Forging the Viking Axe from Assassin's Creed Valhalla

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] well ladies and gentlemen Ubisoft has done it once again they released the new teaser and trailer for the brand-new Assassin's Creed game and we now know that it takes place and the Viking era and it couldn't have come at a better time Billy and I were trying to decide what it is we wanted to make next and boss logic and Ubisoft kind of made the decision for us not only did the teaser reveal that the game would be taking place in the Viking era but it also gave us our first glimpse at a brand new aggressive looking battle ax that's going to be added to the Assassin's Creed Armory in Ilya and I both knew that we were gonna have to afford it for you [Music] the material that we've decided to start with is 1045 round stock this is the same steel that we make all of our forging hammers out of our first task is to turn the round stock into square stock so that we have nice flat areas to begin punching the eye of the axe [Music] [Music] with the whole now punched we can now move on to isolating the max bike area of our axe [Music] [Music] to begin forging the edge of the axe Illya first isolates the material with the top tool he then changes the dies on the power hammer to some aggressive drawling dies this will allow him to pinch and pull material in any direction he chooses [Music] Assassin's Creed is known for immersing you the player in whatever culture the game takes place in leading you to believe that whatever beautifully elaborate weapons they design did exist in that culture however we know that Viking axes never had back spikes in fact I could only find one or two examples of them having anything out the back of the axe more likely to be a hammer head or something like that and the battle axes that we know the big two-handed Viking battle axes didn't really exist now they did use two-handed battle axes but it wasn't the big massive head that you're used to seeing in fantasy it was more of a smaller head on a long pole you see the two-handed nature of it wasn't about be able to lift something heavier it was about the reach to get out further from their opponent and that's why most historical Viking axes are quite small and sleek no matter how long of a polar mounted one in fact possibly the two most important factors of battle is how fast you can move and how far you can engage an opponent away from you [Music] [Music] our axe has now grown too large to fit in the propane Forge it's time to move to coal [Music] boom our axe is forged it's time to do a little bit of grinding I basically have to go around the perimeter up here at the point and then add in a little more cut in behind the beard then I have to move on to shaping our backs bike into the Assassin's Creed look let's get the right [Music] [Music] quick changing attachments on our broad back ironworks grinder make cleaning off all the different areas on this ax pretty quick job [Music] [Music] [Music] Viking axes and weapons in general were more often than not adorned with elaborate decoration in the form of engraving or more often than not and let [Music] now Assassin's Creed did an amazing job designing the new mahalo logo that's actually engraved in the side of our ass it's two battle-axes with braided handles that form the classic assassin's creed a we have to engrave that on the side the axe before we heat treat it otherwise it will be impossible a car Sakhi tree the axe was going to move to the charcoal Forge as it provides just enough with them to evenly heat up the entire beard and blade portion I [Music] watchfully even color and then move into water right after the water quench age pull out the ass and watch for the color from the body to creep up to the edge carefully cooling off or heating up certain portions to reach an even temper after the temper is achieved I move back to the charcoal Forge and start heating up the spike while cooling off the edge protecting it [Music] very last bit of metalwork we have to do in the axe before we can mount it is to establish our cutting edge so I'm going to move to a 36 grit on a 14 inch contact wheel and start grinding our edge and polish it all the way out [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] now liking axes and pull weapons in general more often than not pad has made out of ash or hard birch depending on what region they're from we've decided to go with a hard birch to give our axe a more authentic feel the hacks own original Viking axes were long and tapered and probably a lot more dainty than you think remember as I said before it's more important to have your weapon be light quick and swift in battle than it is to be heavy and menacing we hear it that works love makin axis so this has been a great build new be soft with assassin's creed weapons never failed to come true with a beautiful design it's kind of tough making a weapon from a video game that has a come out we'll have to wait a couple more months to see if we got this one right [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] thanks for watching our Assassin's Creed battle axe build if you'd like a chance to win this hand forged ORS hammer pendant all you have to do is like this video and share on social medias using the hashtag axe works as always don't forget to tell us in the comments below what build you want to see this team build next don't forget to like the video and subscribe to that works
Channel: That Works
Views: 293,859
Rating: 4.9493971 out of 5
Keywords: Assassin's Creed Valhalla, Valhalla Axe, Assassin's Creed Axe, Viking Axe, How to forge an axe, blacksmithing 101, Making a viking axe, how were vikings axes made, Assassins Creed Boss Logic, Man At arms reforged, matt and ilya, forged in fire, hook swords, Alec steele, Eivor
Id: -tIxYbO5jFg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 40sec (1000 seconds)
Published: Wed May 27 2020
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