Forged in Fire: Ultimate Battle of The U.S. Military Branches!

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furman tyler congratulations you boys have made it into the final round of this competition now we're sending you back to your home for just to recreate this iconic weapon the u.s army officer sword oh the sabrin gentlemen you'll have four days at your home forges in which to complete this challenge at the end of those four days you'll return and present your sabers to our panel of expert judges and after they've thoroughly tested them they'll move one of you forward to our battle of the branches final to represent the army good luck bladesmiths we'll see you in four days thanks good luck it's day one i'm back at my home forge in wyo wisconsin so my plan is gonna be to start out with a nice 25 plus layer billet of damascus i've got my stack of 1084 right here then i've got my stack of 15 n20 here we're ready to rock and roll and get this into the forge i made a log splitter press so that's given me 22 tons of squish squish probably cut this into about four bars which will put us at uh 108 layers restacked then we'll get them over to the welder we're so hot in there it's like looking at the sun day one's coming to a close i'm just getting that last bit of length out of my billet kind of looking like a saber we got a quench tank i'm hoping the quench goes well that way i can move on to the guard i get that blade into the oil no pings that's a good sign that's a very good sign when i pull the blade out of the quench the blade actually straightened out instead of taking a curve so now i'm under the perimeters i put my blade back in the heat i bring it out i put it on the jig that i made now i don't want to over pull it because i don't want to break it i made it it's day two here on my home forge it's time to quench i'm really crossing my fingers here that everything's gonna go as planned because i don't wanna have to start over temperature feels good got a real real slight warp in the end i think that's something i can grind out the file skates today's the last day i'm starting day four i'm concentrating on sharpening that blade and getting the handle done i'm gonna go with purple heart one of the highest honors that you can receive while being in war and surviving so now a little bit epoxy we are successful on this one it's day four here at my home forge uh plan for the day is to uh finish shaping my handle get everything polished up put together and finishing up a blade that i'm happy with i rounded off a piece of wood to help me develop that curve in the guard that's a good start we're gonna bring out that damascus the most rewarding part about making damascus is going into the acid i'm just 110 pleased with it the contrast is great the pattern is awesome i can't wait to see this blade tested by the judges hopefully i can hear tyler welcome back to the forge you soldiers have had four days at your home for just to work on your army officer sabres now it's time for our weapons test a strength test a sharpness test and a kill test all right soldiers your weapons look beautiful but were they born to kill to find that out i'm gonna take your weapons and deliver slashes and thrust on this ballistics dummy tyler you're up first you ready for this ready as i'll ever be you need those teeth at last per uric i knew him well all right tyler this edge is sharp i mean just pulling out of that look how deeply it cut this ballistics dummy now in cutting the spine and the jaw it took a little bit of glinting but no major chips stayed straight and most of all it will kill thank you come in are you ready sir yes sir [Music] as soon as i see the band on my blade my heart stops all right true means your edge will lacerate and cut flesh your tip is sharp to puncture from the back even into the heart and it lacerates on the way out but in cutting the head and cutting that spine it did take a bend and there's light chipping on the edge of your blade but your weapon sir will kill yeah bladesmiths welcome to the strength to test the strength of your blade and the overall construction of your sabers i'm going to beat them violently into these helmets like they were being worn by my mortal enemy now i'm not really concerned about what your saber does to the helmets or the dummy i want to see what the helmet and dummy are going to do to your sabers now furman we're going to let your blood pressure cool down a little bit thank you tyler you're going to go first you ready yep [Music] well tyler's a beast you got some chipping on the edge i can catch my nail on i don't see any pulls or delaminations in your steel still in one piece it's still sharp good job thank you okay furman how are you feeling [Laughter] well we're gonna do it anyway [Music] all right friend and we got two problems one your blade is just continuing to bend pretty soon it's gonna be a 90 degree angle uh the other thing is your handle grooves are shoving my hand right up against the guard and it's just bashing my knuckles up into it you can see my back two knuckles already starting to turn blue and swell that's a really big problem for [Music] me gentlemen these tests are intentionally brutal and severe to set your blades apart from one another furman we had a catastrophic failure in the middle of our strength test and we just cannot continue testing with that bent blade i have to dismiss you from the forge thank you so much thank you i gave it my best thank you sorry i totally agree with shouting the test down i wouldn't want to test it myself and be injured represent us well hello brother tyler coming up against you was an honor i might not be the fortune fire champion however making it this far it's been an amazing trip i would love to do it all over again go army tyler