For God so Loved the World by Carter Conlon

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God praise God praise God thank you Lord that's why the scripture says let the redeemed of the Lord say so good morning Time Square church bless God if you're going your Bibles please with me to the book of John chapter 3 John chapter 3 just open your Bibles there while we pray father I thank you God Almighty Oh Lord I thank you for the anointing of the Holy Spirit today in particular Lord I need you to take this word much farther than I could ever take it in my understanding you've got to multiply it Lord you've got to cause it to explode into the hearts and the minds of your people Oh Lord / shout of my frailty God give me the strength that I need Lord I thank you for this with all my heart god I praise you today Lord let this be a day of new beginnings for many to ask it in Jesus name Amen John chapter 3 we're going to read together from verse sixteen to twenty one message title is for God so loved the world for God so loved folks no matter what we preach no matter what situation we find ourselves in there is one verse of scripture that will always be the nail in a sense in my heart that keeps me understanding the love of God it keeps my focus in perspective as to why I'm here what is the message what is the most profound message of God that can be preached in any pulpit to any heart at any time you'll find it in these verses ahead John chapter 3 and verse 16 for God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life for God sent not his son into the world to condemn the world but that the world through him might be saved he that believeth on him is not condemned but he that believeth not is condemned already because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God and this is the condemnation that light is come into the world and Men loved darkness rather than light because their deeds were evil for every one that doeth evil hates the light and neither comes to the light lest his deeds should be reproved or that means discovered but he that does truth comes to the light that his deeds may be made manifest that they are wrought in God one of the most profound truths in the New Testament through the Apostle Paul has spoken and what it's worth Paul says every knee will bow every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord whether these are already believers in Christ or absolute barbaric heathens there's a day coming when every person ever created in the image of God is going to be resurrected from the dead those who are still living will also be gathered together and there will be a judgement time there'll be a time that you and I every person ever born stands before the throne of God don't forget this is coming don't forget this is a day that is still ahead of us every knee will bow Hitler's knee will bow Attila the Hun will bow some of the most ruthless characters of all time they will bend their knee and their tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord many many people will be looking at that moment for an opportunity of salvation but it's passed them by I think folks that perhaps for the first time ever people many many people will be finally aware of the love of God not possibly what makes how even more of a tour mending place can you imagine finally having come to the place where you've understood the love of God finally your eyes are open and you see why God became a man over 2,000 years ago and came to this earth endured the scorn of a fallen humanity and went to a cross finally you begin to see it and understand that he did it for you you are alone you are standing before the throne of God and I can hear and see in that generation many many will be saying Lord I've been my knee I'm sorry that I was so resistant to every time you began to try to speak to my heart I closed my ears and I pushed away the message you were trying to speak to me but God now I acknowledge that you are indeed Lord you are indeed Christ you are indeed the creator of the universe you are indeed the one who has a lawful right to the reigns of my life I bend my knee and I confess with my tongue that you are Lord only to have him say I'm sorry but your time of grace is past there is a day coming folks there is a day coming when the door of grace is going to close the time will be passed there's a time coming when all of society that day as in the day of Noah when the when the rain began the scripture says God in the self-same day closed the door to the ark and Noah and his family were saved they were locked into that Ark and everyone who came thinking they could find their way into that safety found that the door was closed to them there is a season there's a time coming now it can be a collective time in history but it can be an individual time I remember years ago I was at a gathering a Christian gathering and I saw there a man who had at one time a great zeal for God but he something in his heart turned and instead of being a proponent of goodness in the house of the Lord he turned to evil and did much harm in the Church of Jesus Christ and I saw this men at the gathering and my heart was moved towards him I walked up to him and I told him words to this effect I don't remember the exact words but it words to this effect I've only ever done this once in a lifetime and said brother your your life is coming to an end you're soon going to be standing before God you have only a short season to get your life in order I said make wrongs right make restitution with the wrong things that you have done get your life right before God I'll never forget he were standing a foot apart from each other he looked right into my eyes and his lip rose and his nose wrinkled and he was looking at me saying like who do you are who do you think you are to come and speak to me this