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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] ah [Applause] [Music] um [Music] me count to three and say a prayer down for love and up for her underwater over a fourth thirsty soul for the fourth thirsty soul baptized means to your love oh my spirit's overcome body [Music] know [Music] all the people [Music] resurrection day is here bells are ringing loud and clear [Music] i was [Music] only living say [Music] [Music] in every word i pray you gave it all for me and i'll give it all for you [Music] lord [Music] this is my confession you are my [Music] obsession [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] uh all the people said oh out tonight [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] i was there on the day that your world changed you were scared unprepared for the heartbreak faded out of it stole a piece of you if i could oh i would be a hero [Music] darling you're so brave [Music] the spirit is [Music] [Music] [Music] show them who you are [Music] is oh no you don't have to be afraid together we'll face it don't never stop no matter what cause you're gonna make good that's everybody on your feet everybody on your feet with your hands in the air fighting for love for hope and a future all together [Applause] [Music] this is [Music] [Applause] somehow it seems as though on every tour we span the united states and we always end up in the great state of texas right at the end saving the best for last my friends the best for last we feel we always feel so loved and cheered on by you all so we are we are kids in a lolly shop uh to be with you tonight kids in a candy store little translation you know the fact that you would grab a grab a friend or a spouse or a loved one and come and put petrol in your cars and gas in your cars and uh come and spend an evening with us i want you to know how much it means to us so thank you for gracing us with your presence how about my little brother luke everyone would you give him a cheer oh man texas is very very near and dear to our house isn't it i mean it is we have one of our our our players actually is from your great state of texas yes and i tell you what i feel particularly close to you guys up here right down here you guys are good folks right here these are good people over here how are you guys all down here you guys doing all right but the people that i really want to go say hello to are these folks in the back right there those are the ones that i uh i hope to just go and play this next song in the audience for you guys you guys cool with that all right here we go there we go come on until we get all the way to the back of the room again you take that side let's go i'll take this side [Music] shower you know you tried backfired you and your busted soul lost love sit back so float you off [Music] yeah oh [Music] yeah stand your ground set your eyes on the sky you're stronger than you know [Music] tears rainbow like darkness then the day shows give up [Music] don't you ever give up [Music] won't you let's take a selfie my lady right here you got your camera handy there how you doing over there little brother oh we're doing good how are you guys back here you guys good oh it's good to be with you oh that's good we got it all right [Music] i never surrendered give up [Music] don't keep your heads down [Music] [Music] won't you ever give up [Music] [Music] [Music] everybody [Music] [Music] all together [Applause] beautifully done give yourselves a hand [Applause] so in our line of work we obviously uh we travel a lot and there's times where you just uh desperately miss your families and in particular when you really really miss your spouse and i found myself overseas a couple years ago and i was missing my wife and these were the words that came to me [Music] she was holding [Music] there's nothing i could [Music] is it ever gonna be ever gonna be brighter is it ever gonna be ever gonna be easy [Music] tonight cause i left there [Music] [Music] we're apart but not alone my love for her is more than she can know a secret place only we can go [Music] is it ever gonna be ever gonna be brighter is it ever gonna be ever gonna be easy [Music] tell her she's not alone tonight if you have a loved one near you would you reach out and arm show them that you care and if you're on a first date [Applause] here's your chance steady on steady [Music] love [Music] [Music] keep watch tell her [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] tell her she's not alone stay close keep watch tell her she's not alone that's good [Music] [Applause] hello my name is joel hello and i'm a i'm a recovering control addict emphasis on recovering do you have any control freaks in the audience control freaks okay i mean it's not you shouldn't be that proud of it she's like yes me i am pick me like you know the other night someone was like he is over here i was like let me know how that one works out for you um i like i like boxers right i like i like order i like cemetery and uh to any artist out there you know that kind of flies in the face of the motif of being an artist being being a musician particularly it's all about going with the flow sing a little kumbaya so we were in our hometown of nashville and and put it put it in this framing for you if you've got like a monumental birthday you're getting married some major event in your life that's what it like that's what it's like for us you only get to play your hometown a couple times in your life and um the morning of the show we're coming in from uh chicago the morning of the show our bus uh breaks down on the side of the freeway um for seven hours you could you know i was sleeping in my bunk and you could you could feel and hear the trucks just going by you need to say none of us really slept i had two manager chico and our brother josh our general manager who's here they took off 100 miles each way got a u-haul and a 15-passenger van that came back and there we were at almost midday the day of the show we were unloading all the bang gear that you see behind us uh the uh mom dad my god son me and then we took off to nashville needless to say we got there just before the show and on top of that like logistically speaking nothing could go wrong here right like moving screens and all the rest of it and um not much of the production really worked that night the crowd was really gracious and everything but man i took it i took it hard it knocked me off my feet i was so disappointed i just like rain on your wedding day and i i had to kind of grapple with it as i have through the years and i think it's this i think we have this illusion of control don't we maybe more now than ever in the history of the world you can have what you want when you want it how you want it and yet there are so many things that are beyond us the grandeur every morning of the rising of the sun most everyone around you you can't control them down to the next beat of your heart my heart cannot control it and yet man we try i try but the question i pose to myself most days and to you is this is true happiness and solace and joy and peace and satisfaction in life found when we try and contort and manipulate ourselves or those around us or god or on the contrary is it found when we open our hands we take a deep breath we slow down and we release control [Music] you asked me to let go but i thought i knew better i'm afraid of surrender from what i don't know i've always had a plan but now i'm so eerie i can't see clearly i forgot who i am so won't you make my eyes your eyes my ears your ears my tears your tears and once you make my hands your hands my feet your feet my dreams your dreams i'll keep up control [Music] i give up control [Music] still fighting attention i need some relief no i'm no superman