Forest carbon programs to assist private landowners

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okay i want to thank everyone for attending nacd's fall 2021 forestry webinar series nacd's forestry resource policy group organizes two webinar series each year one in the fall and also one in the spring this session is being recorded and can be viewed later on on nacd's website and also youtube channel before we begin i want to remind everyone keep your audio on mute during the presentations we will have a question and answer segment at the end but i would encourage folks if you have questions during the presentations you can enter those in the chat function i'll try to keep track of that and then i'll moderate the q a session at the end okay on to this uh this webinar forest carbon programs to assist private landowners let me introduce the presenters for this session uh elizabeth varanas works for the american forest foundation and is the director of national implementation for the family forest carbon program she works with a team around the country to design and implement strategies to incentivize woodland owners to steward their land for carbon sequestration along with co-benefits like wildlife habitat prior to her current role elizabeth has worked in forest conservation in the northeast fundraising and research she owes a bachelor's in environmental studies and masters in public policy from the university of virginia and later we also hope to be joined by katherine morse who is a landowner success manager for the natural capital exchange a carbon marketplace that connects net zero with forest land owners she works to educate forest land owners on the ncx program through events presentations and direct outreach while managing relationships with thousands of landowners who have already enrolled in the ncx cycle and so with that elizabeth i'm going to pass it on to you and let you go into your presentation perfect thanks so much mike um it's really great to be here with you all today um i'm really excited to tell you a little bit about the family forest carbon program um so because i cannot multitask let me go ahead and share my screen here and let's see here get it going i do have a presentation to share with you all right so all right you should be seeing what looks like the title slide of a presentation um if if you're not just let me know and we'll get that fixed um but anyway so oh fantastic thanks manika um so um like mike said my name is elizabeth and i i work for the american forest foundation um as the director for implementation of the family forest carbon program um i put my email up here and i would be super happy to hear from any of you um if you'd like to partner if you're curious about any any follow-up questions that you might have about the program um shoot me an email and and i'd love to get um in in greater touch with you um so with that being said um the agenda today since i'm going first um i get to talk a little bit first about the role of natural climate solutions and the opportunity for private forest landowners and then i'm going to spend most of my time today talking about the family forest carbon program um really providing an overview so that you get just a little bit of a picture of of what our program is doing so um to start out with i wanted to share um a little bit about what the potential is in the us for land based or natural climate solutions you can see that forests well uh you can't you can't see this because it's only partially uh part of the graphic here but i'll tell you that forests play a massive role um greater than we you know thought five to ten years ago there's a lot of opportunity and a lot of untapped opportunity to sequester even more carbon and meaningfully um mitigate climate change so a lot of that opportunity is in reforestation however um reforestation is pretty expensive uh you can see you know the cost here up um it's it's quite a lot not quite what our carbon markets can really support the second biggest area for um for that is natural forest management or um improved more forest management which is what the family forest carbon program is really focusing on right now so a massive opportunity there to both um you know benefit private family landowners and also to make a real meaningful impact on on mitigating climate change um i think i think everybody on the call most forested land in the us um next i wanted to show this slide a little bit to demonstrate the potential of providing opportunities for smaller family landowners so um the gray bar up here represents where we actually see a lot of forest carbon projects um taking place and you can see that that is primarily only folks greater than 5 000 acres can enroll in you know kind of more traditional carbon projects um whereas of course most families own properties that are less than 100 acres and so this all this yellow where it's not um all this yellow basically represents untapped potential um and an opportunity to engage family landowners in um carbon friendly forest management practices all right so um that was my quick intro about uh kind of why why we're doing this and now i'm going to get into a little bit about the family forest carbon program itself um so the family forest carb program is what we call kind of a practice based program it was developed by the american forest foundation and the nature conservancy to meet the challenges that many smaller acre lane owners face when considering forest carbon offset programs while also addressing some of the most common critiques of forest carbon credits so that our program can be really meaningful for the climate and really be a sustainable long-term solution um so like i mentioned on the last slide we do adopt an approach that offers incentives for specific forest management practices that have been scientifically demonstrated to enhance carbon sequestration um while also addressing a lot of the resource concerns that might be found on in a particular geography so you're going to see that i'm presenting practices today that are i'm going to be applicable to the central appalachians maybe not to the rest of the country because we really design practices according to what each area needs we engage family forest owners with natural resources professionals to provide technical assistance during site visits and through forest management plans that we offer to anybody that signs up with our program our program also promotes multiple benefits of forest management so it's not all about carbon we also promote timber production wildlife