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hello and welcome back to Sunday Vibes on this very special day indeed guys less than 12 hours to kickoff of the European Championship final of 2024 and guess who's there England who' have thought it who' have thought it well actually you did predict it before the actually yeah said win yes me he thought I did say England to win and I still saying England to win got a win tonight I love positivity how do you reflect on so we're filming this on Thursday as you know 3 p.m. how do you reflect on last tonight's dramatic win against the Netherlands yeah amazing I mean um I mean just the knockout stages in general for England has just been such a ride hasn't it um yes you know it was it was hard to be overly positive despite the dramatic scenes against Slovakia it was you know the Switzerland game was so tense as well um but every single game has been one and dramatic fashion and last night England had the performance to back it up as well especially in that first half think England is the best 45 minutes we've seen from England at a major tournament in a long time actually like I think in some ways it was more impressive than anything we saw at the 2022 World Cup because you know they were up against a pretty solid opposition in the Netherlands even if the Netherlands uh Midfield on paper wasn't a match for englands that the defense certain he was we'd seen you know uh you know what what Javi Simmons and Cody gakpo have been capable of this tournament too um yeah brilliant first 45 fortunate to get the penalty obviously went behind as well but um yeah and I mean just I mean those subs Cole Cole Palmer and olle Watkins to combine for that goal and what a goal from Wy Watkins you know given he6 next year I think it was not really .06 it's so like I didn't actually appreciate when it went in just the angle of it like the angle is is is mad um and I think you know I was certainly when that ball comes into him I was I thought he'd made a mistake taking the touch on uh rather than holding it up and waiting for someone to to kind of overlap but I mean yeah what a moment for a player who you know hadn't played since the Denmark game um you know only two years ago was was still having his kind of credentials as a premier league Striker questioned yeah and you know and off the back of a season in which I think he was the best center forward in the Premier League one of the best center forwards certainly one of the most productive Center forwards in Europe um to to to have a moment like that um you know just just amazing it was really special wasn't it and there was a there was a number of players that really stepped up as well I thought Kobe Mayu first half was absolutely unreal uh zaka as usual just so consistently good for England I think he really set the tone and Phil foden had a great first half as well did slightly fade in the second half look they packed the Midfield they dropped they all did didn't they yeah they dropped 10 MERS deeper it was much harder it was it got quite attritional it felt like England was slightly losing initiative and then SC gate makes a change finally it did feel like maybe it should have come 5 10 minutes earlier uh but what an impact and we'll get on to England's performers throughout this episode we are of course filming our team of the tournament for this Euros it's a great time to drop it obviously tonight's game will probably shape who ends up winning player of the tournament maybe but team of the tournament probably should be kind of settled by now already so let's kick off with goalkeeper let's see how much we also haven't talked beforehand have no idea we could have exactly the same 11 we could have an entirely different 11 uh let's kick off with goalkeeper who have you gone with Mikey yeah um I mean first of all I just realized I forgot to I had I brought my England shirt in today I forgot to bring it on set but um so big mistake for me there but you know you are wearing white I'm wear I'm wearing white yeah yeah it's all good it's all good and I will be wearing an England shirt as you're watching this um most definitely um uh goalkeeper I feel like goalkeeper was was one of the more easy ones I think it's I I think it's actually by quite a long distance Georgie madash Vil was for Georgia I think um just amazing tournament from him I think you called it before actually as one of the players to watch this tournament in terms of someone who was going to always be very crucial to Georgia's chances of doing anything and Georgia you know went out in the last 16 as the people's champions of this Euros um Amazing Story um you know that that 2-n win over Portugal in particular but they were so entertaining throughout the tournament and without without his heroics at the back um or in goal I I should say um Georgia just don't make it out that group and you know they and they're not they don't allow that you know they wouldn't be allowed to play with that kind of Freedom um but I think it was yeah 79% save rate top for post shot expected goals um he should have conceded 12 goals by XG by post shot XG over four games so what's that three goals a game the next most in the tournament was the bran for the Netherlands um seven that's interesting but but obviously the bran played two more games than madash Philly um but yeah and and conceded you know just over half uh the the post shot XG that that um that that Georgia did so yeah like such a you know just yeah I can't really think of a of a goalkeeper who's being under as much pressure as he has been in an International Tournament and yet Georgia made it into the last 16 you know beaten by you know the the most impressive team at this tournament took the lead as well uh yeah took the lead too but like uh yeah I just think it has to be him um has to be him yeah I agree I mean prior to the Spain game he saved 16 of the 17 shots on target that he faced and actually Georg as you right to point out we're facing a lot of traffic in the group stage despite having on paper one of the easiest groups in the tournament definitely by FIFA rankings remember doing that video prior to a ball being kicked you know they fac I think he faced 76 shots which has only been topped once in a group stage in Euro's history by laia in Euro 2004 don't even remember you know laia being there I do I do remember that actually vaguely really love that I think they I think they might have scored in their first game anyway huge but either way mad dvil massive tournament massive man uh I think save the tournament I think it was it from D it's just this arcing shot into the top right hand corner and he just plucks out well he doesn't pluck it out he tips it over Sensational uh yeah welld deserved goalkeeper of the tournament for us also give maybe shout out to Don R I thought he had a good tournament as well after a difficult season hasn't been as busy as M I think that's no no that that's I think that's he's he's