Food Storage: Freeze Dried Raw Eggs

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it's springtime and we have an abundance of eggs so we're going to freeze dry them [Music] hi i'm jonathan and i'm kaileen and we are the provident preppers today we are going to freeze dry some of our beautiful farm fresh eggs because it's springtime and we have an abundance of them and that will enable us to be able to use them during times when we don't have the fresh eggs and still have the fresh egg flavor yeah so um what we've found as we've experimented with this before is that we're not going to put them on the freeze dry trays inside the house we're going to slide those trays inside the freeze dryer and then dump the eggs in there just to what to make it like to avoid the mess not that i have a history of making a mess or anything like that yeah and no history of making a mess so and the other thing with farm fresh eggs actually sometimes you have a little surprise when you crack the egg and for those of you that aren't familiar with farm fresh eggs do you see how beautiful and dark that yolk is that tells you that it's rich in vitamins nutrients and flavor so these are really precious to us but we'll crack them one at a time and put them into the blender like that um just to make sure that we don't get any bad eggs if you notice all of our shells will be going in this bucket because those are incredibly powerful for use in the garden because of all of the minerals and everything that's in them so we always make sure that we re purpose those eggs so there's typically about four eggs in a cup these trays hold about four cups each so about 16 eggs will go on each tray and we will have those for time when maybe eggs aren't quite as abundant now we've got the vitamix full of eggs we're going to blend that just for a short time on low speed just enough to get it smoothed out so here we go [Music] [Applause] okay we'll take these out and put them on the trays in the freeze dryer with the trays in the freeze dryer we are now going to put the egg onto the trays and just making sure that we don't fill these and we'll want all of the trays to be filled to the same depth so that it will freeze dry evenly this is a batch of eggs it says it only took 20 hours and 15 minutes but that can't be right so i've got to figure out what's wrong with the meter it took 21.63 kilowatt hours and do you see these little guys it's springtime and so we every year we want to get a new little crop of chicks so this time there's nine of them and they're all the same variety so that we will know when we start to rotate the chickens a few years from now which of the chickens are getting old it's really hard when they're all the same variety to know which of the hens aren't laying anymore so here are adorable little chicks since we don't like to waste anything we're going to take these egg shells and crush them up and just compost them some people like to dry them out and grind them up and feed them back to the chickens to supplement their calcium but we just prefer to take them out and compost them in our garden we've got these eggs out of the freeze dryer my meter said they took 20 hours but it was more like a day and a half so that should have been maybe 40 hours maybe a little more but anyway it is what it is i'll figure that part out and let's talk about the the eggs so they're they're beautiful they're kind of um how would you describe this texture kind of a crystal it's not a crystal it it's it's beautiful right it just kind of really flakes it's nice and dry does not have the really nasty smell that powdered eggs has it it smells really good i am not going to taste this raw um because these are raw eggs and i'm not a fan of raw eggs um so we're gonna just put them in the bowl and kind of crush them up so that they're a little bit smaller when we go to rehydrate them i know what i want to say they're like flakes right they're like really pretty shiny flakes and the texture is just really nice so we'll see how this works let's get them packaged up here's our bowl of eggs and it's actually heavier than i thought i thought well it'll be about the same weight as like potato flakes this is definitely a little bit more dense and it's interesting because it feels really light right but um it is just a little bit more dense okay so now what we're going to do is there are when it comes to reconstituting there are two schools of thought one is that you want a one to one ratio so um one it's kind of hard to get just a tablespoon one tablespoon of egg to one tablespoon of water but so what we're gonna do is we're gonna cook these so i'm gonna put three tablespoons of egg in here but then let's put six tablespoons of egg in this one see this is six right six yep okay but we'll put three tablespoons of water in each one and then we're gonna let it set while we package these and then we're gonna fry up some scrambled eggs and see what the difference and what what we like reconstituted ass here are the eggs that we are reconstituting this bowl has one part egg to one part water and you can see it's kind of looking like regular eggs would look like this bowl is two parts egg to one part water and it's a little bit thick and we're going to give this just a few more minutes