for KING & COUNTRY - TOGETHER: A Night of Hope

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well here we are and just pulling up to my little brother's house hope you've had a albeit unique but good week and I want to welcome you to something very special that we've been working on for a moment together a night of hope yeah I know a little cabin here we're gonna have a little a special shindig some might call it as Joel explained so yeah we're gonna play some music for you load of music and we're also going to reach out to very special guests around the world to kind of have a night of hope together so if you can have a look here we've got and we've got the band boys hey are you with us Bacchus Marty there so this is a bit of a technological feat because we're all in homes all over Nashville Tennessee how about captain Steven Asbury Lynch Teddy lightning bolt Vince the Carlo we've got Uncle John's yep and we're gonna get right into this here and play a few songs this is a song called joy [Music] we're watching news just wanna sing a song never stops I'm singing to the sky give me stranger is my voice let me testify brought you my prayer line cuz this is do or die make choice and I choose [Music] lady moon and I choose Oh let alone [Music] I was joking my eyes are full of light but I ain't molded I live at the speed of light feel like the cycle never stops never gotta get back in my boss so somebody please pause the megaphone I'm shouting on the count of three [Music] I'm singing to the sky give me strength to raise my voice limit sister five - this sighs make choice and I choose [Music] I the shadow I'm step [Music] No the choice my true enjoyed sound in my heart down in my heart to stay I need the Troy Troy Troy Troy down in my heart down in my heart I believe in singing out here one more time I need the cha cha cha cha down in my that's right telling my heart you stay come easy gonna I need the Troy Troy Troy Troy down in my heart down in my heart you stay [Music] I choose to Oh if I choose Oh [Music] [Music] - watch our joy down in my heart down in my heart you stay I need the cha cha cha cha down in my heart down in my heart to stay all right officially allow me to welcome you two together a night of hope we're not only reaching out to different homes in Nashville as you can see with the band playing simultaneously right now but we're going to be reaching out around America and around the globe to friends by FaceTime optical world even though we're in this isolation so come along with us for the next 30 45 minutes and I'm quite excited [Music] well then we are welcome to this special evening we the reason why this evening is even taking place is obviously we're all at a place in life where a lot of us are at home for one m42 I think we're all a little rattled by what we see around the wall there's so much going on with people's jobs and and so much pain but this is the moment to show great compassion and great sympathy for our brothers and our sisters so this has been in the works for a while but this is essentially the reason why we we we put this night on is we just want it to be a night where we could kind of build each other up because we don't actually see each other that much anymore also hopefully yeah be people that were a part of building you up at the yeah there's a lot of things that we we can't do a lot of things that we don't know but there are also things one that we do know and things that we can do and one is we can love one is we can in the face of fear have hope and trust we can reach out I said to someone the other day thank God that we're in this time in in human history where we have Amazon Prime and and face face book and face time and we're able to be able to reach out to your grandparents or reach out to someone that's hurting which is one of the things we're gonna do this evening starting with a very special couple hang on one second let me see if I get more why oh yeah oh man there we go my oh my how are you guys hey where are you it's so nice to see your faces from an ocean away [Music] we had originally planned the fourth of April would be your wedding day then as all the restrictions come in with Charles was meant to be open and Umbra where I'm from Wow all the restrictions being so our minister church here in Leeds was helping us to get mices right here and it was made to be tomorrow and then this evening the government they were all gatherings of well we thought that if we can't have that take place today we're gonna do a little rendition of of burn the ships yes maybe it's not gonna fix the day by any means but maybe it'll brighten it maybe just brightness and this too shall pass I know it might feel like an eternity now but we're gonna make it through this we really are so hold each other tight for those moments that you have here we go [Music] I'm gonna hold you by the way okay you hold each other I'm gonna hold you on the phone [Music] how did we get here council a gnarly shot I can see it's all safe from our we've canceled burn the ships cut the ties and flame to the night say prayer turn the tide dry your tears and wave goodbye step into my we can rise up from we can leave so she look back [Music] ready you the first fear is fear fall again and if you need a refuge I'll be right here I'm still Oh gunships cut the ties and flavors you tonight say prayers on the side dry it season wave goodbye step into we can either from the toss and walk away we can answer slide a match leave burn the ships and social okay [Music] so long to shame walk through the sorrow out of the fire into tomorrow so flush the pills face the fear feel away disappeared we're falling and stepping soon we can just mash me the pie Lucius and step into why the time don't look back [Music] I'm so super [Music] I'm so sure audiences - already answered - you have to make us one promise we have to see we have to see the pictures from your wedding it might very well be well bless you guys thanks for staying up so late you guys have made our day today so thank you for being a part of