Fool-ish Decisions | Eric Thomas Sermon

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this is the day that the lord has made i will rejoice and be glad in it praise god um the lord has this series on my heart uh matthew 25 amen the story of uh the ten versions amen five wise five foolish hey man and last week um i just want to make sure that you you understood hey man uh the concept amen agree amen uh that that's where we ended that that that we need to get to a place of agreement hallelujah praise god i'm talking to somebody right now in the name of jesus christ i don't know who i'm talking to but you've had a you've had a challenge agreeing with your spouse i mean y'all beefing look you didn't get married for it not to be blissful let's just be real like all of a sudden nah you can't stand her she can't stand you uh uh she telling you to leave you know you telling her to leave hey man you you having crazy thoughts she having crazy thoughts listen to me at some point y'all was on some marital bliss what happened you're not agreeing that's what it is that's what it is like i need you to pray that you i need you to pray for an agreeable spirit i don't even know church if that's something we grew up you know what i'm saying like most of us didn't grow up on that like we grew up on debat like in debate mode we grew up on my way mode and when we don't get our way i'm telling y'all you know i was talking to jamie early and i was like jamie that audio book that we got done that's going to change millions of lives over the course of earth's history hey man i don't know we got 50 left here 100 left here but there's seven almost 8 billion people in the planet right now that that audiobook is going to bless some million folks that are uh uh illiterate and cannot read or people who can read maybe but struggle and their comprehension like they're going to listen to that book listen to me the audiobook got done y'all uh uh myself i was in the studio jamie was in the studio tyler was in the studio tyler represents penguin books uh the penguin publishing a house right i don't know him never knew who he was but he's literally in there he like yeah what's the early i said what's the earliest we can go he was like 5 30 central time right so so so jamie can you be here 5 30 central time 6 6 30 uh uh eastern time and we hear some mornings we were like yo can we start at six which is five you know and we got here early amen and he's like eric you know start over that wasn't the right way to say that word you you missed the s or you put an s where it shouldn't have been the e.d boy and i'm telling you we created a masterpiece i didn't create a masterpiece we created a masterpiece why because we agreed hallelujah for some of y'all i'm telling you the challenge is you do not agree now i'm about to show you all something oh man i'm about to show you all something in the word with the tin that's gonna blow your mind and i'm hoping by the time we get to the end of this message that you can get on the right side amen on the right side hallelujah of the wise ones and not the foolish ones amen let's start from the top again uh and the bible declares in matthew 25 verse one amen make sure you spend some time reading this and studying this and letting god bring some rich new revelation to your life revelation that i don't want you to just get for your mind but revelation you need to execute amen remember what i said execution is worship i don't care nothing about excuses i don't care nothing about good reasons amen when my son was at michigan state and my daughter was at michigan state life happened michigan state don't want to hear nothing about my life they want that 50 000 amen whether you give it to us in one lump sum or we break this joker up and add you interest because we had to break it up but if they're going to take class if they're going to get their transcripts amen if they're going to be able to matriculate through the university we need our money we don't need excuses we don't need good reasons and i know sometimes in the body of christ we get that confused we get in our feelings listen to me very closely in order for you to be where god wants you to be there's some things you have to do it doesn't matter how you feel and a lot of you have gotten caught up in your feelings and that's why your bank account looks the way it looks come on i'm talking to somebody that's why that that's why your lamp look the way okay let me say that way i'm sorry did i say that church i apologize let's go back i'm sorry that's why your lamp looked the way it left look right that's why your lamp looked the way it looked you're not agreeing with god you're not agreeing with other humans that are in your sphere of influence you're constantly debating and you're constantly trying to manipulate people to get them to get you off the hook from executing hey man stop amen lamp oil bridegroom ain't there's no way around it lamp oil bridegroom there's no way around it it's absolutely nowhere around it you can't have one without all three you can't have two in order for this story to work and you're one of the wise ones you got to do all three the lamp the oil the bridegroom come on somebody talk back to me the lamp the oil the the lamp the oil the bridegroom there's no way around it right there's no way around it he says at this time the kingdom of heaven is like and not just in heaven but on earth as it is in heaven and your experience on earth has everything to do with your lamp the oil and the bridegroom you can't get around it and if you got the lamp you got the oil you got the bridegroom you good but if you're missing one of those to some extent then your life ain't gonna be what it is and all i'm asking you to do today and stop coming up with good reasons and excuses and let me tell you why it's dangerous for you not to do the lamp the oil in the bride group watch this the bible says at that time the kingdom of