Food Lab Basics: POV Tteokbokki (Korean Rice Cakes with Chili Broth)

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there's this Kenji I'm still at worst Hall I just finished cooking uh some I don't know we packed up how many meals today a hundred and forty meals that we're gonna be delivering tomorrow so make sure you check out the description below for what we're packing these meals for it's a good cause and I hopefully I'm hoping you'll support us with it any of what I'm cooking today is a Korean dish took pokee the pokee duck boogie I think the boogie duck I think I'm saying that right it sounds like um my daughter plays this game in the bathtub called duck bucket where we take rubber ducks and we throw them in a bucket and I think of that every time I say duck Pocky anyhow it's a dish of Korean rice cakes that are simmered in a chili broth there's a lot of ways to do this you know this is sort of classic Korean home cooking comfort food my I had a at a Korean girlfriend in college who introduced this to me but it's yeah classic comfort food very simple to make there's a few different ways you can do it I'm gonna say I'm gonna have I'm gonna do it with some scallions which I'm just roughly chopping you really don't have to be precise at all you don't want those kind of nasty ends if your scallion ends are nasty my scallions and ends are a little bit nasty so the simplest way you can do it is just just with these Korean rice cakes that you simmer with gochujang which is this Korean fermented chili and wheat paste so it's a little bit sweet a little bit salt a little bit spicy a little salty rice cakes these come you can buy them refrigerated or you can buy them frozen generally the refrigerated kinder a little better and they come in a few different shapes these are this sort of like inch and a half cylinders and they also come kind of like diagonally cut coins traditionally you would use these for this dish but it really doesn't matter which ones you use other things you can add I'm gonna go with a little bit of this pancetta that oh say it with me this is my sous chef Eric's pancetta if you don't have a sous chef Eric you can use regular bacon or you don't have to use any pork back at all typically you wouldn't even use a pork product I just happen to have this here and I enjoy it so I'm gonna use it actually this isn't this is not pincette but this is a maple cured pork belly that's a little bit a little bit sweet and a little bit more similar to like an american-style sweet bacon than say an Italian pancetta which I'm I think actually goes better with this dish you want a little bit of sweetness in there separate those guys out a little bit you don't have to do this in a wok either it's not really a stir-fried dish it's a simmered dish so you could do it in a saucepan you can do it in a skillet I just happen to have this wok here so I'm gonna use it and I'm also gonna use these chive flowers that I got from the marina marked at the Chinese market today I really like these guys they're great for stir frying they're great in similar dishes like this and what's really great about them is that they they last a really long time like you can sorry it's a little bit hotter than that what I cook with at home sometimes I forget you know this is a homestyle dish so I'm expecting a homestyle range hotter yeah that's fine [Music] you know scallions tend to like kind of go start to go off after you know if maybe a few days a week a couple weeks max these guys will last like in impact and this wrapped in plastic or in their content compare tight container they'll last for like weeks and weeks and weeks which is nice because then you always have like a fresh supply of some kind of green onion ething to add to your stir fries and soups there's that I'm gonna do a little bit of garlic I pulled up for clothes so I'm probably gonna use a couple of them let's go to [Music] whack the crap out of this one this we're going for [Music] not like a super super fine mince but a mince nonetheless I can't tell if this whole thing is recording sideways I think I'm recording sideways lately let me stop this video and restarted to see one thing let me just we just look at my for it okay no we're going right way sorry about that all right so we got all that going on taking this rendered out little crispy now I'm gonna add some water to here now you could do you could do typically you would do an anchovy stock but I don't have an anchovy stock so I'm just gonna do water add some water a little bit of sugar we get that garlic in here and I'm gonna get my rice sticks [Applause] [Applause] painful ZAR those those these for later and then we get our go to job medicine if you saw my video for making where I made some spaetzle with with gochujang and kimchi that was a variation of this dish actually so that was basically this dish but was with a spatula instead of instead of the rice cakes and to that I also added kimchi you could definitely add kimchi here that would be totally appropriate and totally delicious these just take a little bit longer to simmer them the spatula does these take about 8 to 10 minutes or so so we're gonna let those go for a bit and wipe this up here I'm at a my restaurant so I can use these little nice ramekins and stuff for my mise m plus because we have you know the big industrial dishwasher that makes it really easy to do dishes I really want to get one of those at home but um might be overkill I'm also gonna do a little bit of green cabbage we got a ton of green cabbage in here because well we're a German restaurant and we make a lot of sauerkraut so we always have a lot of cabbage hanging around let me start crowd out of the rest of that this I'm just gonna kind of very roughly slice all right this will all go in a little bit later and simmer meanwhile I'm gonna pour beer oh sorry one more ingredient I'm gonna get in there which is these got you got it some the Korean chili flake it's actually not that spicy Korean food in general is not that hot compared to I don't know other spicy Quincy cuisines other you know like Thai food or Chinese food on it with some other Asian cuisines Korean food is generally not that spicy even even the spicy stuff so so kochu kochu karu has like a very nice sweet peppery mmm smells very good like a roasty aroma it's not gonna give you a ton of heat though even if you had a lot of it I'm gonna go with it oh with a good amount a couple tablespoons and say now we're just gonna let this kind of simmer down until it starts to thicken about half been about maybe