"football isn't the same anymore"

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football is not the same anymore in this new modern day of social media fabricsio romano and Saudi clubs now buying every single footballer on the planet and offering over 1 billion for a single year for contract I think it's come to a stage that football is now splitting apart right in front of everyone eyes Now by no means do I think that football is dead I think what we need to recognize is that there is now very much two different types of fans and they are getting wider and wider every single year and for someone that does not support a top six team or really a team that's in the top upper echelon or football it's almost like you were in a completely different sport and that is from an English fan and a fan of a Premier League club now in Burnley and I cannot imagine what it is like in other leagues that doesn't have the finances available unlike what we are lucky to have in the Premier League I've seen this topic for around a lot in terms of is footballer saying that it used to be growing up with Alexa on Ronaldo Ronaldinho Wayne Rooney components footballers and kind of how we feel about them compared to what we have now just doesn't feel the same and I guess that is a lot of nostalgia talking and I do understand that however hear me out here throughout the football as far as I'm aware the term plastic has always been used and I don't like using that because for me a fan is still a fan however I do think nowadays with social media it's turned so toxic that people don't even support a football club anymore and instead support individual players and at times would want their own club to do poorly just to prove themselves right now of course this is skewed from my own thoughts on social media and Instagram and Twitter especially so of course this is quite biased and this isn't of course every single football fan and I do understand that more to football fans aren't even on Twitter the reason why I'm doing this video is to explain what football means to me and why it is special to me and to so many other people I'm going to give the perspective of a of an English football fan but I'm sure that it could be the same thing if you are over the world if you're a local fan from Scandinavia to Germany in England we are very fortunate to have the league and the culture that we have and the fact that we have so many football clubs in in a very reasonable short distance compared to the rest of the world you know a five six hour trip is pretty much the furthest you're doing if you're doing like you know from Northeast or Southwest however that's for most fans of clubs across the world is just a standard Journey it is important to understand that aspect of it when it comes to kind of typical fan culture I don't like this new modern era that it is all about money it's all about success or trophies or big signing and if you don't like one player then it's fine just buy another player just on the PlayStation for 50 16 million as if there's no sort of consequence in pause decision making anymore at a top level anyway as a person born in Burnley raised five minutes away from Burnley in a village called power forward I was raised with football just like any other English kid you raised to a football football is all around you football pictures everywhere and when you start making friendships back in primary school nursery growing up you just walk around and there's parks and local Fields everywhere and the easiest way to make a friend when you in England is what team's important you want to go play some footy that is pretty much it and that is the culture in England and growing up you kind of already associate yourself to a football team because of two different reasons because of whoever your family makes you support because you kind of have no choice because you were already bought five six seven kits in your life already and you've probably already been talked to a game but if you like me haven't got like a father which actually cares about football then you can have a bit more free will on that and and for me I still had two brothers the rest of my family they don't care about football really at all other than my two brothers one is a Burnley fan and one is a Manchester United fan and due to this because it wasn't my father I was just starting my team I kind of had free will almost to really just pick my own team and I I really had that bro no powers being bought burned the kids I was being bought Manchester United kits and I was even being bought Liverpool kits because I loved a footballer called Fernando Torres growing up and my best friend growing up was a local fan and I used to always go around to his house after we played football and in midweek his entire family would go to his house and watch Liverpool Champions League nights watching like the duck carts and David engorg and Lucas lever and all these guys and I remember watching us thinking that's really cool and I also liked Liverpool due to this time period as well my first ever Burnley season ticket was when I was eight I got it for the all six or seventh season when my brother got it for me because he went to games two growing up everyone supporting United or everyone supported Liverpool in my primary school which was you know only five minutes away from Burnley it's in a Burnley area there wasn't too many Burnley fans I would say you know a good majority was actually more Manchester United fans because well they had Chris General they had Wayne Rooney yeah Tevin nanny who who wouldn't want to be parted at and for that reason alone I understand why kids growing up in areas that may not have that good of a of a local football team I get it completely why they would want to go support a team you know that's a United or city or Liverpool or Arsenal or whoever it is right so I I get why they would want to do that because sometimes kids in your local primary schools they they just do support these teams if your local Club isn't the greatest if they're like a league two team Fort sample and I I get it right I get it for me it all came together when I was given the choice of either watching a Manchester United game at home on a TV or to continue going down to Turf on Saturday to go watch burn the games and Burnley at the stage we were a you know mediocre championship team but for me it was simple would you rather