heaven will be like ten virgins who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom hallelujah five of them were foolish and five of them was white listen to me this ain't feelings there's facts the bible says that in the body of christ hallelujah in the body of christ the haves and the haves there's a group that won't have and they won't have not because god didn't give them a lamb he not that he didn't give them access to the oil come on not that he didn't give them access to the bridegroom they decided that they was going to do their own thing hallelujah praise god the bible says the foolish ones took their lamp but did but they did not take any oil with them oh come on somebody hallelujah the wise ones however took oil in jars that's worked jamie jamie that's the work jamie come on church that's the work that yup you got your lamp but there's some work to do you do have your lamp but it's some work to do it ain't just gone i promise y'all i told i told the saints i know walking the truth seem bad to y'all because we paying 800 a month and we don't get to do certain things but listen to me very closely if you want your own church it comes with uh uh jars come on somebody you not hear what i'm saying i know why the five didn't have it because jamie come on church come on pastor it's tough when you got to have jars of oil that's work you got to you got to carry these jobs oh pastor i don't even like i don't even like wearing a mic i don't it's too much i can't stand when i got to do a hair hell boy i'm speaking so i got the hell i would like to just be free i know i get it i understand most of us just want the lamp we just want the reward we just want all the blessings we don't want to do the work the oil represents the holy ghost and the work you have to do to stay connected to the father it's work you get a church it's work there's work that has to be done it's work when you want to own your own it's work i remember jamie i remember uh uh uh longing to have my own property my own house i got my own house i was like you know what that apartment this situation went bad and you know why the apartment wasn't bad because it wasn't my responsibility when uh when the uh hop uh what is it the water heater went out it wasn't my responsibility when the air conditioner went out it wasn't my responsibility when something broke i could call somebody else who had their lamp their oil and oh come on somebody that they they had a different relationship to the property than i did i used to love the apartment why because i got to enjoy living in it but i didn't have to have uh uh i wasn't responsible for any of the work that needed to be done oh am i talking to anybody you loved her when all y'all had to do was be intimate before you got married oh you loved her when all y'all had to do was go out to eat oh you loved her when all y'all had to do was meet up on the weekends you loved her when all you had to do was go on vacations with her but when you had to bring her home and you had to do the work when you figured out she had a personality when you figured out she had a past when you figured out she had her own perspective you was like i just want to laugh i just want the lamb i don't want the oil i don't want to i don't want the bridegroom i don't want the relationship i just want the rewards praise god i'm talking to somebody hallelujah praise god i'm talking to somebody amen the bible says the wise ones however took oil in jars along with their lamps hey man we got to do the work saints and the bridegroom was a long time in coming and they all became drowsy and fell asleep jamie this is what i was talking about church this is what i was talking about pastor this is what i'm talking about we all human we all getting hit with the same stuff we're all going to get drowsy and fall asleep it's just one group when they get drowsy and fall asleep because they're not interested in the relationship they're ready to pull out where the other group is so interested in their wife so interested in their husband so interested in their kids so interested in their whys so interested in all come on can i can i tell y'all something when you have a y you don't need a how when you have a y you don't need a what when you are in relationship with somebody you'll do whatever it takes the problem is there are many people in the body of christ who just want to lamp i know i know i know i don't mean to hurt nobody feelings i just want to be honest with you the reason why you can't execute at the highest level is because you don't have a relationship with the father the son and the holy ghost you don't have you're not you're not sold out you don't have a relationship with the church you just come here on the weekends to get your stuff like the reason why i don't see you during the week helping is because you're just coming to get your lamp you're not interested in the oil you're not interested in the work you're not interested in the bridegroom you're not interested in the relationship you're just here for what you can get and then when somebody challenges you about you living like that now you got an attitude in your feelings and you out now you withdraw why because you're not oh come on somebody okay now watch this the bridegroom was a lot long a long time in coming and they all ain't nobody perfect they all became drowsy they all fell asleep but some left when they fell asleep some drew closer when they first saw jamie are you hearing what i'm telling you jamie are you hearing what i'm telling you some run some withdraw some move closer oh come on i was telling somebody i loved the other day i said listen to me we all fall asleep we all get drowsy but the difference is some of us when we get drowsy when we fall asleep we withdraw our love we withdraw support we take stuff back from people that we love but for some of us we actually when stuff go wrong we actually draw closer we actually spend more time together