FOOT IN MOUTH TONI - Toni and Ryan Podcast

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Tony and I are waiting to go on TV and I'm a little bit nervous so I'm like I'm just gonna go do a quick little little pee yeah a little nervous you're a nervous way up yeah before we go on TV I'm gonna go do a paint so I walk like down the hall and around the corner from the green room where you are and there's only like one bathroom one toilet and it's like it's locked so I come back and you're like oh that was quick and I was like oh something there's something someone in there yeah okay uh it's about five minutes ago okay um so it's about two minutes later walk back down the hallway around the corner when I'm like oh still locked yeah I came back there's still someone in there and I'm like mate like how someone's feeling it like it felt like it had been longer than that it like five or ten minutes so yeah it felt like this person had been in there for a while um and we're getting antsy because we need to do this thing and I'm like you need to wee we haven't organized this thing yet and so it's a few minutes to go and I'm like I was gonna try one more time and if not we'll see what happens um so I go down the hall and around the corner and just as I'm getting to the bathroom this guy in a stripy shirt walks out of the bathroom yep and I'm like great so then I slip him behind him do my nervous sweet come back to the Green Room so I get back to the green room and Tony's there and so is the guy with the stripy shirt um now I saw the guy with the stripy shirt come out of the bathroom but Tony had not Tony had just seen a random guy turn up to the Green Room well he came to put our microphones on yeah and so he comes in and goes all right Mark's on and then you guys all ready to come through to the studio and Tony who again didn't know where this guy just come from goes well we're ready now because that guy is finally finished taking the longest [ __ ] ever so Ryan could get into the bathroom let's go I'm speaking of like the [ __ ] stink eye I was like looking at you going Ryan looks at me like this I did not know that a head could turn that fast to be honest it was like the [ __ ] Exorcist around I still have a kick in my neck because it's snapped sideways honestly because I stared at toning everything from the bathroom and as soon as you flicked around I was like I knew what I'd done immediately someone but a lot of people in the building to be fair I mean what are the chances you know what are the chat like but and so as soon you shoot me daggers and I was like like and I try and so here's me trying to be Swap and I'm like and I'm like so the microphone just aren't inside on the inside of the jacket like I just literally I didn't know what to do like so I shut the door like you know when you walk into a room and a shelf's falling off the wall no [ __ ] all over the floor and you just shut the doors you go I can't deal with that I shut the door to what I'd said and I went yeah cool so if you could just take my microphone to hear that'd be great I'll be on this side of the camera so that'll be perfect literally the way that you looked at me I will never forget in all my years and when I give the eulogy at your funeral that is something I'll mention because it was shot oh and I just let's do a quick role play I'll be the guy yep and you be you just to give people kind of the um because I feel like there was joy and hilarity in your voice well I was just trying to like because it was funny nervous and so I was like whoa if it was anyone else except the guy yeah it was a [ __ ] great line yeah um Adam's gonna put your mark on you guys ready to head into the studio only ready now that that guy's out of the [ __ ] toilet God what was he in there 15 what did he eat God don't go to the blood don't go to the restaurant downstairs they must have ran out of soy milk he's on Dairy today and he ain't used to it I'd like the guy obviously he saw you going into the toilet yeah he knew there was just like me the only guy I both knew that we'd both just been to the bathroom there was just no combination of anything where people didn't know exactly what had happened like when you were saying you you knew I knew it was awful yeah and let you try to make up a Side Story at the cafe yeah uh and and then we came down to the building Sydney and we flew into town and yep now we're ready to go there was just nothing that I could do to recover like it was like it was like being caught with my pants down yeah like it would literally like ironically you're the only person with your pants up for that whole story I don't know if you remember this so we you're looking at me and I'm like with my eyes yeah and then someone else walks in the producer walks in and goes bro what happened this morning and the guy in the stripy shirt who I've just accused of mad diarrhea goes oh yeah my car broke down I had to get it and I had to get a taxi to win he obviously got the cab charge from Dan Andrews and like so this guy has had a [ __ ] of a day you know that Now controls into his workplace I'll get a g'day Champion um yeah just put my mic on here I'm an audio Queen but I don't know how to put my own mic on it if you could not shoot yourself that'd be awesome you put a mic on the Dalai Lama but I put a mic on you the Royal Treatment oh yeah I actually totally forgot yeah his car broke down that morning and he's like I've had so many problems with it and like I was running late to work and oh my God I'm [ __ ] I feel like such an [ __ ] gonna have his morning [ __ ] at home because yeah oh I feel so bad but like I didn't say anything disparaging about him like I wasn't like oh who's that guy in the stripy shirt that was in the toilet it was just an unfortunate job I didn't say anything just badging about him it was something like now that bloke's finished his mad [ __ ] yeah it was like that's not not disparaging but it wasn't about him because I didn't know like about his bows it's about someone I didn't know what but anyway it was not great it was actually really not one of my finest moments like and I don't have a lot of good ones but that one was especially not good I've had a lot of [ __ ] times but that was a real [ __ ] that was up there yeah that was not great
Channel: Toni and Ryan
Views: 194,611
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ryan Jon, Toni Lodge, Toni and Ryan, Toni and Ryan Podcast
Id: C4VJWV9e0Qs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 39sec (399 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 30 2022
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