Food Theory: Is Subway Bread ACTUALLY Cake?
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Channel: The Food Theorists
Views: 2,399,822
Rating: 4.945467 out of 5
Keywords: subway, subway sandwich, subway challenge, subway bread, fast food, bread, cake, subway cake, sandwich, bread recipe, subway mukbang, international subway taste test, subway taste test, double meat sandwich subway, subway not bread, footlong, subway footlong, what is bread, how to make bread, matpat, food theorists, food theory, film theory, game theory, game theorists, film theorists, eat the menu, rosanna pansino, binging with babish, subway gmm, gmm subway, dessert
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 30sec (870 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 22 2020
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Fact: In season 5 episode 12 of "Community" The college is being bought by Subway and before Abed and Annie go in to help the dean pack the owner of Subway remarks on how they don't actually call their bread buns, but in fact they just call it bread. But the scene cuts away before we really get a definitive answer. Thought it was interesting.
I’m not convinced it’s food
In Ireland, the courts have explicitly stated it's not due to their sugar allowances in bread
Conclusion: It is.
Bro wtf