My Life in Istanbul, Turkey as a Digital Nomad: Cost of Living with High Inflation in 2022

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hey guys welcome back to my channel and in this video i wanted to show you more of my life as being digital nomad and living in istanbul turkey i'm sure you like this video so watch until very end due to the political situation in russia i decided to move to istanbul and i've been living here for the last three months there were sad moments happy ones and my new friends learn more about the culture and in this video i'd like to tell more about my life in turkey and about of course of living here in the beginning of this video i wanted to show you more what was happening in my life after i returned from georgia and by the way if you haven't seen this video take a look at this later and one of the most important things is that i got temporal residence in turkey for one year and it means that i don't need to live in country in few days and to be honest it was such a relief you can't even imagine how stressful and nervous i was but when i got it at least i feel much more relaxed also during the last month my spanish friend ingrid came to visit me we had such a great time here in istanbul and actually i haven't seen her since the pandemic started so it was such a wonderful time and immediately after she left dr russian came and you already seen him in my previous videos we also had an incredible time here in istanbul we traveled to one island it was an absolutely great time and by the way as for the island let's go back to this moment too many days in the darkness without a glimpse of the light okay guys let's and go but i swear i'll never give up a fight i see you broken and beaten had pulled down over your eyes [Music] now i want to share with you more of my current life in istanbul as you might already know i recently quit my job in marketing where i used to work as a business development manager for almost a year i was working remotely living in bosnia portugal russia and other places where i was traveling so it was a real digital normal lifestyle i quitted it and i feel super happy actually about it i'm not feeling even sad a little bit because i didn't enjoy it much right now i feel like i will find something that is more for me and actually now i start teaching russian conversational language online one of my patrons asked me to have class with him his name is jeremy and a few times per week we are having classes and i know that many of you ask me actually if i'm doing it so right now i'm still not so sure if i want to take more students because still i'm trying to understand if this is something i like and i want to do but still write me in the comments if you would like to have a russian language conversational classes online with me and if they're going to be more people maybe i can consider taking more students i also saw many comments under my videos where you guys asked me how is life in turkey when inflation got super high like 70 percentage and even higher and i can tell you this is getting more and more expensive every day first of all what i wanted to share with you is the transport when we came here in the middle of march it was quite reasonable i actually found it quite cheap with istanbul card but one month after i was staying here in istanbul it was a new reform and no prices for all public transport including taxes metro marmara metro buses buses everything increased for 40 percentage what is super high and taxi even somehow sometimes increase for maybe 100 for several places so it's super high and now it's already really noticeable that i put more money on my instable card for traveling in the city actually yesterday i discussed inflation with my local friend here and i would really love to share our conversation with you guys now i'm sitting here with my turkish friend and actually i think it would be great if she would tell you more about inflation here in turkey which is happening now uh unfortunately i can't show here to you because the problem of the new room of turkish government that if a turkish citizen will say anything misleading uh he can go to jail so i don't want my friend to have to be in the risk that's why i'm not going to show her to you or tell you a name but she will tell you everything about inflation so darling can you please tell about yourself a little bit what do you do now yes sure so i'm a turkish girl and i live here for a very long time i also live in other countries like spain like germany like poland so i know a bit like about different european countries as well i work in a let's say performance marketing digital marketing company and our company based in germany but we also have an office here so it means that i don't get my salary a structural i'm getting my money in dollar and even if i get dollar right now normally i should be very very relaxed very chill here when you compare with the currency but right now with decking flash inflation it's even so hard even if let's pretend like i'm getting two thousand three thousand dollar in istanbul but right now it's getting so hard because when you think about it it's around like 35 000 turkish lira and if i'm gonna pay fifteen thousand takeshita for a house and you know the situation with the food yes it's just like i i can't i can't believe what i'm seeing in the menu right now because when i'm going to a restaurant i'm getting even like shock every day because last year let's not pretend last year like five months ago when i go to a restaurant a normal restaurant that you can find everywhere let's think that i will eat a meat or salmon it was like 70 turkey raw 80 turkish lira and yesterday i went to a restaurant and they were asking just for one plate 335 turkesira for salmon for a fish let's give an example about my rent i was paying like five thousand turks veera which was okay and i don't live in a very bad district my district is really nice and five thousand was okay but then our householder just called us and they said like he wants to increase it to eighteen thousand so it's like more than i can't even like three more than three hundred percent exactly exactly and it's not like normal because you can just ask an increasement from 5000 to 18 000 it's a huge like huge differences and this is normal now what's happening with apartments right exactly the search for the apartment was a nightmare because of the price increase the average cost one bedroom apartment with furniture for six months rent was around one thousand dollars per month we've been looking for the place to live for two weeks until we found these two bedroom apartment and we are paying around one thousand two hundred dollars per month what is quite a lot for turkey but we didn't have much choice when you're a tourist without speaking uh turkish language the price will be even high and trust me i experienced this even like when i was searching for the apartment even with local friends who are speaking turkish because i wasn't a turkish citizen the prices were super high it's also a big