just had by far the most to do and has still like yeah just sustained such a good form yeah and also shout out like lots of the representatives of the smaller Nations as well I think they really delivered this tournament you know Slovakia Slovenia you know Turkey Georgia they all had their all had their moments I say smaller no disrespect Man by that let's move on to right back I think this might be a little bit more contentious I've actually gone with Jules kundai of France I think the French defense was pretty remarkable really it was probably the only area of the French team that operated anywhere close to its best level and I include that include that with o m I thought he had a really good tournament celba two which we'll probably come on to H and Mike Manon was brilliant as well but I thought Jules kundai was really quite special to be honest he played The Joint most minutes in the French Squad uh LED his side for tackles and he also created 11 chances which was only toed by Usman demele in the French Squad and prior of the semi-final he was their top chance Creator um and yeah I think he's not a natural right back but actually he's performed that role really effectively for Barcelona particularly this season before last he was really solid for Barcelona maybe had a slight dip in performance levels last year but he was back to his best this year uh and the French team weren't offering a lot going forward at all in this tournament really underperformed I would say quite surprised that Des has been given another 2-year contract to the World Cup um I thought it could be a nice time to say goodbye but he does deserve respect for everything he's done for them but Jules kundai I think was a worthy inclusion although I was close to picking Yoshua kimich is that who you you went for Kim yeah what was you thinking there um I just think he's been the most influential right back at the tournament I think I think there's a few shouts here I think jel Canelo um you know when he was on the pitch for for Portugal was was brilliant I thought he was one of the their standouts um Stefan Posh as well for Austria like I think he's I know you're a longtime fan of his dges I think he had a brilliant tournament as well you know obviously unfortunately you Austria went out the last 16 so it was hard to hard for the to kind of pick out you know pick out anyone of of those from from that sample size although I guess mad dasil bit of an outlaw in that regard um who else yeah kundai was down there for me even dump I think has has been decent um obviously you know highly influential in the semi-finals if Netherlands come through that game then uh yeah dump frees um you know yeah massive for them but yeah I just think Yoshua kimik um you know Germany you know were one of the three or four best team probably yeah among the two or three best teams at this at the tournament I think that they have a very they would have had a very good shout at being in the final had they not come up against Spain great shout at winning it I think they were you know really you know aside from the Switzerland game really really impressive throughout the campaign and um kimik who you know already had a very good relationship with nlman from the B days one of the he was kind of his main Ally wasn't he in the dressing room um you know showed showed why he you know despite spending all those years in Midfield remains one of the best right backs in the game um I think he well obviously got two assists that I mean what what sticks out in the memories that brilliant header down for F versus equalizer against Spain just the on man amazing um but he was creating almost three chances a game from right back he was taking over a shot game from right back um he's actually even now despite You know despite having played a game less than a number of players um still tops the rankings for the amount of passes into the penalty area um yeah he's just such a complete footballer and yeah like in some ways you know you kind of want to see him play more for Barnet right back at this at this rate um shalini's Ral might mean he may may well may well mean he does unless he's given a Freer role in Midfield but there's also speculation that he might leave I think PSG are strongly looking at yeah yeah I feel I I wouldn't SW yeah he he does I mean he he's you know he's well within his rights to move but you just want him to go to another truly elite club um yeah I don't know but um but anyway yeah that's why he makes it for me I just think he's been the most uential both from a defensive well not necessarily just from a defensive standpoint but in terms of yeah being a kind of complete fullback I think he probably has been the best at the tournament yeah um my left back shout I think uh has also had a had a great tournament but kimick is just the real deal yeah well we've got our first debate kundai versus kimick get in the comments guys which one do you see want to see entering our team of the tournament right let's start with center backs look I was all set because I did most of my research for this yesterday to include yaka bol of Slovenia really impressive tournament most clearances you know had an amazing tackle success rate as well now got 53 caps for Slovenia as well played a lot in Midfield for UD over the last few years as a defensive midfielder but I thought he was an absolute rock at the back uh and Slovenia what taking Portugal to uh extra time taking them to penalties uh they you know Drew all their four games really um it was a remarkable performance from Slovenia to be totally honest no one really saw it coming and everyone was expecting you know to be Yano black to be exceptionally busy look he had some saves to make but I think B was a a big reason behind the fact that he wasn't swamped it didn't necessarily click at the other end of the pitch as we as we necessarily expected so I wouldn't be surprised if if he's linked with the move this summer to be honest he was that impressive but on the basis of last night I've changed I've got I've got an England representative in there early I've got Mark the Superman Superman Mark G I thought you I thought you about to say Mark Mark his middle name which I know his middle name unfortunately I should have should have done my research on that but I think he's been Sensational to be honest we talked about him pre- tournament I think in our show was like players that could earn big moves on the back of the tournament you know the fact that he was going to start every game for England such a well publicized team such a much talked back team he was going to enter the shot window really you thought and Palace would be determined to keep hold of him especially after losing Alis but I think he's been brilliant under the sort of pressure he was under going into this tournament as well and England haven't really missed Harry McGuire which I I still think if Harry McGuire had been fit he probably would have started and