Forging my dagger for The Dagger Challenge!

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hey folks welcome to the channel and welcome  to my build for the dagger challenge here's   all the steel we're going to use and here's the  design we're going to be doing a quillian dagger   so let's talk about all this steel this is  1095 this is 15n20 and this is pure nickel   this is just a piece of 150 layer  damascus that i did in a previous build   so we're going to use that later on in the build  let's stack it up and get it in the forge the   graphic in the corner is a rough representation  of what i want the final pattern to look like remember folks this is the dagger challenge  against all of these youtube channels at the end   of the video please go down in the description  click on the link and vote for your favorite i'm going to use the graphic in the corner  to represent what the billet looks like   the black being the 1095 the gray is the 15  n20 and that white layer that's the pure nickel right now i'm forge welding all the layers  together to form one cohesive billet the bill is now forge welded  and squished down a little bit   now we're going to draw it out and then we'll go  to our next step which is turning it into seas now using the squaring dies i'm going to knock in   the corners and that's going to make  it look like the graphic in the corner i do another heat with the squaring dies just  to make sure i get all the corners pushed in   then we're going to rotate it 90  degrees to get ready to squish it by down down the corners now  i'm gonna get a nice bar of seas   and this is what we're gonna  restack to get our pattern here i'm using some kiss blocks to make sure   that the billet gets the exact  same thickness all the way down and finally i'm just trying to square this up   and get the corners as sharp as i  can to get ready for the restack all right i've taken that bar that i've just  forged and i've cut it up and ground the sides   and i labeled every one of these to make sure they  go in the right order because we want these to go so that all of the ends line up  perfectly down the bar all right after a little dip in kerosene to aid in the forge  weld i try to get these into the forge but they're   actually pretty tall stack end up having to put  it sideways now we should have the pattern that's   in the corner i'm forge welding that stack so it  sticks together and we'll be able to draw it out after we forge weld this and start to draw  it out it'll start to look more like this so remember this pattern is on the end of the  billet i'm going to want this pattern to   actually be on the blade so i need to draw  this out really long chop it up into pieces   and stack it up really high  and then forge it on its end so we've got the surfaces all ground we're going  to flip them all and then i'm going to use this   stainless steel tube i'm going to cut it just  to encase it all so you get a perfect forge weld   i actually decided against the stainless  steel tube and i tried just to tig weld   all of the seams that worked out  really well and i was happy with it now remember this pattern is on the narrow edge of  this billet graphic shows you what that looks like   right now once we forge weld this together we're  going to cut it in half lengthwise on the bandsaw   and then flip it and mirror it  and forge weld it back together so here's the billet after forging uh it looks  really good on this side but on this side got a   big crack right here i don't know how deep it goes  but that's why you want lots of extra steel so   i don't even need this piece i could just  kind of break this off cut this off and save   this i definitely have enough steel here  to complete the project but i might just   grind into it and see how far that goes um it  looks like it goes at least a quarter inch so   i probably just want to cut it i'm debating  if i'm going to use this piece of a 150   layer damascus to go in the center  because i have a lot of steel here   next step i'm going to clean the edges i'm  just going to grind off the edges and then probably cut it on the bandsaw  and see what i'm dealing with   i'm just tack welding this to a piece of  steel so it's easy to hold in the bandsaw so here's the billet i had a couple little  surface cracks so i just ground those out   so that um i would they wouldn't go any deeper  uh i'm not sure you can see you probably can't   but the center pattern there's not that much of  the black left so i'm actually going to take these   two pieces of 1095 and just forge weld them in  the center so that i kind of want that a little   thicker all right and i'll weld it up then i'm  going to grind this flat we should be good to go now that we've mirrored and restacked  our billet it's starting to take shape   and look like our final product now  to forge weld this stack together now it's time to draw this out so  we have enough length for our dagger well this was such a long forging session that  the camera overheated so you guys missed a bit   of it but it was really just me drawing this  out you can see that i got way more steel than   i need which is great um next steps i'm going to  have to put in a tip and this whole thing has to   be forged to profile i'm not going to forge  the bevels but it has to be forged to shape   to retain the pattern i'm sure i'm  going to get another knife out of this   unless something goes wrong in here all right next  step first let's cut off the end nice and clean now i'm cutting some fish lips into the billet  this is because i want to forge weld this tip   together if i don't it won't look like the  pattern converges to the tip of the blade   i want that to be nice and symmetrical now that i've forged those fish lips  back together now we're going to   draw it out and make it nice and  narrow and taper towards the tip now finally our pattern is coming  together now that i see the pattern   i do wish i would have done another  restack before the tall restack   just because the pattern gets a  little stretched out here but oh well here it is after forging i've just  cleaned it up a bit on the grinder   on the angle grinder just to take