Food for Life: 5 foods you should never eat
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Channel: CNN
Views: 2,786,989
Rating: 4.3326774 out of 5
Keywords: CNN, News, CNN TV, CNN Newsroom, Sanjay Gupta MD, sanjay gupta, best foods, foods to never eat, healthiest foods, foods to avoid, health, food for life, travel, food, travel & food
Id: pkhL7FRhZFw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 5sec (305 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 19 2013
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
I don't eat white chocolate for the nutrients. I eat white chocolate because it tastes amazing.
I stopped watching when he said that organic strawberries do not have pesticides on them. That is just flagrantly false. Organic farming dictates what types of pesticides that can and cannot be used, however, it does not dictate the amount or the lethality of the pesticide in question. Case and point example is most relatives of copper. Very common to be used in organic farming since it is allowed in the current model of organic farming, too bad is it fairly harmful when consumed. Basic facts about what organic farming is and isn't needs to be known before I take your seriously. And this is assuming the very silly thing which is that organic produce is better for you.
I eat strawberries I grow in my own garden, so yeah. And this doesn't apply much to people outside the United States I guess. Anyway, pure chocolate(60%+) is the best one anyway!
I fuckin' love strawberries.