For those waiting to get fluent

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for those waiting to get fluent what are you waiting for I know how it feels you've been studying a language for months maybe even years and you still cannot speak it confidently you memorize grammar rules vocabulary list and phrases but you still struggle to express yourself you watch movies listen to podcast and read books but you still can afford a life so you understand native speakers hi my name is Amanda and I can tell you that there are so many people that feel exactly the same way they want to learn a language for several reasons it's hard to get fluent it is the journey to fluency is difficult fluency what do you mean by that how do you get to fluency well you can say that fluency is not a destination but perhaps the process or the journey behind it I believe that fluency is the ability to communicate with other people comfortably in another language it's the ability to understand and to be understood by other people as well it's not about knowing everything but knowing just enough so fluency is a skill that can be learned and achieved better over time it's not something that happens over night but over time and time is what makes you fluent but time also makes you impatient time is what makes you doubt yourself compare yourself criticize yourself time is what makes you feel like you're wasting time but I believe that every minute spent on learning a new language is not a Wasted Minute every minute brings you closer to fluency even if you might not notice but it does trust me and you know what I'm here I'm making this video to tell you that you can achieve fluency you just need a little bit of motivation you can achieve fluency in whatever language that you want as long as you don't give up you just need to do what I do to believe in yourself and believe that you actually can do it and how do I know well I've been there I have learned several languages and each one of them was a different Journey some were easier than others but none them were that easy well maybe except for my native language Swedish but I was a kid when I learned it so I don't think that counts but even with Swedish and English and Spanish and all of the other languages I had to work hard I had to deal with setbacks doubts and most importantly I did not give up so for you all who are waiting to get fluent I have some tips for you obviously don't give up language learning is hard because you have to dedicate every single day some time for it and uh it's kind of like a routine and some days it might not have the time and that's when you might feel that you want to give up it's challenging but so rewarding that brings me to practice every day consistency is the key I don't know how many times I tell you that but consistency is the key you don't have to spend like eight hours learning a new language um in the deal world I would love to do that you have to make it a habit set aside 15 minutes every day and in the 15 minutes every day it can make a huge difference actually find some ways to incorporate the language in every day such as listening to music or podcast and whatnot set your phone in your target language don't compare yourself to others please don't do that learning a new language is very personal I think it's not a competition who can conjugate the most verbs or who has the best ACC or whatever everyone has their own pace their own level their own way of speaking focus on your improvement not to others I kind of feel guilty sometimes about that as well um I study at University Spanish and sometimes I feel so obviously the com confence might take a hit when you speak to native speakers or people that have been standing for way longer than you but it's your journey you have to improve by yourself don't look at others please don't do that the best way to learn a language is actually to use it don't wait until you feel ready or perfect start speaking and writing from day one even if it's just a few words or a few sentences find Opportunities to commute with people I know I used to work in a restaurant before and there was a lot of Spanish speaking people from um South America and I took every opportunity that I had to speak Spanish with them and they kind of enjoyed it too actually I think they found it funny or maybe desperate even that I spoke Spanish with them but I wanted to learn and I asked them all the time hold up like a Carr or something you know ahia ah you know great tip otherwise if you don't have a coworker find group chats or maybe you can go to a language cafe or maybe a meet up event you know don't be afraid to make mistakes basically when you speak to people that's how you learn and improve speak to negatives and make mistakes don't be afraid to make mistakes mistakes they are natural inevitable and necessary making mistakes is how you learn and how you grow making mistakes is how you get fluent so don't wait for fluency to come to you go out and seek it seek opportunities to use the language in any way that you can make the language a part of your life and if you want to know more about making mistakes in the language learning please check out this video right here where I speak more about making mistakes so keep studying keep learning keep speaking so for those waiting to get fluent don't wait start [Music] now
Channel: Nihongo by Amanda
Views: 5,516
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: language learning, nihongo, nihongo by amanda, japanese, spanish, polyglot, german, tips, vocabulary, grammar, leanguage learning, language learning tips and tricks
Id: uuTDefyVR5Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 39sec (399 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 12 2024
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