congratulations you've earned the army's and villain our battle of the branches final competition where you'll have a chance to win the title of forged and fire champion for the army and a check for 50 000 good job brother feels amazing but this is just the first step i still got to go up against the navy the marines and the air force to prove that the army can take it all i'm tyler hackbaugh i'm the army champion and i'm coming for you guys mike matt congratulations you've made it to the next phase in this operation which means we're sending you back to your home for just to recreate this iconic weapon the united states air force non-commissioned officer sword you'll have four days at your home forges in which to complete this challenge at the end of four days you'll return and present your swords to our panel of expert judges and after they've put them through the paces they'll move one e1 to our final battle of the branches competition you also need to make a scabbard for this sword man i'm just messing with you good luck blade smiths we'll see you in four days good luck brother it's day one it feels great to be back here in my home forge for this blade i'm going to be using damascus and i'm going to try to put in a twist just for fun a lot of air force ties in how i live my life day to day and this challenge was no exception there's a lot of first for me on this blade i've never done damascus this long i've never heat treated anything this long i've never made a cross guard like this before it's going to be a bit stressful for me none of my welds pop so at least it's a solid billet so we won't know for sure until we're grinding into it but i'm fairly certain it was a successful twist i don't think we have any inclusions i think it's going to look pretty good so i've got 16 layers now in this billet i've got it drawn out enough i can cut it into three sections stack it back on itself for a total of 48 layers this is gonna be one of the longest things i've ever forged so keeping it straight might be a little bit of a challenge especially with the twist in it that could cause some things to warp all in all a solid finish for day one [Music] now that i'm one of two airmen left i definitely want to be you know the one that shows that the air force has what it takes to win the fortune fire branch competition the plan for today is to draw the 1084 round stock out i'm just going to draw lohan on the floor to give me an idea of how far i'm drawing it out to start the 1084 steel was 20 inches i got to draw it out to about 35 inches to get the cross guard the handle and the palm oil i still got to draw it out quite a bit with this 27 to 28 inch sword it's going to be interesting keeping it straight is a negative 18 outside right now so i'm ready to get inside and uh turn this forage on so yesterday i got the blade drawn out this morning we're going for the flinch getting something this long hot and keeping it straight is uh going to be one of my biggest challenges right now now i got a warping issue i might be heat treating it again in the back of your mind you're always thinking did the heat treat not go well quenching two times we'll have you know bad grain structure i have a ton of concerns slight warp but at this point i'm definitely not quenching again it's the morning of day four i didn't sleep very well i still need to finish the pommel i need to finish the cross guard and i haven't even started the handle yet i can tell we're almost through though almost there i can feel it i definitely think this is a blade worthy of having me stand at the air force angle in the final round it is an example of how i problem solve how i look for solutions and how i don't give up all right that's as good as we're gonna get day four and today i need to get the cross guard fitted up the handle shape wrapped with wire and then the pommel assembled as well holy handle looking at the original nco sword i was trying to figure out what the best way to make that wire wrapped handle was safety wire we used that military i thought that was good to kind of throw a little air force ism into it it works perfect i'm definitely nervous that i have only one day left in the back of your mind you're always thinking do i have what it takes to move on to the battle of the branches i mean that's what it's all about that's it may the best airmen win all right airmen now we'll take your weapon and deliver some thrust and slashes on this ballistic stummy mike you're up first you ready absolutely let's do it [Music] oh all right mike it's a very light sword because of that you can move with it now your tip allows for a nice thrust with your edge it slices i can feel every cut in there but more importantly it will kill thank you all right matt your turn you ready sir yes sir nice all right mats talk about your blade here the edge that you have here is very sharp the point punctures nicely and most importantly sir it'll kill awesome thank you all right next up the strength test for that we have ben hello bladesmiths to test the strength and durability of your swords as well as their overall construction i'll be bashing them into this propeller mike you're up first you ready no we're gonna do it anyway all right [Music] well mike your blade helds up great the only issue i have with it is that i would really like this pommel to be bigger if the pommel were bigger it would give me a stop but it's got a nice weight it's still sharp as when it started really well done thank you so much matt you're up what are you thinking ready [Music] [Music] bad badass well matt your blade held up great it's still sharp this is a much heavier sword but the biggest issue i have is with the cross guard and back your cross guard is loose it wiggles and also your wire wrap is loose but it's all in