Forging Pickup Tongs - DF In The Shop

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hi and welcome back today I'm doing one of my favorite things which is taking small little pieces of metal that really aren't worth much and turning into something that I need and in this case it's going to be a pair of tongs the heavier pieces are obviously going to be the working end of the pair of tongs and I've welded them to some light flat bar that are going to turn into the handles this is the way small blacksmith shops made their tongs they would Forge welded pieces together of course at that time I've stick welded them here but the process is exactly the same if you don't have a welder you can find a welding shop that will do this for you but just make sure that you bring them enough work to fill an hour's worth of time because they're going to charge you for an hour whether they're welding one pair of tongs for you or 25 or however many they can get done in an hour what I'm working on today is a light duty pair of tongs with a fine curved tip this pair of Tonks isn't going to be used to hang on to metal while I'm foraging this pair is mainly going to be used to hold small pieces of copper wire in the fire while I'm brazing tongs that are not used to hold specific bar stocks are usually referred to as pickup tongs and they come in a lot of shapes and sizes and they're just a general purpose tongue used to move metal around and hold things that can't be held with bare hands foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] everyone says to be productive you need to think two and three steps ahead of what you're actually doing right now and I agree with that 100 percent the problem is though that as you get older if you do that you quite often lose track of what you are supposed to be doing right now and that's exactly what happened here since I use flat bar for the reins I had to make sure that the narrow edge of the flat bar is sitting 90 degrees to the offset that I'm creating for the bits of the tongs and I totally overlooked that so I had to put a Twist in to rotate the flat bar 90 degrees I'm 100 clear on what I'm supposed to be doing two or three Heats down the road but I just had to stop and take a side trip and put a Twist in the bar to put this one right so I could keep going fortunately I have more than enough material to hammer this twist out so there was no real problem it's just frustrating when you know better [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign [Music] foreign foreign foreign foreign [Music] foreign foreign [Music] foreign [Music] after foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign thanks for watching if you have any questions you can contact me by using the email address that I have shown here if you like the channel and the work that I'm doing please consider becoming a patron every dollar you contribute will bring me one step closer to being able to produce videos full time foreign
Channel: DF - In The Shop
Views: 3,232
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: fEFRVe22kT8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 52sec (1252 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 07 2023
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