Ford 8N Tractor and Implements | Building A Homestead In 7 Days

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well one of the cooler things that we have got  uh since we lived here has been the tractor   um the tractor where are you going out of  here you don't want to talk about the tractor seriously yep all right so let's talk about  the tractor one of my more genius purchases   probably the best thing that we've  ever owned has been the tractor   that's arguable yes i thought you didn't want  to talk about the tractor okay so anyways uh   one of the one of the better things that we  probably have ever purchased here in my opinion   not sarah's has been the tractor uh it's the one  thing that i have probably learned the most from   and in my opinion we wouldn't be doing  anything that we're doing without   it well if sarah doesn't want to talk  about the tractor that's just fine by me   it's understandable we got the tractor in march  of uh 2017 and it's been a huge learning curve   for me um there's been a lot of repairs on it um  it's a pretty old machine though so it's a 1949   i know uh based on the stamp that is on the  motor that the motor was made march 28 1949 so   it's always hard to tell with these tractors what  was done over the years you know what parts were   replaced was this tractor destroyed at one time  and then they took another tractor and basically   built one tractor out of both tractors that's  hard to say um but for all intents and purposes   uh she's a 1949 to me and um and it's pretty cool  they uh they knew what they were doing back then   um it's pretty impressive all the little gadgets  i won't go into great detail on the tractor   uh for all the nerds out there if they're tractor  nerds they probably know everything there is to   know about it but i will show you a few different  cool things that i think are pretty neat on it   this right here is the fuel shut off so you got  to turn that on it's got that sediment bowl with   a whole bunch of crap in it as you can see um  one thing that i did add to the tractor was a   battery disconnect um that's right here it's just  basically a 100 amp battery disconnect switch the   reason i added that was i i did have one of  these go bad on me and um i was about 30 feet   away from the tractor and it tried to start and  thankfully it wasn't in gear or anything like that   but that made me nervous enough to put a battery  disconnect on it just to have one extra safety   feature too for the kids although they know not  to touch things and they're pretty good at it um   the uh the cool old switch here that's uh the  starter switch so when you go to start it up   basically you just turn the power on uh i  replaced the ignition key with an ignition   switch that way i could easily just kill it  if i needed to while it was out in the field   um basically just push that pull  that make sure it's in neutral and there she wanted to start right right there  so pretty simple uh make sure you got the gas   on otherwise you'll uh it'll let you know you  run out of gas after a couple of minutes of   cruising around so had that happen a time or  two this here is all brand new this year um   they had a piece that was in here that uh  got busted off or they they hammered it off   well anyways it's supposed to have this pin  that goes all the way through the rear so   you don't end up busting these ears off and uh  so i replaced that that was a little bit of a   to do i had to drill out the old one and there's  a sleeve that goes in there and that all works   i bought this uh rocker online uh it's pretty  cool uh if anybody's been paying attention   they're yelling at me for running gear on the top  i i know i'm not supposed to be running gear on   the top but for whatever reason the pin that i  have isn't long enough to go through the bottom   so i think i'm gonna have to get in there and do  a little sanding so calm down on that it's okay uh   probably the first thing that i bought when i got  the tractor was that cover right there for the uh   for the pto i don't want to end up with my  shirt or my sock or a kid's arm or anything   else and that that thing won't stop turning ever  that's the one thing about these old tractors is   you know in a way they call them widow makers or  whatever because nothing stops them you know told   sarah if i if i'm out on the tractor and i have  a heart attack it's either going to end up in   the pond or hit a tree or flip over in the ditch  because there's nothing that stops these things   it just keeps going so this one's a four speed  with reverse um it does have a transmission   and i still i put a video out asking for guys  help and i'll just mention it here again it has   a transmission with a high low gear uh selector  and i have yet to have anybody figure out exactly   what transmission it is so there's some smart  person watching this video what transmission has   a handle like that i've only seen one other  one online with the hole in that exact spot   all of the other ones that have the cable uh  cable switch that hole is actually up on top   it's about an inch up so this one's a little bit  different uh they had cut a hole