habitat and protecting water resources and really anything else that the landowner might be interested in we want to work with them to help them meet their goals whatever that might be and um finally the program is built on a financial model that's scalable and uses funding for mostly private sources so you might have noticed tnc and aff are non-profits and we do have some grants from from government agencies to get us set up but our our financial model um is a long-term sustainable model um that actually we get funding from the carbon offsets that we sell to the companies [Music] so um i wanted to put some key innovations that make the family forest carbon program different from a more traditional forest carbon project so you um you remember the slide from before where it's a big gray bar and all the potential that was pointing to an issue that we have with traditional forest carbon projects and that they're not really set out to involve smaller family landowners so that is where our project that's where our program comes in so the family forest carbon program we we help landowners by paying them to implement specific practices that will be good for their property um we one of the biggest costs in a traditional forest carbon project is actually monitoring very detailed carbon values on each and every property and that's really what prevents a lot of folks from being able to participate so instead we um we monitor our practice implementation on every property but in terms of the carbon values we do that on a landscape level using random sampling and that reduces the average kind of per property monitoring cost um we also while while most um you know traditional forest carbon projects require these super long term contracts um which might turn a lot of landowners away um we we still are able to achieve permanence with the family forest carbon program um but we do that through sound intervention design um not through these super long contracts our contracts are 10 to 20 years instead of you know 100 plus and then finally um we have what we call um extreme additionality so typically additionality um or you know carbon impact real carbon impact is determined from a model baseline but the family forest carbon program uses an observed baseline which is updated every verification cycle which gives us and gives also our carbon credit purchasers a lot of confidence that the the carbon that we are um the carbon opposites that we are creating are really uh meaningful they're really real they're really additional it's um they're making a real impact for um for the atmosphere um so how does it work for the landowner let's get into this a little bit um so to start off with i wanted to just provide a couple examples of some landowners i'll probably actually just um do this one example because i don't want to go over my time too much but this is john and sylvia dysart john is an auto shop owner who loves hunting he was a member of a hunting club or has been a member of a hunting club for 55 years and eventually bought out his hunting club property he loves to walk on this property um you know see see the deer and whatnot and he actually sought an ad on social media about the family forest carbon program and called to inquire about more information he he really likes the program because the funding helps him you know with his taxes and helps him you know um reduce his expenses and doesn't mess with his retirement or what he wants to do on his property um and so you can see um a quote here he's he's such a great advocate for the program and has been really happy with it so that's just an example of one of the folks that has signed up so far i'm going to pass this one again just just for the sake of time and shift over here to how it works in the landowner so we have designed this program to be both relatively simple to enroll in while also um you know recognizing what landowners really uh need and what they really value so landowners can go online find their property or give us a call and we'll work them through the process they'll connect with the representative to answer their questions and then we'll actually provide a site visit from a forester so the site the the forester will walk their land with them and collect some data to help determine the payment rate um after that the landowner will receive that contract um review the rate review you know all the various things that they might need to do to to be in the program and if they're happy with it they will sign it and receive their first payment soon after signing um one thing that makes our our program different is that we've modeled out how much carbon impact we think we'll be able we'll get from the practices and so we're able to reduce a lot of the risk that the landowner might take on in a different sort of carbon program because we actually can um you know kind of provide them a guaranteed amount of money through the contract and also provide their payment up front and then finally depending on the practice the lander might need to hire professionals to complete um complete the practice or you know they might not it all depends on what their practice is and what their goals are um so just to get into a little bit more detail here um payments are made throughout the agreement period according to a set schedule and mentions that and that will all be set out and the initial contracts the linear will have full transparency on when the payments will come and everything like that um the landowner will be responsible for reporting requirements every five years so it's pretty easy to do um the ffcp will own the rights to the carbon in the project area and kind of aligned with that we might visit the property to conduct monitoring in order for us to know actually how much carbon um we can sell and then finally for current registry rules brain owners who participated in any other carbon project um may not sign up um even if their term with the other project has completed so this applies to um all projects for registry rules it's not an ffcp rule it's um it's registry rules so we do um we do always need to check for that all right um next up here is late under eligibility um i can't say a lot on this because it really depends a lot on the specific practice but in general we try to make it as inclusive as we can in terms of eligibility so again we're targeted for smaller family landowners so um anybody that owns between 30 and 2 400 forested acres um within one of our eligible geographies is eligible to participate um they can't have restrictions on the land