For Beginners 1: Node-Red App in IBM Cloud

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this video shows you study projects IBM cloud so here is the storyboard for today tools for this video three things the first thing is create or logging IBM Cloud 30 day try account so this is there you are air and then after create you know we try to create a project either the Watson IOT project or just an unrated project what an IOT project including the nod rate of project plus that was an IOT platform so number three is we will create a low rate of flow on the on this project so which is then IOT simulator so let's start it from the number one number one years to create so I've already have our IBM cloud account created so light directly logging and there the email I'm gonna using is I'm gonna use the one I just created forest IBM there one email account remember me continue the password okay so this is the main page of the IBM cloud and there are two things are most important before the status for the beginners the first thing is the dashboard this is dashboard so whenever you get problem or get lost you always want to go back to the dashboard so here is to click this and a - place here so always come to dashboard remember and then the second page is important is to go to the tacit log in the catalog there is the starter kits so there are two projects started one yes I would you study when it's not registered as I just mentioned IOT star and is including the includes the not greatest data and also includes the IOT platform so let's start from the IOT platform starter and I give a name it they are peyote there one FM ear I would hit everyone and here get the information this is reaching information we got the US region let's get start it could take like a few seconds or a few minutes to have the cloud provision in an instance and a starter instance so I pause the video in case it takes too long time okay after a few minutes the server is getting started and the provisioned so everything looks good as you can see the this is a dashboard for the project fmri with everyone and you can see including the IOT platform and also including a database is called as Cloudant and there from this page we always click the link which direct us to the moderate editor so here you know we click Next remember in the real development it is not recommend to avoid configuration of the security but today I just give our example so I just choose this case so we don't need to worry about the password I'm going to delete this instance after there we do anyhow so now I click finish please bring us to the not rate editor ok now you click go to the flow editor so we get get to the starting page so here flow 1 is the starting page of our simulator and you can see the data is into the iot platform and then iot platform and then do something it's already got connected we either delay to this flow or you know we just choose another ok so we start another flow you know we start from the inject and so before that is that you can see there are many notes available but you can always add the new notes so how can we add new notes yes manage back from install for example there is called a random notes it's pretty useful but not in the default so we can install it here ok install successfully if you search the random and you can see here so you can use the random notes and you can randomly generates the data and so here you can get some function notes so that you get the data right connected and you get another random notes yeah I'm tip I'm going to tell you why do these and I got another function node okay and so far you know you've got two variables and now he's dead one more function node get connected mmm and connect to the debug so what we are going to do if you go to my slides we try to create a simulator to create temperature and humidity write a two data and two random node trade and I already have the code prepared the code number one is coded to these functional and a code number two is copy it here okay and in these pieces of code is really we put together with Jason so that we can get it right so here we can change this is the the temperature is zero 200 and we give name TMP right temperature creation created okay here is humidity this is human taste from 30% to 60% typically and um a greater okay and shall we get both now if we just configure the start time mode here we can say inject repeat get interval every three seconds okay think it's good enough if we get deploy these check debug go to project okay it is the object now we will try to make it that Jason you can use the data node to enforce it to let Jason and always come convert to that JSON string so in this case after you deploy you will see the data on here these concludes today's this video
Channel: Forest Lin
Views: 6,066
Rating: 4.909091 out of 5
Keywords: Node-Red IBM Cloud
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 27sec (567 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 28 2018
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