FNC vs. G2 | 2021 LEC Spring Week 3 Day 2

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[Applause] [Music] [Applause] topple g2 and know your spring split champions og have cut down fnatic and will find themselves in a rematch versus g2 g2 they take it and g2 are your champions i'm tired of being like second place or losing quarterfinals or all that like i just want to win and i think g2 gives me the best chances of doing so fanatic is always a successful organization so i want to make sure that it stays this way [Music] gto didn't just get reckless they also lost perks other teams think we'll drop off because of that then they are awaiting like a pretty rude awakening that's gonna be a three-man ultimate trying to finish off patrick uncontested doing so much damage but it's not enough vicky there to bodyblock and g2 just cannot be stopped in a team fight my god look at that i mean something like g2 is like a rivalry that's been there ever since i joined like even before i joined it's always just a competition between fnatic and g2 which team will win the trophy with the history of phonetic players going to g2 it always makes the matchup more interesting for me it's not as personal as it is for caps and reckless pages can't allow themselves to lose against fanatic i'm probably too excited to play against frantic i have been in this situation before when capturing g2 and i was probably too excited to play them and then i kind of ran it down in that game the fastest would have spring destroyed fnatic i should just go into the game thinking it's just another game but i know that's gonna be hard for the first time since 2018. coming in this is his hero moment if he wants to turn this fight in favor of team this could be the game he's dividing you can do that falling time and time always had that presence there and i think that the fact that that presence is so similar to the presence reckless had in fnatic and it shifted it's gonna be great yeah i don't think reckless going to jutto will improve the team a lot they had some issues last year with people and self-made both having very strong opinions and i think upset is another one of those guys so probably one of them will have to lay down their weapons and play a more supportive role in the team if there's too many carries then i think it will be hard to make it work fanatic has to prove that we can be again the top or quite the top team in league of legends fanatic rule europe not just that second thing that everybody just looks from the top we have ever produced in europe and they go back to back to back to back and win the summer season i think it's always going to be exciting to face fnatic they've got new players too and they always have players that can talk a lot right so i'm excited to shut them up and just prove that we are better once paul again [Music] another year another g2 is better than fnatic [Music] strong words coming in from wonder as we get ready for the match of the week match of the season potentially fnatic versus g2 i'm draco's joined by kadros before but between us and this wonderful sandwich is none other than christy anderson for ryerson welcome to the desk oh man i'm so thrilled honestly every single time g2 versus fnatic you know in the in the match of the week you saw all the best of five great moments but even the regular season it's always fun and look the way these two teams have been playing it's aggressive it's scrappy we're in store for an absolute bloodbath yeah fnatic had like almost 50 kills against mad lines combined with both teams and i think the thing is with g2 it's just a team that if you punch them they're gonna punch you back way harder so this is gonna be just a fist fight i'm really just genuinely very excited for this game i just want to see my biggest fear is that it's like both draft scaling and chill for like that's never gonna happen literally is impossible and there's a that's like it's an irrational fear you know but you have to give me that because all i want to see are really high intensity lanes i want throwbacks to 2019 where it was like you know a cauli silas in the mid lane or irelia akali like i want to see mechanical limits tested in this game i mean the players we've got that's exactly what we're going to be seeing and i think it's so exciting too to see rekkles finally face down fnatic for the first time since he's left the squad whippo talking about and everything i think there's there's a heaton rivalry right there's seven world finalist appearance players in this game alone seven out of ten that have been to a world finals they've been the second best place team in the entire world and the seven of them in one game does that hype it up enough i mean what more do you want i mean do you want you know age-old rivalries do you want like the biggest european roster acquisition probably of all time and taking fnatic or reckless away from fnatic we're gonna have to see though is this going to be the absolute banger we expected to be i certainly hope so we are getting ready for champ select let's find out exactly how these teams want to approach the game in our match of the week g2 vs fnatic [Music] oh that's a twist okay i love it i gotta say i love the champ select music no bias but here we are into the thick of picks and bands already kendra i gotta toss it over to you what are we looking at here well we're looking at ops the first pick the first rotations always ops we're talking aphelios thresh pantheon talia kaiser things like this and gender is what i'm