Royal Sources Have Revealed Exactly What The Queen Eats Every Day To Stay Healthy

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[Music] Royall sources have revealed exactly what the Queen eats every day to stay healthy at 92 queen elizabeth ii is still going strong while many people her age have long since retired the monarch continues with her royal duties for years the secret of her longevity has been under wraps but now royal sources have spilled the beans about her diet when you think of kings and queens an opulent kind of lifestyle springs to mind being among the richest and most powerful people in their respective countries seemingly gives them a free pass to do whatever they want but is that actually the case well in the case of the British royal family there are certainly some perks of the job all of the immediate royal family are worth millions while the Queen is believed to have a fortune of around 550 million dollars and to top things off much of that figure is exempt from tax furthermore the Queen and her family are the owners of the planets biggest private art collection known as the Royal Collection its works are used to decorate various palaces and stately homes in the UK as well as being loaned out to galleries across the world however it's not like the Royals simply sit wallowing in their wealth in 2015 for example the Queen carried out 341 engagements from opening the British Parliament to travelling the world on diplomatic duties which is pretty good going considering that she was 90 years of age at the time nonetheless when she returns home from a long day meeting and greeting people the Queen doesn't have to lift a finger she counts a staff of Butler's footmen and even engineers among her servants not to mention an army of chefs to cook up whatever food she fancies in days gone by Royal mealtimes were a gluttonous affair King Henry the eighth is particularly well known for his appetite the Tudor monarch enjoyed meat heavy feasts on a daily basis causing his waist to expand to a very rotund 54 inches however it seems things are different for Henry's distant successor queen elizabeth ii she likes to keep herself healthy unlike her Tudor ancestor who historians suggest developed a number of dietary related conditions including obesity gout and scurvy before his death in 1547 while Henry died at the age of 55 Elizabeth celebrated her 92nd birthday in April 2018 indeed she has been the longest reigning monarch alive since the passing of Thailand's King Bonnie Bedelia day back in October 2016 prior to his death 88 year old king Bonnie ball had reigned for seven decades Queen Elizabeth who ascended the throne age 25 celebrated 65 years of sovereignty in June 2018 she is now Britain's longest ever reigning monarch and the planet's longest reigning queen so what's the key to the Queensland evety well perhaps part of it lies in the restraint she exhibits during mealtimes in 2015 the public were given their greatest insight yet into the monarchs eating habits when two chefs who had once worked for her revealed Elizabeth's daily diet Darren McGrady acted as the Queen's personal chef for some time before going on to work for the late Diana Princess of Wales and while elizabeth ii could no doubt ask for any food she wanted she had little interest in indulgent grub or fatty foods in 2015 McGrady told The Daily Telegraph sadly the Queen is not a foodie she eats to live unlike Prince Phillip who loves to eat and would stand and talk food all day so it's probably a good thing that Phillip reportedly likes to take charge of the Royal barbecues instead the Queen reportedly enjoys a fairly modest diet she awakes at 7:30 a.m. with a silver pot of newly made Earl Grey tea she enjoys her beverage of choice in a china cup without milk and although she doesn't take sugar in her tea she does however indulge with a few cookies or biscuits as the British would say to tide her over until breakfast following her tea and biscuits the Queen makes time for her favorite radio show The Today programme on BBC Radio 4 while she waits for her bath once washed she gets dressed and then has a hairdresser tent to her iconic white mane once she's ready the Queen joins Prince Phillip in their personal dining room on the first floor of Buck palace while overlooking the opulent gardens the monarch usually enjoys her favorite breakfast cereal Special K along with some fruit if she doesn't fancy cereal the Queen might have yogurt with maple syrup or some toast and marmalade instead occasionally she might share her breakfast with her beloved corgis the dogs apparently sit by her feet awaiting the opportunity to gobble up any dropped crumbs every now and then the monarch will treat herself to a cooked breakfast the Queen loved scrambled eggs with smoked salmon and a grating of truffle McGrady revealed but she was too frugal to ever order fresh truffles and only really enjoyed them at Christmas when the truffles were sent as a gift as she eats the sovereign briefs herself on the day's news with a quick scan of her chosen newspapers the start of her working weekday is at 9:00 a.m. and is marked by a 15-minute Tooting of bagpipes courtesy of the Queen's Own Piper following breakfast the Queen might spend her morning reading and signing official government documents she might also use the time to read letters from the public or hold meetings with various dignitaries when those duties have been taken care of she'll often get some fresh air walking her corgis after working up an appetite the Queen usually sits down for lunch on her own at midday she'll enjoy something light and refreshing such a salad and grilled chicken