in the side here   uh to access inside there's kind of like  a a spring and a bolt that hooks to a a   pin for the transmission for that um  other than that i converted it to uh   to 12 volt that was one of the other earlier  things that i did and put this alternator in um   i've replaced the head gasket i've i've done  all sorts of stuff so when sarah's joking about   not wanting to hear another dang thing about  the tractor you can believe that i've talked   your ear off about this tractor so but i'll tell  you this i've never heard her complain when uh   when the driveway's clear of snow and she didn't  lift a finger so i'll tease her there a little bit well this is implement row this is where i store  all the stuff on the edge of the woods here   i got quite a few different  things over the past few years   i've done pretty good i think  as far as cost is concerned some of these uh can really do some amazing stuff  as a matter of fact it might kind of sound silly   for this video but i picked a small piece of  land and went out and used these to show you guys   exactly what they can do so i hope you appreciate  the effort that i put in for that i'm not going to   do anything i don't have anything planned to do  with that that land so it's just going to just   a small little spot just to kind of show you what  it can do this here is an old john deere discharl   this was a gift from my neighbor a super super  awesome gift i um i think i told the story in   another video so i'll keep keep it short for this  video but how i came across this was i was showing   my dad and my father-in-law the back half of the  property and i walked into the weeds and ran my   shin directly into the side of one of these things  i couldn't couldn't see the discs under the grass   and uh ran into it and my dad and i and  my uh father-in-law mike we uncovered it   and my dad said hey it's an old disk he was  all excited and i thought nothing of it and   then later on down the road after the whole garden  fiasco we had with the other stupid thing i bought   i thought about this laying out there and wondered  what condition it was in and went out and kind of   took a better look at it and figured it belonged  to my neighbor since he owned my land previous   and i called him up and asked him about it and  he uh he said yeah if you uh if you want to get   that thing unburied out there it's yours so i took  it back to the garage and and tore it completely   apart and did a complete restore and rebuild  on it boy it looked beautiful when it when it   first got pulled out of the garage after it got  all repainted and everything but she's got some   wear on her now but it's pretty cool it's got a  couple of uh neat things it's got this adjustment   handle here with all these notches and basically  you just as you pull this forward it slides the um   carriages and starts to add pitch to the discs so  that you can get more aggressive with the ground   and actually the back carriage works in the  same fashion um basically you can just change uh   whichever holes you want to be hooked into and  that'll change the pitch of the rear carriage   for the people who had watched the video where i  lost this uh this piece here that piece is pretty   important to me and i'm glad i found it the reason  is is because that piece locks in the entire back   carriage so without that piece and i probably  would have a tough time replacing it or finding   another one it would make the entire back carriage  unusable so i'm pretty excited that i happen to   come across and find it this was actually sitting  directly next to it out in the weeds and i didn't   go and uncover this for another year after i got  the disc and i called my neighbor back up and   said boy uh there's something  else out there i'm interested in   and he said i tell you what clean everything  out of there because there's a whole bunch of   crap laying in there he said clean everything out  of there and lay it out in the yard so i can take   a look at what else is in there and it's yours  so i took this back to the to the garage and   completely tore it apart and repainted and and i  i can't remember the name of the company it's like   peterman's or peter smith or some some company  i think in wisconsin made these i want to say   this thing is probably was made sometime in the  80s versus the disc i think the disc was made uh   somewhere in the 40s if i was to guess then uh  i've seen my uh my planter still haven't repaired   the front of it you gotta gotta do that still  if you watch that episode where i had a little   problem with that and smash that up a bit uh  this here is a uh a ferguson double bottom plow   uh this one i think was the first implement  that we bought um bought it from a guy uh   south of the twin cities um he wanted a reasonable  reasonable price compared to other people i had   been kind of checking out on craigslist  and so on a trip uh down to visit some   relatives sarah and i stopped in and bought  this plow and and uh boy amazing after   after uh trying that that first stupid haro the  first year that didn't do anything i'll never   forget the look on sarah's face the first time i  went