FORAGING THE KING OF MUSHROOMS | Delicious Forage and Cook Matsutake

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hello friends welcome back to another episode of outdoor chef life I'm talking and I have my favorite camera woman behind you is Jocelyn she is so about a month ago I did a mushroom video with oyster mushrooms I forged them and then made a little childr and I said I would do more if you guys liked it and the general consensus was that it was good and you guys wanted to see more and trust me I've been trying to make more mushroom videos I've gone out at least three more times and man all all of the times couldn't really find anything good we found some mushrooms that were edible but not really good to eat you know it wasn't all that interesting so I couldn't really make a video out of it yesterday Jocelyn and I went out for a little hike in the woods and we found matsutake looks like one stalking for sure we found three of these guys much talking these are one of the most prized mushrooms anywhere in the world pretty much and they're the most prized in Japan they consider matsutake the king of mushrooms actually okay Jocelyn found it okay I wasn't me Jocelyn found it so when she first found the mushroom I was like whoa that looks like a matsutake and I was pretty sure that it was a matsutake but pretty sure isn't good enough when it comes to wild mushrooms if you're gonna eat them at least you know he has to be hundred percent sure that it's the right species if you're gonna eat them and I was probably about 90% sure so I did a little bit of research online did some reading in the book and after that 100 percent sure that these are matsutake there is a poisonous look-alike it is called the Amanita Smith iana the characteristics are very similar between the two so these matsutake mushrooms they have they are a white mushroom white is brown you know as you can see and they have these kind of brownish Stipe and it's sort of slightly scaly I suppose and they have this partial veil and the Amanita is also a white mushroom and they also have a partial veil that covers the gills when they're young and then detaches when they're a little more mature so they're very similar in that sense one of the most unique things about these mushrooms is the smell the smell of this mushroom is incredible okay so people say what people say no this smells like is like spicy and also like gym socks the combination of the two I think it's a little radish she actually yeah radish is a little spicy but it's like it's not like red hots like some people say it's more radish II to me and definitely like gym socks kind of yes what he sucks for each of them it'll vary and depending on the person too so I suppose good though is one of the key identifiers as well if you squeeze a matsutake mushroom really hard in your hand really hard you just squeeze it it won't break let's talk it will not break but the Amanita will shatter and it will break apart the Amanita are also slightly whiter in color as well but you know the color can depend so you can't really go off that this one is why the hardest one I just want to really solid like I'm squeezing hard 100% sure that these are matsutake mushrooms I'm making dashi right now there's kombu in there right now once it starts to boil I'm gonna actually turn it off right away and I'm gonna add a handful of Katsuobushi just nice handful oh that's good right there and we'll let that sit for about four minutes and strain it out and we have our dashi but no I am so excited to eat these right now to prepare these now I'm like alright let's go back out there again because I want to find more now it's like once you find things like this and it gets so addicting it gets so addicting and you know I've said it before I'm not like I'm not an expert on mushrooms but I'm learning as I go I'm learning more and more each and every time I go out there and man it's so rewarding to find something like this if you guys are trying to get into mushrooming and you want a book recommendation I use this one right here mushrooms are the redwood coast the best way to cook mock sake is just simple keep it simple the flavor speaks for itself I'm gonna make two different kinds of matsutake mushrooms all right let's get to cooking I'm an outdoors chef's life apron available in outdoor chef's life calm and the nice bags I think some of you been asking about the knife bags availability soon for the knife bags may be eating about a month if you didn't know my mom makes all of this the aprons and the knife bags from scratch everything from scratching to so high quality especially the knife bags like the highest quality knife bag I've ever had they can be really difficult to find because they're actually underneath the dirt and all it you see is a little bump in the dirt because they kind of under it like this but occasionally it'll it'll come up so much that it actually lifts up some of the dirt the big one was covered by like a bush over it and then like some dirt on it too so I didn't even see it I just walked right past it but John's like there's one right there and I was like where when I was because I was looking from up top you got to kind of get a little you know she's a little shorter than me