Forging The [Lothric Knight Sword] - Dark Souls 3

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[Music] [Music] hello and welcome back to our very first Instagram live viewers choice bill now you know we usually scour through the YouTube comments and look for the most popular builds and choose what builds were going to make next from there however this time we decided to do something a little different we decided to have a series of live videos on Instagram and ask you the viewers what specific video game item you wanted to see build next and then have a discussion about each and every request and come to a conclusion and that conclusion this time was that we were gonna build the LA third night sword from Dark Souls 3 in Dark Souls 3 it said that the LA third night sword is one of the best if not the best straight swords in the game it's a great thrusting weapon and cutting weapon so Ilya and I were very pleased that this was the sword that you guys chose for us to build because it's rather realistic however in the game it's not only uses a two-handed weapon but also a one-handed weapon and I think it's a little too hefty to be used one-handed but we'll just have to wait to the demos to see how it performs both two-handed Lee and as a one-handed weapon if you guys would like to participate in the next viewers Choice videos that we do live on Instagram be sure to follow both Ilya at Slavic Smith and myself at mad Stagner on Instagram to make sure you don't miss out on those live videos now in Dark Souls it's said that you never really win you just get a little bit better each time you play the game let's find out if Ilya and I can defy the Dark Souls lore and conquer this build on our very first try to get the built started we have to size some 10:45 to a very specific size that's because the 1045 is going to act as the cheeks of our blade and we're going to insert a very high carbon ADC RV edge that will be forged welded in once our 1045 is sized [Music] [Music] with our 1045 now cut into two pieces it's time to insert our high carbon edge and begin Ford welding the two alloys together [Music] the initial Forge weld has to be solid on our very first try unlike working with other materials there will be no hot cutting in folding to refining the inclusions that could be in the billet this has to forge well at one time and be drawn out to the blade if there's any inclusions the blade will simply failed [Applause] when making sword blades I generally prefer to stay away from mana steel blades and choose laminate the advantage of a laminate construction is that I'm using a medium or low high carbon steel on the flats and an blade seal like a TC RV or a high carbon steel in the center where up on the grind my high carbon or blade steel shows up as a thin paper-thin layer on the outside but the medium carbon steel or low end of high carbon steel is on the flat preventing a breakage so my sword will be more like a spring and remember spring steels and not blade steels technically but I have on the edge a steel designed to be ablaze steel [Music] with our basic length now established and our point drawn out it's time to flip the blade over start forging in our ricasso and tang sections of the blade [Music] [Music] [Music] after Ilya began drawing out the Tang he realized didn't have quite enough material to draw out the link that he needed so he's going to do what a lot of Smith's of old did which is lap weld some extra material onto the Tang who forged rolled it both on the hammer and some by hand and then begin drawing the Tang out you may be thinking that this may decreased the structural integrity of our tank however upon further review of mini antique weapons we have noticed a forged welded on tank is present and almost all of them [Music] with our tang now forged welded and drawn out to shape it's time to begin forming our folder in this case we're going to be forging the folder into the blade using a spring swage [Music] you may be wondering why we chose to Forge the puller in instead of just grinding it that's because we need to gain a little bit more width and our blade in the top section so forging the fuller end like this actually spreads the material makes your blade a little wider and then afterwards when you move on to beveling the blade you'll gain even more with [Music] [Music] [Music] proper hammering technique is crucial in forging the bevels on a straight sword to make sure it does the corkscrew or Bend one way or the other if you'd like to see more on the correct technique of forging in your bevels be sure to check out our edge video dedicated to the topic [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] with the edges of the blade now forged in it's time to start forging in the hooks or perhaps you'd call them the spikes that lie beyond ricasso play [Music] all right now that we have our believe forged it's time to do a little bit of perimeter grinding before we can do the final straightening final grind in a tree basically my goal is to take out any of these little bumps define the tip and define our hooks that happen just beyond the ricasso I'm going to be doing all that work on our brought back ironworks grinders so let's get to work [Music] one of the great things about our brought back ironworks grinders is the versatility you'll notice that I'm using several different sized contact wheels that can change very quickly which doesn't slow my progress and increases my time efficiency as I work [Music] all right now that the blade has had its final straightening normally we would go right to heat treat when you forge a blade this close to shape it's plenty fine to go straight to the heat treat however you look at the sword in the game it has a very as forged or scaly texture to the blade so what we're gonna do is we're gonna polish out before completely before heat treat that way when we heat it up for the actual heat treat we get a little bit of scale in the fuller itself we'll leave it as that posh it out we'll still have to figure out some texture on the flats but it'll save us a lot of time doing the fuller first let's get to grind [Music] if hollow grinding horizontally just isn't your thing with these broad back grinders you can turn them a whole 90 degrees and grind up and down as well all without turning the sander off once again increasing your efficiency I myself don't really have a personal preference I mean grinding is grinding to me however the versatility of this grinder comes in very handy during mini processes with the fuller now polished out I have to do just a little bit of grinding on the flats to make sure the thicknesses are the same from side-to-side so we don't get any warping during the heat treat so to heat treat our sword we're gonna be doing something a little different you haven't