by on the tractor with this plow and uh it   it absolutely just folds the ground right over  no problem amazing this is a dearborn 1906 uh   this here uh it doesn't have a chain on it  typically i'm just storing that on it this is a   back scoop um it's a only one direction so you  hook it to the tractor and you have to drive   into whatever you're gonna scoop up and then  uh you can reach this handle here from the seat   and you pull the handle and the bucket  dumps itself so it's pretty slick that was a   a steal of a deal um found this for sale about  a half hour from the house and they wanted 20   and i told sarah i said i don't even care if  we use it or don't use it there's more than   20 worth of steel i'll cut it up and do something  with it if if we don't do if we don't use it this   we're not going to talk about this was a failed  experiment so just get that out of your head this i bought for uh i think 75 bucks and they  originally had a bale spear sticking out the   rear end of it but when i saw it for sale  i wasn't thinking bale spear i was thinking   other things so i ended up making this hilling  machine and i uh welded these brackets on here   and uh bought these discs online and this thing's  a pretty cool machine you can you can set the   pitch and you can you can hill mound anything  you want to plant it really helps out with   our weed control that way we're not  using chemicals or nothing like that   and i've used it in quite a few videos i'm sure  sure you've seen it uh seen it featured in a few   uh this here this is kind of sitting  a little bit goofy but this is uh get her tipped up here this here is a back blade   that can be used for moving dirt and everything  like that but mainly i use it for moving snow   so uh just hooks up to the tractor on the front  end over here with the with the three point and   uh you can push or you can drag this particular  back blade you can spin it 360 degrees depending   on which direction you want to move it and i also  made a video where i showed i made a custom pipe   for the bottom of the blade what that helps  out with is if you have a gravel driveway in   the winter time when you're piling snow you're  not pushing gravel around so that pipe kind   of just floats on top of the gravel makes it  so that uh all you're pushing around is snow   this here this here is another 196 deerborn uh  i bought this one this uh back bucket before i   bought the other one that i showed you for 20  bucks i want to say i paid 100 and something   for this one um maybe 150 or something but because  this one was not in as good a condition as the one   that i picked up for 20 dollars i ended up doing a  little bit of an experiment on this you'll notice   this one might look just slightly different than  the uh than the other one and what i did was i   took the other bracket that was supposed to come  here out the front that would hook to the tractor   and i cut these ears off the back and i welded  them off of the back of it and then i made this uh as i made that top piece so that it hooks on  with the uh with the top link across the back   and then i made my custom sized top link that i  don't think they sell or make anywhere else and   and uh that thing works pretty good it looks  a little ridiculous on the back of the tractor   but believe it or not that thing really really  works good so if there's something that i want to   back up into and scoop this is the one that  can get it done and uh and so far it hasn't   failed me at all i've had it for a couple of years  well anyways that's the tour down implement row   and all the cool farming stuff  that goes along with the tractor   boy i don't know if we'd be doing as much as  we're doing without that tractor that thing   sure has saved us and sure has proven proven  to be a good asset to what we're doing here   anytime we need to run around and pick something  up just hop on the tractor and and go do it if   this is the first video on the series that you're  uh enjoying and and you've made it through my   implement rant i want to say thank you um i want  to say hit that like button of course everybody   says that you got to say that otherwise people  don't do it hit that like button and then uh   then youtube thinks it's a good video so they'll  they'll show it to other people and give them an   opportunity to watch it too so anyways thank  you for watching have a wonderful evening well we're back into the repair shop
Channel: Lohre Farm
Views: 23,126
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: buying a farm, family farm, farm, farm animals, farm life, farming, farmlife, homestead, homesteading, homesteading channels, lohre farm, minnesota, minnesota farm, organic farming, ford tractor, restored tractor, ford 8n operation, ford 8n tutorial, ford 8n, antique tractor, hometown acres, how to use a ford 8n, tractors for dummies, how to, 9n ford, 2n ford, tractor implements, back bucket, disk harrow, tine harrow, double bottom plow, plowing, back blade
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 0sec (1020 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 06 2022
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