probably deserved to start as well on the basis of his performances for England over the last few years but for England not to miss harm G and Mark gahi to seamlessly adapt to Jon Stones uh to playing alongside Jon Stones rather I think there was one era where he slips over but he still recovers even last night there was a there was I think gakpo was going through he falls over and then still gets up and manages to make the block that was so that was just that was you know that was real old school back play was absolutely brilliant I think only John Stones has average more passes per game than him he's barely put a foot wrong I think he's been brilliant and look it was a big call to introduced him back in last night after the way kza performed against Switzerland but gei Justified it and he's one of the reasons that I do have a little bit of Hope going into tonight's game because I I do think he's playing that well at the back yeah absolutely I mean England are winning it let's face it but um uh yeah I mean just to add with Mark gy yeah to to step into the shoes of Maguire um the fact that we yeah the worry for England going into this tournament was the defense and you know the the the fact that really throughout the tournament you know the warry has actually been the attack which is you know ridiculous that the underperformance of the attack especially up until the last the last game really against the Netherlands um you know has been the story um and that's Testament to Mark ge's solidity at the back you know in a during a tournament in which you know trippier's come in for criticism or at least the use of trippier on the left has coming for criticism Carl Walker has coming for an awful lot of criticism there's been you know talk about Jon Stones not being at quite the level uh that he has been in the past Mark gei is the only England player who has escaped scrutiny in that sense um or at least out of the regular starters yeah yeah he he he makes mine as well like I mean this is the thing like yeah like yourself duges I guess the fact that he also wasn't involved in the quarterfinal as well and we didn't know what what kind of performance we were going to see from England against the Netherlands I didn't initially have him in there I was tossing up between van djk who actually you know even in defeat last night I thought was absolutely superb um celba as well I was tossing up between those two Fabian sh as well for Switzerland um and aangi Who had who is my partner for for Mar gei um I think I think aangi has been the outstanding Center back of the tournament um I'm not sure whether it's just I I I feel like the games in which I really I I feel like I of all the games I watched um I feel like Switzerland's kind of big defensive performances were ones that I kind of just really honed in on and um and aangi I feel like in every single Switzerland game I watched um made a kind of match saving block I think he blocked he's block I think he made six blocks in total all of them were blocks from Shots um and I think sorry I've got it down here I will have to look at my notes yeah only only riger and demoral matched him for blocked shots of of team of players who made the quarterfinals um and I think in general like I think Shaw and Rodriguez both had kind of bigger defensive numbers than him but that I think that's that Switzerland spine of s Kani and Shaka and I guess you could put a bolo there as well who I thought had a really superb tournament really happy for him um you know he was so important to that um and I don't know he's he's somewhat like I know he plays for Man City and he's been you know he has in general been a great signing for them but you know he was you know a member of that man City team who actually criticized quite a lot last season I think partly because he was often put in Midfield by pep and I never really I've never you know I've never thought that he's very well suited to that kind of role but as a pure Center back um I think it's it's really hard to fault him um and yeah just just absolutely uh magnificent tournament for him but it's been I think this is one thing this tournament has you know there's a you know for good reason this tournament has been seen as a little bit dull um but I think it's just because it's it has been a defensively very very good tournament and very few Strikers which we'll get on to few Strikers but I think it was um I think it was John McKenzie from uh from well Tif I guess um yeah you can still call it Tif can't you because one of the channels called tifo anyway um I digress uh I think he put maybe like a week ago tweeted um that it's been a great tournament for midblock enjoyers which is incredibly nerdy uh but I did like it because it was like yeah it's true and um and not that necessarily that's that has to do much with why I picked a Ki but I guess it's just yeah I think it just goes to show that that I think there's been a lot of outstanding defensive players in this tournament um and uh and defensive organization in AI being one of the the great organizers fair I didn't actually consider aandi but I kind of regret not giving him further thought really but I went with William CBA I just think he's been I think he's been faultless to be honest and you look at the the you know France conceded the fewest shots per game or yeah shots um shots against per game and the opponents that they actually faced Austria Netherlands Belgium Portugal Spain it was like really tough really tough run with some you know he's gone from facing Lukaku to then Ronaldo to then Morata and I think he didn't let I think Lukaku had one shot marata didn't have a single shot in the France game uh and uh Ronaldo had three shots in 120 Minutes against uh France only one of which was on Target and he had the second best pass accuracy in the entire tournament behind AR mon Gala and I actually do think you know it's rare to put a center back amongst the sort of performances of the of the tournament but I do think his performance against Lukaku in the Belgium game was one of the best individual battles and most one-sided battles that I've seen this tournament as well it was like Nico Williams versus Italy esque and yamal versus France the other day like it really was that level I thought and Williams Leba I think elevated his game to a new level of course there was chat online afterwards about he still hasn't got over the line doesn't want a trophy this is mainly in the FD WhatsApp group winding up George and temps and Dave Jackson um but you know it's it's it's a nonsense really I think everyone appreciates that if he's not the best center back in the world he's certainly in the top three or four now it's very difficult to argue with uh and he's got such a massive future I thought it was a magnificent tournament especially given before a ball was kicked people were like is it going to be mono and canate um no one really expects it sber to even play well that that was yeah that