Forging a Boar Spear from an Old Leaf Spring.

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] let's take a break from the montage and talked about my thought process a little bit on this bore spear now my uncle he asked me to make for him a boar spear he does medieval reenactments and so while this tool is probably not going to be used in reality I'm still gonna make it a hundred percent functional and it's gonna be a beast now the design I was kind of looking at historical designs for a boar spear and this I actually saw a German boar speared that looked exactly like this and I tried to draw that out that design is okay I saw some other more non historical designs that had more this leaf shape that's what I originally had planned for this but what I found is that I kind of like this design more of a short sword design aesthetically I like that a bit more - that's what I'm gonna go with and originally I was gonna try and forge out these I don't know trunnions flanges here what they are is for that boar because after you'd stab the board the board actually walk up the spear and so they put these crossbars here so the board couldn't keep walking up the shaft now I originally like it was gonna try and forge the doubt I was going to either cut a diagonal line right here and then Bend these out or do something similar along the bottom and for this what I sat there for about 15 minutes and tried to figure out was how I was going to get that area hot one of the issues I was running into is that this section right here it's about a 12 inch section is gonna be the tang of my boar spear and my Forge wouldn't allow me to fit all this Plus this area here that I would need to heat up to forge out this section here so I've decided to forgo that and what I'm gonna do is I'm just going to cut this out to shape and then I'll weld on an O blasphemy not even 412 either I will simply weld on with the modern welder these flanges it's just going to be the most simplistic design now could I fire up the coal Forge and get this area hot yes but I already know that if I were to try and do this with the coal Ford with my coal Forge set up it would take probably 20 or 30 pounds of coal and countless hours just I don't have to spend with my limited schedule so I've decided to forgo that so what I'm gonna do right now is I'm gonna come in and forge out the bevels on this section here now I know I could have forged out the tip but I've tried forging on tip on this 5160 a little bit thicker than a quarter-inch and it just takes a really really long time to do and so I chickened out and I use the angle grinder but I will forge in the bevels and then I will also cut this out with angle rounder but I'm not gonna do that right now because I feel like once I get going I don't want this section to Bend right here while I'm forking out this so if I keep this nice and thick gives me a good handle to work with and I won't have any deviation or flexion of the cutting edge as far as the attachment method for the shaft historical ones forged in a cone you know they did like a PI section here and they made it conical I don't have a horn of an anvil I don't have any mandrels that would allow me to do that so it would be exceedingly difficult to do so what I'm gonna do is more the African method how they make their Spears and once this is all done with the forging up here I'll come with Inga render cut this all the shape I'll leave me with a nice you know 14-inch tang here and that will allow me to then take a piece of wood and insert this Tang into the staff to create it'll make a very strong construction method and it'll be a whole lot easier than trying to forge out a flange and make an economical so that's we're going right now it's time to forge in the bevels [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you I've come to the point in this build where I can no longer do it myself unfortunately I don't have a welder I don't even have electricity in the shop so we can find a welder it wouldn't do me much greatness so I found a place locally that's willing to weld on these two wings here like 30 bucks so today I'm head over there and get that done just got back from the welding place in town they did it for ten bucks which is awesome to grind these down and then we're off to heat treat [Music] you [Music] just got done quenching it and I'm going to say that was a huge success I'm still a little warm let's go put it in the oven but you can see here that catches on the camera how it's lighter here than it is on this side and if you see where I fit in with the file I'm so hot it bit in more to the softer stuff so this while it did get harder than it was prior previously it's not quite as hard as this section all up here which is just fine because you're not going to be doing the stabby stabby bits with this section down here also it has an inherent differential hatred because the thickness on the spine of it is substantially more substantial than the edge what happened was the edge got to critical temperature but the spine did not and so when I gave it the old one-two in the quench tank this got very hard on the outside and the inside stayed nice and soft this is just perfect I just excellent I was actually contemplating if I want to put a clay in here but I've heard that clay can be pretty hard to get off and since I didn't want to touch this post heat treat you know I'm gonna leave it that Forge finish I would have had a hard time doing that with the clay on it so this is turned out perfectly really nice now on the bottom here I was hoping that this heat line right here would extend past this and darken this section up it didn't so after I temper this in the oven I'm actually gonna stick this section all in water and then I'm gonna take a torch and I'm gonna darken this up and all that's gonna do is just see how this is all black it's just gonna turn that all black as well it's not gonna really mess the heat treat because this doesn't this is not treated at all anyways it's gonna be nice and soft which is what we want down there very happy with how that turned out [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so I'm at the very end here I finished how long I wanted to go it looks really nice it's on there nice and tight I don't know if this is more of a suede leather so it's got a cool grip to it now I'm going to cut off a section not too long because however long you cut it you've got to then pull back into it to the handle itself somebody cut it right here that looks good and I'm going to thread this through the remainder of my loop hold that like that and then I'm going to pray that if I then pull on this it's gonna work I've done this with a paracord and paracord works like a charm let's see the pull here Shuchi well yeah okay that did not work all right obviously doesn't have the tensile strength paracord does see you I'm gonna have to figure out something else to do with this yeah here is the bourse beer all finished up this was definitely a challenge to make in my little Forge kind of push the limits of what it can handle as far as sides goes we're about ten and a half inches long that one's picking up outside three inches wide a lot longer with the tang obviously but it's got a pretty good edge on it definitely enough for spear work nothing that's gonna be hair shaving a sharp or anything but it's definitely sharp enough really enjoyed making this was definitely out of my wheelhouse I'm excited to make more Spears a little bit bigger blade so now that I've got the propane Forge going my little coal Forge would definitely would not be able to handle this size I just wouldn't have been able to get the entire piece heat at all at once to be able to do a good heat treat on it but I really hope my uncle gets a kick out of this I had fun making it hope you guys enjoyed watching take care [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Iron Ridge Outdoors
Views: 105,631
Rating: 4.6787362 out of 5
Keywords: Hand forged, blacksmith, bladesmith, knife, spear, blade, hand made
Id: jRqK55ogDl0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 29sec (1169 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 03 2018
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