to see how this works out as we're watching these reconstitute this one's kind of thin this one's kind of thick so we're going to do the goldilocks thing and we're gonna try one right in the middle that we hope will be just right so instead of three or six we're gonna do four and a half tablespoons of egg and we are going to add three tablespoons of water again and we'll see if this comes out just perfect do a little stirring here to kind of get it on its way and we'll find out what is going to work out best these are the eggs that we were reconstituting this bowl is the one part egg to one part water to me that seemed a little thin but it's not too bad the middle one here we did one and a half parts egg to one part water and this seems about to me to be about the consistency of a normal fresh egg this we did two parts egg to one part water and this seems kind of thick you can see it it's just a little thick so um i think the goldilocks approach worked i think this one right here is probably about as close to fresh egg as you can get as far as the amount of egg that we got this is about 64 eggs we didn't actually count them but we figure four eggs per cup and the trays hold four cups so about 64 eggs and we've got seven eight containers we've got eight containers including this pint jar so that means that there's about eight eight eggs in each one of these packages and they're packaged for long-term storage which is really fantastic i don't know how long that is i like the freeze-dried eggs so much better than the powdered eggs i actually refuse to use the powdered eggs because i think they smell so bad but these um there's no bad smell they reconstitute really well they look very close to the original state if you're doing this at home with eggs that you've purchased at the store don't be surprised if it's not this bright of a color because our eggs are homegrown and so the yolk is very dark and rich and that's just what happened more flavorful so these these will taste really good so right now what i'd like to do is fry up all three of these and see what we think the difference is okay this is our one to one ratio and you can see that it's a little bit on the thin side but overall it's it's not bad at all so but it's a beautiful texture right i probably should have stirred this one just a little bit sooner but um looks very very much like regular eggs okay so we'll take that one this is the one to one and a half ratio it looks pretty good to me let's see how it cooks up this is the one to two ratio to me this is just way too thick it normal eggs don't really look like that yeah this is this one's just too thick if you ask me see it's just doesn't just doesn't cook up like normal definitely needed some more water okay see it's just i don't think this one works well i think it's ugly for one thing and it's not the texture of regular eggs okay and just because i can i think i'm gonna try a couple of fresh eggs okay we've established that the eggs freeze dried look beautiful but now we need to taste them and see so i cooked all of these up along with some fresh ones because you have to have the marker right you have to have something to put it up against okay so one to one next this is the one that seemed like it was a little bit thin but the taste is good okay can you taste any difference between this except for this one like i should have scrambled them a little bit more because you can still see the little white in them i can't taste the difference between i'm not tasting any difference okay this one this is one to one and a half no no it's too thick um taste this one again [Music] the one to one and a half is actually too thick isn't it i mean they all taste like the same yeah what do you think which one do you prefer do you prefer the one and a half i actually think i do but it probably doesn't make a whole lot of difference because we're just adding water which gets cooked out so it's kind of a little bit more of a texture thing yeah so one to two doesn't work now this no one to two doesn't work the color's a little bit different it's a little darker and just kind of it's just like too thick doesn't seem to work as well so i'm good with fresh or one to one or one to one and a half so maybe the magic is between one and one and a half um because the to me the one to one seems a little bit lighter we're eating a lot of eggs here anyway okay but bottom line is we can take all these additional or extra eggs that our hands are laying especially in the springtime and freeze dry them so that they are perfectly good to reconstitute and eat later which is quite a blessing i think because eggs are a foundation in our diet um and part of it's because we have hands but we use them for everything from baking to eating fresh in things and fried rice so and now for the question of the day how do you like your eggs comment below and thanks for being part of the solution
Channel: The Provident Prepper
Views: 16,236
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: SHTF, TEOTWAWKI, Prepper, Freeze dried eggs, food storage, farm fresh eggs
Id: eetsMMQ3RZU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 1sec (901 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 30 2021
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