Foods The Queen Forbids The Royal Family From Eating

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Queen Elizabeth enforces a number of very strict, and sometimes very strange rules on the royal family. And that goes for what they eat and drink, too. These are the foods that the royal family are forbidden from eating, and some of them are sure to surprise you. One thing the Queen does love is steak. Any while this certainly isn't unusual, what's most notable about her steak is the way she has the meat cooked: well done. Former royal chef Darren McGrady explained: "Chefs, we cook medium rare all the time. So it was really, really important that we got a really good sear on the steaks and cooked her steak well done." That might seem off, but this likely goes beyond just personal preference, because rare meat is reportedly off-limits to royals during their travels. This is most likely because eating rare or undercooked meat carries many risks. Undercooked meat can be a breeding ground for E. coli, which can cause diarrhea, vomiting and stomach cramps. Salmonella is also a potential problem, which can cause severe food poisoning. Undercooked meat, poultry, and seafood can also cause listeria, which brings with it diarrhea, nausea, fever and muscle aches. And that's before you even touch on parasites that can be present in meat, many of which can cause severe infections. Although eating rare meat is certainly no guarantee of infection, it seems that royals just aren't willing to take the risk, especially when they've got their duties to attend to. According to McGrady, the Queen tends to avoid eating starchy foods such as potatoes, pasta and rice, except on very special occasions. Although this rule likely doesn't apply to other royals when they're off doing their own thing, meals at Buckingham Palace (or wherever the Queen is currently staying) tend to be a different story entirely. It's likely that the Queen's aversion to starchy foods is due to their high carb content — which, some have argued, can have an effect on people's health. And the Queen isn't the only world leader to worry about this; in 2015, Pope Francis was told to lay off the pasta after he began to gain weight. It's the basis of all great cooking. It's the perfect way to spruce up any dish. It's the reason your house isn't overrun with vampires right now. Yes, that's right: it's garlic. "Oooooo, garlic!" Unfortunately, the many joys of garlic remain thoroughly out of reach for the British royal family. During an appearance on Master Chef Australia, Camilla Parker Bowles, wife to Prince Charles and Duchess of Cornwall, revealed that garlic was on the list of foods that the royals are told to skip, since they are so often required to converse with other dignitaries and members of the public. Darren McGrady backed this up in 2016, when he told Recipes Plus that palace chefs were asked to refrain from serving anything with garlic. Meanwhile, another former royal chef told The National Post in 2016 that, "they're missing out on garlic, because at Buckingham Palace, you don't cook with garlic. I suppose, in case you get the 'royal burp.'" "Excuse me." "Better out than in, I always say, eh Fiona?" Darren McGrady has also revealed that royal chefs were forbidden from using a lot of onions in their dishes. Considering onions form the basis of pretty much every decent recipe out there, the royals have got to be thankful that they're allowed at least some leeway on that one, but honestly, we'd draw the line at garlic. Who could live without that? Even if the Queen does relent on her "no starch" rule, you can be sure that royal pasta is not going to be served with a marinara sauce. That's because, according to The BBC, the royals prefer to avoid, quote, "messy" tomato sauces. This revelation came in advance of the Queen and Prince Philip's visit to Rome and Milan in 2000. Chefs at the palace of the Italian president were told that, as well as garlic and pasta, tomato sauces would not be permitted on the menu. This, one imagines, wouldn't be exactly what an Italian chef likes to hear. You can kind of see the logic here. If you're all dressed up for a banquet where you'll be the focus of attention, to both guests and the media, you're not going to want to take any risks with spillages. And since the Queen probably doesn't fancy wearing a red dress every time she eats, it's safe to say that the easiest thing to do would be to just ban messy sauces altogether. Great news for the integrity of the British monarchy; not so great for lovers of a hearty tomato sauce. Foie gras is one of the most controversial foods out there. The main problem with this expensive, high-class pâté is that the producers exercise a shocking degree of cruelty in the production process. So maybe it's no surprise that, in 2008, the famously environmentally-conscious Prince Charles banned it from the royal menu. Furthermore, Charles was reported to be considering withdrawing the royal warrant from his favorite cheese shop because they sold foie gras. Most U.K. retailers opt not to sell foie gras, and production of the foodstuff is banned in the country. France, however, exports very large quantities of it. Controversial in his home country, the prince's ban on foie gras was welcomed by animal rights groups. The world of shellfish is an exciting one indeed: the term can refer to any one of a range of delicious and fascinating fish that are served all around the world, from shrimp to oysters to crab to lobster to clams, scallops, crayfish, mussels and more. But while these kinds of shellfish are all very different in taste and texture, they do share one thing in common...they're a no-go for the royals. According to The BBC, the royals make concerted efforts to avoid eating shellfish while dining out or visiting foreign countries, since it can carry a greater-than-normal risk of causing infection and illness. And that's putting it lightly: for example, mollusks accounted for 45 percent of all seafood-related cases of foodborne illness between 1973 and 2006. So, it's pretty safe to say the Queen isn't taking chances that all chefs around the world know the correct way to store and serve these finicky foods. And they're not alone: Healthline even recommends that pregnant and breastfeeding women, older adults, and people with compromised immune systems should stay