one piece it did a heck of a thing on that propeller well done thank you well we're not finished yet next up is the sharpness test and for that i give you the dug all right airmen to test the edge of your blade i'm going to be cutting across these harnesses i'm looking for clean cuts mike you're up first you ready for this let's do it let's do this [Music] [Music] good job right you're good sharp all right mike light and flight and sharp enough to cut through the harness it's woodcut thanks sir good job thanks man all right matt your turn sir are you ready yes sir [Music] damn all right matt let's talk about your blade here it's kind of heavy it's so forward in its weight that on this slash using the last six inches it just scratched the back of the harness but on the backhand swing where it's going all the way through it cut the harness but your weapon sir it will cut thanks good job man thanks mike matt the blade smith moving forward is mike congratulations thank you matt first of all thank you for your service you have a beautiful sword that did quite well but we based our decision on the fact that your guard came loose the weight of your sword and the wire wrapping is also loose well that's the reason we're sending it home yes sir matt at this time i have to ask you to please surrender your blade i feel good no matter what i mean i'm glad i made it here good job thank you i'm proud of myself for sure mike's going to represent the air force well he's got a lot of people rooting for him me as well and he's a good bladesmith so good luck mike they said you're only as good as your competition and you overcame a fantastic competitor to move forward in this competition to represent the entire branch of the air force at our battle of the branches competition how do you feel feels amazing please present your blade to the judges i can't believe i'm the air force champion i'm looking forward to showing the rest of the dod what we've got there's a lot of added pressure moving forward now i'm competing against the army the navy and the marine corps we've got a little bit of a rivalry going on so you better bring it cause you know i'm going to [Music] trip gene congratulations you fellas have made it into the next evolution of this competition now we're sending you back to your home for just to recreate this [Music] your final challenge is to forge a marine corps officer's sword also known as a mammal luke you'll have four days at your home forges in which to complete this challenge and at the end of those four days you'll return and present your swords to our panel of expert judges and after they've thoroughly tested them they'll move one of you forward to represent the marine corps at the battle of the branches final competition and give you that opportunity to win a check for 50 grand good luck bladesmiths we'll see you in four days so it's day one i'm back at my home forge in springfield virginia so i think the more difficult aspects of the build are the parameters that i have to build it to it's very specific and very tight so we'll see what happens because the parameters are so tight on the bend of the blade my crazy idea is to take a six by six log and then i'm gonna remove all the excess wood and it's gonna leave me with a the blade shape that i want wow that went better than i thought i plan on heating up the metal and whacking it on this log and it's going to bend and conform to it i've seen a lot of the smiths straighten out their blade with this slap on the anvil so why not try to do it on a big old log and put an arch in it it seemed to work pretty well i like just jumped four hours ahead of my little schedule i'm getting ready to heat treat it i want to keep it thick because i'm worried about a warp clutching [Music] i am exhausted the quench went great i'm ready to hit the rack all right so it's day two of getting ready to jump right into some forging hammer time this is a very thin long blade so what's difficult about a thin and long blade is just the pure fact that it's gonna warp i'm constantly having to hammer the big curves back out and try to keep it straight as possible all while trying to draw it out and get the width and the thickness that i want it finally meets parameters i'm finally able to move on to quenching if i was to pick up a crack that start over time man this thing could do anything in the uh clinch here if this thing snaps we're gonna be close to being screwed man i don't see any warps it looks like it's pretty straight super stoked about that after today i feel pretty damn awesome day three and i'm ready to get going on sand casting a guard for my mama luke sword i've never done any sand casting before go big or go home the consistency of the sand is the big thing i went with play box sand mix it with some kitty litter and some water got it to the right consistency and took a shot at it i molded some clay in this rough shape of a guard and i used that to mold the sand around i pulled out the clay now i'm ready to heat up my brass let's go cast some metal my mold is ready my brass is a big pool of molten hot brass i'm ready to pour it in so i'm gonna go for it i'm really hoping this sand cast goes well because i've used a lot of time and if it doesn't i don't know how i'm going to recover moment of truth coming up holy cow it works i can't believe it i just got to knock the sand off clean it up a little bit on the grinder that's a guard we got a guard day four man today i've got to sharpen this blade get it out of here my k bar didn't do so well in the rope cutting test so i want this blade to cut through whatever those guys are going to put this thing through i want that marine core anvil pretty damn bad just because i want to be able to represent the marines and the battle of the branches i believe