Forged in Fire: The Rhomphaia HACKS RIGHT THROUGH the Final Round (Season 5)

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that's why I'm Billy Bob congratulations you made it to the final round of this competition now we're sending you back to your home for just for five days to recreate an iconic weapon from history and that weapon is the wrong fire originating as early as 400 BC the rumphaya was a fearsome weapon prominently used by thracian tribes of Eastern Europe it featured a Long single-edged Blade that had great cutting and slashing strength due to the Blade's slightly forward curve usually forged with iron Warriors had to use two hands to wield this heavy weapon using an overhead sweeping or hacking motion to attack from close distances first mention in historical text by the ancient Roman historian Titus livius it was recorded as one of the key weapons in violent thracian Warfare good luck blade Smiths we'll see you in five days my name is Dwight Phillips and I was the first person from Tennessee that I know of the past master smith test what I love about Blake Smith and 200 years from now somebody else is going to be picking it up and looking at it that really satisfies me it looks pretty good the thing I'm worried about is the handle I went with a Full Tang which makes it a little bit heavier you might have to drift some holes in there and take away some weight [Applause] that made me a little nervous next we will play it get ready for heat treat this will help keep part of the metal soft and other part of it hard I feel really nervous about quenching something this long but what the heck let's go see what happens if this heat treat goes wrong I could be in serious trouble the time it takes to work out another sword this long I've been down and out I'm more nervous than a mouse that's running from a cat on this and with no cracks in the edge and it wouldn't work it looks perfect let's check it out here nice dragon right there kind of run out of time if I don't get this blade ready to start Billy Bob could take home the money I have got to fix it it's better if I had a lot more time I could really Stone this Edge and get it even sharper than that but I think it's going to go through everything they put up against it we just had to see [Music] foreign calls me Billy Bob I've been a master smith for eight years when I decided to make a knife I'm just going to do it and there's not a lot of planet to it you just keep doing it until it's nice sword isn't fitting all the way through the forward so I just made one renovation I just knocked the hole in the firewall so I think I'm going to make a simple pattern of Twisted Damascus and I can put it on the handle and give it a little detail oh never pick a snowball up in a blackfill shop because it could be hot I'm way behind it this is Noble the handle it's as hard as I expected today I'm gonna try to fit and shake the handle maybe I'm doing it in two pieces it just adds to the craftsmanship the handle is looking a lot better than I thought it would but we're never Out of the Woods until we send this bad boy off the thread they're cooking being the perfectionist I'm gonna keep messing with it I get it right that may be the downfall this whole time master blade spits see what kind of lethal damage your run fires will do we'll take your own fires and deliver lethal slashes and thrust on this wild boar carcass Dwight you're up first you ready I'm ready as you can see I'm still recovering from an injury so to be my arm today I'd like to welcome my brother RJ markaida foreign on the initial draw cut it is sharp to where it lacerated deep into this wild boar carcass on the thrust it penetrated easily into the carcass and on the final cut right here your blade cut all the way through the carcass overall you're on fire you're going to kill thank you good job all right Billy Bob it's a hard act to follow but let's do it [Music] you can index better okay all right Billy Bob it's so light you can almost wield it with one hand The Edge over here is so sharp it lacerates easily without much force the profile you have over here for thrusting allowed it for a very deep quick and out penetration overall you're on fire will kill thank you next up is a strength test Ben gentlemen to test the strength and durability of your blades I'm going to clamp them into this machine and it will deliver a strike on the sugar cane of about 500 pounds of force remember this test is all about what the sugar cane does to your blade and not what your blade does to the sugar cane do I I've already clamped yours in are you ready to go I'm ready three two one well it's right your blade held up perfectly it's like it didn't hit anything it's still dead straight very well done thank you Billy Bob you're up next you ready I can't wait all right let's do this three two one ah don't kill me Oh Billy Bob I love the overall weight it feels like it's a really good Chopper and most importantly The Edge is still as razor sharp as it was when you brought it here very well done thank you sir next up is the sharpness test and for that I give you today all right gentlemen I'll be working my way through this rope maze by cutting we've seen your blades kill let's see if they've held their Edge Dwight you're up first you ready I'm ready all right let's do this [Music] foreign your blade is just pristine I mean there's there's not a Mark or a hair hanging on it or anything feel wise it's got a lot of forward weight it makes for a very strong chop but I do have to stop and slow it down and back it up I think it's a beautiful weapon thank you thank you all right Billy Bob you ready to go let's do it okay [Music] foreign this is sharp it blew through rope like nothing I felt I could really control this weapon uh just because it it's so much lighter up through here fabulous weapon thank you well done it's white Billy bump both done masterful work as expected from Master Schmitz however in this Arena of competition there can only be one forged and fire champion and that champion is Billy Bob congratulations you are the forged fire champion thank you Dwight your blade was badass but this time it didn't make the cut Doug marcaido will explain Dwight first of all this is exactly what we expect for a final round two beautifully matched blades but your blade is slightly heavy that offsets its balance compared to Billy Bob's and it's for that reason we're sending you home Dwight I need to ask you to please surrender your blade there's no disgrace I believe both blades are pretty equal I'd hate to have been a judge being on forged and far is one of the best experiences I've ever had if it's something that you're passionate about you need to go for it Billy Bob congratulations you are the new forest and fire champion and will be receiving a check for ten thousand dollars good job thank you I'm honored that I'm here today please present your weapon to the judges the old man wasn't for some fire old man come here and kicked ass and took names it feels good now I'm proud of both of us Dwight and I forged not only Blaze but we forged a friendship I'm gonna go home and take a break I'm gonna get me a damn pedicure you don't know what you're missing if you ain't had one
Channel: HISTORY
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Keywords: history, history channel, history shows, history channel shows, the history channel, documentary history channel, history documentary, documentary, history channel full episodes, documentaries, history channel documentaries, forged in fire, forged in fire episode clips, forged in fire scenes, forged in fire full episodes, history forged in fire, history channel forged in fire, rhomphaia, forged in fire rhomphaia, weapons, weapon making, welding, metalworking, metal working, weaponry
Id: I-eW9x6CeYM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 4sec (604 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 23 2021
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