or fish and veg she has a rule when it comes to her early afternoon meal no rice potatoes or pasta if she's eating by herself if the Queen doesn't feel like dining alone then she might ask one of her servants to come and eat with her on other occasions she and Prince Phillip host informal lunches for guests and every now and then she invites the rest of the Royals over for a special family lunch since traditions are important to the Queen she follows lunch with afternoon tea at 5 p.m. at this time she sits down to enjoy a spread of cakes scones and sandwiches all prepared with the attention to detail that one would expect from a royal household oh and Hodgson was employed by the Queen during the 1990s and in a September 2015 interview with The Daily Telegraph he confessed to having once made a faux pas when it came to making some too sandwiches a chef told me off for serving the sandwiches with crusts Hodgson revealed he then showed me how to make the perfect tuna sandwich cutting the loaf lengthways buttering both sides adding the tuna mayonnaise mixture and thinly sliced cucumber with a crack of pepper Hodgson continued he then folded over the two lengths removed the crusts and cut eight identical triangles the palace kitchen was all about the detail according to McGrady there should be a couple of kinds of sandwiches on offer at any high tea some of the Queens preferred fillings are egg and mayonnaise cucumber ham and mustard and smoked salmon but she does have a penchant for sweet treats as well jam pennies are a favorite of the Queens these pieces of bread are topped with butter and jam before being cut into small circles elizabeth ii used to enjoy them with her sister margaret when they were children and they remain on the royal high tea table to this day given the array of food on offer at afternoon tea the Queen often struggles to finish she didn't always eat everything McGrady revealed she'd maybe have one or two tiny sandwiches and sometimes the scones she'd actually just crumble on the carpet for the dogs to eat the Queen reportedly sits down for dinner at 7:30 p.m. if it's just her and Prince Phillip eating then this is a relaxed affair they might enjoy salmon grouse lamb mutton or beef but whatever meat is on offer the monarch will only eat it well-done Elizabeth might accompany the meal with a martini aperitif but she doesn't tend to drink wine while eating dinner the Queen also occasionally enjoys a glass of champagne although her favorite tipple is reportedly a gin and Dubonnet with plenty of ice and a piece of lemon after dinner Queen Elizabeth might finish the day with dessert at this time she often indulges in some strawberries from her Balmoral estate white peaches from Windsor Castle are also reportedly a regular choice as is chocolate some of the Queen's most beloved treats are chocolate biscuit cake and chocolate perfection pie meanwhile a chocolate cake recipe perfected by Queen Victoria's chef is still used every year on special occasions such as royal birthdays another tradition the Queen adheres to along with many of her subjects is that of the British Sunday roast following a church service she apparently likes to tuck into a joint perhaps of beef reared at Balmoral or Sandringham with a creamy sauce yet although Prince William and Kate have admitted that they sometimes enjoy takeout curry at their home in Kensington Palace the Queen doesn't indulge in such meals she's very old school with her meals a source told a tab in 2018 her favourites are meat and veggies pie and of course fish and chips on a Friday but while the Queen's staple foods might sound fairly ordinary her kitchen staff nonetheless have their tricks to make even the most basic ingredients more exciting for instance Hodgson told the Daily Telegraph when we cooked the Queen's mushrooms we always added a smidgen of Marmite and there's some room for manoeuvre in the Queen's weekly fare to a couple of times each week her head chef presents her with a leather-bound menu filled with meal ideas she then goes through the pages highlighting items that take her fancy and crossing out those that don't where she can the Queen opts for locally sourced produce from the royal estates one of her favorite meals consists of Gaelic steak in a creamy mushroom and whiskey sauce and it's not just her Majesty who has exacting standards when it comes to food either recalling one of his most vivid memories from his time at the palace Hodgson revealed I simmered rabbit cooked down some chicken then finely chopped the meat sieve the stock and returned the meat for whom was he cooking the royal corgis of course similarly macgrady remembers preparing carrots for the Queen's horses when he first started out at the palace each one had to be finger length and peeled to perfection he revealed if ever a horse fit the Queen's finger it was the chef's fault for cutting them too short so while the Queen's diet may be much less decadent than some might expect there is no denying that she still enjoys the finer things in life but perhaps her self-control when it comes a ting is one of the secrets of her longevity after all we can't think of many other nonagenarian heads of State who look as good as she does thank you for watching video [Music]
Channel: Star Vlog
Views: 388,245
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Keywords: News, Latest News, star news, entertainment news, Life, Breaking News, Royal, Royal Family, Queen Elizabeth II
Id: zJQckALvmSk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 18sec (678 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 05 2019
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