way I've been around a lot longer than you I've done a lot more than the new purport to have done for the kingdom of God but yet I knew there was and I felt nothing but the love of God in my heart three months later suddenly one day he died of a massive heart attack and he died just as vile and violent as he had become there were no changes in his life I can see him one day before the throne of God bending his knee and confessing with his tongue that Jesus Christ is Lord only to find that the doorway to salvation closed to him and this passage in John chapter 3 tells us why it says light came into the world now light meaning by definition that which is not kindled and that which never can be extinguished light being the voice of God that said let there be light and light was light being everything that man needs to be regenerated brought back into right relationship with God light being a pathway that God himself sets before you and I and says this is the way walk in it light being hope ahead of us no matter how dark the hour may get if you have light in your soul thanks be to God you're seeing beyond the temporary storms and into another time another place another kingdom light means in a sense that the heart cannot be governed by fear yes fear can have its moment but the heart of a true believer in Christ cannot be governed by fear because there's a truth in the heart that is much deeper than anything that you and I have to face in our time our generation and Jesus said light came into the world but men loved darkness rather than light because their deeds were evil now they may not have seen them as evil they may have justified their deeds they may have felt that their deeds were excusable perhaps in the light of the way that the rest of society is living one of the most tragic mistakes that you and I can make is judging our own righteousness in a sense or our own right way of living by the standard of what's going on in the world folks that's not the standard the standard is Christ the standard is this word of God but they wouldn't come to this light because their deeds were evil and then they began to hate the light and they didn't want to come to the light because coming to the light means that our deeds will be discovered the religious man may find out he's not quite as religious as he thought he was the virtuous woman may find out she's not quite as virtuous as God's Word says that she can be made into by the truth of God and by the power of the Holy Spirit and so those who really it doesn't matter if they come to church coming to churches is one thing but coming to Christ is what it's all about coming to the throne of God now not waiting for a day when it's too late coming into the presence of God as David the psalmist said and said O God search me O Lord and know my heart try me see if there be any wicked way in me and lead me in the way of life everlasting David is not asking God to validate his direction he was asking the Lord to come and examine him and prove him but he that does truth Jesus says comes to the light that his deeds might be made known that they have been birthed in God if you are a genuine Christian here today you you have to want to know this I have to want to know this that they the thoughts I'm thinking that the path that I'm pursuing the things that have become dear to my heart that these have been indeed birthed in God in the life of God within me because the Bible says if I delight myself in the Lord he will give me the desires of my heart that doesn't mean the desires of my carnal heart he will give me new desires that's the way I've always read that he will give me these desires and as he gives me the desire for new things as I ask for them he will give them to me the desire for more patience the desire to be a person of kindness the desire to be able to walk through adversity and not become bitter these desires God says I'll place them in your heart and when you ask me then I will answer the prayers that I caused you to pray ultimately those that reject light have rejected the love of God can you imagine now I'm going to try today to describe the love of God but you have to understand where I'm coming from I'm like a man who's walking up to an iceberg that was big enough to sink the Titanic scraping it with my fingernail and then with a little bit of ice that's caught under my nail I'm trying to describe what I've just touched I don't know if I don't think there's a person alive that can fully describe the love of God when we get to heaven and finally see the great distance that God bridged through his son when he became a man when it finally hits us how other than God the human race became how even our best intentions apart from God were filthy rags as Isaiah said in the sight of God when we finally understand that even our best efforts at decent speech as Isaiah said in Isaiah chapter 6 we are people if I'm a man of unclean lips and we're a people of unclean lips when we finally see the Lord in His Holiness we finally understand the incredible gap bridged between God and man the only answer that you and I will ever have is God you so loved the world why else would you have done this why else would you have made this journey why else would you bridge this gap why else wholly an infinite God would you have come down into the earth and let fall in creation spit in your face and let them slap you and let them scourge you and let them mock you on a cross when it was within your power to destroy it all and recreate it again in your image God could have at any moment said enough of this and just annihilated everything he could have sent the entire universe into particles smaller than anything that our physicists and scientists have been able to discover then he could have brought it back together and recreated it as he will do one day the only