i can come home with that 50 grand and represent the marine corps very well [Music] damn so this is the start of day four so today i gotta start out with getting it all fit together when doug marcaito swings this thing it is going to slice whatever it goes into [Music] i realized i had a little bit more time left when i wanted to try to put the names of my competitors on the blade with some gun blue rick garrett trip g i'm pretty happy with it i know it's gonna cut i am done all right marines welcome to the keel test to find out what lethal damage your weapon will do i'll take your weapon deliver killing blows to this ballistics dummy trippy up first you ready for this get it killer hoorah [Music] yikes [Music] holy moly all right trip first up the handle construction it is comfortable your edge here is sharp even cutting through the skull no issues at all no chipping no glinting and when you thrust with this it penetrates and cuts all the way out overall sir your weapon will kill all right hey raw all right gene you're next you ready let's do this [Music] [Music] [Music] oh no it bent it all right gene your weapon picked up a warp right here okay your handle coupled with blood all over made it very slippery and hard to hold on to because it's blocky and smooth and i lost my grip on it that's a very dangerous thing to happen when you're trying to wield the weapon but your edge is still sharp your tip is still frostable and more importantly it will kill that'll work all right gentlemen it's time for the strength test so to test the overall construction of your blade and see if they're going to hold an edge i'll be smashing into these pots now remember this test is not about what your swords do to those pots for those pots dude your swords trip you up you ready ready okay oh yep holy moly dog well tripp a few things before we get to the obvious your handle construction is very comfortable felt really good in my hand felt like i could do a lot with it but right there at the edge there's that little brown spot you got a micro crack on that edge yeah so as soon as i hit that pot it cutlers i loved it feel its shape and its look but obvious problem all right tripp while i know any marine could take that blade and still continue to fight in this competition your blade suffered a catastrophic failure after one strike on that vase gene your blade only has to survive one strike on these pots [Music] the entire marine championship for forged in fire lies on one swing and i've got a big old warp in my blade so it's not over yet nice job gene first off you're in one piece you picked up that bend earlier on but you didn't pick up any more in this test strong blade held up good job thank you all right tripp looks like gene's blade held up that means that you cannot move forward to represent the marine corps in our next challenge please leave the forge super disappointed there's really no way to tell that you have like any minor cracks or anything like that so you just hey you find out when you test them that's how we found out today yeah brother james gonna freaking bring home that battle of the branches marine corps anfield he's winning it for the marine corps gene congratulations you've won this competition and that means that you're going to be moving forward into our battle of the branches final competition to represent the marine corps at the marine corps zanville and that's going to give you an opportunity to win a check for 50 000 good job brother holy cow i did not see this coming it's been a fun ride up until now but now i got to represent the marines so now it's it's game on and it's about to get real those other brand service members better look out jared lee congratulations you guys have made it into the next phase of this selection process what you're fighting for is the navy anvil at the battle of the branch's final competition and a chance to win fifty thousand dollars and now we're sending you back to your home forges to recreate this military weapon from history u.s naval officer sword awesome you'll have four days at your home forges in which to complete all these parameters at the end of those four days you'll return and present your blades to our panel of expert judges after they've expertly tested them they'll push one of you forward into the battle of the branches competition good luck bladesmiths we'll see you in four days today is day one and today i'm working on boarding out the basic shape of the sword and maybe get the heat tree navy way is uh slowest smooth start slow and it will turn into speed and perfection later on i got my sword shaped out and i'm ready for uh heat treat into day one no cracks i'm feeling pretty good i'm sitting well right now yup that is sexy all right first thing i'm gonna do today is use my rotary tool and hand grind in my fuller [Music] for a hand fuller can't ask for much better blades ready to be quenched the one thing you always think about is don't snap this is the moment you don't have a warp snaps are fatal warps are critical but it can be fixed pull it out oh it's hard but it's got a bow to the jig i have to get it in my straightening jig to see if we can get that pulled down let's hope it straightened it if not we gotta go through that whole thing again pick it up look down it bam we got a straight blade ten minutes bladesmiths you have ten tiny minutes so as of right now my plan is to get some sheet steel use that for the majority of the leaf guard and then getting some steel for the knuckle guard and braiding it kind of give it a nautical naval theme to it try and make it look like some rope or line this wire is bulking up way more than i thought it would be i'm trying to braid this thing it's not moving the way i want it to i didn't want nearly as many gaps as this so i'm starting