Forex Traders Lifestyle - Trading Excess in the City (Documentary)

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Londyn the newly-crowned capital of the financial world and for many of those working here the streets now really are paved with gold most I've made in a days about 700,000 pounds the City of London's are wash with money and it's being spent as fast as it's earned with consumption trend going on in the last few weeks ten billion pounds has been paid out in bonuses with at least one star player getting 50 million pounds we have guys this year who spent well in excess of a hundred thousand pounds on four or five day holidays but as the sales of fast cars yachts and luxury properties hit record highs criticism mounts oh yeah jealous no one seems to be commenting about David Beckham's new salary and at the end of the day he's a guy kicks a football around they must be making a lot of money for the company and so what if it takes home a forty million pound bonus means it's well entitled to and yeah if I could get somebody who's making me a hundred million I'll give him 40 million straightaway today's finances have never been so wealthy also celebrated these are Britain's super-rich Friday night in London's West End as the revelers and tourists pour into theatres and bars another group head for their favorite night spot at Pangaea nightclub of choice for the young bankers and traders who work in the city square mile business is booming recent bonus payouts have made it party night every night absolutely nuts and they'll begin with a whole load of shots and you can watch them deteriorates bottle after bottle of all the usual brands just being poured I mean sprayed around and poured over their heads a little bit of silly a bottle of beer costs four pounds a bottle of vodka cost a hundred and thirty but if you want to get noticed you ask for champagne at up to 1,000 pounds a bottle if you order a magnum you get these sort of flamethrowers and the music changes to the rocky theme and of course everyone looks then you get the competition beginning so will the other tables who are trying to impress their girlfriends or their wives or their clients or their whatever's will say right and suddenly it just goes on it's like a firework display in the club the champagne off as they call it spraying each other down with Chris Thailand Antonio tonight Club goers are paying up to seven hundred pounds just for a table some people can come here and spend a thousand pounds twenty thousand pounds thirty thousand pounds I'm in an hour or three hours and leave with a smile and say thank you very much and give a huge tip to the waitress and come back next week it is silly money and you do sometimes think God they must be earning ludicrous ludicrous amounts of money or god help the bank whose corporate card that's on Laurie Inman is among tonight's customers at twenty five he's one of the city's hottest young traders using his own money to buy and sell German government bonds the most of made in a day is about seven hundred thousand pounds the most of lost is about two hundred fifty thousand pounds which it's quite a lot of money but his Gamble's on the market have proved spectacularly successful he makes in a year what some people will earn in a lifetime having the money I've got my age I know and realize how fantastically fortunate I am it's gonna sound ridiculous but it's not something I think about all day every day and I'm a typical 25 year old the majority of city workers are in the same age bracket many pullings seven-figure salaries and bonuses they are reaping the benefits of rising share prices an influx of foreign cash and a huge growth in company mergers and acquisitions the ten billion pounds a city has just shared out is equal to Britain's hospital building budget for the last ten years Britain is going through this quite remarkable social revolution in which there's been an explosion of wealth at the top end since Tony Blair came to power the wealth of the top 1000 is tripled this wealth boom is being driven almost entirely by the city now paying themselves bonuses that are sometimes as much as the lifetime earnings of sort of senior fashions you know from headteachers through to through to doctors maritza Alfa briefs runs broking firms in London and Milan a city veteran of nearly twenty years he's witnessed the rise and rise of the annual payout when I started working the city with my first partners I pretty much bought what everyone was buying inside me she was a Golf GTI I had that for a while and then as the bonus he's got got bigger than the cars got better as well so I moved on so I had a couple of ball shoes I do know people who spent the whole of their first bonus in one go I know one particular guy who spent it on a Porsche Boxster and that's not unusual at all porta Boxster's were a bit of a favorite with first bonuses particularly with the the men I think cars for a lot of guys in the city is quite a big status symbol it's sort of measure of how you're doing internally in your company they want to have the first five nine nine in the garage or the first SLR on a garage so they're just going to turn up I think downstairs in Canary Wharf for their new motor yeah a little bit of competition such lavish rewards have drawn criticism from clergymen trade unionists even government ministers claiming the payouts are obscene but brokers like marechiyo are unapologetic you know they are justified simply because these people are making money you know they're they know how to make money for their institution and as a result it's right that they should be in a competitive market where they can