looking at you can see g2 is already by the way too talia's the only one left up for self made so if they ban that away we're looking at things like the kaiser and things like the camille perhaps yeah i'm oh talia left open i feel like self-made might want to snap into that of course the kaiser is still there if fnatic wanted to go that direction themselves and then i wonder what does jankos actually go into here because a lot of these fast clearing jungles all these high early game impact champions have of course been removed from the board in the bands yeah i wouldn't be surprised to see something like aphelios camille lilia these kind of things are soapy the kais as well which we mentioned has come out as well so do you want to match jungle here the lilia does come in against italia so that's really good so now the fnatic want to pick up the camille themselves they want to pick up things like the azir which we've seen have so much impact as a 2-3 pig for blue side because i think blue side can opt in for so much more scaling because of his higher because of azir and things like this yeah the interesting thing too here with uh two magic damage junglers as well as like would we see something like a lucian perhaps in the mid lane as an option for either of these two champions and it is the thresh plus the felios that's a powerball and i love to see it because one of the matches we're going to be tracking very closely is upset versus reckless and there is really no true or hyper carrying in the meta right now that affilio is very traditional does not have the luxury of defensive tools upset will be reliant on hillary to keep him safe so that he can deal that damage yeah i've seen so many thresh bands throughout the week throughout the last couple of weeks because red side can always one two ophelia's thresh but they do decide to go for the kaiser lily on their side and then the afilos thresh gets locked in and the camille that we mentioned has been picked up by g2 and only is it a camille but it's a camel on third rotation on red side which means you can invest two bands into this camille to make sure it has the strongest matchup possible gp is one of them i would expect jax to be the second yeah jax would definitely be a good one in there uh no doubt about that now fnatic likely hit supports here you might imagine already taking one themself we've been away the blitzcrank that we saw as an answer into thresh in just the game before this maybe a nautilus as well yeah the northless is the second answer to the thresh so g2 looking to counter pick perhaps mid here they don't really have to count to pick support they can pick support on four we're looking at things like nautilus leona these kind of champs would work so well with the kaiser and the rel as well but i think the nautilus is just the best pick for them rounds are to come nicely get a good count big mid for caps and then yeah just go from there but the alistar is locked in which is also just as good gets in their face engaged support super tanky yeah right now you have so many options right like all-star can come from the front for the engage you have camille trying to fly in from the side all trying to set up for this kaiser to see exactly what she can do holding last pick for caps i think that's like classic g2 fashion definitely a good choice to come out of them now the polar bear as a common answer to the camille back at worlds how do you feel about that one yeah it's a decent answer i think from what's open i wouldn't i mean the jax is not very good over side lane because i think the game's more about dragon fight so i need to see some kind of ad mid here for fnatic i think i think going for a mage myth here is kind of risky you're putting a lot of resource onto upset to carry the fights but they're going to go for this ear so it's almost like a triple ap top side and the problem you run into with this means that camille can run away with the game looks like cap's already had an answer straight away in celox to zoe so the poke coming off from the zoe lily is good but this camillo over sidelines gonna be really really strong if she gets ahead yeah you have the double sleep there as well with the lily and the zoe just trying to keep people in front of you buy time for your cooldowns to come on through the azir like you called for fnatic and given that strong teamfight option and honestly i got a shout out the volbear for fnatic yesterday they were diving towers all day long now they got that built in ohm wrecker they're ready to throw down ready to turn them off most certainly heavy ap compositions on both sides with some hyper carries to back him up and a camille on the top side for g2 esports but what are we expecting here i got to set some expectations for these compositions what is this early game going to look like well i think if you look at fnatic they have so much scaling on their mid-bot side yes the atheilus thresh is really strong in the lane phase early because it's a range support into the alistar so they'll get the push there they should get a decent push in mid lane but the problem they need to run into is they need to make sure this camille doesn't get ahead because i think if the camille gets ahead and she's on silent gets the push if g2 can set up on the objective first with the zoe sleeps i think if not they're going to run into big troubles it's time folks match of the week fanatic versus g2 esports backstab b trade revenge rebirth let's see who takes it [Music] [Applause] [Music] and already