to get a little frustrated i still have a whole lot to do but at the end of the day i'm treating this as if this is a fifty thousand dollar sword so i'm gonna put every ounce of energy i have into it i decided i'm just gonna stick this in the vise and uh start twisting until it looks like rope all right first things first put the coffee down pick sword up tempered last night and the warp that i thought i had fixed came back in the temper overnight right down the edge right down that spine i have to get this fixed before i move on with the sword to get this warp out i'm gonna have to pin it heat up the spine then let it relax and hopefully the warp will come out a little tap but i can live with that it don't rock finally get this warp out still hard it's time to move on to the handle material i set up the micara handles by cutting them rough shape to fit the handle drill the holes like that i think i need to get the pommel so when i do make the guard a knuckle bow i know where to end it so i need the pommel next it's pretty blade heavy and it's gonna need a big chunk of brass to be able to balance that out done all right sailors your weapons looks beautiful but it's time to find out if they're wall hangers or they're actually something you could use to kill jared you're first you ready for this i'm ready let's do this [Music] [Music] all right jared the balance you have here feels good in the hand now your edge is very sharp as you can see with every cut it cuts deep for every thrust all the way through and true overall sir your weapon will kill thank you good job all right lee it's your turn you ready yes sir let's do this that's a lot of hog to go through with a skinny blade i'm pretty nervous good job thanks all right the handle construction is comfortable your edge not one single glint or rolling your tip punctures and cuts on the way out and overall sir it will kill yes all right gentlemen it's time for the strength test the dreaded flex test so to test the strength of your blade i'll be bending it in both directions up to that red point jared you ready for this i guess okay [Laughter] i'm impressed uh your blade is just as straight as when we started the test that's a really nice heat treat thank you holding your sword you can shorten that handle just a little bit scale wise but at the same time it winds up being fairly comfortable nicely done thanks all right lee you're up you ready for this yes sir okay the longest five seconds of my life nice job lane that blade is still the same shape it started it that's impressive thank you sir really good all right gentlemen it's time for the sharpness test we call this the fish slice we're going to be lowering those fish down i'm just going to start cutting i'm going to keep cutting till i run out of fish all right jared you're up first are you ready i'm ready okay [Music] this is why i love sabers they are just so much fun to cut with it's just passing right through the fish beautifully your handle construction might be a little bit wide but it's comfortable and it stays in my hand i think you did a great job thank you lee you ready yes sir okay [Music] [Music] all right lee cuts beautifully i mean the edge on this is wonderful saber's definitely sharp and a great balance nicely done thanks sir jared and i are neck and neck i mean both blades performed great jared lee only one of you can move forward and that smith is lee congratulations you'll be moving forward to represent the united states navy in the battle of the branch's final competition congratulations good job thank you jared unfortunately your blade didn't make the cut and david baker's going to tell you why jared you brought us an effective cutting sword but this came down to the basic details of aesthetics and the way that weapon felt in my hand i understand well jared come on forward brother good job man this competition was such a learning experience for me uh made a lot of good friends i had a great time came out good job mate i didn't win but i did through a very awesome sword lee you did well give him hell and take it home from the navy lee congratulations you've forged your way into this final competition where you'll compete against the air force army and marine corps to bring home the title a forged and fire champion to the united states navy and you'll also be competing to receive a check for 50 000 you've done a fantastic job you're only halfway there and we'll see you real soon good job thank you sir i just won really really really being able to represent the navy is an honor i am totally ready to do this all over again and i'm going to tell you guys to bring your eight game because i'm bringing mine bladesmiths congratulations you fellas have made it into the final round of this competition now we're sending you back to your home forges to recreate this iconic weapon from history general george washington's lion-headed kutto good luck blade smiths we'll see you in four days so my bill is going to be made out of 1084 and 15 and 20. really good contrasting steals for damascus the last time i did my saber build for the army episode i went with the damascus the damascus it is a risk because there's multiple things that could go wrong from cold shots to stress fractures but as long as my blade does perform as i expect it to my damascus is going to be that thing that puts me over the top here we are again back in springfield virginia at my home forge the plan for today is to cut out a billet for the sword so this wood anvil as they call under the log whap method they put a gentle ark in the blade that's the same log that i used for the mammal luke sword for the marine competition it worked before if it's not broken don't fix it [Music] day two i gotta get this blade quenched today and i'm gonna make some changes