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the chakra the shock room is an indian throwing  weapon which dates back hundreds of years   warrior sikhs would throw it like a frisbee  or spin it at high speeds on their fingers   before launching it into the enemy weapon  of the hindu god vishnu its exotic nature   has resulted in it appearing in tv and movies  odd job's lethal bowler hat in the james bond   movie goldfinger was a variation of the weapon as  was zina's weapon of choice in the cult tv series   the indian warriors would wear multiple  chakrams into battle carrying them around   their arms their necks and even stacked  high on their heads in specially designed   for the strength tests we're going to take your  chakrams and see if it was designed well as a   throwing weapon we're going to use a specially  designed mechanical device that will launch your   weapon into the sugar canes because sugar canes  have similar consistency as human limbs if your   weapon can cut cleanly through a sugar cane that  would indicate that you have a weapon that would   do mass destruction in the field of battle  this device here is calibrated so that every   throw is going to be the same for each of your  designs chris you're first are you ready yes sir   in three two one engage that's cool well chris it cut two sugar canes i  see no indentations on the edges here this will cause maximum damage in the battlefield   good job fantastic thank you  okay trenton you're up next in three two one engage i watch mine just kind of do  an overarching arc just a bloop it hits the sugar cane very low just a couple  inches off the ground however it shears them and   that means i'm good well trenton because of the  weight obviously it didn't fly out as high but   it did cut this definitely will be an  ankle cutter now for the kill test the   chakram is primarily a throwing weapon  however in close quarter combat sometimes   throwing a weapon is not an option trenton you're  up first this is designed to be a handle correct   yes sir so in order to keep myself safe i'm  going to hold the handle and i have to protect   the back of my arm with this so on the design  alone that's a concern let's find out what it does my well trenton that performed quite well it  cut some ribs and it disemboweled the dummy   it will kill good job trenton  chris you're up next excellent wow well it really opened him up in the  belly here so he's totally disemboweled   definitely cut through all the  way and broke a rib it'll kill you have both performed outstandingly   however there can only be one  winner of ten thousand dollars chris you are the forged  empire champion congratulations trenton unfortunately your weapon did not make  the cut please surrender your weapon of course   i'm disappointed fought real hard thanks i'm sorry  man chris he did an awesome job that's the kind of   person you want to lose to chris congratulations  you will receive a check for ten thousand dollars   congratulations chris and function and  form and historical accuracy your blade   performed the best i'm a little in shock chris  isn't here anymore please leave a message the tall war the tall war was a lethal and fearsome  combat weapon originating in the 1300s   instrumental to the militia of the  mughal empire its curved blade was   optimal in delivering repeated blows to human  flesh without the danger of getting stuck in bone   the weapon also included a sharp spike attached  to the pommel that could be used to strike down   opponents in close quarter combat when off  the battlefield the tall war was a sacred   sword worn by sikhs as an article of faith and  symbolized their duty to defend the rights of   those who were unjustly oppressed all right  gentlemen this is the sharpness test now   the tool war was a blade respected throughout  india so to test the sharpness of your blade   i'll be cutting into these sugar canes dave  you're up are you ready absolutely all right i think the sugarcane speaks for itself there's  a lot of weight in this but it's not bad it's   balanced very well so the design of your knuckle  bow uh being inside where this this pommel is   my hand slips back there i'm kind  of whacking into that but it's sharp   nicely done thank you all right jordan  you ready i'm ready okay let's do this i just love sabers this is a cutter it's fast it's light but the  profile of your handle could be a little bit   larger from my hand but all in all the cuts  speak for themselves it just passed through   with no resistance whatsoever nicely done the  talwar a battle tested weapon but what kind   of lethal damage does this weapon do to find  that out i will take your weapon and deliver   killing blows on this ballistics dummy david  here up first you ready oh yeah let's do this   dug in the ballistics dummy this is the test  that i wanted to see i'm just like super excited your edge of your blade is sharp enough  to cut and lacerate the whole torso here   cutting deep and cutting into bones same thing  with the clavicle over here and into the ribs   your handle construction is a little bit on the  wider side but it's wieldable overall your weapon   will kill good job thank you jordan you're  next you ready i'm ready let's do this all right jordan let's talk about  your blade your edge geometry here   definitely lends itself to be a very good thruster  it's sliced in easily your edge is razor sharp   that i'm able to lacerate into the dummy  and break some bones your handle is a little   bit on the skinny side but i'm still able to  index and hold on to it your weapon will kill   all right gentlemen