Football vs Soccer Trick Shots | Dude Perfect

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Right. How long would the video be if you only showed the misses?

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/marzolian 📅︎︎ Apr 03 2018 🗫︎ replies
Dude perfect.What's up guys? We're dude perfect. We're the f2 - let's have some fun Billy struck an unbelievable pose after he made that shot so I'm going to try to blow them out of the water slow-mo movie explosion That was my slow-mo movie explosion I need you to add that in in post production Below let us know who had the better finishing pose Billy or Ty This is the rollout gong smash Ty, that's not bad. I don't know if I can match that to be honest Not that that's the face of a man that knows *laughs* By the way I've been meaning to tell you looks pretty good on you. Yeah. Yeah, are you saying? I'm part of the team? I think we might have a spot its my favorite time of the day When I get it go inside What up gang Jez, and I have a sugar glass bottle up on the rail I'm gonna hit with the football and he's gonna smash it with the soccer ball. Let's do it. This one's called the bottle buster Yeah Wow that's gonna be tough to compete with good luck to you cod-ster. Let's bottle bust with a pigskin That was weird I should have done that now cross the line how about I apologize. did you know that he's a flat earth guy Im kidding he's a spherical earth guy. There's nothing to worry about but why do you believe it's flat? Call this mini goal spin kick Let's go That was nice G. But watch this I'm gonna bend it around the pole alright that was nice nice. I-I I could probably do that. I could redo mine This is the skeet smash Oh ty you cheeky fellow that one's going to be hard to match Not. Do not believe what you say baby out let me banish this by hitting the crossbar Told you, its not true I'm ty, and I'm Gar. we're on a bench We got bill and Coby but to do a short for the bowling pin Billy boy I'm not too worried about Billy he's pretty accurate but cobs on the other end It's so even if you get hit did somebody just hit me with the q-tip This one's called the pin shot It doesn't feel as exciting when you can't do something cool at the beginning like Going going gone This is the won't take long dong Next shot we're skipping that one This one's called the balloon boom I'm going for more style points. This one's gonna take two hits. here We go That one felt good balloon was trying to escape I said no no no not today Right post Let's go Jez your turn well played g-dog, but we've always slightly preferred the left post Nice job man. Cheers mate Thank you very much. Yeah, what's up guys? Thanks for watching if you're not already a dude perfect subscriber click down here So you don't miss out on any new videos If you want to check out some more awesome videos from f2 click here to check out their Channel good stuff special Thanks to our friends at whistle sports for making this whole video possible They just hit 1 million subscribers on YouTube click right here to help them hit 2 Also, if you want to see the last video click right here sign it off for now pound it. noggin See Ya
Channel: Dude Perfect
Views: 104,135,914
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dude perfect, dude perfect stereotypes, dude perfect water bottle flip, bottle flip, water bottle flip, dude perfect bottle flip, dude perfect basketball, dp, dude perfect world record, edition, nerf, trick shots, trick shot, family, ping pong, bowling, clean, family friendly, bubble wrap, soccer, football, spinner, spinners, fidget spinners, dude, f2, tekkers, smu, european, brittish, london, manchester, united, preimere, league, juggle, skills, str, freestylers, freestyle, ball, tricks, real life
Id: qZHycHI3F1Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 38sec (398 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 19 2018
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