seen us use an electrical kiln yet to do any heat treating because we're pretty good with controlling heat and either the charcoal or the gas gorgeous however even he sent us this amazing forty nine and a half inch kiln it's the largest model that they produce they will do some custom sizes if you want larger but this is all digitally controlled we literally type in exactly what we want this to do how long it comes up to heat how long it stays there all of that so we're gonna start by placing this into the kiln let it come up to the desired temperature and then we'll do just like we always have and quench it in either or on water in this case we're going into oil you can see that the temperature is steadily rising it's so well insulated that you can place your hand all around the outside so there's no danger of lighting anything else in your shop on fire when this is on it'll stay on as long as you tell it to come up to the heat pretty quick one of the really cool features about the even heat kilns is that this particular model has Wi-Fi built into it so you can download the app on either your phone or on the computer you can control it for long overnight soaks whatever you need your material to do all right you can see that we're almost up to temperature just about ready to put our blade in [Music] [Applause] [Music] after the quench I clamped the blade between two two by fours to prevent the chance that it could warp while that cools slowly to make the guard for the sore I'm going to use a combination of wrought iron and pure iron the reason why I'm choosing those materials rather than anything else is because the Forge weld easier and I want to accomplish an almost hollow guard construction to reduce a lot of the weight of this sword [Music] [Music] to make all three sections of our sword guard we're working from the same bar however we first have to cut off the square section that will have the tank slot hop punched in the center and then start forming the other part of the bar into the cheeks that will be forged welded later to begin forging the cheeks daily report using a top tool American power ever to create two scoops on either side of a central [Music] [Music] now that all three phases of our garter cords together as one will be eating them up in the Forge and Forge welding together [Music] [Music] while the work continues on the guard forging the blade is now been heat-treated and tempered and it's ready for its final grind in Polish [Music] [Music] now that our blade has been ground polished and sharpened all the way to a nice satin finish it's time to add an antique finish in the game this sword looks like it's been through a lot of abuse so now we have to do a couple techniques to make the blade look aged part of that antique finish is going to be some ferric ferric chloride dip and then we'll do some other perfect that one hurt a little bit while the blade antiques it's time to move on to forging the pommel we basically have to draw out two tapered points on either end then we can move to the grinder to do the final shaping [Music] to create the scallop section in our pommel I've now attached a narrow wheel that you see me cut a lot of Fuller's in with onto our broad back grinder and I begin cutting in the designs directly into the face of the bottle while we have the narrow wheel setup we're going to start cutting in the details onto the guard of the sword [Music] this specific sword has a round handle cross-section and if you're making a symmetrical sword like a long sword or a short sword you want to stay away from around cross-section the reason is it messes up with your edge alignment so special in a longer blade you will see the blade starting to flex even before it hits the target and that's because you starting out and there's already inertia and then as you hit the target that inertia gets transferred onto more flexing so as a result the round handle will be detrimental to the slicing abilities of the weapon however it does not interfere with any thrusting motion whatsoever and that's why daggers as well as rapier is very often than not have a round handle cross-section in the game it appears that the swords handle is made out of solid steel to create this look and to keep the weight reduced we're forging our handle out of some pipe when forging pipe whether it's underneath a power hammer whereby handle and anvil very important to rotate it evenly and be very patient during your forging otherwise the pipe can become lopsided and you will lose all of your symmetry to create the risers in our handle we've tack welded two quarter inch pieces of round rod onto the pipe itself we can then form the round rod over the pipe and then we can forge weld them seamlessly making it look like everything was made from one solid piece alright now that all the pieces of our sword exist it's time to turn our steel guard and pommel and two brass ones the way we're gonna do that is use our brand new Harris torch heat up our steel pieces and then use a brass wire wheel to then coat the surface with breasts let's get started started off [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] this was a greatsword build general showed a lot of different techniques however it made it super sweet knowing that this was a fans choice build so we would the extra mile and made sure that all the textures and all the surfaces of every single piece of this sword was spot-on to the game now there's only one thing left to do to see if this sword is as dominated in real life as it is in the game [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] well that was a great feel and this sword performed a lot better than I thought it would it is quite heavy because it has all steel handle however the steel handle pulls that balance point back a bit towards the pommel side and allows it to actually be fairly usable with one hand but it's most certainly a two-handed weapon make sure you follow us both on instagram at slavic smith and i'm matt Stagner so you can participate in the discussion on our next instagram live videos thanks for watching and as always we ask you to subscribe to that works
Channel: That Works
Views: 621,185
Rating: 4.9628682 out of 5
Keywords: lothric knight sword, dark souls 3, dark souls man at arms, how to forge a sword, lothric knight build, blacksmithing 101, how to be a blacksmith, forging a video game sword, matt and ilya, forged in fire champion, alec steele sword, forging lothric knight sword, making lothric knight sword, real life dark souls, Play station 5, 4 weeks of forging, forging challenge, beat the judges, blacksmith anvil
Id: SLzo91stDVw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 27sec (1767 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 23 2020
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