an immediate level one action potentially breaking out here is fnatic move into the bottom lane yeah essentially what they're doing is they have a range support they have a range of carry of course so they're putting a wall down in this bush for two reasons first reason is they get vision in the bush to make sure they try and get a level one kill on the mickey if he sits in that bush himself or in this push perhaps as well but the main reason is so they can get the push early they can get the push out they can push in the ball plane and they should have cry over buffing yeah looks like mickey gonna spot this one out just simply back away from this one early reset coming through from hillis of course he was the one to place the ward down in bot lane so switches over to the sweeper which will be back up right around the same time minions collapse and hit each other in the mid lane yeah it's really good vision from fnatic here essentially putting a ward on the blue grump area so they know where jankos starts if he starts on red they know he's pathing to bot side so that fnatic needs to be a bit careful when he does hit level three level four and he's around the bot side of the map whereas g2 won't have any information so i think it looks like he's going for an opposite side jungle start so he's gonna counteract what jankos is doing by going the opposite side of the map we'll see how they split these lanes of course keeping our eyes in general on the top side match up as well as he progressed further into this game gen x really the only player taking a lot of time to play the polar bear so far the split he had two wildly different games losing out horribly to broken blade absolutely dominating here we'll have to see what whippo's take on this matchup is was very successful with it at worlds likes to go for a more aggressive build with the old triforce and the conqueror instead of the grasp and the cdr but with new vola bear on the rift we'll have to see what his options are yeah and i think those longer trades of polar bear if he's ever to get able to if he's ever able to get two w's off within a fight that's sustained very very good here up against that camille down bot side as well we saw mickey and reckless assist in the leash already so upset and hilly have this priority in the lane hilly can walk up into that second brush as well yeah exactly hilassan can just sit in that bush and mickey could ward it and try and spot out hillary see if he's going for a pre-hook or anything like this but fnatic can just kill the wall if he does that so mickey can't place his ward he does have a sweeper anyway so rekkles can't place it either because if that wall dies they essentially lose all their vision they can't walk the river so expected pushing coming in here from fnatic on the bot side and wunder has to push on top side so two different variations and that's why both genres are passing into those lanes let's pass to the winning lanes early and make sure we secure this couple crap exactly like there's no help coming for g2's bot lane any time soon same thing for blippo on the top end of the map you're just trying to collect the minions as they come in wifo only won cs to his name but you know he has to take the back foot early on in this lane yeah that's the problem the thing is if you're a jungler and you pass into a losing lane on the side and the enemy jungle's there and he takes the crab in your face what he can do is if he hits level four before you he can go to the other crab as well so not only do you lose the crap you lose two camps so both junglers passing into their prior lanes here we're probably gonna see a full clear from both junglers and then they're going to take the crabs and look to base but aggressive coming trade coming on top side going in that's going to be the big shield coming in adaptive defense is buying time for wonder that's going to do with the tactical sweep for first blood instant blood in the bottom side as hell is saying goes down do are you kidding me two for zero three minutes into the game g2 just beat fnatic on both sides of the map the long trade blippo couldn't get that extra bite off wunder's able to take him down to the mickey punting hill is saying under the tower that is not what you want to see as a fanatic yeah i need to see the replay there i think mickey q flash hilasang and knocked him into the tower he saw the last second that fight hillary was flashing away from the tower so really really good pickups for g2 they're winning both side lanes and having this push in mid lane oh man it is a great start here for g2 i mean we were talking about how top side should be going well for g2 bot side not so much but the fact they went on both now what do you really do if you are self made you count the summary you say hey maybe mickey a little vulnerable wonder on the top side as well but the way minions have been it has not been good yeah now g2 do come back to lane the problem is rekkles hasn't based yet so they do have this kill advantage on making reference but they haven't gone to base whereas wood is based he's picked up a sheen as bripo does win the trade i think wonder went a bit too deep there you have to remember that as strong as camille can feel in these trades multiple procs of that w for volibear instantly shift things back in his favor wonder still has to respect the pick but now we have the hex flash coming in activating that's gonna be a little bit more damage reckless is here but the lilia is also on the way upset trying to back