we actually try to figure out the solution and not get caught up on the problem and at midnight the cry rang out here's the bridegroom come out to meet him watch this this was so funny to me it don't matter what kind of relationship jeremy because they want something then all the virgins woke up and trim their lamps saints saints the oil represents uh trimming your lamp regularly come on the oil represents trimming your lamp regularly the oil represents having the right relationship with the lamp with the oil and the bridegroom come on i'm trying i'm talking to somebody i want you to understand that it doesn't mean you're perfect but it means you're consistent hey man amen it don't mean you come to church when you feel like coming to church amen it don't mean you have worship when you feel like having worship it don't mean that you love your wife when she doing what you wanted to do it don't mean you love your husband when he do it don't mean you support your kids only when they make you happy or proud amen it is a daily amen it is a consistent it is a this is a priority amen it is a seeky first come on it's a seeky first thing come on it's a seeky first amen the kingdom of god it say put god first put god center put god last it say put your wife listen to me listen to me very closely we i could have done an audio book at three o'clock in the morning hey man me and me and jamie agreed that if you want to do it at three bro we can get up at three and make this happen but tyler did not agree tyler was like yo i can't get up that early i got a newborn so so i'm up all during the day but i can i can commit to 5 30. you're not hearing what i'm saying and i can commit to 5 30 as many days as it takes to get it done come on are you listening to what i'm telling you he said i can't do three but i could do 5 30. and i can we can get this audio book knocked out now we going to do it every monday for the next six mondays and it's gonna take us six weeks he said if you can get up at 5 30 a.m central 6 30 eastern we can do it every day until we finish it's on you you have my undivided attention you have my commitment and you have my consistency and the reason why your bank account looked the way it looks you don't have no consistency or commitment to your gift hey god gave you come on you ain't no consistency come on when things ain't working out the way you want when they're not working out the way you want to work out when they don't make you feel the way you want to feel you you you can breach the relationship you you can breach the commitment come on somebody god got on me church the other day and god told me god said to me uh there are some things in the church outside and inside amen that don't not that do not represent the the body of christ amen like now the inside of this church praise god but there are some defects amen you know you know what you know what the the lord told me jamie the lord told me he said son i have some i got ought against you praise god praise god then all the virgins woke up and they trimmed their leg he said i got off with you you you trim your lap when it comes to discernment hey man you trim your lamp in terms of when you're physically in lansing you're at the church on a regular basis like like there are things that you do but son my house amen don't look like your house amen you're not as committed to my house god god told me to tell y'all saints there's some things in this church that if my house looked like that i i would have a fit my wife would have a fit and we'd do something about it god said son look at my look at the outside of my house it's not that it's not that the that that that the siding ain't up it's that that you're not trimming your lap you don't even care it don't even bother you that wood pieces is off the church it don't even bother you that they're three different colors on the church it don't even bother you if your own house looked like that you would the parking lot you didn't came in the parking lot it's holes in the parking lot hey man you could tell that the the asphalt been there for the last 20 years you don't care there are windows that don't work son if that was your house you would dare have your house looking like that but because it's my house and it's not your house you're just gonna take the lamp oh come on son where's the oil jog where's the work go put in the work son what are you doing and i don't necessarily mean you going and putting siding up i mean you call with the same fervor you call when you want me to do something for you and i want you to do something for me the way you pray when you when you need something from me i want that same intensity for my house hey i'm talking to somebody today i'm talking to myself we all fall asleep we all get drowsy god said take care of my house like you take care of your house come on a bridegroom is in this relationship oil is a part of this relationship you don't just get to get the lamp come on somebody you don't just get to get the lamp and the foolish one said to the wise give us some of your oil our lamps are going out listen to them i'ma let you go you got to come back next week because what i want to show you is the reason why we have so many problems in our relationships the reason why we have so much problems at our work and our gift and our company and at the church is because five foolish aren't doing what they're supposed to do and guess what jamie as soon as it's time for the bridegroom to come guess what they want they want some of your oil come on somebody we're going to talk about that next week that when you get stressed out you start stressing other people out when you're not where you're supposed to be financially now you're stressing out the people who are where they're supposed to be financially you're not hearing what i'm saying when you're not healthy now you're stressing out the people who are healthy i told my mother i said listen to me ma i'm