this is the strength  test the tool war was a battle tested weapon   known to actually take heads in combat to test  the strength and durability of your blades i'll   be chopping four times into these beef rib sides  this is not about what your blade does to the beef   but what these ribs do to your blades all right  dave you're up ready ready as i'll ever be okay dude i've got a little bit of chipping  and rolling right where the impact is   it's not deep but it is there all in all it  felt good all right jordan you ready i guess so take a little shrapnel off that one i  can run my fingernail along that edge   and not feel anything no bumps no chips still  straight everything's still tight good job   thank you gentlemen when weapons of  this caliber come into this arena   these decisions are never easy  the forged and fire champion is jordan congratulations you were the forged fire  champion congratulations david you created a   beautiful weapon and it was a pleasure to use it  and this decision came down to the finest details   basically the positioning of  that knuckle bow on their handle   and those chips that turned up in  your blade in the strength test   for those two reasons we're letting you  go david please surrender your weapon   absolutely no regrets i would have liked it done  better but i agree with the judge's decision i   came here to prove that i could hang with some  of the best blind smiths in the united states   and i think i proved that i can do that jordan  congratulations you were the forged and fired   champion and will be receiving that check for ten  thousand dollars how do you feel right now i feel   great and uh i feel pretty accomplished well you  should what a great way to jumpstart my career   you're making really high quality blades hold on  this is what i've really wanted for a long time   that's why i came here thank you  i'm fortunate in fire champion a pair of bog not wow meaning tiger's claw bog  knock was a ruthless weapon originating from india   while concealed in the hand it could  serve up surprise attacks resulting in   deep gashes that pierce through both skin  and muscle this variation was called the   bishwa bognak and included a lethal blade that  was made to resemble the sting of a scorpion   this design made it a triple threat where it  could either thrust slash or claw its way into   an opponent one of the most well-known uses of  the weapon is recounted in the history of the   murata empire when emperor shivaji secretly wore  a bog knock and fatally disembowelled his enemy bladesmiths to see what kind of  lethal damage your weapon will do   i'll take your bag and deliver multiple  slashes and thrust and claw that's spit carcass   josh you're up first you ready for this it's all  ready my heart is beating out of my chest and i'm   just trying to calm myself but i'm pretty  confident that it's going to perform well   to be my tiger claw today please  welcome back my brother rj marquetta all right josh first up it's comfortable my  three fingers in the middle allow me to grasp on   to the claws easily and not feel that it's gonna  impede my movement with the hand the clawing   is very deep your slashes cut deep into this  big carcass overall your bag will kill good   job thank you all right chad your turn you ready  yes sir the only thing that i'm really hoping to   hear right now is just uh doug will say he'll  kill cause that's a pretty big accomplishment all right chad first off the handle it's on the  thinner side there's a little bit of movement   there but the positions where you have the  claw is secure it's safe they're razor sharp   on the lacerations there the slicing it cuts  deeply overall your weapon will kill thank you   well rj i can see it your fighting  skills have not changed since we   were kids you still scratch like a girl cat class thank you very much i hope you had a lot  of fun next up is the strength test ben blade smith to test the strength  and durability of your bog nock   i'm going to be clawing and stabbing away at  these logs remember this test is all about   what happens to your blades not what happens to  the log josh you're up first you ready i'm ready uh well josh the claws held up very well there's no  mark on them that they've ever even seen a tree   but they lost your tips yep the first one went  as i started to pry but the second tip it cracked   as soon as i stabbed in i liked the feeling of  these in my hands they were comfortable to wield   but they can't deny that they're not there  anymore chad you're up next you ready yes sir well chad you lost one of your tips the other one   was scaring me but it's in  one piece it held up well   i like that you did damascus i like the pattern of  it it's really pretty overall well done thank you all right gentlemen to test the sharpness  of your blades i'll be clawing and slashing   at our sandman here unlike the strength test  this is all about what your weapons do to   this target josh you're up first  are you ready for this i'm ready all right josh these are  sharp you can see these cuts   just clean rakes across the chest no  tearing i actually like that hook you've got   these are definitely cutters nicely done thank  you all right chad you're up you ready yes sir all right chad these are amazingly sharp  each one of those cuts is beautiful and   clean they're very light very fast i think you  did a beautiful job these are very nice weapons   thank you bladesmiths what started as  a round one nuts and bolts challenge   came down to these bog knock both of you put  in an incredible amount of work unfortunately   in this