off as much as he can onslaught now used and they'll retreat wasting a lot of yanko's time look at the cross map though they're going for a top dive window has no flash if they hit a stun into the cctp coming in oh we have one buying as much time as he can he's going to lock up whipple the knockback is not going to connect one's still alive for now but he does get taken down and fnatic make it out alive and that's a good juggling of the turd agar right there fnatic definitely making that one work out good hook on towards the ankles under the tower one shot not enough to finish the job does have to flash away so fnatic playing the other side it's basically the reverse you know flags playing really really good on top side they get a play nisky doesn't lose a couple creeps in mid lane capsules get the advantage there and then in the 3v2 they fall out yankosta's flash so whipple's definitely covered this lane now wunder might struggle a little bit because i think wipo denied the whole wave yeah and you can see wonders coming back to lane so look at the cs differential and i think the cs isn't the biggest problem it's the experience yeah the fact that whip almost proxy that entire wave so he's got a lot of time to do whatever he wants whether it's to go back to base or i think he's pretty low hp low mana so he is going to want to go back to base but won't even be punished for not having a teleport he's going to get back onto the map no problem here he's like an addict very much back into it yeah exactly you might be thinking why wouldn't he freeze that wave i think his wave was way too far away he tanked way too much creep damage so just let it crash collect the wave he does have a kill advantage over wipo but the items are quite similar in a way you know dagger to boots is the only real differential you have there so the map state is really even the gold's really even although there is a kill adventures on g2 the game is very very and it's incredible to see you can see the gold is actually dead even as cast those out fishing for the sleeping trouble mickey paying some attention to mid lane to buy a bit more space for caps level six is coming through will be a big deal but especially for that top side of the map that you brought up already volabair's ability to dive past the level six point is huge but you can see both teams matching plays left and right top side for bot side now both supports roaming mid truth and even match so far in this game yeah thing is with uh yank because of course clearing this krug camp it means that mickey doesn't feel super confident walking into that bot side river it'll mean crab can go over to self made pretty easily and some more pressure down towards bot side level six four yanks does open up a lot of gank opportunities though yeah self-made inside kind of holding hands here making sure they pick up the butt crab and just making sure he's there to cover so i think both pressure is also not the cave here they have a wave kind of in an even state you can see hillary poising for an engage here because mickey has no flash sulping has flashed himself as well so he can get an engage here backing off waiting for hex flash is just going to go down here mickey going to get knocked back hook pulled through and just absolutely one shot oh niski has to offend out there but it is funny though back when reckless was on fnatic it was always going down to the bot lane with all those teleports just piling up trying to help him out now fnatic trying to turn things around after the early game didn't go so hot now able to shut down mickey put some pressure on reckless yeah cap's having so much mid pressure here the good thing is both strongers are focusing their attention towards both side you know they did go for the dive top which got whipped back in the game but top lane is kind of like in an isolated state right now you know if wunder can start winning this matchup of whippo if bot lane is in even stage you just have a natural adventure on the map but cap's playing with fire here he had to ignite he could go for some more damage on the hill saying there but caps whiskey has to go to the base and catches keeping up so much mid pressure hits the ignite he might take down hillary trying to use the same octave as well ticking burning nope just barely going to live there and gentlemen we have a break break briefly i don't know if we do there's multiple players from g2 going bot side they want to shut down upset he has no help on the way there's no wave though i think he doesn't have flash either so if he goes into this trade and upset flashes the combo he's just going to die himself but southman's here with the old he's got might come into it though he sets up the turret to defend himself it offers a little bit of his own control he slows down gank at any moment mickey is very squishy that's gonna be the route that's gonna be the follow-up now he's got the caliber of q as well all too easy as self-made is gonna finish the job oh it's just painful right there for mickey he thought he was setting up for the gank but like you said cage well the wave wasn't there so it bought time for self made to show on up and then this poor little allistar not very tanky at level four yeah if the wave was there the alastair could walk up into the affilios and then just hold his cue and force him to flash but if you can fax the combo caps that flash i think he was just out of range cap's really playing with fire in his mid lane against hillary and nisky does have to base though the