that exclude timber activities timber harvest activity um because in those cases our practices wouldn't be additional and we want to make sure that what we're doing is always additional and then finally um like i mentioned there are additional eligibility criteria depending on on what the practice is that the landowner is most interested in the next question i i always get is what are the practices so i'm going to mention a little bit about the practices in the central apps i didn't see a lot of folks on the call today that were from the central apps so this might not be as relevant to you but it should give you some sort of an idea of what we're going for and you might see some similar practices as we expand into other areas of the country as well um so in the central apps we have two practices that we've designed to be compatible with most forest management goals um given you know most forest management practices have the desired end goal of kind of letting the forest continue to mature or regenerating um so in the case where the goal is to allow the forest stand to mature we have a practice called growing mature forests um growing mature forests uh allows light thinning but it restricts the amount of harvesting that can occur um so that the highest quality trees are retained um for the most part we kind of also call it the no high grading practice because that's really what it was designed around and what the intent around it is um now if the goal for of the landowner is to regenerate the forest stand we have a practice called enhancing the future forest where the practice actually pays for controlling competing vegetation that might be suppressing tree seedlings so this isn't the case where um a regeneration harvest has already been planned or has already happened will help to make sure that that's successful by providing the support that only owners need to actually you know control that invasives and other competing vegetation um so uh current status and expansion grants right now um we are very active in the central app alachians um we are recruiting landowners all over pennsylvania west virginia and western maryland um we're pursuing verification of our carbon impacts under vera's verified carbon standard and um also recruiting needed market actors like carbon credit buyers investors and whatnot to make sure that our program is really um long-term sustainable and um gotten a lot of a lot of fire interest recently so that's been great um we also have been um like i mentioned before researching practices in other regions and building models to enable us to scale um so i'm going to talk a little bit more about where we're going next and what that might look like oh before i get there um this is where we are now if you know windowner's here if you know anybody here foresters who might be interested in the program send them our way and we'd be happy to get them going with next steps and um these are upcoming geographies our most um most upcoming geographies we have bigger plans to scale throughout the rest of the country as well but right now like i mentioned we're in pennsylvania west virginia western maryland we'll probably get into virginia as well um we're also in we're we're not there yet but um early next year will be available early to mid next year will be available in the northeast so vermont massachusetts and new york probably a little beyond that as well and then also in the upper midwest next year and then we're also building out some potential practices and pilot area for the southeast so very exciting coming up where where we're going to be going um so finally i just wanted to toss some partners up here um to kind of show folks um who we've been working with um and give a little bit better of an idea for that and then finally i just have a final slide here um with again my email address i'll say again in case in case folks are arriving a bit late um i welcome lots any emails if folks want to learn more or want to partner um i would love that so just just reach out that's my email or go online to our website and there's all sorts of information on there and i think that's it um mike did we get katherine yeah we do uh catherine are you uh you all set we'll take questions at the end so uh all right go ahead thanks perfect go ahead and share my screen alrighty see here all righty and uh can you see the slides okay okay great awesome so yeah thank you so much for having me uh mike and gary really appreciate all the coordination here to allow us to present you know natural capital exchange and our forest carbon program that you know we're really excited to be able to provide to landowners so um my name is katherine morse i am a landowner success manager at ncx and um you know i work with some state landowner associations you know other other landowner groups essentially you know holding presentations attending events and just educating landowners on this new opportunity um this new kind of forest carbon opportunity and then also you know working to help landowners day to day on the enrollment process and um you know helping them through the entire life cycle with the with the carbon program so i'm just going to go through you know kind of what sets us apart from some other carbon programs that are currently some other voluntary carbon programs that are currently available to landowners and then they'll go through you know the actual enrollment process and the current dates for this current cycle and then run through some frequently asked questions that we get from landowners so just to start off so you know the mission of ncx is really to put you know to pay landowners for all the ecosystem services that they're providing you know forests provide trillions of dollars of value to society but vast majority of that is not measured nor paid for so right now we're starting with forced carbon but you know we are going to move into credits about you know sustaining water quality preserving biodiversity mitigating fire risk um to name a few so really excited to you know expand to those in the near future um but you know we're again starting with forced carbon so uh we'll talk about the you know force carbon opportunity that we are providing as of now so ncx is really built on our base map technology so uh we we developed our base map technology with microsoft in in 2018 and this has really allowed us to you know grow this program at scale so base map is the first ever high resolution forest map of the contiguous united states so it allows us to estimate the size and species of trees on every