BEST NIGHTINGALE SONG - 3 Hours REALTIME Nightingale Singing, NO LOOP - Birdsong, Birds Chirping
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Channel: TheSilentWatcher
Views: 14,928,526
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Common Nightingale (Animal), Luscinia megarhynchos, birdsong, bird, song, sound, sing, singing, Nightingale, relax, relaxing, video, audio, recording, forest, river, 1080p, water, flowing, flow, relaxation, nature, stream, woods, green, tranquil, garden, tweeting, stress relief, calming, mind, calm, meditate, meditative, meditation, peaceful, chirping, pauksciu balsai, песня Соловей, Rossignol Chanson, Nachtigall Song, Bülbül Sesi, Песен Славей, Славей, соловей пісня, nagtegaal lied, lagu bulbul, αηδόνι τραγουδά, HD
Id: NK2_bcQcoD4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 188min 38sec (11318 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 06 2015
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