dictate their bonuses depending on how good they're so absolutely anyone's making you know 25 million pound bonuses which is about 24 million nine hundred more than me and I was like he's he's completely justified hats off to him it takes a certain sort of person to rise to the top and to be fair it's a huge challenge to get out there so the sort of person who is going to rise that challenge is going to be someone I would say in general you know who does desire that sort of money Tom one less was 21 when he joined a leading Citibank as an industry analyst his rise through the ranks has bought him a luxury city penthouse and lifestyle to match salaries get ramped up quite nicely certainly during your first few years and the bonus is due to and with such large payout competition is fierce for most banks bonuses come out in January which basically means certainly for the last couple of months of any calendar year everyone works their butts off even more than usual to ensure that they look sparkling when it comes around to the Bonus Time it's very much a closed-door affair so you're going there and no one else will know you know what what you're hearing they will see you go in and for you come out either with a big smile on your face or otherwise and you do see a slight change in people around that time everyone wants to make sure that their name gets attached to the right deal to ensure that it looks like they've brought in lots of money for the company if you look at Wall Street the bonus day is a very symbolic and significant day it's it's sometimes known as the st. Valentine's Day Massacre all hell lets loose if people don't get the bonuses they think they deserve and that kind of culture of expectation and demand that we're worth so much we need these giant bonuses gradually got transferred into the sort of British banks as well I know for a fact that and someone's bonus which was certainly over a hundred thousand pounds complaining that it was like working for charity which shocked me we've got this case at the moment in the city where one investment banker is suing his Japanese bank for 7 million pound because he thinks he's worth that and he was only given a million when everybody has got the bonus money in their accounts then certainly their celebrations and typically that will be going out to the two bars and spending a lot of money on champagne but champagne isn't the only thing they'll spend their money on coming up how City bonuses have sent the property prices soaring so this is a 4.5 million had apartment in Knightsbridge is land square and meridia looks to splash out at the Italian Motor Show and I think the best looking cars are out for over there which i think is the most stunning car the shark yes when it's a good deal not a good deal on home insurance we asked a cross-section of homeowners when they don't reward you for buying more at direct line we'll give you 50% of your home contents cover when you buy it together with our buildings insurance that's better and when you buy buildings for contents insurance we'll give you free annual travel cover for all the family when I have a snazzy website but no one on the phone to help you that direct line we not only have great online deals were on the phone in UK only call centres visit direct line a good deal better brainstorming trip our new all-singing all-dancing bank customer call center where or as we say in espanol donde Spain it's a bit obvious Steve Portugal come on guys spread your wings all right Morocco no sandflies the meter triangle Great Barrier Reef good snorkeling no box jellyfish yeah excuse me why can't our customers talk to us in the UK that's where they live after blue sky thinking here yeah there is another way the NatWest you can talk to a call center in the UK 24/7 or call your local branch direct net West another way I know Delhi Delhi now you're talking it's not very central is not central it is central in India will will something terrible has happened to him as money billions of pounds have it's not coming back Jeff Randall reveals a devastating mistake that will affect us for generations to count all of you will get where's my pension gone Thursday the 25th of January at 9:00 this summer Thompson's long-haul flights will have more legroom than ever before Thomson web prices on the high street sorting then checking for stains then rubbing and sometimes you're back where you started doing a whole job again when all you need is one scoop a vanish oxy action multi in your machine look here's what it's doing to those stains in your wash there's enough power in one suit for the whole wash see brilliant one scoop is all you need for better results and less effort every time vanish oxy action multi trust pink forgets things also available in a handy pretreat spray it's called the Weetabix week Weetabix with honey and yogurt shoved on top of it Weetabix with fruit compote and yogurt on it Weetabix with hot frothy milk and what's that it's chocolate we depict for the almonds and bananas look basically what's overhauled the Weetabix week it's just weed it bakes with different stuff sloshed on it every day of the week nice the Weetabix week give it a go with house prices still rising property is a favored investment for city workers as bonuses at the bank account's high on the shopping list and new houses we like spending the money we are Dan or at least Rd when everybody all the guys are working the see that I know you know when they get a good bonus they like they like spending I don't know many people that have a saving culture or mentality I'm sure that you know if you look over to Kensington and Chelsea you know where a