arena of competition there can  only be one forest of fire champion chad congratulations you are a new  forged and fire champion good job   josh unfortunately your bog knock did not make  the cut josh you brought us a matched pair of   beautiful knives very sharp and comfortable in  the hand but unfortunately in the strength test   yours took more damage and that's why i have to  let you go i understand josh please surrender   your weapons i'm a little discouraged a  little disappointed but i'll bounce back   i'm really proud to make it this far to me  is real acknowledgement that i have a skill   set for this that i'm going to keep pursuing  it keep getting better learn from my mistakes chad congratulations you are the new forest and  fire champion and that's a title that comes with   a check for how much ten thousand that's right  ten thousand dollars good job please present   your weapons to the judges i'm feeling really  good right now that's lost for words being   fortunate fire champion was surreal i was able  to show my best and it makes me feel really proud the qatar the qatar is a punching and thrusting  weapon originating from southeast asia   it was the special weapon of the fearsome  rajput warriors from india who were said   to hunt tigers with a pair of guitars to prove  their skill bravery and nobility as warriors   it has a distinctive h-shaped handle which  places the large triangular blade or blades   directly over the wearer's clenched fist the  experienced warrior would use the katara like   an extension of their arm allowing for fluid  fast and agile attacks in much the same way as   the famous marvel superhero wolverine uses his  deadly claws to test your qatar's balance and   ability to slice and slash we have created  this multi-layered strike zone it consists   of different targets at varying positions  jamie you're first are you ready absolutely nice definitely has got good swing to  it guts through the air as a slasher that will cut good job thank you david  you're up are you ready i'm ready wow it is a good slasher i wish you didn't  extend this guard here has some issues   turning my wrist around good balance though thank  you both of our blades performed really well it's   anybody's game until the fat lady sings to test  your weapon's ability to deliver a lethal strike   i will take your weapons to punch and thrust  into this ballistic gel dummy that is wearing   the kind of indo-persian armor that these weapons  would face dave you're up are you ready i'm ready i'm feeling a little trepidatious i'm  hopeful my blade will cut through the chainmail well that went disemboweled him   that punctured right through the chainmail  definitely went right into the heart   that sir is a killer thank you all right  jamie you're up next you ready i'm ready disemboweled in there it didn't  quite go through the chain mail   but because this splits apart it  got in a little nick right in there   and on the final kill right above there it  got through jamie it will kill thank you   two kill shots i was pretty happy with that  i think anybody on a battlefield would be for the strength test your guitar will be placed  in this pneumatic arm thrusting device this device   is calibrated so that every thrust is going to be  the same for each of your designs and just to make   it more interesting we've doubled the layers your  qatar will have to go through two sheets of metal   dave are you ready i'm ready three two one engage very nice that went right through both sheets   this blade is strong thank you my blade pierces  both sheets of iron awesome philly steel okay   jamie we've loaded your guitar into the device  are you ready i'm ready in three two one engage well jamie it went through the first sheet of  metal it didn't go through the second sheet   of metal and your alignment on the tips are now  warped but it still went through the first sheet   good job thank you it's really disappointing to  see that my guitar didn't go through both sheets   of metal but as far as design and performance  i'd say we're about neck and neck still jamie   david both been outstanding competitors however  there can only be one forged and fire champion david you are the forged  empire champion congratulations jamie you did not make the cut the creativity  that went into your blade all really really   good but i think historically there's a reason  that most bladed weapons have a single blade   and that second blade just winds up  slowing everything down and because it   didn't pass the tests as well as david's  blade that's how we made our decision   thank you jamie please surrender your weapon  it's validating for me to have made it this far   thank you now i know i can compete with guys  that have been doing this for 20 30 years all   right brother congratulations david you are the  forge and fire champion you're gonna get a check   for ten thousand dollars how do you feel man what  a road dave you've never made a qatar before and   look what you came up with your japanese masters  would be so proud of your work congratulations   thank you doug a 10-g purse it's coming at the  perfect time thank you very much domo arigato the potter was a unique gauntlet weapon  developed by the marathas of central india   this double-edged weapon had a long flexible  blade over four feet long the pada was so   distinctive it was featured in the cult classic  film willow instead of featuring a guard like   most swords it had a steel gauntlet that would  cover the hand and sometimes even the forearm   with their arms strapped inside of the gauntlet  the user would not have the use