hitbox is so little it's so not fair any other champion a little thicker and you're just instantly pushed through oh man but i think the biggest problem for g2 now is is bot lane they've not they've had permaprio here they put so much resources from the jungler they're starting up the drake and there's a huge cs differential on this aphelions who scales super super well into the late game so g2 flashes in stun can't disable the turret if he wants to leaps in now the camille all coming out as well it misses the damage but the turret still diked down but now looks like all domain and will be able to walk away jankos is on the top side of the map does have access to his sleep there's a ward that's going to spot him out but no flash on whippo should be able to walk out of here yeah jankos just gonna clear away this warden the thing is he can't trade the dragon for the herald because he doesn't have enough top pro to start a fight and the guys i'm gonna be honest if they're trying to run a graphic call game but there is no time this is a game neck and neck the balance is there but hillary's saying the creeps coming in just in time to body block but now self-made stepping forward the knock back reckless with the side step but he still gets pulled in he gets punted back into the tower oh reckless still alive the body block on the cowl room q as well g2 make it out wow mickey runs the same play on hilly again both of his uh deaths from hillary saying he's been punted back into the tower by mickey it really does feel like even just six kills onto the clock mickey hook shot that's disaster whipple just gets to finish the job adaptive defenses but it's not enough whoa again finding the kill on to wonder there's so much fights around the map you know g2 get an invention but then fly to get an invention both g to get an invention topic answer again so g2 do pick up the herald but this top match i'm slowly going in favor of bripo here especially after that solo kill small mistake from wunder there going keep your eyes on the swirl seat will hit the wall and will not proc anything further take a look back at this one yeah this is just that top lane play and oh the hook shot does not connect on the wall you hate to see it here it's even a level advantage for wonder but you see whipple wants to trade with his e right there oh it's just off the big shield there's nothing really wonder can do he gets cc next to the tower and even with the shield there that doesn't matter more with the 3d maneuver here he's not caught up on season four yet no he's not the only real action we haven't seen is in the mid lane too much yes capps has been doing so much damage to niska and hillary but the fact that he's around 15 cs up in this mid match up without the tp is really impressive but you have to argue that nisky did tp towards top to get the dive going but caps is definitely getting advanced in this lane and guys in this brief moment where there is down time fnatic 1k gold lead to drake up twitch chat this is your time to shine who will take this games band fnc or g2 and chat we might have a fight right now might not be a lot of time to vote but vote fnc or g2 in the chat who takes it and we'll check in on that in a moment because of course this is probably the calmest one minute of gameplay we've had since this game started and the only problem that g2 are going to run into now is the tp disadvantage in mid nisky did answer a tp top for a dive and that can happen in mid bot or top because they have double tp on the side of fnatic and they can tp wherever they want guys hello this is we're excited well look our game play almost as good as what's going on paused oh i see and that hilariously gives us time to talk about i don't know things like what this game means for the players what this looks like and while we do have this brief moment i'll keep you guys updated on why the pause is going as we get more information on it but in the meantime i think this is a good opportunity for us to talk a bit about bot lane and i kind of expected this to just be the reckless victory lap that's what a lot of people labeled this as and while hillesang has been caught out twice now we've seen this big cs lead coming in from upset and the aphelios is looking very strong yeah it's been a really big deal because i felt like a lot of the early pressure right uh was sent away from bot lane from g2 but then of course they ended up winning that 2v2 but then fnatic once the summoners went down it was all about piling up on nikki making sure i mean even in the dive that didn't work out in the bot lane where hilly died the second time they still denied a lot of men the thing is i think both supporters are just going way too aggressive in the lanes right you saw mickey trying to dive with alistar with no minion wave then hillesan tries to dive in between the tier twos gets deja vu and punting back so i just think the supports kind of have that meme you know they're both kind of holding hands let's keep fighting and then they both keep dying for it so the events just keep going back and forth in the fnatic bottle look their their bot lane partners their 80 carries might have changed but the sports play the same way like this is the same thing you're talking about we don't care about the nameplates next to these guys this is really the mickey x versus hilla singh so that said we do have an update on the pause g2 reported connectivity issues league officials are investigating we'll keep you posted as there are any more findings or any