this that was really thrilling all right all the best to you all right sending our love so long I guess that's what moments like I am what we're walking through you get to have beautiful moments like that my wife always has these kind of what's my word for the year the word this year's is is pray and when Courtney and I got married we we still - but we we pray together every night before we go to sleep and I remember one one night I said amen and she was like huh and I was like what do you mean huh and she's like why don't you pray real prayers and I was like what do you mean she's like why don't you like actually open up and allow yourself to pray with real words you don't have to filter yourself before God well fast-forward up to where we are now and I had no idea that obviously know what none of us did that we would be in a position where we're all basically all on lockdown and we're all faced with immense uncertainty these are moments for us to pray I'm really proud that your wife actually stays awake because we say nighttime prayers as well and literally last night I prayed and I said are men and she didn't go huh she just went so I was something about my prayers that I'm very sleepy well it's March we're nowhere near Christmas no the season has flown but it hasn't but it is one of the most special times of the year and in some weird way it feels a little bit like it kind of does I have a story the other day there's somebody on a really cold day it snowed up north somewhere and they had gone and put Christmas lights out and we're playing Christmas music in honor of this making no sense at all and I'm not even sure we can accomplish it but we'll do our best as the boys we're gonna give you an acoustic give little face rendition of our Christmas song drama boy all right boys let's do our best here we go one two three four [Music] come they told me how a pom pom Christmas under new launching to see power of a pom pom our finest you sweep bring you lady for the king rum pum pum pum [Music] so to honor him power of the Papa when we [Music] [Music] so baby I am four points you rum pum pum I [Music] the change the shall I play for you power up uncle on my [Music] every night [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] then he smiled at me pom pom pom in my drum me and my doublet Bay Bay Bay Bay Bay Bay Bay Bay Bay if you don't have any drums just just use you use your mouth yeah there you go Joe boy merry merry merry Christmas to you and alright special guest yes next special guest someone might know maybe so yeah maybe so maybe so I believe she's down in Florida right now yeah let's give how do you look so sprightly no I'm not there you I mean with you everything the world is facing and you just look like you just walk down a red scarf honey well it's nice to see your face and and most people wouldn't know this but traditionally you know you and I live about a 10-minute walk from one another hey not right now not right now Kathy Lee here we're home thank you and the music that you guys make the music well so we sing a song yeah well it's actually good good a good segue because we you know they Luke struggle from a pretty serious bout of illness years ago and we're right in the middle of work on our second record you know there's a lot of obviously than naturally there's a lot of folks that are physically ill I feel like there's a lot of a lot of us that if left unto ourselves even emotionally spiritually can can be ill from from this great fear this has become a song that holds a very special place in our hearts we wanted to play it today and we wanted to play with you on the line because we feel like it's a it's a everything you've been talking about appropriate song for this time so here we are it is thank you for the introduction [Music] when confusions by companion and despair holds me for ransom I feel because I know that you are near when the party and the Fed with chaos for my country I find my comfort here cuz I know that you are near [Music] my help comes from you your ass you feel - you share my weakness my sickness up and the sorcerer you saw you are my ah [Music] your show [Music] she meant what once was shattered [Music] to love do forgiveness is not for sure [Music] you dude my sickness my this show you're so you [Music] on this side you're so is from you tune-up see it's believed in my just from you - let's see it's an oak smell it's true but from you the seeds believing man as from you don't see it Nokes no it's true my health comes from your [Music] for you so you show my [Music] [Music] [Music] as from when the world is in chaos [Music] when I'm paralyzed by fear mr. lovingly no one understands show me don't up see it smokes no it's true [Music] it's interesting to me we were just in Canada what a week a little over week ago meant to be doing a 10:00 show from East and the west coast but yeah we got two shows in we got through Thursday but it was even in that it was kind of we were playing these show simultaneously to the western world really grappling with the reality of this virus and so many of the moments together during these nights took on such a deeper meaning for I think for both of us right singing these songs and there was none other really for me that a song called god only knows because I tell you right now I think there might be more people asking that question you know why do these sorts of things happen god only knows why why these sorts of things these sorts of things take place look neither of us at theologians we don't have all the answers but I I know this I know that even in this state that we're in even in great loss even in great loneliness even in great illness that there lies a a choice really before all of us and and that is do we drive deeper into fear and and and and sadness and heaviness or do we even sometimes when maybe it doesn't make sense do we have this great hope this great trust that there is something deeper at work in us and amongst us where it's obviously with a sense of reverence and with it with a heavy heart as to what