was a big a big thing wasn't it and and this time de shoms didn't need an injury in the side to actually come to as sensus and the best pick the best player of the position um just very quickly before we move on from Center back someone who I I forgot to mention I think I think we have to give big props to Pepe as well he had an amazing tournament for Portugal not completely not completely yeah absolutely um not completely faultless but but but generally speaking was an absolute rock at the back for it in fact was was Portugal's most faultless Center back you know playing alongside some really young players um yeah 41 years old magnificent man like absolutely magnificent like in the Slovenia game in the um in the France game as well like to to keep clean sheets across 120 Minutes in those two games and and deal with the kind of traffic and especially the quality of traffic he was up against against France um yeah just got to give him massive props um especially because people were expecting maybe Antonio Silva or nasio to be Ruben Diaz's partner um and actually it was Pepe just keeping it going yeah absolutely abs absolutely and um and yeah I think it's kind of it says a lot doesn't it I mean I think I think Ronaldo for all his faults probably did get a bit too much stick in the kind of last 16 because I think actually it wasn't like the World Cup where he actually kind of was really kind of holding back Portugal I don't think he did he was petulant and he was arrogant to take on I think he that but gen I think his all round game was was fine um but anyway you know given that there was a lot of scrutiny on Ronaldo for for another you know and and there was a lot of talk about how you know Ronaldo you know is well pasted his best and everything it's like Pepe you know two years older than Ronaldo and he's just ever I just don't I just don't know when Pepe will actually retire like he is he is he is still close to the top of his game I feel may maybe I'm bit maybe I'm being exaggerating here because obviously he did win multiple uh you know he wouldn't get into this Real Madrid team now but to still be that influential um in a side filled with star players at that age is is pretty remarkable yeah and sad to see him emotional after the the France exit as well yeah great servant if that is then for him at International level let's move on to left back I've gone with Mark kukara interes I think it's one of the stories of the tournament if I was totally honest you know I saw the first lineup for that opening game against creti and I thought where is Alex galdo you know the form left wing back one of the form players in Europe last season only lost one game of course all year played what 50 odd games for B Leverkusen unbeaten Bundesliga season you know we don't need to go over it all over again he was Sensational last year you know if it was done purely on performance level he'd be top five top six top seven shouts for Balon door really Alex Galo if it was only done on that Club season in my opinion anyway so Mark karer getting the nod from DEA fento was an interesting call Deonte has managed Spain youth teams and kukar was one of his stillwoods in the under 21 side I think kukar played I think 11 games for the under 21 side which is actually quite a lot most players you know do a few games there and then get instantly promoted but obviously with the standard of left backs that Spain have had you know Jordi Alber Etc he's kind of been been held back but I think he's been brilliant in this tournament it's been the form of his career I think he's averaged over three I think it's about 3.5 defensive actions uh per 90 creating over 1.3 chances or 1.3 chances per 90 uh he's been absolutely brilliant I thought one of the performances of the tournament again I come into was his game against Italy I thought he was absolutely brilliant that link up with Nico Williams has felt very very natural and he looked so comfortable stepping into Midfield now and and helping out Fabian Ruiz on that side uh and and picking out some excellent balls as well I think he's been absolutely brilliant and with Ben chilwell's future at Chelsea seeming a little bit uncertain Ian Matson obviously having to part of the club Chelsea will hope this karer form continues and I really hope it does as well because I think he's come in for some quite unfair Flack at times in this tournament sorry not in this tournament in his Chelsea Career and Spain you know we talk about most goals in this tournament most uh most shots per game I think as well that they've been brilliant to watch going forward and kukar the control he's offered and the base that he's offered with his passing I think he's been I think he's been crucial to that yeah I I think the thing was with kukar he he he's almost like definition of a system player like obviously coming through at Barca but but then you know the way that he thrived under gr Potter at Brighton and then floundered a little bit at the start of his Chelsea Career um or or throughout a ton of his Chelsea Career so far um I mean obviously you know under Potter as well for for some of that but but but generally speaking I think that yeah the the I guess the array of managers at Chelsea that Chelsea have had the the the lack of continuity there um and I think just generally the system not necessarily being at least on a consistent basis cut out for him at Chelsea I think says a lot and I think yeah like you said playing under a manager who who's known him from a young age and I think yeah just playing the system which you know if Spain had had you if Del went a different idea then I think romaldo could have been you know could have been number one there um but ultimately you know he's been playing as a wing back for for lusen and you know a lot of O attacking uh responsibility was you know has to be given to him when when he's when he's on the pitch whereas Kara is is yeah is far more of a a kind of ball progressor from Deep um and happen to play like a kind of background role whereas Alex galdo even last season was popping on the right wing he was popping up as a number 10 like he had a real free reign absolutely and and you don't really want to bring him into a side just to just to kind of limit him in that way and Kuchar even at Brighton didn't never had particularly massive attacking numbers and was always most impressive when he was kind of around the halfway line and given the opportunity just to pick out players uh recycle possession he is just he is quite a tidy footballer in that sense but is never going to be your like running down the left wing over lapping and cutting like producing multiple cutbacks a game like that just isn't the kind of player he is um and yeah in in a Spain team where really yeah the job is to let Nico Williams shine um yeah he's done that absolutely brilliantly uh I feel like I was repeating a lot of what you were saying good um I yeah it was between kukar and my pick uh but