acre of every forest in the u.s and you know this again has really allowed us to to grow the program at scale because we're able to do all of our assessments remotely so you know i'll go into you know more of this in some future slides but um this really is you know the foundation of our forced carbon program is the space mac technology so ncx so our vision is really to build a carbon market that's available to every american forest landowner so you know what we've seen in the past and what we've seen as of up until this point is that you know majority of some you know available carbon programs have barred participation to smaller family landowners so you know ncx saw this you know need for a carbon program that can be built for for every landowner regardless of how how big their property is so you know and up until this point you know you can have contract lengths of you know 40 to 100 years it could be high transaction costs to participate in a program and you know basically large acreage minimums there as well so we worked you know to develop a program uh methodology and you know using that base mech technology to be able to provide you know a a carbon program that has no acreage minimums it'll go on the side no acreage minimums and there's no cost to the landowner to participate and it's only a one-year contract deferral contract term so it's only one year harvest deferral terms and then just looking into some numbers so we're currently in the 2022 winter cycle but we've had incredible growth you know since we first started this carbon program we actually had a pilot program in pennsylvania in 2019 and you know we really worked we worked with microsoft as the primary buyer in this in this pilot program and you know up until that point again there hadn't really been a lot of a lot of programs that could be available to smaller family landowners but we worked with that and and had you know tremendous success with that and then we moved into our spring cycle of 2021 which was open to 10 states in the southeast and we had 119 landowners with bids accepted you know to participate that are currently participating and then we actually expanded participation by five times that amount in the 2021 summer cycle of this year where we opened it up to the lake states new york and pennsylvania and we had 574 landowners with bids accepted and actually from a climate perspective we went from around 100 000 metric tons of co2 equivalent and expected impact in our spring cycle this year to 500 000 in our summer cycle of this year and then just to you know share a few other metrics not included in this slide is that landowners with as little as 20 acres have been assessed as eligible uh meaning they have enough you know eligible carbon you know volume to participate in the program and then 45 of assessed properties in the summer cycle were under 500 acres and on the bottom right hand corner is just some buyers that participated in the previous cycles here and you know these buyers are really um you know large like 14 100 and 500 companies that are you know looking to offset their emissions you know they have high sustainability targets or net zero commitments and are you know purchasing these credits to again offset some of the emissions there so in terms of ncx and our you know our climate impact here and making sure that we are creation you know creating additional carbon that's stored on the landscape i have some kind of statistics here and and a comparison here of ncx versus you know some other legacy forest carbon programs that have you know kind of the differences here and how we deal with these key you know pieces in measuring impact so in terms of permanence so ncx we do have you know one year payment on delivery contracts and this is actually bundled for the equivalent climate impact to one ton stored over 100 years and then you know in terms of additionality we use targeted acre by acre baselines to make sure that we are you know measuring that additional carbon and then in terms of leakage we really work to you know minimize this by increasing market access to all land owners because it's fully you know uh fully accessible program to all landowners and not just the largest land owners and then in addition to this leakage is addressed through you know enrollment of all of the acres of a property and then we also apply a deduction factor based on regional statistics as opposed to a standard bleach leakage detection factor and in terms of you know certification of our credits so we are currently working with vera carbon standard and they've actually fully you know approved our concept note but we are working on a full certification of our credits and are expecting this full certification by the end of 2022 you know this is really something that our buyers are really you know demanding and it's something that we're really looking forward to completing this full certification of credits here so i've gone over kind of what sets us apart um some you know the climate impact statistics and then you know one thing of just how does this work like how does the harvest furl work so uh you know our first step here is the measurement enrollment step so we use that basement technology to measure you know look at the standing inventory size and species of trees on very property and then we also look at harvest risk so we look at terrain operability you know proximity to mills mill demand in the area of each property to determine the you know risk that harvest will occur on that property in the upcoming year we then you know give the landowner the assessment of how many credits that they can sell on the marketplace and then that marketplace is that second step where landowners actually bid prices that work for them and then buyers actually you know tell us how much they're willing to pay for these credits and then we come to a market clearing price and then the third step is you know that uh that harvest reduction step where we you know monitor audit we we do a second assessment at the end of that year-long deferral term and then we issue payments to the buyers and we issue our payments to the landowners and then we issue the credits to the buyers um upon delivery of these um on delivery of these credits and i might actually slip skip the video just to give us some time here uh for questions but basically you know every individual has different motivations behind you know their reasoning for participating in the national capital exchange but some of the reasonings that we've seen are you know yearly income being a