reason he didn't do it folks is for love because he loved you from before the foundation of the world the scripture says he loved you he saw you he knew that you were going to be born and had he done it then there would have been no hope for you there'd be no hope for me there'd be no eternity before us God so loved the world he gave to it his fullest and purest expression of his form of divine love in the person of His Son Jesus Christ Paul says in Colossians 2:9 for in him that is in Christ dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily John says in Chapter one of John verse 14 we beheld his glory in other words the fullness of his excellence with his divine nature we beheld it as of the only begotten of the Father full of grace and truth the highest form of love that God could have ever expressed to this earth is to come to this planet as a man and offer us a love and a relationship with himself that can be known and experienced by you and I today praise be to God we have to be fools to turn down this overture of God towards us god forbid that anybody hearing my voice today god forbid that you should end up at the throne and you've never bent your knee on this side of eternity you've never confessed with your mouth that Jesus Christ is Lord you held to something some foolish evil thing that you tried to make good but God put up a barrier of his word to it and said no I will not accept this this practice does not come into my kingdom that's why for example he said in Revelation all thieves well outside of the hole city no thief is coming in guys you steal for whatever reason you think you have a right to I speak to every embezzler that's here today most embezzlers develop a very concise scheme in their mind I'm speaking I used to be a cop so I understand some of these things and they steal from one and then they cheat another to pay back the first one they stole from that's out an embezzler it's like the adulterous woman who wiped your mouth the scripture says and then since I've done no wrong no thief goes into the kingdom of God no thief go ahead as you fill out your tax forms cheat all you want no thief goes into the kingdom of God settle it this is the truth this is light you either come to the light and deal with God on the ground of truth or put it away and then one day face him and then one day open your mouth and say now your Lord now you're my god no he says no I'll be your God today and if I'm not to God today I will not be your God then on the day of judgment God so loved the world a former paradise hijacked by Satan and set upon a course of its own destruction God so loved it you and I would have folded it up immediately and recreated it we would never have gone the thousands of years that God has gone we would have never endured this hijacked paradise and watch mankind pursue a path that's ultimately leading to its own destruction God so loved the world it was a place that he lent to a friend called Adam who in turn formed an alliance with his most vicious and violent imme when Adam agreed with Satan the nature of Satan came into the human race and the human race now began to pursue a course throughout this world that is alien to God God so loved the place of unbridled and evil ambition in Genesis 11 for one of the very first deeds of humankind when they got together as they said let us build a city and a tower whose top may reach unto heaven not much changes really over time men are always wanting to build city and a tower to say well we can we can prosper we can make a name for ourselves and we can chart our own courses and we can build our own images and we can think wrongly that everything ends up in eternal bliss we can do it our way and that's always been in the heart of fallen man from the time of the Garden of Eden is to be as God to be able to be the one who says no I know what good is and I know it evil is its fight of what God says I know just as well as God and so I'm going to prosper I'm going to build a city and a big big Tower and this thing is going to reach up to heaven and prove that I can get there on my own God loved the place where the lessons of history only lead to deeper spiritual ignorance about the future why don't we learn what is wrong with the world with all the history of wars all the despair of ethnic and cultural conflict all of the past lessons of greed and where greed takes humanity why couldn't we learn after 1929 what unbridled greed will do and how it will hurt multitudes and how it will set people in tents living in the streets and how the marginalized and the widows and the poor will be the most deeply hurt by human greed why can't why does it seem that we are insatiable Dignan and unable to stop what can't we learn from history what is wrong with humanity Peter says in 2nd Peter chapter 3 verses 5 to 7 for this they are willingly ignorant of willingly ignorant Peter says that by the Word of God the heavens were evolved in the earth standing out of the water and in the water whereby the world that then was being overflowed with water Paris Peter says there willingly ignorant of this that the world was kept by the Word of God until God saw that the thoughts of men's hearts were only evil continually and it reached a boiling point and the Lord said no more I cannot let this go on any more there is a time folks where there's a time where God says no no more no more and weird again we've arrived as a world I don't need to list the litany of sins if how the society is living what we're doing then we kill our children for convenience folks it doesn't get any darker than that I don't I hardly read anything as dark as that in the Old Testament and folks we people there's no family affection people just make a commitment but it's it means nothing anymore if I'm not happy I'm out that's sort of the norm now of society