I did go for Nuno mench um I just think um great quarter final yeah um yeah AB didn't make dive no but yeah like but I mean he was just in in in the knockout stages in general um brilliant I think he completed seven dribbles across the two games against Slovenia and France um and his defensive numbers were huge as well um I think it was 17 tackles and interceptions across the tournament I think that's only second to pinho in the Portugal Squad I think Angolo con managed 18 across the tournament as well so super super defensively astute just such an active fullback um and yeah kind of if he hadn't already cemented his place as as one of the best left backs um in the world than he certainly has now um yeah I thought I'd yeah I kind of wanted to give a Portugal player um a spot here and I think yeah I don't know I think I think your shout of Kara is probably the more solid one uh but I've also given a lot I've given a lot of Spain players um spots coming up obviously and I didn't I didn't want Spain to completely dominate this team um and I think yeah nun Manch has been great I get the logic I get the logic right Midfield I assume have you got a more defensively minded midfielder or have you just gone pure attack I mean do you want me to start with my most def I know it's not too bad yeah there's not like a I mean Fabi and Ruiz is is in there early doors I was it was it was a tossup between him and rodri and rodri has been amazing and Spain have been amazing and rodri is obviously the best defensive midfielder in World football but faban Ruiz has just been that little bit more influential than him obviously two goals two assists you know his performance in the first half against Croatia set the tone I think for Spain's entire tournament you know that that defense splitting pass into marata just ABS that's one of the best assists of the tournament um and then his goal like is one of the best goals of the tournament um like just absolutely you magisterial in that game um and he's you know on the defensive end he's you know only been slightly less involved than rodri in terms of uh balls into the final third Progressive passes um he's been better than rodri um and one of the best players in the tournament I just think as an allround yeah he he has been the best allround midfielder at the tournament I think I think he's got a sh for player of the tournament yeah he yeah certainly absolutely I mean there's a ton of if Spain win then you know it's a tossup between a number of players um but uh but yes I've gone for him off yeah okay sweet we're in agreement okay cool who who who else for my next okay I will go my more defensive-minded midfielder he's not really a defensive midfielder but I went with Tony Cruz I think he had to get in I think he had to get in most passes completed in the entire tournament second most long balls completed in the entire tournament behind Jordan pford that includes goalkeepers just absolutely mad only yal and Erikson have created more chances than Tony Cruz he of course hasn't played a semi-final bear that in mind as well most passed into the final third it was just like there was a point in this tour there was a point in this tournament I think it might been after the group stage of the last 16 um when Tony K I think had produced almost double what any other player had produced in terms of balls into the final third it was just it was frightening his group stages were just so shot creating actions are either shots or passes that directly lead to a shot I think they Al it get kind of lost sometimes but shot creating actions per 90 Tony Cru is sixth like amongst all the forwards that you've seen in this tournament that that is not normal I think he had an outrageously good tournament shame that he bowed out in the way he did I thought it was a nasty tackle on pedri to be honest I don't want to go too far on it but I didn't think it was a great challenge but what a career he's had and uh yeah to to bow out at that level there's very few players that have ever gone out at a higher level you know winning a champions league and being one of the outstanding midfielders of the Euros as well I think football will miss him a lot Real Madrid will certainly miss him a lot that control that he offers I thought he had to be in yeah just yeah leaving at the peak of his powers just such a joy to watch I think he is one of my favorite midfielders to watch of of the modern era um his his passing you know his passing game is just is just up there there with the very best ever um and yeah yeah leaves at the top of his game um yeah your team he I was I was like he probably deserves it oh but um you got a cheeky looking no no bias here um but just ahead of tonight kobby Mon's in M kobby Mon's in M mfield um look it's a it's a ridiculous shout and it's say yeah obviously there is that barol no complete objectivity involved in this one um but I do think I just think you know with with it's been hard to praise England much up until the semi-finals it's been hard to praise England much but I think if there's if there's one thing that really has changed things for England as as well as the change in shape it's been the settling on kobby Manu as Declan Rice's partner and I wasn't necessarily all for it at the start of the tournament I thought Adam wton was a more natural fit next to dein Rice especially in a 42 31 and I I still kind of believe that obviously Walter never got his chance um but kobby has taken his chance at every single you know at every single turn you know he he obviously came on in that first game against Serbia but then really got that chance against Slovenia and uh you know coming on at halim and you know kind of being there and seeing him live and the difference that he made to that team in that game um you know was was amazing to see and amazing to see a teenager you know have that kind of impact and if it wasn't for or linum mal being linum Mal you know being one of the the the greatest you know most exciting teenagers we've ever seen in the history of football let's face it um you know blessed by the god the God himself Messi um then kobby Mayu would be the would be the teenager that people would be talking about at this tournament even though he hasn't been a consistent St throughout the throughout the Euros um and yeah like he has played in kind of 45 minute burst you know we saw that against both Switzerland and the Netherlands he he his influence did wne in the second half but the impetus that he gave England in both of those games was really really invaluable and I think that that first half against the Netherlands you know he made three really really important tackles in the Netherlands half um but but at at points in play where um the Netherlands could have transitioned uh and were going to transition and could have really hurt England and that was um you know that that was where England were going to be hurt by the Netherlands was was in transition especially in that