lot of bankers live I'm sure you would see a lot more expensive house purchases going through zooming off the back of this wall of money that you know goes into bonuses once a year and that is you know fueling the demand for very expensive second homes but that's also having a ripple effect it's also affecting you know the ability of ordinary ordinary lunders to buy in the housing market because it's kind of boosting prices all the way through in some areas of London multi-million pound homes are now being snapped up within days of coming on the market we have placed a couple of houses sort of north of the 10 million pound mark in the last month in Knightsbridge which essentially both buyers were from financial backgrounds the number of cells at that level and above has doubled this year but there's enormous activity particularly sort of two to five million pounds the market at the moment is unprecedented the growth has been exceptional since the beginning of this year we're looking at price rises of twenty to twenty five percent since beginning January so this is a 4.5 million pad apartment in Knightsbridge is land square this is very much the center for the bonus belt in the high-end real estate market in London overlooking Hyde Park this state-of-the-art penthouse is a City residence for the working week only many bankers have their main home in the country in reality an apartment like this is a Pierre a tear at the end of the day it is not a home it's great for entertaining it's a great place that's an alternative to a hotel room and it will probably be use for parts of the year or it will just be used during the week if they are london-based and it'll probably fit in with a portfolio of two or three other properties in Europe or beyond wealth that's been generated in London is creating major problems at the lower end of the market there's no doubt about it and for first-time buyers it gets more and more difficult as people become multiple appropriators first-time buyers have been replaced by people who are buying to invest and so yes it is causing problems further down the ladder there's no doubt about it it's not just a London market that keeps the estate agents busy come Bonus Time when the great advantages of this has is its proximity to London people are time poor so the travel side of is very important and you get here within an hour from London and also it's very close to the airports particularly Heathrow the size of the building it's new ten thousand square feet is the sort of space that people are looking for and the public rooms are very important for entertaining it also offers a lot of privacy with 28 acres around it and they sort of aspects of what people are primarily after this type of has in this location within our London it's certainly the sort of thing that people you know working the city who have a principal residence in London are going to be looking for as a weekend house for entertaining particularly in the summer this estate comes with a price tag of four and a half million pounds the city effect is affecting the home countess market like it is in prime central London it's all about geography and the good houses within an hour to an hour and a half of London is what everybody is after the sub amenity a country house gives you which is swimming pools and tennis courts and extensive garage' and so on and say there is hot competition and the good has is in these immediate counties around London are seeing you know serious demand driven by city purchases in the country as with London estate agents can barely keep up as competition for country estates and second homes a scene cost spiral from Cumbria to Cornwall younger families find themselves squeezed out as bonuses hidden all-time high the number of first-time buyers is now at an all-time low Britain used to be one of the most equal developed nations in the world now it's one of the most unequal developed nations and so what we have now is that the top one percent in Britain owned something like a quarter of Britain's wealth with the years bonus about to be paid out city D Limerick C alpha briefs is choosing his latest sports car at an Italian multi show ready money on cars are like driving around yeah I just enjoy everything about cars racing and and ironing them and I think the best-looking cars are out for over there which I think well I think it's the most stunning car the shoud really go after 20 years as a broker we're rich Joe is enjoying his biggest ever bonuses and it's these that allow him to indulge a lifelong obsession with cars there's a guy thing most guys like cars and if you link that to the wages these guys getting paid then their estate is simple and it just might show off what they're doing how well they've done the success they're having Walsh and Ferrari I've got to be up there especially for the younger guys and you know mercs Bentley's now obviously getting quite quite popular Aston Martin's they've come back in it's anything that looks good when you park it outside a restaurant racing sports cars Kozma Richie Oh 80,000 pounds every year go into that by accident I went to a track day and I met a guy down there called Rob Wilson who trains a couple of the Formula One guys and he convinced me that I should stop being a hooligan on the track with my own car and maybe do some racing I've been doing it three years now there's a lot of fun the adrenaline when you're in the car you're actually in the race is probably very similar to when were having a busy day in the office it's it's all about adrenaline and the time just flies by people don't understand that the reason they go out and they play hard is because