Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Daphnique Springs
Views: 1,451,452
Rating: 4.7477589 out of 5
Keywords: bruno, mars, Beyonce, jay, meek, mill, ed, sheeran, Taylor, swift, comedy, standup, funny, sex, boobs, comedian, psa, publicserviceannouncement, snl, jokes, crazy, girlfriend, daphniquesprings, Daphnique, iamdsprings, nickiminja, Cardib, Migos, carboy, kingbach, central, bet, alldef, HBO, Netflix, hilarious, sketch, improv, trump, Obama, gun, nra, gunfights
Id: HyPsgIKLEwg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 37sec (217 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 26 2019
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