telling you i'm 51 years old i ain't on that no more i'm not better than nobody but at some point i repented because i just wanted to laugh at some point i repented i got the oil and i got a relationship with the bridegroom whether he was in my presence or he wasn't in my presence and my i made some good decisions my and my bank account shows my i made some good decisions and my marriage shows my i made some good decisions some bad ones too but i made more good decisions in christ once jalen was born and you could tell in the relationship with the kid you could tell with the church you can tell online you can look at my numbers on instagram you can tell i made some good decisions my what i'm not going to do is i'm not going to destroy all my good decisions by taking care of people who made a bunch of bad decisions and don't want to repent for those bad decisions and now because i made some good decisions financially you coming to try to take my money because you made some bad decisions financially come on and this is not just the story of the foolish not doing what they're supposed to do agree not doing what they're supposed to do to work not doing what they're supposed to do have the relationship with the bridegroom it ain't just about collecting 1500 it's not just about going around goats and getting 200 there's oil work that you got to do there's a bridegroom a relationship you have to have and when the foolish one said to the wise give us some of your oil our lamps are going out and one of the problems that you will have in your marriage is when one person has decided to get the lamp the oil and the relationship and one person in the relationship has decided just to get the lamp and now you stressing out the person who did what they were supposed to do now you stressing out the people that and the beautiful thing about this jamie is god is so good we're gonna get to it next week make sure you come back god is so i'm gonna show you how to overcome it so that you you can so that you can have all three and let me tell you something you don't get separated over to the foolish ones the wise aren't perfect but they're perfect in their intentions and they're perfect in their understanding of what god wants to do they're perfect in understanding the importance of surrendering and doing all three and i'm telling you there are those of you right now your problem is that you represent the wise but you're trying to give some of your oil to the foolish and according to this scripture god would not allow those that were wise and made good decisions to give their oil to people who decided not to carry their own oil jars i'm talking to somebody right now i'm talking to you i'm talking to you right now you've made good decisions you've done what you're supposed to do but now you're taking your oil and trying to give your oil you do not have permission or you do not have godly authority to give the oil that was given to you to give to somebody else they gotta go get their own oil they gotta do their own work they got to build their own relationship you can't give your kids your oil you can't give your spouse your oil you can't you better trim your own you you you barely got enough for you we're standing right now we're standing right now in the name of jesus in the name of jesus father help us in the name of jesus help us father to understand that we must have all three and that we must be committed and consistent with all three hallelujah whether the bridegroom is in our presence or he's not help those of us lord amen who are foolish to repent and to acknowledge our bad ways and to make the adjustment and for those of us who are wise to keep building our relationship and keep taking care of that oil but understand that we do not have the authority to give our oil to somebody else forgive us for our sins and our shortcomings lord have mercy upon us bless us according to your will in your way and allow us to do what you'd have us to do and be what you'd have us to be bless each person under the sound of my voice bless them lord that they might make the adjustments that need to be made so they can live the life that you desire for them be with our babies watch over them guard them protect them bless our emotional bless our mental bless our physical health be good to us father be good to us you have given us the 1500 you gave us 200 every time we pass go you blessed us father you've given us the lamp you've made the oil available and the bridegroom available but you can't do all the work we got to do some of the work and the work the work is a part of the rewards the relationship is part of the reward you don't just get to get the reward so bless us to execute cause be cause when we don't execute father we put stress on everybody but when we all execute in a way we're supposed to execute we put the blessing on everybody so forgive us for our sins and our shortcomings have mercy upon us we pray in jesus name amen thank you so much for joining us this week for those who've expressed an interest in supporting our ministry please use our cash app dollar sign a place of change apoc for your donations and tithes if you prefer more traditional options please visit our website at where you can make your donation via paypal credit card or certified checker money order we look forward to seeing all of you for our midweek service wednesday evenings at 6 pm eastern standard time with pastor tj tyus right here on facebook on behalf of our pastors and their families and your apoc family we wish you all a very blessed week
Channel: Apoc Ministry
Views: 11,611
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Eric, Thomas, ET, etthehiphoppreacher, APOC, place, of, Change, TJ, Tyus, Pastor, church, Faith, worship, Jesus, God, Sabbath
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 13sec (1453 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 14 2022
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