the environment they're in is so highly strung and people from the outside don't understand just how much effort and how much work and how much time and how many sleepless nights we all have to mop up some of the billions of pounds spilling out from the city a whole new service industry has sprung up with people working round the clock to make the city's every wish and demand quintessentially came about five years ago when I set it up with my partner been in it and we decided to look after some of the world's richest and most connected people because at the time I was producing films with Elton John and I used to do a lot of service work for the film stars coming into town we only actually looked after probably the top top half percent of the city so if you wanted to hire a private jet we would go out to 50 of the best suppliers of private jets worldwide and get you the best price through to finding you a private villa or ordering your own personalized submarine or you know booking and famous pop star for your child's birthday party it's almost like dream fulfillment that we're in the business of and that's I think what people buy into so lucrative is this growing service industry that Nick Newbury quit his City job to join in he now organizes extravagant holidays for those with no time to look at brochures we realized there was a gap in the market for people here at a time poor cash rich I'd worked in that environment I'd seen I'd seen two people who around me going on these types of short breaks before and I knew that there was something in there for people who wanted tailored holidays there were four or five days long to pack in as much as you can into it as short a time as possible we have guys this year he spent well in excess of a hundred thousand pounds on four or five day holidays I took a week off a year ago to do a race in Brazil so you know those Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday was the race and three days we're just cruising around the jaw-dropping mini-break has now become the latest city status symbol from diving with great white sharks to Amazon tracks we had ten traders from a well-known American investment bank it was a stag weekend they flew up to Kerala in the Arctic Circle headed out into the into the wilderness by ski-doo they then boarded onto dog sleds and led their own team of Siberian Huskies through the Lapland mountains they fished for their own dinner through ice holes we've cut him into the ice they certainly like to to brag about it but it's all about them experiencing things that very few people have done before we do lots of different travel requests and big at the moment is eco travel a large percentage of the city at the moment are investing in and buying up the Earth's lungs the Amazon rainforest so and that's being led by a couple of very very influential city investors so a lot of eco travel to new destinations that aren't touched at the moment like Mozambique we had a guy who bought out the entire North island in the Seychelles it's probably one of the most luxurious places on earth however great or small the request when the call comes in personal service companies like quintessentially are there to take it 24 hours a day he's on his way from Istanbul now he's got very important meeting tomorrow morning and I mean I could have dark blue right and shirt and tie as well I need to altered as well over by him tonight we have a look I found a couple I thought may be quite good I do a lot of kind of businessmen who mostly don't have the time I did a lot of their presence as well kind of birthdays anniversaries Christmases or I come in done held today to do a suit for a man who's just flown over got a business meeting first thing tomorrow morning but I've shot with him before so I know his size his colorings what he likes what he doesn't like okay well let's go with that and then a shirt as well and a tie and thinking blue classic yeah a lot of suits and kind of shooting parties if they and they go shooting at the weekend they haven't got an outfit and so I have to let you buy the whole thing jackets wellies socks everything I like that that's nice and I like I love that I think he'd like that we had this one guy who he wanted this patek philippe watch I mean it's kind of over a hundred thousand pounds and couldn't get his hands on it was kind of desperate remember I really wanted and so came to us and we managed to pull it off in the end and so his son got it for his birthday now what time do you need all the alterations done for and the cost for a full-time personal service like this up to twenty five thousand pounds a year conspicuous consumption by the rich is back in fashion and new we see people you know blowing five million pound on birthday parties spying up islands around the world this is not frowned on people do it because it's acceptable the wealth boom of recent years has gone hand in hand with a sort of public and political acceptance of you know spending extravagance coming up how the super-rich and our rubbing shoulders with the super famous or Sienna Miller is involved with qlik so where we she's become Rachel Stevens I think Simon Cowell Frank Lampard John Terry and when the work gets too much the city boys hit the beach in style we did a weekend when we had a particularly good month the guys they will took a yacht down the central part and to have a few parties the planet is in a delicate balance every clever thing that happens something very dumb happens elsewhere at 8:04 a man receives his mint card hmm until November 2007 and another naught percent bonus offer in January 2008 hmm this is really clever and at exactly the