we're facing worldwide that we sing these songs but it's with a deep deep sense of hope that we sing ly so this is a we're coming to the close of our time but here's god only knows for you [Music] [Music] right away by the world is sound asleep to a fairy with my show up by the dream fighting bad nobody sees and bad anybody who believe every day we try to pick up all the peace all the man who reads me somehow never movers dividing the body no gotta see the body you body will believe god only knows what you've been through god only knows what they say about you Gatlin all sounds king but there's a kind of love the [Music] don't know safe are you No [Music] there's a channel of it Domino's is a candle keep a cover over every single secret so afraid if someone saw them they believe it some bats my somebody sees somebody somebody will never leave with the same value yeah but there's a can love the [Music] god only knows [Music] there's a channel of there's a condom loser [Music] for these shines the misunderstood and wants the plane would if we could start over to start over we could start over no for the law made for ashamed but the misunderstood and the wants to play what if we can start over we can start over we could start over lovely nose no there's each other love it No three [Music] got along as we find you cattle knows how to break through [Music] but there's a camera of a gun we have one more little surprise one more song yeah that we have we played it a couple shows yeah but it's not released and we're actually kind of rushing it out and partnering with a few very special people to get it to you very quickly in this time it's actually the song that this whole night was built around yeah really so we're gonna invite a one last friend over FaceTime to join us because I'm the studio version he's actually in on this song so who could it be I mean he literally there he is good man how you doing we're doing a little uh we're doing a little event here and singing some songs for some folks and no setup we thought we would check in with you man find out how you doing yeah yeah I got you cleared out it's allowed and clearance so that you can see me when I do this oh yes dude that's some impressive dental work you've done there Bravo to you know but I'm like how is it him how is it in Texas how is the house you community how are you feeling you know there's a lot of angst you know there's there's a lot of agitation there's a lot of fear there's a lot of confusions and questions and I think that it's it's understandable yeah and it's also it's also something that can be allow to a father who is not weakened insecure and intimidated honesty then we could have honest conversations with God God is more excited about the conversation then being offended by our human fragility and so you know that's what I'm encouraging people to do and you know that's what I think it's time to come together that's right I heard you speak a couple months ago it's something that you're probably unprepared for but you explained that you know any good movie has a great trailer and if it's a bad movie you see the trailer you go I'll pass man not that word really stuck with me I think these are the moments for us to be a great trailer you know when you have to you have moments of great fear and great doubt and people stumble upon people that aren't you that aren't fearful questions doesn't mean they don't have angst but they say man at the end of the day I don't want to get this I want to get sick I want my family to get sick but I've got this great hope well I'm gonna have to use that again hey let me ask you this before we play this flower song how do you know speaking of together how do we stay together when we're physically unable to like all of this all of the singing we've been doing now it's time that means that you gotta dig and your gospel bag a little deeper and you gotta check on people you know you have to call people you gotta check on your kids you gotta ask you why baby are you doing you know are you doing emotional can I print your kids how y'all doing they may be mad when company can't come over but you love them and you love them very much hey we should do a song together sometime and it just happens it just happens all right he might be he might be alluding to something here so there there may very well be We will miss you while we sing this song yeah we miss you injustice without you little acoustic version I'm people to get a chance to hear the whole shebang because it is it is pretty freaking dope Beauty man alright hey thanks for stay safe then family yo go forever be the good hair group so until we're not anymore alright thanks for checking in good dude hey you think you do [Music] this is for the bus there hi this is for the question mine this is for the outcast song lost control no one knows singing for the compound a singer for the broken past see you for that just found out life is now upside down if you're looking for home tonight raise your head if you feel alone and don't understand and if you find the body alive instead we're gonna make it through this [Music] we we will fall together together this is for the sake come Cheers this is for the new romance this is for the loved in vain over Cannes naturally if you're looking for home tonight phrase out lorne don't understand [Music] if I instead we're gonna make [Music] we [Music] so together together [Music] right he will rise together together [Music] Oh if you're looking for home tonight raise your hand if you P&R don't understand [Music] we [Music] we together [Music] together we are dangerous together without differences together we are bolder braver stronger [Music]
Views: 799,224
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: for KING & COUNTRY, King and Country, Luke Smallbone, Joel Smallbone, Christian Music, fK&C, for King and Country
Id: ZPtQraArvec
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 57sec (2577 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 27 2020
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