SLIPSHIFT Color Change Tutorial

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hi my name is Chris Ramsey and welcome to the slip chef [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] ptoo [Music] [Music] so what if an octopus could palm a deck of cards well this is one of my all-time favourite books on the sleight of hand card magic mostly deals with palming pretty much only deals with palming these are ideas from Dan and Dave buck and Friends of his the illustrations are actually made by a Ricky Smith which are amazing I usually don't keep dust covers I keep them elsewhere because I like I like to see the book without the dust cover on my shelf however this one is one of the few that I've kept on here's what it looks like without it also pretty dope love the font like I mean come on when this came out this came out in 2011 it also came out with a deck of card that deck somewhere I gotta find it the ideas that were in here were not for the faint of heart were not for the uninitiated they were extremely difficult moose that required an enormous amount of practice to master and then once mastered virtual lease would serve you almost no purpose in a lot of the cases they were just fun to do now some of the minds you are extremely useful and could be used at any point however there's a lot in there that's just that's just for the move monkey within me if you can get your hands on this book it's really hard to find but a really really good read the reason I want to bring that up is because today I'm going to be teaching you one of the hardest things that I have ever created and in my opinion one of the hardest color changes that exists because maybe a dozen people on the planet can do this successfully it is known as the slip shift now originally this was released with Danny Dave on their website I would say six years ago then could be found on vanishing anchor you can still find it and if you still buy it there you can still get a whole bunch of extra work that I have on it I'm just going to teach you the basic color change of it today because during this pandemic we all want to sit back and learn a new skill or new hobby and maybe even take your sleight of hand from here well to to somewhere else here's what it looks like from the back it's almost like this almost feels like reverse treading and if you're not familiar with treading that is in if an octopus could palm the idea now I'm very bad at it the idea here is that you are palming one card while this one rotates and you're bowing that card so that this one can come back under and you're then squaring it back up and you're doing the whole thing over again and it's very difficult however when I do this I perform with multiple cards so maybe for three or four four is gonna be a lot easier for you here by the way is what it would look like if you did it backwards kind of useless almost impossible to square up let's get into teaching the slip shift all right so the slip shift for this you're gonna take we're gonna start with four cards you're gonna place them face up in your in your hand now you're gonna have to bear with me when I came up with this move thought about the mechanics before I had developed the muscle strength to actually perform it which is very new for me normally I would think of I would I would just mess around with cards and do something so so regularly that it would become a habit and through that I would find a reasoning for it this time I kind of reverse engineers this is what is going to happen I just can't do it yet and I had to practice and practice and practice for hours and hours just to be able to do the thing that I came up with super weird but this is how it went you're gonna take your thumb and put it on the opposite side of the index so the indexes are here you're gonna put your thumb over here and you're gonna put your middle finger here this is a lot like the clip shift however we're doing a little bit more openly at the fingertips so again you're here once you're here here's where all the difficulty comes in okay you are going to take your ring finger and place it here right here do as I do your pinkie is going to pinch now this is the hardest part is pinching one single card between your pinky and ring finger and you're going to pull that card back as far as you can without moving your thumb just as far as you can almost so that the card is cleared here do you see that how it's almost cleared right here and then right when your outstretched with your pinky as much as you can you're just going to help it by bowing that card over it a little bit and now that cards going to be on the inside you're going to push that other packet so that it straightens out and then you're going to use these fingers and your index and the rest of your fingers to align that card okay doing it slow is very difficult it's a it kind of looks like that in half motion alright in full motion it would look like it would look like that the idea for the angle is to have that card ready you know so I'm here and I'm already halfway done but you don't know that so with the angle here and then I can I can come in and shake it and do the color change so again we're gonna take the slope I know that this is difficult trust me I came up with it I know how difficult it is I did not have the strength to do this when I came up with it I had to develop that so that strength there this this is kind of just like a fun move to even practice much like I said much like treading we're just now the one mistake I see a lot of people make when they perform this and I'll get I'll get to a different angle here the one problem I see a lot of people make is that when they're here and they've extracted that card using the pinky now I'm gonna show you first of all exactly where to grab it with the pinky you want to get as deep as possible so your pinky here is essentially touching your ring