first half once once anyone got past rice then then England did look really vulnerable at the back um you know you you saw that for the Javy Simons goal as good as a strike as it was that was where England were hurt it was as soon as you P de rice and for cobby's ability to um sweep up in in the kind of in the pressing stage of England's defense there um was massive and of course on the ball he's he's been really invented as well in space as well half we were like give it to seriously um yeah and it didn't even feel like I was just saying that as a United fan it felt like it was just like yeah he was just always in space so yeah like it's a fair sh I think I think I think he's got a claim but I'm putting T yeah I think I think Tony CH does deserve it especially after the year that he's had as well but um but I think yeah if there was any any England player aside from gei who had had a shout here well no there are obviously B Saka has a shout but you know we'll get on to we'll get on to that but um but yeah I just I just had to put him in I'm trying to think of other there are obviously a number of other midfielders who have had really impressive tournaments I've got a couple to shout out actually well I've got one in particular to shout out basically my more creative midfielders I've got Fabian re and I've got Cruz and I've got one player playing in front of them and I wanted to give a shout out to igula I thought he was absolutely brilliant for turkey a turkey Turkish side that people I think had slight PTSD from the dark horses shots of three years ago but I think he was I think he was brilliant this tour obviously an unreal goal versus Georgia but creating dangerous moments in pretty much every game he played and he carried on that form from late in the season with Real Madrid where I think he scored in his final three games of the season for Real Madrid and they've now got just a bit it's not a problem it's a great problem to have but you got to get this guy involved somehow and yet there's so many him and Rodrigo on the right what an amazing problem to have it be brilliant um I can't remember who was saying it I was I was uh listening to uh a podcast the other day it might have been JJ bull or someone on the uh saying that he could see igula actually as he matures becoming more of like a kind of Modric esque midfielder and he Tempo Setter yeah and he certainly well yeah kind of tempo Setter SL playmaker like and someone who can just carry the ball through Midfield uh and like yeah you can kind of see that but but really you do kind of just want to see him on the right and just like terrorizing defenses his first touch is just always almost nearly always perfect so he was creative midfielder shout but actually I've gone I've gone with the big man I've gone with Danny Elmo yes I think it I think it has to be look three goals two assists some really high quality goals as well obviously people are you know talking as they should about y's goal the other night against France but it's kind of gone under the radar that almost scored a probably goal of the tournament Contender as well it was it was really really special huge goal versus Germany as well came off the bench in that game then provides the assist for Mel mourinho's winner uh and he's yeah I think his goal contributions I a go contribution every 58 minutes or something like that absolutely remarkable and it's there there's a release clause in his contract until Saturday as you're watching this the 20th of July for 60 million Euros look he's had a lot of injury issues over the last few years but whenever he plays for Leipzig there is so much quality you know he scored a hat-trick in that uh what was it super cup super cup just before the start of last season everyone expected him to have a massive break at year then got injured it was a real real shame but there is so much technical quality there he's got versatility I think he be brilliant signing for a club like Arsenal who need depth on both Wings he can cover a ro guarded Midfield as well I put it on Twitter the other day but I think he I think he'd be Sensational Arsenal I do think they've got slightly other priorities though I think they are looking for a more defensive-minded midfielder or at least more of an all-round midfielder and it looks like Mel mourinho's their guy K Fury looks like he's coming in as well so he doesn't feel like their absolute priority but Danny Elm Mo Sensational tournament yeah um yeah there's there's not really much more to say on him I think the the like what what solidified his place in this team for me is just the fact that you know like International Football International tournaments are all about moments right they're all about moments Danny Almo has had has had the moments uh quick shout out to Jude Bellingham there because he's obviously had his he had a huge moment um you know as as another player who who Who's in this who who you know would otherwise be contending for that attacking Midfield spot but just you know hasn't been consistent enough you know compared to someone like HMO um and yeah writs have chat at G as well speak about kobby May was one of the teenagers of the tournament like Gul certainly there as well um but yeah like he he's yeah he's produced those moments and like yeah like uh the goal against the goal against France is just insane isn't it those two touches are two of the best touches I've ever seen um in conjunction like in all my days watching football um so you've got sorry you've got Mayu ruizo and I've got Cruz ruizo so get get your votes in pretty yeah pretty similar there I'm glad that I went for man so we actually had a bit of a debate there who do you want to start with on the forward line I mean I feel like we've probably got quite similar for lines as well um shall we shall we start on the right let's do it let's for over linum M shall we player of the tournament yeah probably the player of the tournament I think he's got to be player of the tournament to be honest I think it's rare to like be kind of lost for words and I was kind of lost for words with that with that France goal but his performances throughout the tournament as well big assist versus Germany you know three other you know two other assists so three in total becomes the youngest goal scorer in the history of the Euro's youngest player to play in a semi-final and he absolutely tears it up he tears it up it looks like a playground for him he was absolutely brilliant uh only con sa and Dev RAM have averaged more expected assists per 90 than him this tournament and it's rare to just be like basically it felt like the Messi and era was coming to an end and it was mbappe's time to really dominate for the next 10 years but actually yam's emergence means I'm just not sure that's going to happen I'm just not sure that's going to happen n years younger than mbappe nine years younger the first World Cup that he'll probably clearly remember I think is the 2018 