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see now didn't that help you chill a little barely and we still need to find that elevator you'll get over it at least we know it's not in there uh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] nice throw my dude thanks [Music] damn that was annoying [Music] ah [Music] there it is the home stretch at last wait a minute peek [Music] i see a document on this computer that mentions something about a secret weapon oh well that's no fun man we were gonna go in and persuade that sheriff guy until he told us to be frank my dude i don't think now is the time to be fooling around we gotta know what we're up against i wasn't fooling i was being serious it says right here the secret weapon is something called an improbability drive they were trying to create a portable version of a device that can scramble reality up like a raspberry smoothie okay i don't know what to say about that other than cool sick monsters they were planting these machines into the brains of living people yo seriously they've been using people like lab rats who have they been doing this to according to this it says the most recent test subject was yeah boyfriend who was the test subject it was sky get out for real so that [Music] that's why she was here and from these negative effects they reported that's why she went full maniac and chased me like that her mind was ruined because of that device frankly she's always been like that dude well from what you've told me i don't know her that much we have to stop this before they claim another victim hell yeah let's do it visitors welcome to my hack [Music] i see you boys who are too clever for my secret elevator trap and a bit too lucky to overcome my many minions we might have guessed it was you doing all this senseless evil yeah and kidnapping your own daughter doesn't sound too far from your alleyway either oh yes who else but i could be so capable of such brilliant evil quite a no-brainer isn't it why'd you do it mr dearest what terrible motive could you have for something like this you jerk why isn't it obvious boy it is because i'm evil and once my secret weapon is finally complete me and my family will at last make this puny world of yours ours we got bad news for you sheriff we already found and destroyed your little secret weapon and this one was flipping out over it that was before we found that out what are you talking about you know skye oh she wasn't the secret weapon she was only a test subject for the real thing my daughter i was going to let her be the first to be blessed with artificial godhood as soon as we worked out the kinks with that tick-tock girl as soon as we found a way to fix her mind and as a bonus we would have also extracted those little manifest powers of hers for my daughter to play with so that you would never need to date any do-gooder nobody such as yourself ever again well it's been a pleasure boys but i'm afraid that your stay has been over welcome now behold your doom that i call evil boyfriend a grunt like no other genetically designed to hunt and destroy the likes of you only with the finest of ease enjoy what i consider my second most finest word [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] um [Music] hey [Music] huh [Music]
Channel: Fera Animations
Views: 2,837,291
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: friday, night, funkin, fnf, friday night funkin, fera, fera animations
Id: 3yM7Q48RHnU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 38sec (518 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 31 2021
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