same time wherever you look across the African continent a single animal will be performing the same vital role day after day the humble dung beetle carries out its task the first natural recycler if you like the dung beetle is close to the bottom of the food chain that is its position in life it has no choice but you are not a dung beetle ever wondered where you can find a more satisfying job a Friends Reunited jobs you find thousands of vacancies with leading employers so search free register your CV and will do the hard work for you Friends Reunited jobs top coat UK you'll never know unless you go the Chrysler 300c in 300c touring from 26,000 250 for who you are one thing is certain if you want to be a tycoon you always need a great idea so if you've got one of those we should talk for more information go to ITV comm forward slash tycoon looking for a home visit prime location calm no other website has all the properties from the country's leading estate agents everything town houses country houses flats new homes and properties abroad so if you're looking to buy or rent visit prime location calm and if you're selling or letting make sure you choose a prime location agent prime location calm don't move home without it what new area will the central London congestion charge cover from the 19th of February it will still cover the original area and this new one congestion charging is changing be ready making black bottles and jars from recycled ones energy just one recycle bottles there's enough energy to run a computer for 20 minutes well I finally succumbed got myself a personal trainer she's introduced me to healthy green teas from the expert blenders at Twinings that contain antioxidants that may help maintain a healthy body Monday warm up with delectable pineapple and grapefruit Wednesday scrumptious orange and lotus flower Friday a grueling pear and apple and I get the weekend off well I don't want to do myself an injury or do i fruit flavored green teas from Twinings now including delicious new cranberry flavor the magnet half-price sale is now on plus for a limited period there's an extra 10% off cabinet sale prices and a free dishwasher to hurry these offers must end soon Nicorette and active stop together nothing is more effective at helping you stop smoking compared to just willpower alone having joined the ranks of the super-rich finances can now be found parting with them at the large charity balls that punctuate the social calendars at the heart of the season is la dolce vita a lavish party to raise money for the charity of X Formula one motor racing boss Eddie Jordan as the party draws near organizers are fine-tuning the event and the guest list five minutes half an hour after their Alexander O'Neal obvious ones we've got confirmed with tables this Peter Stringfellow yeah Martin Brundle Eddie Jordan Billy Zane and Kelly Brooke yeah Sienna military law or Sienna Miller is involved with qlik so we're hoping she's had come Rachel Stevens I think Simon Cowell Frank Lampard John Terry they can't notice there now Chelsea a plane you cast on the Wednesday uh-huh which means that Chelsea boys can't come okay a lot two tables assigned where are some savings for the last-minute celebs that call up and say they're gonna go that ones Epstein and three three this is the most difficult part of this thing you know doing the bloody table plan let's go through here we've got some of these these main guys then we know he's got the guys from Rab capsule Clerval you know Goldman Sachs Merrill Lynch the man group Morgan Stanley all those boys we win we know they're gonna bid okay so they need to be in good positions we hope that they're gonna be generous events like the dolce vita attract the more experienced city bankers and dealers who have already made their fortunes the younger ones are busy making money and a reputation at 25 Lauri Inman is one of the most successful young traders in the world today which is something that always interested me and there was a competitive side to it and also there was good money to be made for me my dad used to be a black taxi driver in London and obviously used to buy newspapers and bring by him at night and I'd have a read through them and stop pages with something I was quite interested in and always had a look through people in the city are hugely driven they tend to be young they tend to be generally at the top of their peer group and quite often when institutions are hiring that will tend to look for people that have got outside interests be that sporting interest or a theatrical or whatever so people have achieved outside of academic life like many in the city Laurie's passion is horse racing and at the weekend he heads to Ascot with VIP tickets Jimmy University summers I used to spend them working bookmakers taking bets for people which obviously had the betting aspect which interests me each day Laurie risk hundreds of thousands of pounds trading on the European markets I won't say like taking the risk because when I put a trade on I the same as anyone else that don't really view it as a risk I view it as I'm gonna be right if things aren't going great it can be frustrating there's times where you can be right about buying the market or sell in the market and lose money and you know you have to try and control your temper as best as you can congratulations about evens now after that not too bad mate did alright on on that though I don't know you had 40-pound on a nine to one the shots so 361 some of it yeah now and then when I can when I've got a weekend off let's come to race whatever else while small fortunes can be made or lost at the races they're nothing