World Cup in Russia like he's playing with he's playing against players that would have been his Heroes growing up and kind of embarrassing them on a pretty regular basis uh I think he's been absolutely faultless and happy birthday for yesterday Min he's now 17 17 brilliant um mad absolute Madness that that's the first World Cup that he would probably remember given that like we were both we were both what like as George pointed out he was 12 when Co started like what on Earth and he and he's now like you know like in the world the biggest the biggest like you know the the the name in football um you want to hear one more stat yeah yeah go guess this so the goal he scored against France was the furthest out a goal has been scored in the Euro since 1988 what yeah that's crazy which seems unlikely that's mad given the amount of screamers this tournament well um that's insane um that's it's kind of disappointing if anything because it wasn't that far out like I mean it was far out but not that far out we were debating whether foden's effort that hit the post last night would have been further out I think it would have be further out on distance def definitely definitely definitely wider out like and um yeah I mean the technique on that was just brilliant as well but um but yeah what was I going to say about yal now my mind has gone interrup right it's all right I mean first of all I think what what's mad is you know for a player so young to have like I I know it's just one tournament there a small sample size of games but to to already have this like inevitability about him it's like as soon as he cuts in it's B like with Robin like I was like well you he'll do the same thing every time but you can't stop it it's like your M will cut in every time and as much as you you as much as you try to stop it he will just put a perfect ball into the box and he's also you know I think he's up there for expected goals and shots this tournament as well like his yeah I mean it's just like we we could just kind of pour over him forever and you know you don't want to Big up a young player to the point of like you know like biging him up too much but he is just like he's the preeminent force in in World football and um you know I can only really compare it to what to seeing kind of Harland burst onto the scene a few years ago like even mbappe when he burst onto the scene that there was at least there was still something quite raw about him like when harand broke onto the scene it was like it he already felt complete like yal somehow already feels complete like his decision- making is just Second To None um and it's not like we've just seen that this tournament like like he was like that for Barcelona all throughout last season um but it just so happens that he's playing in you know Barcelona weren't the best team in Europe last season Spain are the most impressive international team um that we've seen in years actually um in terms of their performance over the course of a tournament um that's the thing I put that on Twitter the other day actually like I don't think many of this current Spanish team would get into that Peak 2008 2012 sort of era side but I I can't remember yal does though yal might do but you know Roder has a claim but then there's bisett there shabby Alonzo I I don't think that many of them you know it's Up For Debate but I don't think there's that many clear no but I I I have enjoyed watching Spain more than I think at any point dur I think actually in Euro 2012 particularly in that final they were really entertaining great but 2010 World Cup was a snooze Fest from Spain it really was and I think this side like have such a clear identity and it is so different to previous Spain teams it's been really really refreshing and I think we may be we maybe missed a beat not predicting them to win this tournament because you look at the sort of the sort of blend of what they've got in terms of that physicality in Midfield with rodri and Ruiz and then some really high quality players coming off the bench and players that have risen to the occasion with Spain in the past like fent Torres has a much better scoring record for Spain than he does for his clubs marata same similar sort of story Nico Williams coming off the season of his life yamal coming off his first season like there was maybe we should have seen it yeah maybe we should I think I think I think a lot of people slept on Spain my Portugal sh is not looking good not right not H well has it not H well but um but nevertheless um I think they were always they were always the other team aside from the four kind of favorites weren't they but yeah like I think we we certainly should have seen it coming more um but I also just don't think anyone saw just how Spain just how good Spain were going to be um and that I think leads on to my left wi pick is Nico Williams I think well you say it has to be but I think I think the harshest admission in this entire team maybe aside from ch um is is Jamal marala on the left I think he was absolutely brilliant for Germany um you know another young player who is who's backed up well actually not his easiest season at BN I mean it wasn't you know uh the easiest season at BN for for a number of players but yeah I think he he really announced himself in the international stage this tournament msala you know scored really important goals and great goals as well um yeah I think yeah if it wasn't for ni Williams I I think it's just the combination of yamal and Williams and how defining that's been to Spain's attack um which is which is why he's in there it's interesting hearing Williams say after the first game against Croatia he was kind of berating himself saying I just I didn't back myself enough in that game and you saw the way he came out against Italy and just gave D Lorenzo one of the hardest nights of his career dorenzo rarely looks like a mug and he's a good yeah very very solid Defender and is and has been very good going forward in the past for Napoli as well but maybe isn't at the peak of his powers but still niik Williams just really kind of embarrassed him it was like playground stuff and he's been so fun to watch niik Williams like you know in a kind of different way to yamal actually because I think he's a little bit more unpredictable in some senses but the runs he makes him behind the space that he's created for other players the constant threat the constant probing I think he's been absolutely electric he's my he's my left Winger yeah same same who's your Striker though Striker is a tough one there weren't many out there and are you going our Lord and tavier Harry Kane no sadly not although three goals can't can't argue with it too much but no Harry Kane's just has hasn't had a particular in terms of his all round play it's just it's it's he's just he's just he looks 30% he's he's not been involved much has he um but it doesn't matter because he's going to lift the trophy tonight and it's going to be all