all around us there's open rebellion in the hearts of so many people there's militant immorality all over on every side and now you can see the country turning folks we're calling evil good and we're calling good evil everything is changing and it's changing so fast and it's leading to that time where Paul the Apostle talks about just an unimaginable rebellion against God is going to sweep humanity and we're living there now it's days away it's it's it's it's you can almost reach it and touch it now folks but Peter says they're ignorant of this that there's a cutoff line with God there's a time when God says enough and he says in verse 7 but the heavens and the earth which are now this is after the judgment of Noah by the same word a kept in store in other words that the world was kept until God said enough and he sent the judgment of water but listen to what Peter says now the same world is kept in store by the Word of God reserved to fire this time against the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men folks we live on the edge of eternity every moment you are living on the edge of eternity right now you don't know that any of us have tomorrow morning tomorrow morning may not come I remember preaching at 1:00 Sunday night an evangelistic message and folks that we just got out of the church and I remember saying you don't know you've got to get right with God you don't know if you have tomorrow and I remember heading out across the road dude sitting down in a restaurant and a man died right on the street right in front of where I was sitting right outside the window within I could have touched him if my hand would have gone through the glass a man younger than me just walking down the street and he died right on the spot and I was thinking I was I was looking to see if he had a Bible under his body I was thinking my heart God was he in the service tonight was he able to hear and if he was there and if he did hear did he respond because this man is now gone he's into eternity God still loved the world a place where men and women constantly dishonor the image of God by defiling their own bodies gods who loved this world Romans 1:32 Paul says knowing the judgment of God that they would commit such things are worthy of death they not only do them but they have pleasure them to do them Oh folks what an hour we're living in when certain forms of immorality now seemed almost moral to this society God still loved the world a place that loves religiousness but hates that which represents and speaks for the true image of God Matthew 26 67 the scripture says then they spit in his face and they buffeted him and others smote him with the palms of their hands all this world loves its religion all religion is fine but just don't put the image of God before us take away this image that's would always be the cry of every society in the Old Testament that was about to be judged get this image of God away from us and bring to us now profits that will prophesy to us smooth things tell us the path we've chosen is going to bring us an incredible Liberty and wealth and success and destiny tell us all of these things when the society itself is right on the threshold of judgment God so loved the world 2nd Peter chapter 3 verse 9 tells us the only reason that God hasn't already judged the world is because he's long-suffering towards us and he's not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance that is the only reason as you and I look today and as we read the newspaper as you see what's happening in our society there's only one reason why God has not already judged us fully as this society deserves the only reason is because he's waiting for every person to make a conscious choice or whether they accept or they reject his love but verse 10 says but the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night the day of the Lord will come my day will come your day will come America's day will come the world's Day will come as a thief in the night the day of the Lord will come folks we have absolutely despotic people now trying to get a hold of nuclear weaponry in the world and if if you think Hiroshima and Nagasaki was something there's weaponry hundreds of times if not thousands of times more powerful than those weapons that were used back then we live on the threshold of eternity all the time do you realize that do you realize that young person that's sitting here today in the sanctuary or in the annex do you realize that you may not have a thousand tomorrow's you may not have five hundred you may not have a hundred tomorrow do you realize that the whole of humanity today we all live on borrowed time we only live because God loves us there's no other reason we only live because the love of God is being shed abroad throughout the earth I think of when Jesus Christ came to the earth the testimony of his love was so compelling it was a compelling testimony there was a lot of people with theological perspectives on virtually everything including salvation righteous living all of these things all of the history they had but when the temple officers were sent to arrest Jesus they came back empty-handed and they said never has a man spoken like this now their job was to protect the temple the job was to go in and if somebody got out of order they would probably forcibly take them bring them before the religious order of the day and they walked in and they heard words like they've never heard before jesus never minced in the truth he spoke the complete truth from the beginning to the end he spoke a full counsel of God but they'd never heard of men now they'd heard men speak they probably heard similar words spoken because jesus never himself spoke outside of the context of the text of scripture his own word but nevertheless there was something so deep that penetrated their hearts when