of their wrist   therefore a soldier equipped with a pot and  needed experience in using such a unique weapon   while the pada was commonly used by mounted  warriors its design allowed even a soldier   on foot to strike from a wider variety of  angles compared to a conventional sword   to see how sharp your weapons are i will take  your pata and i'll deliver three sharp blows   on these meat carcasses travis you're up  first you ready might as well i feel pretty   good going to the weapons testing i know my  blade has good geometry and it's comfortable well done okay travis very nice clean lines  with your blade on the motion it's got great   recovery a little bit heavy for the gauntlet  there but it is wicked sharp your weapon   will cut thank you good job all right  shane you're up next you ready yes sir   i know this weapon will hold up to the test  i mean that's a given i built this weapon   strong how it performs doing those tests  is the question that's still in my mind well shane off the bat it's very heavy hard  to handle in terms of the recovery your blade   is gorgeous though beautiful damascus pattern in  terms of sharpness it did almost cut through the   two pieces over there cut all the way through the  center piece so this blade will cut thank you next   up is a strength test dave now patel in combat  had to be sharp but it also had to be strong so   to test your blade's strength we're going to put  it in our vise and then flex it both directions to   20 degrees if your blade's strong it should return  to true travis you're up first are you ready yep   here we go i'm pretty nervous right now anytime  somebody shoves your tip in a vice and goes   bending on it you can't help but think something  bad is going to happen 20. looks good so far all right travis you know everything's still  right and tight up here your connection to   the gauntlets very solid good job thank  you all right shane your turn let's do it just ten 20. all right going the other way 10 oh 20. all right well shane i was actually worried  more about the connection right here flexing   since you've got it supported on that one side but  your blade is true thank you next up is the kill   test for that i'm gonna hand you over to doug  to see how much lethal damage your weapon can   do i will deliver some killing blows on this  big carcass travis you're up first ready sure travis your design of your pata feels good when  you're thrusting it went all the way through the   carcass on a diagonal slice almost cut all  the way through the pig carcass overall sir   your blade will kill good job thank you all right  shane you're up next ready yes sir let's do this okay shane your edge geometry on your blade is on  the thicker side so it tends to chop as opposed to   slice through but in terms of a thrust like that  in cuts it's very lethal those kinds of damages   will kill good job thank you travis shane the  judges have made their final decision but first   we have some feedback for you both jason travis i  really like the overall construction of your patah   when you pick up a piece like that it makes me  want to strike something i like the sheepskin   you put inside of that also overall you did a  great job thank you shane i love the fact that   you brought us a piece with a lot of craftsmanship  in it that ladder pattern damascus in your blade   is beautiful but also all the supports around the  gauntlet being damascus added a lot to that piece   even with the cross section as thick as it  was i was able to flex that blade 20 degrees   in either direction have it come back to  true so you obviously really nailed the   heat treat nice job thank you travis shane  the forged and fire champion of champions is travis congratulations shane this time your  blade did not make the cut shane we asked you   to turn in an iconic weapon from history what you  turned in is fitting of a fortune fired champion   but the weight and edge geometry of your blade  affected its performance it underperformed the   sharpness and kill test it's for that reason we're  letting you go shane please surrender your weapon   travis built a better weapon than i built i got  beat thank you gentlemen it's been an honor to   come back as a champion the reason i came back  is to become a better blade smith and that's what   forged in fire does so when i get home  i'm going to spend time with my family   and get back to work travis you beat out three  others to become our champion of champions   congratulations you will also be receiving  a check for ten thousand dollars good job   this is awesome shane is a very skilled guy  and it was really neat competing against him   it felt really good winning fours and fire once  and to be able to do it again and say that i'm   a champion of champions is a pretty neat field  but i gotta head home and build some grinders you
Channel: HISTORY
Views: 28,158,756
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: history, history channel, history shows, history channel shows, the history channel, documentary history channel, history documentary, documentary, history channel full episodes, forged in fire, forged in fire clips, forged in fire full episodes, bladesmiths, swords, sword making, sword makers, knife makers, edged weapons, marine corps, marines, branch battle, will it keel, wil willis, doug marcaida, ben abbott, j neilson, TOP 5 DEADLIEST WEAPONS, DEADLIEST WEAPONS, dangerous
Id: Gv4Af83KFrE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 23sec (1943 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 02 2021
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