compared to the billions of pounds being gambled in a city awash with money in terms of the standing of the city I think it's internationally seen has been incredibly successful which is interesting considering a few years back people had forecast the demise of the city and everyone we began to Frankfurt in Paris but in fact exactly the opposite has happened more businesses come in from the Far East from China and Russia and even from America as well defenders of the salaries and bonuses point to other less publicized statistics the city pays more than 13 billion pounds a year into the public park far more than it takes out and the country's financial workers generate more than one-third of the nation's income it's highly profitable very successful and probably our most successful industry for the country dick in terms of paying tax to the to the government there will be a lot of skepticism Bethan with the amount of money that are paid for some of these people and but you need to take in the context of what they actually generated for the bangs these people at the top of their profession they work extremely long hours they tend to put a lot of time and effort into the develop of their career perhaps sacrificing other things stereotypical kind of city boy I imagine his I don't know people drinking champagne and getting drunk at lunchtime and in terms of my office and looking around the people I know it's it really isn't anything like it it couldn't probably be any more professional people put in 12 13 hour days and even when they finish they go home at night and read their charts and check things you know it's as professional as you can imagine it's a very pressurized job it is they don't give you the money for nothing the hours are intense you know you have to give up your weekends at a second's notice Friday afternoon was a classic period when people of my level were desperately hoping that they'd get out of the office by around 6 ish which is obviously early but this is Friday because if you were there much past that there's a good chance that you'd end up getting getting landed with the deal that had to be done over the weekend Polly Courtney joined one of the city's biggest investment banks straight from University despite the generous bonuses she found the long hours a high price to pay they work at times and it was nice to have that amount of money to splash around and to live that lifestyle so just as sort of elevated living in an elevated world where everybody you know that you can sort of afford whatever you want it's just a question of making time to go and get it but on balance I would say that that lifestyle would not for me only those who make it their life will survive in the city for long it's just a fun job it's very quick and very you know there's a lot of vibe to it and you meet a lot of people and if you're constantly on the phone to people so it's quite social the entertainments great we take clients out all the time and it just sort of rolls into your personal life as well so I just like the fact that I never had the difference between work and play if you know what I specifically like about my job is the fact that every day is different and it's a new challenge you you come into work and you don't really know what's going to happen also because you're working for yourself and you're working on your own opinion there's a certain amout satisfaction involved when you are right it's the best job in the world basically it wasn't Lori's first career choice that was football and on Friday nights he competes in a city league with fellow traders but trading has enabled him to match the salary of many Premiership footballers the money you make probably is similar to what footballers make but the one big difference is footballers are guaranteed their money week in week out whereas we're not guaranteed that and as much as I make money on given days I have days where I don't make money and those days can turn into weeks it is very competitive and I think one thing that's helped me is the fact that I had a strong competitive sport background and trading the markets is very much like playing a sport it's people against people all the time and like a Premiership football club city firms are keen to protect their talent and steer them away from the temptations that come with excessive wealth banks recognize that their biggest assets of the people that consequently they're keen to keep them so I think whether that be basically providing personal financial advice whether that means giving them access to other banking products from an investment perspective or even very basic things such as the banks tend to be paternalistic they provide dry cleaning they provide gyms they provide basically on-site catering they provide a lot of other facilities to ensure that the employee is happy absolutely it's becoming much more normal as becoming much more paternalistic as part of the bank's attitude to actually retain their staff we have performance coaches and people that talk to you and we're constantly having you know people coming in teaching this technical size of its same as footballers have coped in every single day and the single-minded dedication to money-making pays off this year finances will make up one third of the rich list replacing industrialists and the aristocracy each will need to have earned more than 75 million just to get on it then there are the other gauges of wealth the business magazine has produced this list of the 50 most powerful people in the city of London and we've got some really interesting characters on this list and here we've got Bob Diamond he's American and he runs