more updates but in the meantime we'll kind of just hope this comes to a resolution as quickly as possible now we already broke down that replay on the top side of the map i think we get to mid lane and jungle eventually but they kind of feel like uh supporting actors in this game because it's just been a bloodbath in both side lanes and i look at this and i feel like wonder has to be hitting himself on the back of that play because even in a matchup where he was getting bullied so often he found a good opportunity to get a good trade but if he messes up at all it just feels like this lane is instantly just against him yeah i mean to be fair like missing the hook shot like that should really not be happening you know missing an auto here and there probably doesn't mean a solo kill at the end of the day but yeah that one's definitely going to sting for him this matchup can swing either way you know especially if one side does build up an advantage so seeing it even out makes things a little bit more spice that's why we had both junglers sort of around that area yeah i think when the camille gets to want two items we'll see her start to winning the sideline a lot more but if the volleyball gets gold for free like that when they're getting solo killed by making a mistake then it just gets harder and harder for the camille to ramp up and start pushing this volleyball over the side lanes you know aphelios is ahead 20 cs there has been a lot of action towards the bot side but the affiliates with the thresh scale so well into the mid game you know these mid waves ophelias can just pop the wave he has the thresh lantern in case he gets engaged on so going into the mid game i think g2 might struggle a little bit just because of their wave clear in general but caps is like the kind of like the stone for them right now the rock that they need who's actually winning mid he's doing pretty fine overall without tp he's actually pushing his game quite a lot so he can move around the map and try and impact his sidelines too yeah and playing off of a good bubble money love those skills later on you and your despicable zoe it's always sweet i love it yeah i like it when you're fed i don't like it so much playing it's support and it doesn't do anything when it's not fed but we do have pixel bands in front of us we also have update on the chat pool we asked you to vote and as we did everything broke so maybe we're at fault here for the con i'm kidding um but 63 in favor of g2 esports so g2 esports favored but definitely not as much as one would expect when everyone was kind of heralding this team as like the next big thing the final evolution of g2 esports and fnatic a team that i think people might have been skeptical heading into the game after you watch this early game like oh wait fnatic can match toe to toe with what g2 bring yeah to be perfectly honest like this is the type of game that i was expecting a bloodbath right like even though i think a lot of people will look at a lot of other fanatic games they would say oh they see some mechanical issues maybe some decision making issues they're always forcing the issue well that's also a lot of what g2 like to do so like these two teams are never going to back down we said it was going to be a bloodbath coming into it it definitely is delivering and for me the most interesting thing has been seeing the teams just instantly acting when they have pressure in areas it hasn't always worked out like the over forcing around the dives in the bottom lane especially has been an issue but these teams once they see they have a numbers advantage they're instantly attacking the sidelines yeah this game so even it's so hard to say how the game's going to progress because it's essentially like a 1v1 isolation on top and just a 3v3 constant fist fighting bots where both supports just keep going so deep but i think the fact that fanatics making these plays going in between tier 2 towers teeping into top tier one to get three man dives off shows that they're here to fight they're here to play i mean they're playing pretty fantastically so far or barring a couple mistakes from hilleston getting queued and punched into tower so if you argue based off of pure uh making plays happen i think fnatic is obviously ahead because the only way that g2 got kills was basically mickey x punting hillary to the tower twice and the other side fnatic is actually practically looking for plays absolutely are now we have an opportunity to look at the bird's eye view of kind of the state of the game as it stands before we head into this pause now uh maybe we can bring the scoreboard up as well observers if that's something that we can do something we can look at to kind of examine the state of the game holistically this views perfect observers thank you yeah because again i think the the big difference we've been mentioning is that cs uh in the bot lane 20 cs up for upset and he's obviously going to be entering back into lane actually looks like hillisang has a freeze ready to go bot side so that's going to be even worse news for reckless too yeah i think the highlight thing here is vision right you look at vision across the map uh upsetting hillary clinton just based they picked up pink so although g2 have vision around the mid side bot side river where mickey is currently i think that that's gonna get sweeped out soon by fnatic if fnatic can keep this bot push and self-made comes out of base with more pinks as well and they control this whole bot side river i think fanatics are