away from raw shellfish altogether. One of the main benefits of being a royal is that you get to travel the world. As part of their duties, the royals often make visits to other countries, so you'd imagine that they're fairly well-versed in international gastronomy; especially since state visits usually mean state banquets. Unfortunately, some of these countries' more exotic dishes are very much off the menu. In 2000, The BBC revealed that the royal entourage is banned from eating, quote, "any food that is too spicy or exotic." But why? Well, it's easy to imagine that this might come down to image. It's not going to look too great if the Queen, or any other royal, sits down at a state banquet, takes a bite of ultra-spicy curry, and immediately begins to literally melt down in front of the world's dignitaries. "Oh! Ohhh! That's what got me, god!" Equally, nobody's going to look too kindly on a royal reluctantly trying some strange, exotic dish, realizing they hate it, and grimacing painfully as they swallow it down. Not to mention, spicy foods have been known to cause a bit of stomach upset, especially to those who aren't used to them. Why take the risk? They say you shouldn't drink the tap water when you travel abroad, and it seems that the royals have taken that old adage to heart, since they're told to avoid drinking tap water so as to avoid any gastronomic distress. It's true that, in certain countries, tap water can prove very dangerous indeed. The NHS recommends that visitors to countries with poor sanitation, quote, "use filtered, bottled, boiled or chemically treated water" rather than water from the tap. Contaminated water can contain bacteria and parasites from human or animal fecal matter, dangerous minerals such as lead or mercury, as well as chemicals from industrial waste. These can pose a particular risk to people with compromised immune systems. Some of the potential side-effects of drinking contaminated water include gastrointestinal disease, kidney problems, and long-term issues with physical and mental development. Naturally, then, the Queen prefers to drink bottled water, and not just any old bottle, either; no, as with so many other foods and drinks, she usually enjoys one brand in particular. The Queen and her household prefer to drink Hildon Natural Mineral Water, which comes from the Test Valley in the United Kingdom. According to their own website, Hildon's unique flavor, quote, "is praised for its delicate purity and avoidance of medicinal taste." This stuff isn't cheap, though, and a 12-pack of 11-ounce bottles will set you back a staggering $60. Fancy. Despite all these forbidden foods, life as a royal is still pretty lavish. After all, you're not going to be complaining about having your foie gras taken away when you're getting to eat all kinds of pheasant, fresh vegetables, chocolate, cakes, and sandwiches. But although they eat well, one thing the royals can't abide is waste. According to former royal chef Carolyn Robb, Prince Charles is insistent that nothing goes to waste, saying: "If there were leftovers they'd be used one way or another. If not for him, then rehashed and used for a meal the following day." Even the meals themselves were modest. Robb explained: "We were always quite careful, [as] he never wanted to have huge amounts of food on the plate. They were always very thrifty and economical. If we made roasted lamb and there was leftovers, we'd probably go and make Shepard's pie the next night." The Queen is no different. In an interview with Hello!, Darren McGrady recalled her own propensity towards thriftiness, saying: "One time at the palace, the Queen was going to the theatre, and she requested a snack. She wanted smoked salmon and scrambled eggs, and [the server] sent half a lemon, and did a really beautiful garnish on the lemon, and the Queen took a squeeze of the lemon and said, 'Would you send this lemon back to the kitchen? I'm sure it can be used for something else.'" Of course, now you know just what the Queen can't abide, one question remains: what does she like? Luckily, it's easy to get a handle on what she eats and drinks, thanks to the U.K.'s system of royal warrants. Royal warrants are, according to the Royal Warrant Holder's Association, a quote, "mark of recognition of those who have supplied goods or services to the [royal family]." Essentially, they're the Queen's favorite things. Any business or individual who holds a royal warrant is also permitted to emblazon their products with the Royal Arms, but to be eligible, they have to supply products or services to the Queen, Prince Philip, or Prince Charles for no fewer than five years out of the last seven. They're also made to demonstrate that they, quote, "have an appropriate environmental and sustainability policy and action plan." Some foods that hold the royal warrant include Cadbury, the British chocolatier now owned by Kraft; Quaker Oats, a producer of cereals and porridges; Paxton and Whitfield, the U.K.'s oldest cheese monger; and McIlhenny, who make Tabasco sauce. Royal-approved drinks include Angostura, producer of rum and bitter; Bacardi, producers of gin; scotch whisky makers John Walker and Sons; R. Twining and Company, a tea producer; and even Schweppes. But those are just a few examples, all in all, around 800 businesses and individuals hold royal warrants, with the list being updated monthly. And they definitely make up for all those things the royals can't have. Check out one of our newest videos right here! Plus, even more Mashed videos about your favorite dishes are coming soon. Subscribe to our YouTube channel and hit the bell so you don't miss a single one.
Channel: Mashed
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Keywords: mashed, mashed food, royal dining rule, royal dining rules, royal dining etiquette, royal dining etiquette rule, royal eating, royal eating etiquette, royal dining utensil, royal dining utensil rules, royal dining utensil etiquette, royal tea, royal tea rules, royal tea etiquette, royal tea etiquette rules, royal christmas pudding, royal christmas puddings, royal dining garlic, royals can't eat garlic, royal egg, royal egg rules, royal cuisine, royal eating habits
Id: tJ9FwE-9-EE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 4sec (604 seconds)
Published: Tue May 12 2020
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