Barclays investment banking division that's the most powerful most profitable part of Barclays it's much more exciting and makes much more money than the high street bank that that we all are used to last year the Barclays supremo banked a bonus of 15 million but others make even more higher up on the list is Michael Sherwood of investment bank Goldman Sachs he's 40 now and he's worth millions and millions of pounds but who's already making almost a million pounds a year NIST and his about 28 he's now worth a hundred and eighty five million pounds last year he flew a dozen friends by private jet to Paris to watch the Champions League final what's quite interesting about Sherwood isn't he went to the University of Manchester and in the old days in the city when he was run by the old blue blooded merchant banks someone from the University of Manchester could never have climbed his top so quickly and made so much money it would take a teacher 2,000 years to win the 50 million bonus pay to one of Sherwood star players but there are some who are even wealthier but probably the most interesting and the most exciting man on our list and the one we've ranked the most powerful man in the city he's Michael Spencer he runs ICAP that's his own bank he's created an institution employs thousands of people and generates huge amounts of money and he's now worth at least 600 million pounds Faye's 50th birthday Spencer threw a lavish party at his multi-million pound estate in France basically brought in Robbie Williams feeding one-and-a-half million pounds and that was the entertainment for his party but a man who's worth six hundred million can easily do that it's high rollers like these that the la dolce vita charity ball needs to attract getting the famous to turn up is one thing getting the rich to attend and part with our cash at the glittering auction is another for most of the bidders are in the dance floor area really we try and get them strategically placed so the auctioneer can spot them and get to them a table of 10 is 8,000 pounds which we've stuck to because we don't want to discount - we've had a good response result out which is who says it all anyway seem to be on schedule I'm very happy I'm very relaxed at the moment which is very unusual for me I'm really be tearing my hair out of this guy charities aren't the only ones competing for a piece of the city's billions the ripple effect of the bonus payouts is being felt as far away as the South of France can San Tropez the traditional playground of the rich it's the old favourite the South of France rakaat this year people will always fly private jets down to nice all Marseille they then bought their fantastic yachts sometimes they're owning their own yachts and we're there therefore and you have to source their private jet journeys down there their villas down there we can find no problem at all it's it's the it's the old favorites like their counterparts in London estate agents here are enjoying a surge in sales modern communications means that you can now actually run your business from your house down here now if you've got to get back to London or Newcastle or whether very quickly you could get back and come down again people didn't even know that you left your office and in terms of prices we are talking about somewhere between six hundred and fifty thousand and about six seven million pounds we did a weekend when we had a particularly good month the guys here will took a yacht down to central pay and have a few parties on there the other sense playground is is quite you know City ish boats yachts and private jets and and all that and there's a couple of guys that I know that I've got houses down there there's big money going and flowing around at the moment so you know they like their perks definitely we like our perks that way so here we are just outside the village of the plunder letour a few kilometres back from the Bay of San Tropez this is a beautiful house recently built to a very high standard it's got three reception rooms five bedrooms full caretakers flat just over a hectare of landscape gardens and a beautiful infinity pool which instead of overlooking the sea overlooks the vineyards which as you can see with all the wisps of smoke is a particular tractive view and which changes only around always nice to drop the odd name Johnny Depp and Vanessa Paradis live just around the corner and I suppose they had the the choice so if they chose this particular place there must be a reason to go into more solid details the price is three million two hundred and fifty thousand euros which we think is extremely good value we find that the colossal amount of money that is made available and available to be spent in the city we feel an immediate knock-on effect here because it's the nearest CN Sun to the principal commercial centres of Europe and starting off with London indeed we're looking towards a very busy spring and for what it's worth we've never in in thirty four years I've never had such a busy October November competition is fierce amongst City buyers for these exclusive San Tropez properties it's very interesting how people who made a lot of money in the city used to be a totally anonymous no one would recognize when a restaurant walking down the street and now people become celebrities for so many different reasons the city slickers become a bit of a sort of delete empty now when he for his winners out in a restaurant he knows everybody knows all about the deals he's done and I think he enjoys that celebrity back in London the money continues to be made and as the charity auction gets underway it's being spent but for one city worker the cash