Ford Transit campervan conversion UK

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hey everyone how's it going I thought I'd uh show you my beautiful blue van um my beautiful blue van that I've bought to um convert into a camper and um go traveling in um living as well cuz just want to keep overheads of you know high prices of rent and counsil tax and all of that to a minimum so um taking taking to the road and living in this blue Beauty and I just thought I'd take some little videos and some snaps of me just converting it and um yeah making that making that dream possible so there she is my blue Beauty so the van that I've got is a Ford Transit van it's a mid wheeel base midtop um I didn't want to go too big um I just wanted it to be sort of easy to drive about really into get into into parking spaces so here she is and um this is the inside um I've got to take this um white paneling off here um and there is my insulation that I've bought to go um on the sides and then I've got a Ply lining kit come in so that will go over the top of the insulation and the bulkhead at the back is coming out there and this is my purple beauty of a trike which is another reason why I've gone for a bit of a bigger van cuz she's quite the quite the bit of Kit and needs a bit of space it is a folding trike so it does go down um a bit smaller um but even when it's a bit smaller it still needs a bit of bit of space to be able to um yeah to be able to to get in things um I've also picked myself up an off cut of Lino which is going to go on the floor um so yeah so I'm going to start today by just taking off the plastic paneling that's already up um so then I'm all set for when my ply lining kit arrives um fit a window in the sliding sliding door for me um cuz there isn't one in there currently and it would just be nice to have a bit of you know a bit of sunlight in the back so getting a window putting the side the roof bars roof rack is coming off um just cuz I just don't need it up there so I can just Vlog that and uh get a bit of cash for that so um so yeah and I'll probably try and sell the bulkhead as well and um yeah get that get that gone so yeah just a bit a little bit to do I'm not going too crazy inside I'm keeping it pretty basic cuz um I don't need no fan flashy camper I just need need a bed really a bed and a cupboard uh space to put my trike space to store my bass guitar and my notebooks and sketchbooks cuz I like writing and making art so it's going to be my creative creative little van to do that in as you can see she is well tidy inside she's got such a nice nice clean cab on her um she's a ex British gas fan so um it's pretty good getting ones that are ex sort of like vehicle like that cuz they've just got good like service history with them and then a cleaning company had had her after that so she's just been really wellmaintained so um I'm hoping she's going to be a damn good van for me and um yeah I'm I'm looking forward to the many many miles we are going to do [Music] together so the first job I tackled was taking this um plastic uh stuff off the off the side so that I can insulate it and then ply line it um I've managed to get most of the indoor bits off except for the ones that that bottom bit on the side door and these bits on the back doors um just cuz there's a couple of little screws that are little buggers to get off so I'm going to have to get uh get a strong bloke to help me with those or strong woman whoever I can find um and then obious started on bolting uh the bolts that put the um bulk head up there um again there's some rusty ones and ones where I'm just going to need a little extra help to get those off so uh once I found somebody to help me with that then that will be that will be off as well but um yeah I'm making progress so now I'm just going to give the um give the walls of a the van a little wipe down cuz they're a bit bit Mucky so just make that all nice and clean before I put the um put the insulation in got a window looks freaking awesome absolutely love it the guys just came today and did that literally so quick like half hour it was in so yeah I paid the bit extra to get one that opened as well I just thought that was important like weather's really hot you want to be able to open the window so um yeah I'm loving it it looks great with the window and yeah all the plastic off giving everything a wipe down so now it's just a case of Wai for the ply lining kit to turn up and inul it with all that insulation so yeah getting there making progress It's coming on so little van update got some electrics going on and I'm just about to start insulating it and lining it I've got some wool insulation as well as some a roll of aluminum and some celotex so just going to like triple layer it for um yeah to just sort of keep as much heat in and as much cold out um so yeah hopefully that should keep me snug and cozy as well as cool in the summer this is my van all finished I'm just coming in from the side door um for the floor I did a um layer of cotext 25 mil um a layer of ply as well as a layer of the Quilted aluminum stuff and then um the Lino on top and this Checker plate just to keep it all in by the door I've got my bin my water storage my little bucket to pee in over there I've got a suitcase of clothes and behind that my little coolbox fridge my bed SLS sofa is there with underneath storage and plastic boxes some more clothes Food Supplies kitchen supplies I've got my little cooker there and here I've got um just uh a thing that sort of stores my longer like dresses in acts as a bit of a wardrobe and my um tricycle at the back there and a little stool a little um tray with a beanie bottom which is really handy to use as like a work surface a dash to work on it's really handy um a few little pot plants I've got a string of fairy lights that run off little batteries rechargeable ones um as well as having electrics over here I've got a solar panel on the roof which runs a light and I've also got the option to plug into the mains as well with with all of that and then I've got this sort of blanket and a bit of bamboo that means I can just pull that across and it just keeps me cozy um and keeps the cab area separate and up there I've got a shelf for storage that sort of acts as a bit of a garage space just sort of random bits and Bobs to store um on the roof I've got a layer of aluminium uh foil insulation then cotex and then the ply and on the uh walls I've got the quilting aluminum quilting some wool insulation as well as the celotex um and then the ply um so I've sort of triple lined everything just to try and keep it as cozy and warm as possible over the um side window here I've got another couple of bits of bamboo um attached with cable cleats and another blanket and that just acts as a as a little curtain there nice and cozy and um that's my solar panel light and my little uh electrics there for my solar panel storage and here's my uh electrical setup that I've got going on here and that's my uh fridge cool box down there my lovely little cat that I miss but have my driver's seat here I've got an inverter which I just run when the um the engine's running and I've got a little heater here so I just run that once I've got the engine running if it's a bit chilly I'll get that on and um I've got some more electrics down here under the passenger seat that's where I've got my leisure battery um and I very much um keep the C of my van um as like a porch area so I keep all my shoes in here I tend not to wear shoes in the back of my van just to help keep it clean um I don't usually have passengers so I just it's just a bit more storage sort of on the passenger seat I just keep my like swim SL gym bag cuz I'm using that a lot and um big bag of wool cuz I love knitting in crochet um so yeah that's the the cab sl/ porch and I keep a towel just handy hanging there just easy reach and again there's my uh little curtain which comes across and uh keeps me keeps me all cozy and this is the view from the back of my van um you can see here I've got my beautiful yic tricycle so handy this thing cuz it folds so it takes up less room um which is amazing and and I rest it just in my toolbox there I've got a bucket of sort of useful bits and Bobs above this wheel Arch I keep my Bas guitar and over here I've just got a row of hooks which I just sort of hang you know jumpers yoga mats that sort of thing on and then I've got um bit of storage here a box of sort of somewhat useful miscellaneous stuff gas for my cooker and a big old box of books cuz I just love to read um and yeah that's the view from the back and a couple of plants cuz I just I love my plants and I was missing them
Channel: Samantha Elvy
Views: 7,591
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 5tm5FGHbZww
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 11sec (671 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 27 2023
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