they heard this men speak I want to suggest you today twas the love of God it was God manifested in a body come to the earth there had to be something of a cry in him for fallen humanity as a father a mother who saw a child in a very dangerous position and was pleading for that child to come home there had to be something in the voice that so stirred them they said we've never heard a man like this we couldn't touch him and I want to tell you something Jesus Christ cannot be taken with the hands of man you and I cannot come into this house and try to get him somehow grab him and get him to agree with our perspective on things it doesn't work that way it's only there's only real life there's only relationship when we agree with God when our knee bends when our tongue begins to confess Lord you have the rights to my life your truth is the only truth speaking to my heart oh God don't let me hold to anything that is going to obscure that testimony of your love to my generation I think of him passing through this world just three years of 33 years but three years of ministry just passing by then the Apostle Paul say that we are savour of Christ everywhere we go you and I are to be the savour of Christ as we walk in truth as we walk with the heart of God for all men is we're not walking through this world and different to the plight of those around us no we're not blowing into our Kleenex every day all day at the fallen condition of humanity but there's something of God in the heart that looks upon people and we don't see them as trees walking we don't see them in half measure we see every person that's ever been created as precious to God as valuable to God so valuable that God would become a man and dying across even if only one would come to him he still would have come praise be to God I think of him passing through and tax collectors getting up from their crooked tables and they became honest men if ever there was a time for tax collectors to get up from their crooked tables it's it's time in New York City they were matthew was there and no doubt extorting a little bit for himself on the side because that's how they made their living but matthew got up matthew saw this love of God Matthew felt this love of God Matthew heard this love of God and he became one of the writers of one of the New Testament Gospels I think of Zacchaeus a definitely crooked tax collector and Jesus came to his house and Zacchaeus suddenly developed a heart for the poor he saw his own poverty and he saw the one who owned heaven in the university had come down to him to give him life and Zacchaeus immediately upon embracing Christ embraced his heart and he said I give half of everything I have to the poor and if I love that he said if I've cheated anybody he knew full well he had cheated a lot of people I restored to him fourfold Zacchaeus I tell you Jesus is still changing the hearts of tax collectors today in our generation I see young men who left family tradition and trade the Bible tells us that Peter and Andrew left their nets and began to follow him also telling us that James and John not only left their nets their boats rather but they left their father and they began to follow him compelled by the love of God compelled by something they heard in his voice these young men don't forget this was a trade this was a tradition this is what their family did and this man is just passing by and they hear something in his voice for them and for people and hearing it I think I know their father they couldn't begin to follow Jesus by dishonouring their father their father had to hear it too and say go my sons go follow this man and they left not knowing where they were going as all what follow Christ often do throughout history and then again in Luke chapter 7 and verse 36 the condemned the cast out and the defiled when they heard this love of God they pressed in and found out they were allowed to touch him the greatest news that you will ever hear is that you can touch God today you can press through the crowd and sometimes you just have to the woman who was sick for 12 years she just had to sometimes the blind man no matter whose telling you to be quiet you just have to shout out sometimes you just have to press through the devil would try to tell you you can't come to God he's holy and you're not but there's a people in every generation that saying no I might be condemned I might have been cast out I might feel defiled but I hear something in his voice calling me I hear something when he stood and said if anyone thirsts if you've not been satisfied if you've not found what you're looking for even in religious traditions all around you come to me and drink who believes on me said out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water not just will you be satisfied but you will become a vessel through which others will begin to hear the word of God they'll begin to hear my voice the passion that you feel in your heart because you're hearing the voice of God will come into will come into your heart as well the drawing that you hear because of his voice will come to others through the voice of God that will be made known through you God help me God help me God help all of us to be those vassals of his love in our generation it doesn't mean one forsake truth it doesn't mean we stick our heads in the sand and pretend we're not facing judgment no it means a God so loved the world God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life that is the word that is the message that is the call of God's love you can you can touch him you can touch God in the Old Testament is to see his face meant to die but to Christ you can touch him but you have to want him you have to want him more than the crowd you have to want him more than your sin you have to want him more than their own pathway they own your