finger knuckle not appear right here because getting getting the card in so deep is going to allow you to pull it back or and because you're pulling it back more there's less of this motion because the last thing you want to do is like curl that that curl that pack of cards around and I see a lot of people doing that is doing this and that's that's the opposite of what I want it to look like I want this to come back as far as possible so that it's a barely any move here barely anything before I can get it in because if you see your angle from here because if I do this that's very blatant as opposed to that you understand and there's a big big difference there so you don't want to be curling this around because that's gonna flash all sorts now it's a fun exercise to do mind you however the idea is pulling that back so far with your with extending your pinkie and your ring finger so far that you barely have to go around once you get that muscle memory down you barely have to move the card back at all it'll just kind of happen naturally you know so that's the idea and then you know once you've once you've done it a million times you'll be able to do it back-to-back maybe three four times in a row again the angles are not great for this the best angle if I perform it here for you if you were in person it would be like here right so the card almost feels like it's hidden for a split second through the shake and then it and then it transformed note the height of the card that I'm pinching it alright keep that in mind pulling back pulling back pulling back I'm almost there almost just barely there and a scoop in that card push here to straighten that out now again it's maths I don't know why it's so hard to do slowly the rest of your fingers are gonna have to work together to square up that card it's not gonna be an easy task but teamwork makes the dream work so all these other fingers are going to lend themselves this is kind of like if an octopus is trying to do a color change here if a chameleon could do a color change there's another idea so boom once you're past all right now you're kind of getting lined up your your pinky and ring or moving the car back in but it's not quite there so your index is going to have to like do this motion and and kind of help square it up you'll see that when you place it back with this your index is like kind of like petting it upwards so that it moves in that motion so that I can square up properly again this is a very difficult move this is not easy it's not something you're gonna learn instantly well it's something to learn instantly so it's not something gonna be able to do right away however I think there is a lot of value in developing muscle here in these random extremities so if you want to use this as an exercise I know Daniel Madison in his video recently he was talking about exposure and how a lot of the beauty behind the scenes is better seen than unseen and I kind of agree with that a lot of it you know if I'm placing something here and I'm placing it back and I'm coming to a color change you know seeing that watching the mechanics happen there there's something there's something magical about that right there's it's not sometimes when things are hidden you know it hides all the work that we put into it but seeing you know seeing this as a secret move you know that's kind of cool so this is kind of like treading it's a move that you can just sit there and practice but eventually once you get really proficient at it actually can look like a really sick color change and kind of unexplainable because the way your hands are positioned are so hands off does that make sense all right I'm not gonna run through it again I think if you guys want to see it again you can just rewind this video and watch it again but the important part obviously the hardest part is going to be squaring it up that's gonna be the most difficult part but if you can get past just even gripping and putting that card back squaring it ups going to come naturally eventually through practice but in the meantime just even even if you have to curl the card around do that you know what just just get those mechanics but eventually you you really want to build up the muscle sorry you don't have to curl that card at all and the only thing see how that card didn't curl at all and then I'm able to do the color change right so I'm able to grab it here I'm already halfway set up from this angle you can't see but I'm halfway set up the card is already around now it's just a matter of lining it up and it can look really really sick if done really well so there you go that is the slip shift outro well guys there you have it I hope you enjoyed this video if you did leave a like if you found it somewhat informative subscribe if you're new here and you want to learn some more magic or you want to watch some more puzzles or you just want to watch things because you're bored next week my team's coming back into the office we're all we've been on two weeks of quarantine kind of removed from society nobody's really gone out so where we feel comfortable enough for the three of us to get here and to get some work done together so that we may provide more content for you out there again thanks for watching thanks for supporting and I'm gonna try to I'm gonna try to drop the video everyday this week again five videos five videos this week see you tomorrow thanks is your base some dill crack a smile
Channel: Chris Ramsay
Views: 418,904
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chris ramsay, chris, ramsay, puzzle, puzzles, magic, magician, sleight of hand, card trick, tricks, trick, playing cards, beginner, hard, tutorial, card magic, magic tutorial
Id: V-OoLi3z8Lo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 14sec (794 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 23 2020
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