is no longer enough Sainsbury's have got a new way to help you get your by the day all you have to do is peel pick up a big fight drive game card when you spend 10 pounds or more on groceries and you could win one of your five a day Sainsbury's try something new today Churchill Churchill challenged Churchill to give you a better insurance field can you guarantee to beat the price and pay you now for my part in short inside Churchill for me shortest and you do the same for now if you haven't played for three years we still guaranteed to beat your renewal price if you hit me at 40 miles an hour there's around an 80% chance or die hit me at 13s around an 80% chance only take a short break at Center Parcs call Oh 8 7:05 202 - to feel free DVD and brochure or visit Center Parcs co uk new magazine out now to know where you're going my parents both got now and you don't take it for granted anymore you must know where you're from this is where it all started and cut bright steps back in time this is how my great grandfather grew up isn't it you don't know you're born a new series next Tuesday at 9 the thing about writing a best man speech is that it's got to be hilarious get it right you're a hero get it wrong you've ruined the most important day in your brother's life there must be websites he can rip witty anecdotes 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Dolce Vita a lavish charity ball and auction you want to raise as much money as we can tonight so it's key that we have all those people in the room and that they're me good time I think once we get them in the right frame of mind I'm hoping that they're all going to start being very generous hosts for the evening is Neil Morrissey introduce you don't worry the guest list is a who's who of the city and includes global financial giant Cantor Fitzgerald which has spent 80 thousand on turntables these guys have got magnums of champagne on their tables they've got great wines to drink it's gonna be fun after the four-course meal the auction the first lot is a Harley Davidson with a difference you need four ounces of solid silver and two points for the big names of the city tonight is a chance to flaunt their wealth and compete with one another in open combat who's gonna outbid each other who's gonna want to puff their chest out the most that's that's what we normally see that's what I want to see tonight within half an hour the auction raises half a million pounds time and as the evening goes on the final figure looks like breaking all previous records all the money raised will go towards the children's charity run by X Formula one bus Eddie Jordans the final Lada is the chance to spend a day as chairman of Chelsea Football Club or the chairman of Chelsea omen and then also in one room by one group of people a lot of new friends great supporters of this charity goose-pimples is a word that comes to mind because that's how I feel it's a very very moving moment and he's been very very good to me my firm was the one who was affected by 9/11 the most and right after that he came to our aid to help us raise a lot of money for those families so that's all I can do to get back it's not the only party of the evening across town Polly Courtney has decided that despite the big bonuses the city life is not for her she quit to write a novel based on their experiences there tonight is her first book launch a very unstable very poor paying profession which is writing to be honest I know that a person for whom my happiness it sounds very corny but my happiness that's more important than life besides my wallet I'm so much happier I'm my own personality now Lorri Inman is celebrating - having been included in an official list of the top 30 young traders in the world when I look at it and realize what I have and what I've gained from it it's just I realize how fortunate I am with his city earnings Tom one less is taking time out to travel and to invest in property in the Seychelles a maritza Fabrice has proved successful on the track as well as in the dealing room he's just been handed the keys to a brand new Maserati racing car after winning his championship after a year of record-breaking salaries and payouts thousands of people in the city have good reason to celebrate do they deserve these kind of bonuses the answer is almost entirely no they're not expanding the size of the cake from which we all benefit what they're doing is using their kind of economic and political muscle the grab a bigger share of the cake for themselves the city's defenders disagree but even they believe the era of the mega bonus can't last forever Jeff will change it the key word is confidence people don't have confidence than those deals will happen the cost of money has been rising and the economies have been doing rather well if that starts slowing and it's very likely to do so then you may well find an end to this period
Channel: TradingCoachUK
Views: 158,390
Rating: 4.7129631 out of 5
Keywords: Wall street, stocks, commodities, gold, oil, trader, anton kreil, Million Dollar Traders (TV Program), traders, traders by the millions, Stock, goldman sachs, billionaire, Trading, Market, City, News, Analysis, Business, Investment, education, Technical, Futures, Options, Bloomberg, Day, Currency, Markets, Euro, Economy, System, Stock Market, Financial, Charts, Dow, millions by the minute, top 10, top 50, Forex, warren buffet, trump, documentaries, 2020, new, documentary, life hack, rich list, how to make money
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 48sec (3468 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 31 2015
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