, crazy, bringbacktolife, scrapyard, crusher, save, rescue, gas, fun, crush, crushed, crawlspace, dirtfloor, ford, fomoco, fe, 4barrel, highoutput, classiccar, 428, thunderbird
Id: k5vsp8HaJ1k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 37sec (2077 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 06 2023
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