I don't know three or four minutes I'm gonna add in that cabbage and those other ingredients and let it finish cooking down so three or four minutes from now which we'd be you know like five minutes from from when it started so that they'll simmer down for about they'll simmer in the sauce for about three minutes while the rice sticks total will simmer for about eight to ten minutes until soft what you got it we use this is what we use so we do this at the restaurant we use a we do a sort of our own version of Nashville style hot chicken except we use Korean flavors in it so we we double fry the chicken and then actually here it is this is the this is the chicken spice blend so it's um gochugaru Cayenne a couple other spices in there black sesame so it's got you got a mote mainly but but hotter because we had the cayenne and what we do with this is we take hot oil from the fryer this is a really a typical way to make natural style hot chicken I'm just little sugar in here do you get a bowl of this you get hot oil from the fryer pour it over to bloom it and you make this kind of chili oil and then when the chicken comes out of the fryer you dunk it in the chili oil to coat and the nice thing about I don't know if you guys know this but but you can you can dunk a piece of chicken like you could take a piece of fried chicken or anything fried really and drop it in like a vat of oil and it's not gonna get soggy won't get soggy the oil and when you when you drop fried things in oil they don't they don't get soggy they stay crispy so the chicken you douse it in the oil then we put it on a rack to drain and then we douse it with well then we dust it with a ton more of this spice it comes our really spicy and really nicely favored flavour dump this stuff especially when you toasted in the oil it gets like really nice and toasty and those black sesame seeds oh I'm gonna sneeze because I just and the pepper makes you seize [Music] huh no I'm good no it's there it's there it's like it's like one of those cartoons I swear it's not coronavirus that's just pepper up my nose alright I'm gonna be alright it's gonna be alright what I need right now is like a bad guy I'm hiding from so that because you always sneeze when you when there's a bad guy you're hiding from right all right that looks good I'm gonna dump in these guys might need a little bit more water actually this is I'm doing a real high ratio of vegetables to to rice sticks here just because I feel like I give you some more vegetables in my life currently and I like I like doing that that's what I come I can actually frequently do that with like fried rice or fried noodles I'll use a much higher ratio of vegetables or even sometimes with pasta dishes I'll use a higher ratio of vegetables to pasta or to noodles because I don't know because I like vegetables you should think about it too about how much you like vegetables and think about whether your pasta two dishes and your carb dishes are in proportion to how much you like those vegetables you may find you surprised yourself simmer simmer simmer simmer simmer I really he's actually a little bit more water oh you know what else I forgot him here when he's a little bit of soy sauce I know I have some no I got some in this fridge back here I still haven't sneezed but I can still feel it coming this is some of sous chefs Eric's fermented hot sauce it's really good and these are some of sous chef Eric's pickled red Fresno chilies also really good soy sauce [Music] someday you can all meet sous chef Erica we've been talking about well things that he can do to keep himself busy during this full coronavirus thing since the restaurant is not operating a normal capacity right now we're we're only operating just to make and produce and serve free meals for well for hospitals and community centers around basically and basically anyone who needs food right now because the coronavirus we're what we're doing is we're making boxes and delivering them every day so that's that's what I'm doing here each night well four nights a week that's what I'm doing here but sous-chef Eric doesn't it doesn't have enough channels to let out as inertia Kuti air so he's been thinking about doing maybe an online class showing people how to make pancetta at home so maybe you'll learn how to make sushi chef Eric's famous pancetta I don't know would you be interested in that let me know write it in the comments which are like down here I don't know I can't see where I'm bringing dad down here see below the bottom of the screen right there all right I'm gonna have a little drink while we finish that up this is a vine Stefano it's a Hefeweizen I picked this beer because um I think you know the the banana notes banana and clove notes of a of a wheat beer of a Hefeweizen like this goes so well with chill I mean I picked it because it was it was what we had an open case of actually normally I would go over to the taps and pull myself up line II that's my beer of choice typically a Russian River Brewing Company they come from a little north of here here being San Mateo and California that's what I normally pull myself but we shut off all our taps because the restaurant is closed currently and we just emptied all the taps and beer fridge downstairs is not even on right now so I even if we had an empty the taps the beer would be warm so unfortunately no tap fresh fresh keg beer for me for a little while and I have to deal with this nasty imported German stuff for me all right this is pretty much done I think let's take let's give it a taste give it a taste [Music] it's pretty good it's actually a little sweeter than I want it shouldn't have added quite that much sugar some people like it quite sweet I typically don't like it too sweet good you look a little more soy sauce [Music] how's that looking to you it's looking pretty good to me hmm it is good [Music] I'm not gonna eat all this I'm gonna save this for I don't know how he did someone tomorrow not gonna eat all that much oh and you know what let's just finish it off with a little bit of this chicken spice make a little bit hotter a little prettier yeah and that is a steaming hot bowl of duck bucket okey-dokey dude duck Bucky Korean comfort food from the 20th century 1950s I believe post-world War Oh
Channel: J. Kenji López-Alt
Views: 285,252
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 9sfm9aqxygs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 11sec (971 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 11 2020
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