Making Japanese Steel Knives since 1796! EDO Period blacksmith!
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Japanese Food Craftsman
Views: 1,111,408
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: yt:cc=on, japanese food craftsman, kumamoto, knife, knives, weaponsmith, weapons, forge, edo period, edo era, blacksmith, kitchen knife, japanese knives, japanese knife, knife making, japanese knife skills, japanese knife review, japanese knife types, japanese knife forging, 包丁, 包丁 研ぎ方, 包丁 おすすめ, 包丁职人, 包丁職人, 鍛冶業, 鍛冶, 鍛冶工事, ナイフ作り, ナイフ作り方, ナイフ作り体験, ナイフを研ぐ, ナイフ作成, 包丁 自作, ヤスリ, 刀剣, katana, smithing, 江戸事態, 江戸, samurai, 侍, shop, 店, magasin, negozio, दुकान, 商店, Japanische Messer
Id: seBTCidOjSU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 18sec (1038 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 30 2023
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