difference if you rent with a furniture over dalit with furniture it's also going to be like 50 or even 100 percent more expensive and i even don't want to talk about the petrol you know the motoring it's turning actually right can you imagine one liter is 33 stirrups so it's like yeah completion is horrible yes i can tell for sure my local friend who has a car here we met last week and he said that he stopped using his car because the oil became super expensive so darling thank you so much for telling us all this information and now guys i think we should go to the grocery store and see the prices ourselves we are going now to migrants one of the most popular grocery store in istanbul now let's take tomatoes mushrooms to be very honest i don't remember the exact price for mushrooms but here you can see the price for washed both fruits and different greens and i want to remind you that one dollar is 16 and a half liters i also think that we should take some cherries let's see the price if i'm not making a mistake it's around 25 liters for 500 grams one croissant is ninth lira by the way guys this is an olive past oh my god this one of the best things i tried so good i usually don't buy beef here i actually don't know why but i'm used to buy chicken all the time so the prices are completely different from i would say the cheapest one i see 36 litres doesn't look so good though we usually buy some average so here the price is about 69 lira for quite a quite a kilo almost we're gonna take let's check also a price for kefir uh different kinds here let's take this one here are the prices for chocolate and this is guys one of the best chocolate i've ever tried in my life it's a milk chocolate with pistachio so so so good let's see the prices for cheese to be honest i'm not a fan of turkish cheese but this one we usually buy i'm not going to take it now because we have at home it's kind of local mozzarella there are just few kinds of salmon this one it's cost 170 lira what's quite a lot for just few pieces and you can see that it's norway salmon the price for the eggs we took was 20 sun lira's plus we also took keshum for 42 litres since turkey is a muslim country you can't really find here come from the pork but you can find her hand from the turkey or from the beef and prices are very different our goal here is quite pricey the orange price for the butter wine is 10 dollars and heart apple gold will be even more expensive now let me tell you what we bought and its cost so here you can see the list and this is the price and this food for maybe a few days maybe one two days for us let me know if it's cheap for you or not well i would also mention that i think it became a little bit more expensive during the time i'm living here what is three months [Music] guys now we came to balak district i absolutely love it because it's super enjoyable just to walk around because of this beautiful architecture amazing colorful houses all around and what i like the most with is the knob of beautiful cafes where you can work [Music] truth to be told when i'm working remotely i usually work from home from my bed or from the table but sometimes i really like going out in such cute coffees and work from here and especially the weather now is very warm so super enjoyable to work from here right now [Music] now i'm working from the castle with my friend nick that you might remember from chechnya return yeah that was quite a trip yeah and nick just quit his job in the usa as a police officer and moved to istanbul to work remotely as an english teacher nick how do you feel about this istanbul is nothing like the states so that's a big adjustment and it's obviously a totally different career field so that's a big change too but it's exciting so nerve-wracking but exciting what do you think about the prices here because you know that price quite increased yeah uh i mean they're still pretty low comparing to like western prices but it does seem like they're like they've gone up a little bit yeah i think for commendation like it's more than a thousand dollars for one bedroom apartment right now yeah it's like close to you surprises yeah i'm getting there yeah i hate noises nick would you advise to people to work from istanbul what do you think i suppose it depends on the type of person if you like cities if you like like having something to do all the time then yeah it's okay but if you're like more of a chill you want like someplace just to relax then this nimble's not the place because it's not chill or relax exactly it's how i take a lot of people but still there's so many nice cafes where you can go and sit and enjoy next to the sea and also say this this circuits counter than like gauta and most touristy places it's true so you can just find the place for you yeah i suppose it depends what part of the city can make a big difference but uh still if you like if you really like to just like chill out and no noise then then istanbul is going to be tough stuff for you thank you so much by the way guys he just recently started his youtube channel so be sure to subscribe to it guys i would also like to tell you my impressions of living in istanbul as a digital nomad and i can say perhaps nick was right uh about house sometimes like lots of people quite noisy but on the other hand the city is very interesting and very beautiful as well there are many places to go it never gets boring and lots of interesting cafes to work from not just from home so to be honest i quite like it and i really get used to this already but overall i can actually advise you to go and to work online from istanbul i'm sure you'll get really great experiences here if you like you know some people just like all the time being in action and with lots of people so there are districts for you if you like a camel life you can go to the asian side a little bit further and it will be much cameras so this is right the end of my video my friends and please don't forget to push the like button leave a comment because this is super important for youtube algorithm i would like to send a postcard from istanbul to one of you after one week of posting this video i will choose a random person in the comments i'm gonna send him a postcard so please don't forget to leave a comment and also i will see you next week bye bye
Channel: Dari Step
Views: 15,041
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: life in istanbul turkey as a digital nomad, cost of living in istanbul turkey, prices in turkey with high inflation, istanbul turkey cost of living 2022, dari step, digital nomad in istanbul, life of a digital nomad in turkey, istanbul turkey, inflation in turkey, reality of living in istanbul, life in turkey as a foreigner, life in turkey in 2022 with inflation, top digital nomad destinations in the world, digital nomad lifestyle, balat istanbul, living in turkey 2022, istanbul
Id: 26r6OcexA-o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 52sec (952 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 03 2022
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