own mental image of what your life is and where it's going you have to want him more and everyone who touched him was made whole the scripture says in Luke 7 Jesus was right invited into a religious man's house it says in verse 36 one of the Pharisees desired him that he would eat with him and he went into the Pharisees house and sat down to meet and behold a woman in the city which was a sinner when she knew that Jesus sat at meat in the Pharisees house she brought an alabaster box of ointment and stood at his feet behind him weeping and began to wash his feet with tears and did wipe them with the hairs of her head and kissed his feet and anointed them with the ointment when the Pharisee which had bitten him saw it he spoke within himself saying this man if he were a prophet would have known who and what manner of woman this is that touches him for she is a sinner but folks what I want to suggest you is that is one of the most pure worship services you will ever see in the New Testament you talk about a one-person worship service the Pharisee with all his religion couldn't hear didn't even know who he's talking to sitting there judging God because the sinner was allowed to touch his feet that's what religion will always do religion will always just judge and condemn and miss completely the mercy of God and here is a woman having a worship service with Christ I don't know where she first I don't know was this the woman that was once taken in adultery that was forgiven by him when he said I don't accuse you go and sin no more is it marry out of whom was cast Seven Devils I really don't know who this woman was but I do know something she found a love that nothing in this world had ever offered her she had never found it from any relationship she found it from no temple she found it from no pharisaical religion she found it from no man and suddenly passing through was one one day and she said my god everything I've ever looked for is it him he wants nothing of me but my heart and folks that's the issue today he wants your heart you have to be willing to let go of whatever he is holding you back whether it's a sense of unworthiness whether it's a sense of pride whether you're like Nicodemus you you want God but you're so stuck in some religious practice that but he looks at you even in mercy today and says you're not far from the kingdom of God you're not far even though you're ashamed of my name even though you have to come here at night even though you don't want your friends to know about me you're not far from the kingdom of God he's telling Nicodemus religion won't get you in you've got to come and have a living relationship with God God so loved the world God so loves you today there's no prison can hold you there's no wound to the past that can keep you there's no vision of your future in your destiny that is worth losing heaven over God so loved you there's no relationship there's nothing you can find there's nothing you can consume there's no relationship you get into in this world that could ever even begin to compare with what you will find with God through Jesus Christ God so loved the world there's no sin that can hold you there's no prison that you're in that has the lawful right to keep its door closed the moment you want to come to Christ every door is commanded to open has to open in the presence of God no blindness can keep you no deafness can keep you from hearing the Word of God if you aren't willing to come to the light of God praise be to God bend your knee now folks bend your knee now and confess with your tongue now the Jesus Christ is Lord and you can walk out of this house and you can leap and dance and rejoice on Broadway you can dance in the subway you can bubble over with the life and the love of God [Applause] but you have to come to the light you have to come to the light you have to come now I can just hear Noah on the last day that he preached my goodness there had to be a last day the Bible says that Noah was a preacher of righteousness I can see him standing outside the door saying come now come now a place has been prepared a place of provision and safety come now and I can see the masses and multitudes some had become so familiar with the message they just simply didn't believe it was ever going to happen anymore others decided to play games and one day I can come back and I know where they are kids and I'll get right with God but what they were ignorant of is that there was a day coming when the door just closed and they couldn't get in anymore my lord my god don't go to hell listening to these words today don't go to hell don't make that choice don't go to that place it's a place of darkness thicker than anything you can find in this world it's a place of unbridled anguish and uncontrolled passions that can never be satisfied folks don't go there it is a place of the absence of God and God knew that the reject him would send you there that's why he holds back his hand of judgment today if you can hear his voice the scripture says harden not your heart if you can hear his voice if you are not living for God you need to get out of your seat and you need to get to this altar and you need to give your life to Jesus Christ you need to do it publicly you need to bend your knee to God and confess with your mouth that Jesus Christ is Lord there is no other name given under heaven whereby men might be saved I'm floor you and Christ's name I implore you in Christ's name I implore you I was terrified in some measure to preach this this morning because I said god I don't want your love I don't want it dwarf because it has to come through this human vessel somehow Lord somehow don't let any man or woman miss Heaven because any frailty in this human vessel that's been the prayer of my heart this week God Almighty don't let anybody miss eternity because I