Why Reading is the GOAT for Language Learning (and How to Choose the Best Books)

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hi everyone my name is Amanda and sometimes I like to read in this video I'm going to tell you why reading is the greatest of all time for language learning reading can help you improve your vocabulary grammar and comprehension how can you enjoy reading in a new language what kind of books should you pick and what are the benefits for reading for language learning well I'm wondering too so join me and let's find out together reading is a powerful tool for language learning it exposes us to a wide range of vocabulary grammar structures and expressions that we might not encounter in everyday conversation when we read we are immersing ourselves in the language reading exposes you to a large amount of input you get flooded with it basically which can in a way help you learn new expressions and already solidy what you already know however I did found out that when I was studying literature at the University that you're supposed to know like 90% of the words in a text for it to be beneficial so obviously you have to choose their correct level you can't really go out as a beginner maybe in Spanish and we don't no you're going to give up and hate your life if you try to read that book that brings me to what books you should get so here are some resources that might help you so this is a lot of inspiration for Japanese learners but you can take it for another language as well for instance let's take Manga comic books if if you read in another language whatever D is a great start it is very childish it is but then again it's simple it's enjoyable I said it's childish but it does the job I saw someone mention online Crystal Hunters that is a manga directly made for Japanese Learners now I haven't checked it out myself but I have seen some screenshots and it looks promising it doesn't feel so overwhelming and also there are graded books for learning for for example there are plenty of the level N5 and four that's the Japanese equivalent for the your STP here and Central framework for la la la la reference that thing yes um as well other levels like N3 N2 N1 obviously but if you're N1 you're basically reading just like regular books I guess similarly if you are doing another language and if you do like the common European framework for reference then there are plent of books that are like graded that are marked for A1 or A2 level or for B1 B2 and so these books they are designed to match your current level of what you should be knowing uh already it is gradually increasing the complexity uh like with each page you read and each chapter get through usually there are vocabulary lists in the book as well or drawings that explains the words children's books I mean they are very simple obviously but it's simple language and they often repeat the the phrases or the basic construction or the basic like sentence construction I read both The Little Prince in French and in Spanish so what you do when you come up to a word that you do not know well first of all guess that's the single-handedly best way when you come up to a word you don't know guess guess based on the context like what have happened before that's the best way I believe um there are a lot of studies also that chose that but but hear me out if you have no idea whatsoever what this word is about go and check a dictionary because obviously you're not going to know every single word uh there are still text to read in English and in Swedish and I come across words I do not know but I do not look them up because that's basically just waste of time if you are reading text online there are several great extensions for your web browser that works like a dictionary like gun and Joan are great extensions I personally use Joan there are great extensions that work like a dictionary just hover above a word you do not know and then it shows the meaning so obviously these two extensions is for Japanese and there are plenty of other options for other languages as well and speaking of The Little Prince uh it's way to reread books rereading books in your target language that you have enjoyed before in your native or language that you know is very beneficial I think you already know the story and that makes you focus on the language itself plus it's a great way to see how much progress you have made now Harry Potter is a book series that I keep coming back to I've read it in Swedish I read it in English I read it in Spanish um I do own the Chamber of Secrets both in French and in Portuguese I had this great idea that I wanted to learn Portuguese and then I have a book in Portuguese uh I can of understand since I Spanish but whatever speaking of Harry Potter I am listening to the audiobooks right now at the moment in Spanish audiobooks are a fantastic resource for language learning they allow you to hear the language as it is naturally spoken which can improve your listening skills and pronunciation plus you can listen to them while you're doing other stuff like cooking and cleaning or at a commute your work or school on YouTube there are several audiobooks where you can listen to free in different languages there are apps like audible or story tell your library probably has a lot of Audi books as well speaking of libraries I love libraries myself it's a treasure Trove for language Learners you can discover new books many libraries offer language learning resources and programs there are often textbooks where you can borrow making them a valuable part of your language learning Journey libraries they are free please go visit your local library support the libraries uh we should continue having free books to read I think I also want to mention goodreads.com is a platform where you can connect with other people you can also track your reading progress you can discover different books it's a great way to stay motivated and uh keep track of your progress basically so there you have it reading is truly the goat when it comes to language learning it's a versatile and enjoyable way for boosting your language skills so pick up a book or an audiobook in your target language and let's get reading if you like this video give it a thumbs up and subscribe check out this video right here where I talk about creating motivation for language learning so keep reading keep learning and I see you in my next video Until then bye
Channel: Nihongo by Amanda
Views: 7,292
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Keywords: vegan, plant based, the tofu gal, vegan recipes, tofu, plant based recipes, vegan lifestyle, plant based lifestyle, health, vegan diet, vegan food, vegan meals, healthy
Id: G-tD4_ufMGc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 40sec (400 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 23 2024
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