this is my confession been learning my lesson help me understand so don't you make my eyes your eyes my ears your ears my tears your tears [Music] my dreams your dreams [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] can try my body [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh i give up control i give off control i give up control [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] i'm sure you were there lying side by side out of touch out of reaching a great deal high [Music] oh god i hate [Music] is love [Music] [Music] there's a song that we sing on our honeymoon i remember all the words [Music] is [Music] you know my heart is here [Music] let's be fine [Music] [Music] um [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] in the blink of an eye life flashed right in front of my eyes [Music] never knew that the fear [Music] [Music] yeah i need you more than ever prepare for the worst but hope for the best won't you stay in my heart for whatever comes next [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] just a little closer a little clearer our souls are nearer tonight just a little sweeter a little deeper our souls are nearer tonight just a little closer a little clearer [Music] tonight [Music] need yeah more more than ever before need you i need you [Applause] more you guys are very kind so last year we've had a lot of people ask us uh about this phrase burn the ships we're like what does that mean and you know you have this song uh that's called burn the ships you have this this tour uh this album you've got this stage that looks like the bow of a ship we've got these led sail things you know what's up with ships you know and why are you trying to burn them all the time you know that type of thing and um the story actually starts in texas we were in austin uh for a show uh and um yeah and my wife called me and it was a fairly uh frantic phone call she said look i i i need you to come home and up until that point in uh dual music i i'd never received that phone call before and i said okay well you know what's going on she said well i've i've been taking some medicine and i just can't stop taking it i need you to come home and we need to deal with this together and so i got on the next plane home and i come in the back door and i see courtney and i said honey i mean are you okay and she said well i'm okay right now but in a few hours uh things are going to get really really difficult and sure enough a few hours later i saw her hands begin to tremble and and she started saying things like luca i know the doctors don't want me taking any more of this medicine but what if i just take one more pill to get me through the night and what if i just take one more pill and it was at that point that i realized you know we uh we had a problem and so the next day we uh we went to a mental health facility and we arrived at this kind of strange looking building we get into the waiting room there was nobody else in the waiting room and eventually a nurse comes and says courtney will you come on back we both got up to go and as we got to the close to the door they looked at me and they said luke you you don't get to come for this you're going to stay out there and there was just something about not being able to journey through that difficult moment together that made us both feel so isolated and lonely and she came out a little while later and she said luke they're recommending intensive therapy and so that's what we did i would drop her off at nine am in the morning and pick her up at 2 p.m and we uh we did that for a few weeks and after that few weeks the doctors came to us and said hey you know courtney you've shown you've shown such a remarkable recovery and improvement you don't you don't need to come back here anymore you're discharged you're free to go you're on the right trajectory you'll keep it up we were home one evening and she had this bottle of pills in her hand and she said look i need to go and flush these pills because these pills represent so much shame and so much guilt in my life that i just need to watch them leave one by one and i was reminded of a story about an explorer who who went to a foreign land and when he arrived on the beaches of this farmland he said to his men hey we're gonna go explore the horizon i'm gonna see what this land has for for us we're gonna see what's over the mountains and after he had finished explaining this to his men he realized that none of his men wanted to follow him they just wanted to return to what was comfortable just they want to return to what was was familiar they just wanted to return to the past and so this explorer waited a few more days and caught all of his men back onto the shoreline again he said to his generals hey i want every single soldier on the beach and once they were all accounted for he gave those generals the command to burn the ships because he said we're not going to retreat we're not going to go back we're not going to live in the past we're not going to get stuck but we will force ourselves to see what is in our future then to see what this land has for us and to see what is over those mountains and for my wife when she took those pills and she flushed them that was her moment of burning the past and here's the deal for some of us here tonight you might say to me man look if you just knew the things i'd walk through if you just knew what was said and done to me as a child you understand why i'm locked up if you just knew what my father said to me or my mother if you just knew what my boss has done you understand why i'm stuck in the past you'd understand why i'm not even sure i desire a future and here's what i would say to you i say do this i say go go and burn the chefs [Music] i can see your eyes [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] we [Music] this i will be right here until the end [Music] wave goodbye step into foreign [Music] [Applause] so long to shame walk through the sorrow out of the fire into tomorrow again [Music] [Music] and step into [Music] socially and socially [Applause] [Music] hmm [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] show up while you're dreaming nobody nobody nobody sees you nobody nobody flee every day you try to pick up all the pieces all the memories [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] god [Music] you keep a cover over every single secret so afraid if someone saw them they would leave but somebody somebody somebody sees [Music] [Applause] you've been is [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] the misunderstood [Music] we can start over [Music] know [Music] there's god kind of lovely [Applause] [Music] there's a kind [Music] thank you so much for being with us tonight as you leave we hope you feel seen that you feel known that you can trust that there is a superhero kind of love that god only knows [Music] [Music] god [Applause] god [Applause] foreign [Applause] [Music] just before my heart [Applause] oh [Music] make a choice [Music] [Music] feels [Applause] [Music] please [Music] [Applause] [Music] let me testify this is [Music] down in my heart [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right i see some dancing going on but i think we can take it up a few notches [Music] you made us feel so very loved thank you so much for being with us until we meet again god bless you [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so you
Channel: for KING & COUNTRY
Views: 143,612
Rating: 4.9795942 out of 5
Keywords: for KING & COUNTRY, King and Country, Luke Smallbone, Joel Smallbone, Christian Music, fK&C, for King and Country
Id: RLk66XHE3ak
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 24sec (3564 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 25 2021
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