so anyways let me show you how to clean this now at the bottom is gonna be by the most dirtiest that one we're just gonna slice some of this off right here in Japan these mushrooms can be valued up to $100 per mushroom each a single one depending on the quality right how hard it is how firm it is and the age of it and the most valued ones are still like the ones like this still with the veil on once they open up it's a little valued a little less because they get a little softer this one is not like it's not tight firm but it's firm but it has a slight give the slightest gift like this one is hard all right now the bottom parts are all good now we're just gonna take a little moist towel and you're just gonna rub the dirt off of it yeah if you run these in water you'll lose some of that nice fragrance just gonna wash the rice a few times and I'm gonna put the dusty in here so this is dashi here put about about a thousand milliliters about a hundred millilitres of soy sauce and a hundred milliliters of mirin nice they'll show you dashi here these two smaller ones we're gonna grill these all right right on top of the charcoal and this big one we're gonna use it for the rice so I'm gonna just nut cut nice thin slices of mut Stucky nika's slice one time like this let me do it - this one - one time like that and now you just pull it apart and let's tuck you have this sort of stringiness like string cheese you know look at that like that it's really cool and that gives it such a unique texture too just like that look how pretty that is here's the show you know she I'm gonna add it to the race now I'm gonna just lay these on all right I'm gonna toss the lid on now we're gonna put this right on the grill we're gonna bring that to a boil once it's boiling we'll have to lower the heat and just let it simmer for about 10 minutes all right now what I'm going to do with the other mushrooms first I'm gonna put some sake on him she's gonna take my brush and brush the sake on him just cover in sake we're gonna put a little salt to super-simple that's it then we're gonna grill it [Music] [Music] bubbling it's bubbling so now I'm gonna have to lower the heat I'm just gonna take some coals away cool there we go now this should be your low enough Heat now I'm at throw the mushrooms on here oh man the smell of that is amazing these grilled mushrooms are about done I'm gonna show she's gonna put it back on right on the heat just for about 30 seconds and hopefully we can create a little nice crust on the bottom here we go guys moment of truth and I'm just gonna mix it up yes see that crust on the bottom oh this smells so amazing this really the smell of this dish brings back memories or I don't know I don't even know what memory but it just brings back a feeling you know I know being in Japan and like about to eat this delicious meal that's kind of what I feel and yeah this just just such a unique scent to it here it is guys my first forage and cook matsutake mushrooms this looks incredibly delicious and I'm so excited to eat this right now shout out to Lane for the sweater thank you for sending me this hoodie man you're talented artist it's really dope ok let's eat come by this is called koshihikari echigo this is actually a rice beer alright I'm gonna try the grilled and let's touch it first wow wow the texture first of all the texture you notice that's the first thing and it's so good has this firm firmness but soft and juicy as well mmm and the flavor is I don't know it's indescribable it's so unique better way than better than normal earthy yeah okay let's try the the rice oh yes that's good that's so good oh my goodness so much flavor this will keep me going back into the woods over and over it was exciting my first it was my first mushroom fine yeah and my first one is like one of the best ones one of their really one of the best mushrooms this is so delicious every bite is so amazing you like the rice more yeah all the rice oh yeah the rice is delicious this one that is a little dashi a little showy dashi so looking like tera piece and we could dip it a little bit in the dashi - mm-hmm the more you chew the more flavor that comes out I was like savoring him about chewy know over and over oh look at that perfect that has the most flavor the nice char my super simple way of utilizing these delicious mushrooms and that's all it needs it's very simple and delicious and that's why you know these in Japan are considered the king of mushrooms amazing flavor and the most unique thing the fragrance from it yeah you wanna go get more mushrooms now thank you guys for watching as always if you liked the video make sure to hit that thumbs up subscribe and see you guys next time face I'm okay I'm pretty cool [Music]
Channel: Outdoor Chef Life
Views: 310,730
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Outdoor chef life, foraging, mushroom hunting, mushroom, pine mushroom, matsutake, matsutake recipe, outdoor cooking, mushroom recipe, california foraging, taku, sushi chef, japanese chef, japanese cooking, japanese mushrooms
Id: K8ihcRLieYU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 41sec (941 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 04 2020
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