primary motivator for you know uh you know besides just kind of waiting for these trees to mature you're getting that you know yearly income that income year over year there's also many management practices that are permitted um you know we can we can work with landowners that do invasive species removal pine straw collecting prescribed burns to name a few and you can also proceed with a thinning or a clear cutting as as you would like to you just have to account for that in your bidding process and then yeah by by deferring these harvests for a year the timber value does increase for the next year as these trees grow in volume so you have that you know increased volume as well year over year well alrighty and then just going into the schedule here just these you know the steps for actual for landowners in the timeline for this current cycle uh from now until december first is the enrollment period where landowners actually enroll all of their acres and then request the assessment from ncx that second step is that assessment process where we assess you know eligibility for each property looking at again staining inventory the carbon storage potential and then the risk of harvest in that upcoming year and then in um it's actually currently at this point once you assess your property the seller agreement will be made available in the landowner account where then you can actually submit bids to bid at prices that work for you and then um you know if you are accepted if your bids are accepted into the marketplace then you will enter into that year-long commitment for this current cycle it is january 1st to december 31st of 2022 and that is you know that year-long commitment to defer however much harvest you said you were going to defer you know during that good submission process so that year-long deferral and then um at the end of this cycle at the end of each cycle is the payment period where again we verify that these commitments were met and then we issue payments to to the landowners and issue these credits to the buyers so signing up for an assessment only takes a few minutes basically landowners just visit this website here to create their landowner account and then you know all we need from them is just general contact information and just general property boundaries we actually don't need any management plans we don't need information about your past harvesting activity or future harvesting activity we just need to take full stock of the land holdings under your ownership and you know basically to assess you know all the standing standing inventory and measure the amount of carbon that can be stored on that landscape in the upcoming year and then basically from there yeah we just assess the property and then you know the the next steps are the auction process and then the actual fulfillment period just jumping into some really you know common ask questions that we get from landowners you know if a landowner needs to enroll all the property under their ownership does that mean you have to defer harvest across your entire acreage so no so you're not actually you know required to bid on all the credits that are given to you um basically and i mentioned this previously but a scheduled thinning or a timber sale can continue as planned you just have to reduce your bid accordingly and regard you know with regards to removal specifically this formula here is something that we provide you know landowners for guidance in terms of how to account for any removals that you assume will take place over that year-long period you use this 25 tons of pine or 19 greens heads of hardwood that one truckload of virtual timber is equal to one credit and then you adjust your bid down based on what you expect will happen in that upcoming year so how much will landowner get paid per acre so this isn't a super uh straightforward answer because there's so many factors that influence financial potential here and there's so many factors that determine how many credits the landowners allocated you know so many factors play into this this uh this calculation here like rotation age species mix uh we look at you know timber economics we look at again mill demand in the area and some other commitments so it really depends how many credits that you do receive and then in terms of the price per credit this is determined in that auction structure where we do you know match supply and demand to come to a market clearing price and that price then determines the price per credit but it really does depend on again how many credits you receive in that market clean price um but the last cycle had a market cleaning price of 12 per credit and we're in the current cycle now where we're you know still kind of looking at what that market cleaning price is going to look like but our main recommendation to landowners is just to get sign up for that free assessment that original you know eligibility assessment and then you'll receive the amount of credits that are allocated to you to determine you know um how many credits you'd be willing to sell and if the process is you know worthwhile and so how should consulting foresters engage with the program so we get this question a lot a lot of foresters that we've been working with have been handling ncx in ways similar to how they would handle a timber sale we actually also have an affiliate program available where you can get access to our multi-account dashboard you know being able to manage all the accounts under under one dashboard instead of creating individual accounts for the landowners we can also do one-on-one webinar opportunities to the landowners you work with a compensation package included in this and some other resources that you can share with clients um so if anyone is you know has a forester that you know or you know is a forcer themselves and is interested in getting more information i have an email at the end of this slide where you can reach out to us with any information about that so kind of went through everything quickly just to make sure we have enough time for questions but really appreciate the opportunity to present our program to you all and have the email here for how to reach out to us my colleague and i are both landowner success managers and we you know primarily man this this email here so you'll receive this response from us soon after after reaching out with any questions and then this is the actual link to for landowners create accounts and this is the again those key dates for the current current cycle that's ongoing right now so yeah just open up the questions