to the way i do it in my forge i'm gonna try using the tube method main goal is to take this tube and just turn it into a nice long hot oven had a little bit of issues getting even heat last time so i think with that tube it should give me a nice more even controlled heat i don't hear any cracks pings or anything like that i nailed it it's exactly what i needed to be [Music] anyway day four finally here i'm feeling ready i have a plan and i have some hurdles to get over the biggest one roars is that lion head pommel first thing this morning i'm gonna put that thing in plaster paris and let it set i wonder if i should do it with pewter you don't have to get pewter nearly as hot it'll be shiny it looks just like silver looks like garbage i think i'm gonna go with the silver one just because of the look of the silver right now i need to finish the line head polish everything and sharpen the blade try to take some weight off anywhere that i possibly can and then put it all together whoa done it's done day four final day i've never carved a problem before so i don't know how long it's gonna take and i'm gonna have to put some time into it so i'm just profiling from one way right now the shape of the lion's head to kind of refine it to what my final shape is going to be and then i start removing some more material a little fine-tuning with my rotary tool pretty much looks like a lion to me all right veterans welcome to the keel test to find out what kind of lethal damage your weapon will do i will take your weapon deliver killing blows to this big carcass that you're up first ready [Laughter] i'm ready [Music] [Music] all right tyler your handle construction just right your edge is very sharp overall sir this saber will kill perfect all right gene your turn sir you ready let's do this doug [Music] all right genes this is a heavy sword very forward heavy but when you have a forward heavy blade that you're hitting it meets resistance a cylindrical almost circular handle makes a twist in my hand so probably this is the reason why the chain came off but your blade is sharp it will kill all right gentlemen december 25th 1776 george washington leads the continental army across a frozen delaware river to attack the hessians at trenton new jersey and he probably didn't chip his way through the ice but that's not going to keep us from our strength test the ice block chop tyler you're up first are you ready uh yeah yeah let's do it [Music] all right so tyler your chain fell off but there's no damage on your edge your handle is comfortable other than the chain you nailed it all right gene do it [Music] all right gene your blades edge is still there and it's still sharp the issue is uh the rest of your chain fell off and it's picked up a bend i have less issue with that and more issue with this polished handle it's just hard to hold on to but it is strong and does have an edge so good job all right veterans our sharpness test today is the hessian charge this is all about what your edge will do to these gummies salary up first you ready for this yep [Music] [Music] all right tyler the weight of your weapon does prevent me from going very fast but you have a very sharp edge all the way through your weapon website it will cut thank you all right gene it's your turn sir are you ready let's do this doug [Music] all right gene to be able to maintain a good grip on this more of the cuts i create are more impact as opposed to a slash where it cuts all the way through so you have some cuts here that are more nicks deep nicks because you have a very sharp edge and for this tester your weapon will cut awesome tyler gene first of all i want to thank you both for your service you're both champions in my mind you've already won your branch divisions but there can only be one battle of the branches champion and you'll walk out of here with a check for fifty thousand dollars and that champion is tyler congratulations you are the battle of the branches forged and fire champion gene please surrender your blade there's a lot of marines out there and there's a lot of great guys in the marine corps and so for me to stand here and represent them is pretty humbling i learned too that it's not about uh just the mello bean forged in fire i feel like i've been forged in fire and it's how you handle the ups and downs the wins the losses and it'll determine real quick how you've been heat treated throughout your life tyler congratulations you overcame every obstacle set in front of you you beat out all the other smiths and now you're the battle of the branches forged and fired champion that's a title that comes with a check for 50 000 and most importantly bragging rights good job my brother please present your blade to the judges i'm super excited when this whole thing started i had no idea how it was all going to turn out it feels good to have represented the army the fact that i just won fifty thousand dollars is starting to set in i'm sergeant tyler hackmart and i'm the new battle of the branches champion you
Channel: Forged in Fire
Views: 1,644,027
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: history, history channel, history channel shows, history shows, forged in fire, forged in fire clips, forged in fire full episodes, bladesmiths, metal, swords, sword making, sword makers, knife makers, blade competition, edged weapons, marine corps, marines, branch battle, will it keel, will it kill, wil willis, doug marcaida, dave baker, ben abbott, j neilson, Ultimate Battle of The U.S. Military Branches, military weapons, compilations, mega-compilation, army, air force, navy
Id: pPqOCY8V7yY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 36sec (3036 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 08 2022
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