Foods & Diet to Help With Your Vertigo | Vertigo and Dizziness Relief

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if you've been having problems with vertigo and wondering what kind of foods should i be eating to avoid episodes and or problems this is the video for you i'm dr greg gerstin with align wellness center and i've been helping people over the last 17 years to overcome eliminate and never have vertigo issues again if you know someone who's had problems with vertigo be sure to share this with them this is going to give them some tips on how to wind up overcoming vertigo so that they can get back to life now on to what to do you see vertigo is a wind up being an expression of where your body feels as though the world is spinning around you but you're not really moving it could be really disability disabling and cause you to take yourself out of life for days or even weeks on end the challenge with vertigo is first you've got to get out of the episode and what i'm going to do is share with you a link on the steps i guide people to take to get out of their spins or episodes but today what i want to talk with you about is what you can do in your life in terms of how you what you put in your body to make sure you don't have episodes in the future you see how we live our life is going to dictate the number of episodes the severity of episodes and how quickly you recover so one of the factors in that is the food that you put in the simplest way that i can wind up explaining this is wind up being if you wind up avoiding eating anything that's in a box that you can't print it has ingredients that you cannot pronounce that's a pretty safe way of getting through life without having episodes let's get a little bit deeper than that because i think you deserve it i like to guide and teach people to wind up shopping from the perimeter of the supermarket although we do want to avoid the cheeses and we want to avoid the alcohol department these fresh fruits and vegetables as well as lean and clean proteins are really going to be the key to the nutrients in your life i typically like to see if we were to have a plate that 25 of it is cut out of clean lean proteins i think that you need to have some animal proteins in your life but right now there's a lot of theories supporting a plant-based life i'm going to let you decide that and maybe down the road we'll have a better opinion of it the other 75 should really be clean uh fresh vegetables and fruits these are going to be really important to ant oxidize the system and to support your body with health and with nutrients if you've got individual questions about what you should be putting in your body as you're going through an episode and how to overcome an episode of vertigo feel free to share down in the comments also if you like this video give it a thumbs up we look to provide on this channel videos that help you to take action steps and overcoming health challenges identifying them knowing what you can do and when you need help from a professional if you've got more questions just write them down in the comments and i'll get back to as quick as i can once again i'm dr greg gerstin and thank you for letting me be a part of your health
Channel: Align Wellness Center
Views: 37,012
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Keywords: food for vertigo, Diet To Help You With Your Vertigo, food to avoid vertigo problems, vertigo diet, food that helps vertigo, cheese and vertigo, alcohol and vertigo, fruits and vegetables for vertigo, protein for vertigo, Diet can reduce dizziness, Vertigo Dietary Protocol, vertigo treatment, treating vertigo, vertigo advice, home remedies for vertigo, align wellness center, chiropractic care, chiropractor, dr gregg gerstin, northbrook illinois chiropractor, health videos
Id: xazYsdr9NzE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 44sec (164 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 07 2021
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