go to the game or watch it on TV and may go to Old Trafford once a year maybe twice for like a cup game and that was pretty obvious for me I'd rather go to Every burn the game because for me it'd be boring to watch your home the TV for me that that that's just not normal I could have easily been a United fan and just say that my brother supported him therefore I do too I couldn't go to games so for me it was kind of pointless so for my childhood I went to home games until I turned 16 and I earned my own money I got a job in McDonald's and all of the money that I earned went all on burn the games away games taking cultures across a country we're in a championship and this is all documented on my channel in the 15 16 year gold type of Burnley Vlogs visit 5016 they are all there I didn't go to every single way game because I still was at college and I still worked so I couldn't get every single game off but I went to a good amount that year and that for me was the best times of my life I earned my own money and I went on couches with with my friends going across the country watching Burnley and hey quite neat the fact we were doing quite good as well that also really helped and it was throughout this time period that I really learned what a football fan is really all about for four or five years I spent on coaches spending all of my money traveling across the entire country week in week out spending six hours to go to a home game and then six hours back I lived in Newcastle I took six hours on a mega bus and buses to go from Newcastle to Burnley in the cheapest way possible so go watch Burnley V Bournemouth at home when I was at Uni and I just spent all my time on cultures because I wanted to follow my club because at that time in my life I was young I didn't really have many responsibilities that's all I wanted to do to be with my mates that was enough for me and same thing for all away games as well back and forth back and forth following that club and this is where I learned what being a football fan is really about for me I can never imagine being a fan of a club that I'm not from if I'm not from Manchester I can't be in Manchester United fan and understand what it means I can't it's not the same if I decided to be a local fan and we went on to win the championship back in the 1819 season that wouldn't mean anywhere near as much to Burnley qualifying for Europe winning the championship because that's not my people we all know that football is tribal and when you go and follow across your entire country you are representing your people you're representing your area that is what it means to me me as a Burnley fan I'm born in Burnley I'm a Burnley fan therefore whatever I do online in public wherever I go and not just represent my club but I represent the people that also supports my club and I that's how I see it and that's why when we go home in a way I mean travel and how many numbers we can we try and do so to give a good example to the rest of the country saying that you know what burning maybe a football club they may play this way that way but hey at least they have good fats and that's what I did it for and then of course I did that for four or five years and I loved every second of it and was I healthy absolutely not I was pretty much killing myself at times I was spending all the money that I have and when you go from a coach at three four in the morning going all the way down to Bournemouth for Southampton or anywhere down London really I have to go travel back up you leave at two in the morning you come back at midnight if you're lucky probably one two in the morning and then I'm hearing people say that I'll stay up at two three in the morning to watch my football club on a TV and turn it off it's not the same thing and I am sorry if you're upset by that I'm very sorry but that is the fact of the matter you watching on TV no matter how early you stay up in the morning for is not the same to the match going fans that does not just to wake up in the morning part but stays on that and lives it for the entire day every week every weekend for how many a gun knows how many years and of course what's happened to me well covert hit and you tookovid throughout their entire mess no one really knew what was going on people were all over the place and mental health were a massive problem and money was a massive problem too for many people and we decided that it was best to try something new so we went away we moved countries moved to Poland and of course for me the one thing that I missed the most um other than friends and family of course is Burnley I can't burn the game and that's been a hard one for me to deal with because that was my life that was my personality pretty much for all those years so I kind of had to find new things to gravitate to to become my personality so that I don't feel that part missing too much because I can watch it on a TV still of course I could watch it on you know the video play we have over it but it's you know I'm not there it's not the same thing I'm celebrating a law and it's just I I miss it the best feeling in the world is when you are in an away end and you score just score a goal but if it's a last minute win or whatever it's just that Euphoria in that away end jubilant off their minds everyone's hugging each other the buzz that you get off that is nothing comparable to any drug that I'm ever aware of I mean I don't take drugs but I imagine that it's something very similar to what they take and that buzz becomes a drug sort of saying that you are there chasing week in week out and then of course there's the other things to the alcohol party as well the alcohol culture of England that I was a part of as well and that's one slight benefit that I've gained from not going to games is that fortunately because I don't go to many games as I used to it means that I have a lot more opportunity to be a healthier person I don't drink anyway as much I don't really drink at all actually I'm a lot more healthy in that regards so I'm fortunate for that because I I can't really imagine going to games and not having a drink for me that's so strange like I I went to genk last week and I didn't really drink I didn't drink at all actually for that actual game it's possible however it's uh it's a different experience I'd say what's kind of applying to this video well I've kind of just waffled out about my childhood my life