some scale off  you can see the blade right now is it's like 13   13 and a half inches so it's really long quite a  bit longer than i wanted i had the pattern on one   side and the patterns actually you know i pulled  the end back and even so it's it's an inch and a   half longer it's a shame to waste this material  but i don't want it to feel like a short sword   so i'll see i'm going to do the profile on  the tip and we'll see what it looks like i know a lot of people watch forged  and fire and think the majority of   the time is the forging and i see we're  already halfway through this video but   really the rest of the video took about five  times longer than what you've seen already now it's time to put in the bevels this is  always a tricky part with the dagger because   there's four bevels that need to be perfect i'm  starting with a broadback incinerator belt these   are the best belts on the market go check  down in the description if you need a link hey folks i hope you're enjoying my build for the  dagger challenge remember this is a challenge and   we want you guys to vote down in the description  and in the pinned comment is a link for you guys   to vote for your favorite build so go watch all  the builds come back and vote thanks guys here   it is after the initial grind pretty good  pretty symmetrical um the line is pretty   much down the center there's a few little wavy  spots but i'll clean those up in the final grind   all right now it's time to do some heat treatment here it is after heat treat and temper it's nice  and straight let's go do some final grinding i didn't show it but this one tested  right out at 60 hrc on the tester now it's time to start working on the  guard this is just a piece of mild steel   i'm marking it out so i can mill the slot now to put a little shape in those quillians so i did a bit more work on the guard um you can  see that um not only did i bend it but before i   did that i kind of took some off here then i  just took some files and kind of rounded the   edges and then went to the grinder and round  these off these are going to get some little   clamshell marks you'll see what i'm going to do  here and then i just cold bent these so there's   the guard so far i'm going to leave that for a  little while now i'm going to work on this spacer this is another piece of mild steel then we're  going to move on to the pommel also in mild steel so i did a little more work on the  guard i just tapered this a little bit   where the spacer goes so they meet up nicely you saw me do the pommel so next thing is in the  very center of this there's going to be a channel   and there's going to be some inlay  same with the center of this right here   right in the middle of this little piece so the  way i'm going to do that is i'm going to take this   little it's almost like a slitting saw but this is  an abrasive disc i'm going to put this in the mill   put that groove in there and then i'm  going to use some silver solder and i'm   just going to press this i'm going to hammer  in the solder in that channel let's go do it so i put the channel in there and it's  deep enough i don't think i need to   undercut it i did this on a little test piece  now i'm just going to hammer in the silver   the silver wire and hope for the best now it's time to put those little clam  shell marks at the end of the quillians   this was actually pretty fun to do so here it is with the guard and the spacer on  it there's the uh the silver uh on the spacer   i also did it on the uh here so that turned  out really good i did the little clam shells   on the guard which i think came out really nice   now onto the handle so i'm going to be using  this maple burl from siberia from my buddy oleg   his links down in the description as always  so go get some good material from him molly stop parking so you can see  i put a bolt through it because   that's because i'm going to turn  this on the lathe let's go do it so here's the first time with it all put together so i really like it it feels good in the hand and i know many of you saying  wow that looks great um   but the spiral fluting that's  really what's going to set it apart   in order to do spiral fluting you need to set  up a grid system on your handle i'm going to   do a whole video on this so if you're interested  in that check out my triple t videos coming soon i purchased this high-speed rotary burr exactly  for this reason this thing spins at 400 000 rpms and now for a lot of tedious file work so it's time to twist the wire for the wire inlay  on the handle so i've got this wire i'm not sure   what its gauge is but it's really thin but we're  going to twist it so what i've done is just taken   a big loop i'm going to hook it here and  i'm just going to attach the other end in   my drill and i'm just going to spin it well folks that sucked i was putting this in  my sanding vise and i guess i didn't notice   that i had this kind of right up against  it and when i cranked down on it with the   with the bolts it snapped off  this tip which really sucks um it looks so nice with that little piece sticking  out there so man i guess i'm gonna have to just   kind of bring this in and round it a little bit on  both sides it'll still look okay but it's a bummer here we go the final moment of truth it  has been sanded to 800 we're going to just   kind of wash it and distill water  i've already cleaned it in acetone and into the acid it goes so i've got all  the fittings in the hot salts be another   four or five minutes they'll come out get immersed  in water we should have jet black fittings look at that nice black fittings so so you
Channel: Tyrell Knifeworks
Views: 926,845
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Forging my dagger for The Dagger Challenge!, the dagger challenge, forging a dagger, dagger challenge, how to forge a dagger, quillion dagger, forging a quillion dagger, forging a damascus dagger, damascus dagger, damascus quillion dagger, hot bluing
Id: jqhOegXvhpE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 59sec (1499 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 15 2022
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