failed to convey your love if you can hear his voice I see prostitutes I see thieves I see that the file I see lepers I see young man I see tax collectors I see temple officers getting up and Jesus looked at the religious crowd and he said all these will go into the kingdom of heaven before you will because they know they need a Savior and they're not going to be ashamed to speak my name Oh God I implore you please my friend don't end up in hell please don't join the crowd that are going to be at the judgment seat of Christ trying to bargain their way in but it's too late the doors closed please I beg you in Christ's name this is the day of your salvation this is the time to turn to God we're going to stand in a moment I'm asking Orchestra to return and pastor Patrick to lead us if you've heard if you've heard the Lord crying out to you if you want to confess him as your Savior if you want to bend your knee believe in your heart that he took your place on the cross 2,000 years ago you deserve death but God in His mercy so loved you that he took your own punishment upon himself just so that you could go free if you're willing to accept that freedom and accept the love of God and you're willing to confess him with your mouth turn from your deeds and begin to live a life empowered by the Holy Spirit that will bring honor to the name of God in the earth if that is you I'm going to ask you to make your way to this altar let's stand together please if you just step out of your seat wherever you are unashamedly make your way here police and the annexes well you can make your way here from the annex will wait for you just join these that are going to come I'm also speaking to those are not living right you have a you go to church but you're not living right and you know it I'm speaking to every fornicator in this house do you not know that if you defile the temple god will destroy that temple I'm speaking to every person who's a thief I'm speaking to those who like to dance in church but you also like to dance the nightclubs as well I'm serious you can't have it both ways folks it's one or the other it's time to bend your knee time to bend your knee [Applause] everyone needs compassion love that's everything at mercy everyone [Music] [Music] my god [Music] for those that have come to this altar we're going to continue worshiping for another 10 minutes or so but something I'd like you to do every knee will bow and every tongue confess this is your time to touch God and let God touch you let him speak to your heart you need to confess your sin whatever it is you've been doing and you need to let God go deep in that so that you'll see the ugliness of sin you'll see why it sent the Son of God to a cross and why God's wrath had to be poured out against it if you're you can just pray you between you and God said God I've been a selfish person I've been a violator of moral the biblical moral standards I have been a thief I I have spoken evil eye and you just get it out and you when you touch God you're actually putting that he's taking that on himself and then when he looks back at you he's going to tell you the Holy Spirit will tell you I've taken all of that from you now and I'm now giving you a new nature I'm going to change I'm going to save you and change you and you're going to be a new person I've taken it all upon myself so now you've got to acknowledge what your giving to him and I'd like you to do that and anyone else in the sanctuary today as we worship that you just need to get right with God just whether you do it in a whisper whether you speak out loud that's your choice but do that get right with God today if you don't want people listening just put your hand over your face and speak into your hands I guess and so the person beside you can't hear but just get get it all out now in the next 10 minutes just get it all out everybody at this altar get it all out talk to God talk to God now this is not a formula this is a relationship he's inviting you to you talk it out with God for the next 10 minutes [Music] [Music] I Oh [Music] when you have common fully touched the Son of God your heart will change remembers the kids he said I immediately instead of robbing people he wants to give to the poor and he wants to make right past wrongs there's an immediate change in the heart it yes there's other things that will grow in you gradually but there's an immediate change because a new life has come into your heart praise be to God praise be to God praise be to God lift your hands please at the altar with me if you will Lord Jesus Christ thank you for forgiving my sin today I'm sorry for my sin and I don't want to live in sin in disobedience to God any longer thank you for loving me and for letting me touch you today for touching my life Jesus Christ today I bend my knee I declare you to be my Lord and my Savior I trusted you will guide me you'll strengthen me and help me to understand that you didn't come to condemn me you came to save me and so I opened my heart to your sacrifice that you paid for my sins and I thank you for forgiving me and receiving me Jesus Christ son of God I give you the rights to my life from this day forward lead me guide me help me to live in a way that will be a blessing to others and bring glory to your name thank you that when I get to your throne one day I will already have made the decision and you will look at me and say welcome my beloved enter into the joy of your Lord thank you for receiving me in Jesus name praise God thank you [Applause] you
Views: 28,849
Rating: 4.8275156 out of 5
Keywords: Carter, Conlon, Revival, Repent, God, Sermons, Jesus, SermonIndex
Id: fks2aacvotc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 32sec (3092 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 07 2009
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