good it's going to be all good everyone um uh and no I'm not cursing anything I'm just it's just pure Vibes you just got to enjoy it notice how the crit curse isn't getting involved you're not getting involved at all yeah um but I just don't want to be blamed I've been blamed for England losing the 2019 Rugby World Cup final that's what haunts me that's still yeah I mean the thing is even if I even if we do lose tonight and you know people I don't know some people in the comments blame me or whatever I don't care likees it doesn't matter ultimately I'm not that superstitious when it comes to football and um and it she just just got to enjoy it just got toy uh you know may never happen again uh Kai havs I've gone for as my Center forward big Kai hav I just think he he had a really good tournament and um and you know he had to you know there was pressure on him you know home a home Euros um obviously coming off an impressive season at Arsenal but he has you know he has faced so much scrutiny at so many points in his career since leaving Germany back in what 2020 when he was incredibly young and um you know first of all to to kind of prove the doubt is wrong after big money move to Arsenal um and then to lead the line I think incredibly admirably I think only mbappe and Ronaldo uh took more shots than him in this tournament I think he racked up um the second best uh non-penalty expected goals per 90 rate of of I think it's only BR and bolo of players who actually played significant minutes who managed more than him and obviously his two goals were from the spot but they uh you know less so against against Scotland but certainly um in that semifinal against Denmark in a really qual against quar 16 both sorry sorry both got our head slightly in the clouds um but uh yeah like in that last 16 against Denmark um in in what was probably the most tumultuous two-minute period of this entire tournament um you know after the incredibly you know marginal um offside call followed by the incredibly harsh hand ball for htz to to step up and take the quality of penalty he did in that moment um was exceptional and just his all round play was great and you know allowed you know helped allow um vers and and um msala to shine in a similar way I think that marata has allowed Nico Williams and yamal to shine um yeah I think he think he had a really really good tournament really really good tournament um there were probably a couple of other shouts but there wasn't really necessarily an outstanding lone number nine like I think um I guess I guess m that say I was going tog like it deserves a shout as well Portugal game he was brilliant wasn't he and you know Georgia you know only qualified for this tournament through the Nations League I think they beat Greece in a playoff final uh for their place here yeah I think they were they were Sensational that was a great performance him and kavisha in that game against Portugal that that was so much fun he definitely deserves a shout I've cheated slightly I've played a player that didn't actually play on the in the cental I picked someone that played on the left Cody gakpo it's cheeky but he is a striker at points he can play up there I also I honestly didn't even consider HT um but I probably should have I think you make a fair claim although he must have underperformed his XG quite dramatically yeah he did I think he had the the highest I think he had the highest XG total in the tournament but that was including two penalties I do get it but I mean gakpo finish off with three goals one assist I thought he was very quiet last night to be honest against England which doesn't really make my claim strong but I I'm interested to know who you guys go for in the comments because I was really struggling with number NES I didn't think it was a a clear choice I thought he was absolutely brilliant Cody gakpo against Romania in the last 16 which is kind of when you know people forget Netherlands finished third in their group like they were under pressure going to that last 16 game and they played really well in that Cody gapo was Sensational in that uh two dribbles three key passes four shots got a goal and an assist and it continues a record for the Dutch in major International tournaments which is getting pretty impressive cuz he scored three and five at the World Cup in katar as well look he had a difficult season at Liverpool last year very much fifth Choice there amongst their forwards 12 for minutes played in the league there only ended up with eight goals in the Premier League despite playing I think 35 games but only 17 of those were starts very much a bit part player at Liverpool let's see what happens with Anna slot going there now but Cody GPO he was my best of the best of the lot really I thought uh didn't even play in that position though so I mean I do feel a bit dodgy was there it doesn't feel like there's anyone else really nothing no Ruku Ronaldo nothing nothing mbappe definitely not yeah kamani no I think that's just about it that's it uh guys those are our team of the tournament or our teams of the tournament which ones did you prefer myself or Mikey we'll maybe put them on screen now or maybe in the comments at least uh get voting what changes would you like to see and what are your predictions for tonight's game as well Mikey is fully backing the boys score oh my God you make me do that it's cruel um oh um two all and it goes to pans and England win wow yeah oh my head or heart head or heart I'll go with my I'll just say my heart's opinion yeah um your heart's opinion yeah my heart's opinion it's got a lot of thoughts down there I'm going to go I'm going to go to1 England again um but I don't I don't truly believe it but I want I want to I want to I want to yeah let's see let's see what happens guys we we made it to the final you can't ask much more absolutely either way we will be with you in some shape or form maybe just in body on Monday Vibes tomorrow um so look forward to that we'll probably be a little bit hung over I would have thought uh but thank you so much for watching Sunday Vibes for this week make sure you like the video comment Etc and we will catch you tomorrow come on the boys
Channel: Football Daily
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Keywords: football daily, football news, transfer news, premier league, sky sports, sunday vibes, stat wars, sky sports news, euro football daily, manchester united, chelsea, arsenal, liverpool, football quiz, football transfers, champions league, football tactics, football daily team talk, football analysis, football explained, tifo football, football podcast, england, spain, euro 2024, euro 2024 final, saka, yamal, bellingham, kane, nico williams, southgate, england v spain, zirkzee, mainoo
Id: ik5B9lh9yyY
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Length: 50min 47sec (3047 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 14 2024
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