excellent okay well i think we had a couple of questions or people tried to chime in before um doug did you have a question yeah this one's for elizabeth thank you for the presentation thank you both for the presentations um the forest practices you mentioned are applicable here in the pacific northwest too i didn't see anything that raised any eyebrows and it would depend on the individual landowner of course and thinking about the example from pennsylvania and how highly the gentleman spoke about the program what are any reasons why people wouldn't want to participate yeah definitely um so one of the things we hear a lot is um [Music] if if folks are going to be selling their properties soon then they might choose um not to participate um similar like we do have a 20-year contract for that for the for the most popular um uh practice and so folks sometimes see that and if if they don't if they have plans to sell or don't know what their future plans are they might choose not to of course there is an out to that landowners can get out of the contract but that can definitely um that can definitely dissuade some folks from participating um that's probably the one that we hear that we hear most often um yeah yeah well thank you yeah thank you and thanks for letting me know as well that um the practices would be applicable in the pacific northwest as well i would love to get there um i uh i think it's it's a really important part of the country for for us to get out to for for this for this mission it's supposed to stop raining in about five years i'll come then we have severe flooding right now oh yeah yeah gary blair also has his hand up go ahead gary yeah thank you and i want to thank both of our presenters today elizabeth and catherine and appreciate that elizabeth same thing in the southeast i'm in mississippi and i've heard a lot about your program really excited i really like a carbon-based program based on practices that are are really good for the not only the the landowner but also just for the land and katherine um you know i am actually signed up for the program uh i'm in the process right now and i i just want to say it's been a very good process um i look forward to actually submitting my bids here in a few days and and uh you know i think it's just another opportunity that forest landowners can look at both uh the aff program and the ncx program as a way of managing their timberland in the right way and then i'm you know getting some benefit and payment through carbon work so i commend both of you for what you're doing and thank you for your time today uh as well thanks gary linda did you have a question uh yes i do have a question uh thank you very much elizabeth and catherine for excellent and informative presentations uh it's much needed information i have a question maybe more directed to elizabeth is it possible to enroll in your program in conjunction with nrcs practices for example my my 200 acres is under contract with nrcs for things like timber stand improvement mass tree release the sessional forestry and and the like can they these be done in in in concert with each other you had a mature forest pro uh practice which kind of is similar to those first two yeah yeah so the short answer is yes um the long answer is we're happy to look at at those specific cases where those will come up there are cases where you might be under contract to do something that our agreement wouldn't necessarily allow which in case of course you know um most likely wouldn't be able to make that work but in most cases um you know our our contract is is longer than the nrcs contracts so um by enrolling you know you can enroll in the nrcs contract and and also um then enroll in the family forest carbon program um and uh and still be still be additional and um and still be allowed to enroll um i always encourage land banners if they're interested in nrcs and foresters to just um have that conversation with us um to make a fully informed decision um just in case there's any little things that that might that might come up that might be in in conflict but typically we've seen with the folks that are either signed up with nrcs or interested in nrcs the programs work really well together catherine do you want to touch on that from your program at all any conflicts or anything yeah so basically in terms of you know our only really main kind of stipulation regarding other other programs or types of programs that a property might be under would be regarding like easements that a property was also under so um our main rule of thumb there is that if an easement restricts harvesting activity on a certain area of the property then we would recommend just not enrolling those acres in you know in terms of your enrollment of the property so that's the only really kind of stipulation in terms of the other types of programs um and um yeah that's just to prevent that you know if there's already something that's restricting harvesting activity this would uh we want to make sure we're creating additional carbon stored in landscape so that would be an issue with additionality um and then in terms of other carbon programs um yeah we're still looking into just kind of what that looks like afterwards like after our if someone participates in the program they can participate in other carbon programs right afterwards but as of now we're not seeing that there's any issue there in terms of you know of course not not in the same year but in another year moving forward yeah thank you both thank you do we have any other questions anybody have anything else for our presenters okay well seeing none i i want to thank uh elizabeth and catherine for sharing time today obviously this is an emerging topic something all of our organizations are really exploring and something that nacd and conservation districts are taking a close look at and seeing where we can fit and support private landowners looking at these types of options but thank you again i should mention this this will be this recording will be on the nacd website and also our youtube channel and i encourage people to look for our next round of forestry webinars in the spring sometime in the spring of 2022 but thank you everybody for attending today
Channel: National Association of Conservation Districts
Views: 3,949
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Id: nTmRtgJDIsc
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Length: 45min 15sec (2715 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 22 2021
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