Forest Birdsong - Relaxing Nature Sounds - Birds Chirping - REALTIME - NO LOOP - 2 Hours - HD 1080p
Video Statistics and Information
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Channel: TheSilentWatcher
Views: 10,813,520
Rating: 4.8483701 out of 5
Keywords: birdsong, bird, birds, sing, singing, Nightingale, sound, HD, high, quality, definition, pure, Blackbird, Cuckoo, Chaffinch, Common, Luscinia megarhynchos, Turdus merula, forest, river, water, flow, flowing, peaceful, tranquil, calming, calm, healing, relaxation, relaxational, relax, relaxing, stream, woods, green, lush, nature, natural, pristine, wild, wilderness, park, waterflow, stress relief, trees, meditation, meditative, sleep, aid, sleeping, help, meditate, audio, 1080p, FullHD, tweet, Fringilla coelebs, chirp, chirping
Id: Qm846KdZN_c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 120min 4sec (7204 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 29 2014
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