story I do apologize but it is my channel but my kind of point with this is that for me football is very much split into many different aspects and what I want to get across here is that this is my perspective from a I guess a local fan but if you are from America Scandinavia Africa no matter where you are you can go and support whatever team that you want and I don't blame you of course you want to be a a part of a premier league or if you're a boss a fan of real good fan but you know you want to be a part of a big Club that's easy to watch and a great um Community as well you may feel like you are missing out if you're not part of it and you know it is easier to watch a top six team because they are always on TV so I get why people would want to go be a United fan however football is not really a sport or too much that it is just a an investment vehicle that with years on we're going to see more and more clubs bought out by multi-billionaires dates and if you're not part of that then it feels like you kind of have no part of that sport like the upper echelon or the champions league and that kind of world is so far apart to the rest of the sport that it is just an unreachable Gap unless if you are bought out by a you know a billionaire like a Newcastle that you kind of just have no say to even enter that conversation and then we're seeing Saudi football they're buying every single player possible to try and fill out their league which for me is interesting to say the least I mean I'm not going to watch it I put out a tweet today which of course people kick off because it's Twitter of course it's what you expect but for me it is a a glorified pro clubs Lobby like having a bunch of Regens sprinkle three or four decent players on a pitch doesn't make a league interesting does it make a match interesting like there's a novelty in it and you're going to be finding it a bit interesting bit quirky for the first two three game weeks and then it's kind of like oh it's just kind of like a match of just normal just average players of just one or two decent to world-class players and a pitch okay are we supposed to be acting like this is normal are we supposed to act like this is the future because like that's the future of football they have unlimited money people try to compare Saudi football and Chinese Super League no this isn't this isn't Chinese Super League this is a completely different base with an unlimited money part with no rules no regulations and not party UA for anything so they can just do whatever they want they are basically building their own European Super League not in Europe like this is the European Super League this is going to become the European super league and each year that happens in each football that's nearing at the end of their career gets a nice tasty payday it's they're just all gonna flock to Saudi some people just don't care about football as much as others and if you aren't like a local football fan then you see football and probably a completely different way you want to see the best players you want to see a lot of money you want to see trophies and winning and I guess that's what matters to you and that's what matters to me I mean I want to win I want to win stuff but across we can't burn they can't win Premier League neither can pretty much the rest of the league unless you're City or three other clubs but hey there is hope the fact that Luton Town is in the Premier League gives me hope it gives me hope that there is still some life in this sport that clubs that are managed well recruited fantastically in a great system managed by a great manager that just with that alone and not with just money just put into it can still succeed that fills me with a lot of confidence and I hope to see many more stories like because for me that is one of the greatest ever football stories in English football that they are able to achieve this in this Modern Age one of the worst examples of a footballer being treated just horrifically is Harry MaGuire that he's all in all not done really anything wrong for last year two years and he's still being abused by fans Not Just online but also in public too he's been awesome he's been booed and mocked and berated over in America in the last couple of days and weeks for the pre-season tour and I don't know why he's just become a meme that it's never ending and it has been never ending for years of being booed at England games and all in all Heimer guy has done absolutely nothing wrong but hey people only care about mental illness in football when it's too late and I'm not here to say that I'm perfect I mean of course I've done videos before on about footballers like Delights are Deli alley and of course I did that and people had like pointed me saying oh well you're for doing that but it's like well no if you watch the video then you will see that the actual topic of the video the actual like purpose of it was to kind of highlight this is where we came from gone through his entire childhood going into well that mean that we're a werewolf of course had a stage and of course going through how it became so well what happened at Spurs and then actually going into okay with 97 is a bit of a rough time put up a seat tasks and what's happening what could be the reasons we all hope to see him still do quite well if you're a fan of a local club like me then I guess you'll see my perspective on things if you aren't then I guess you may see in a different one completely and that's fine um I just kind of want to give my thoughts on this really because I I'm looking at all this nonsense and I just think that it's going to get worse and with all this money I don't know what the sport would be in 5-10 years because I mean I'm Still Loving It burnley's doing great so like I'm not doing Bad Bunny means but I can see fans of clubs that's in the lower leagues just kind of just not care anymore because they kinded us are wondering what's the point and that's a shame that is a real shame so yeah um tell me your thoughts down below and I'll see you next time bye
Channel: Vizeh
Views: 133,454
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Vizeh, football isn't the same anymore, football skills, football boring
Id: 4daaWfYOK0c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 56sec (1076 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 30 2023
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