good they're benefiting pretty hard i think the only thing they have to care about is caps with the bubbles because they're winning top herald's gone they're already one drake advantage two minutes 30 till drake so both teams are going to be playing bot side here and i think you'll see fnatic sweep out all these pinks that g2 have kind of accumulated and then start to play around the hook start to play around the bot waves starts right on the push yeah something we see out of hillar saying in particular a lot is even when his ad carry resets he sticks around and bought side to set up a good lane state for his adc so on the map he's of course setting up that freeze meanwhile mickey is around mid lane so that of course gives caps some pressure to push in mid and maybe they could set up a transition of that pressure towards the bot lane to try and break the freeze yeah so i think you have to note here fnatic's way of cracking this game open is through bot keep pushing this bottling advantage i think the only way g2 can contest this bot side vision for drake is try and crack caps open through mid you know try and flash on taniski force him back get his flash make it so it's hard for him to step up and then g2 can go through mid into the dragon instead of going through bolts where i think fatigue is strongest and of course for fnatic i think one of the things that i love most is having hillisang on this thresh pick just simply because of how much freedom it gives them around the map the lantern a very big tool we saw promise q use it pretty well in the previous game despite the loss and i think when you look at a uh taliyah as a champion you look at the fellows as a champion especially especially when he hasn't opted for the gale force when he's gone for the kraken slayer that is a zoe that is a kaiser that is a camille you can get picks so incredibly easy with these champions but when there's a lantern there to bail you out outside of the hex tech ultimatum admittedly usually you can make it out to safety and now upset does just get to be this massive dps powerhouse with this itemization choice that's why i think caps has to really pop off in these fights himself because they have so much disengage with the talia knock away you know they have the volleyball to be a front line the lantern like you said i think if caps can get poked on to people like upset and nisky before the fight starts g2 naturally can just walk in and take over the fight but like you said the kraken slayer already picked up for fnatic for upset and the reckless doesn't have a full completed item so this sport match up it's going to get a bit uh in favor fatigue like it already is and i think these dragons might start snowballing for them yeah and obviously reckless being delayed on that a cathy and rain evolve is a bit difficult to deal with but of course if you're just joining us we're currently in a pause in the match of the week between g2 and fnatic trust us we don't like being a pause and we certainly don't like being a pause in our match of the week either but we'll keep you guys updated it was connectivity issues reported on g2's side and i think the last thing that we want is to um play the match of the week out and it has been a very hyped bloodbath with uh with lag that sounds it could be fun put everyone on 100 pings see what happens well disconnected and i think it's just ending the game i found a way slash resume you know get ready to go please now um yeah and that said i think i've you said you expected the bloodbath i didn't expect it to be this evenly matched early on but i think it is credibility to fnatic to really push lane advantages where they have them even if there have been a few small hiccups and again i just want to praise blippo as a guy who immediately did who did not hesitate at all when it came to picking up this vola bear and has been doing very well in the lane matchup and we've seen this multiple times now the thing that i love about this volability counter pick is it really or a match-up is that there's just a moment every time we've seen it we saw it with gen x 2 against here here it got first blood on the camille what happens genex comes back hits w twice wins the trade freezes the lane he's up 20 cs and now we're seeing blippo do the same thing yes there are opportunities for one to respond admittedly he fumbled some of them but now buppo is just set up for success and volibear looking like a very nice pick yeah definitely into camille it's really good in the early game especially like you said the w kind of out heals camille's damage but as the game progresses camille gets the advantage but looking at the draft you can see so many priorities here it's kind of scattered across the draft itself you see g2 actually opt-in for the jungle trade lilia for talia they had that interlock they had that already planned out and then you see with the rennington band on the one two three they knew that they wanted to pick camille on three and then ban out two top laners so they got three top laners banned out for the committed itself so really smart draft from g2 themselves but the only thing that you question is the kaiser priority right you know the jungler's already picked on the fanatic side for first pick you don't really have to pick your jungle on one two you can pick it on three why don't they go for the affiliate thresh now that just comes down to comfort and what they think is moreop from scrim so g2 i was thinking kaiser is stronger than the affiliates thresh because they did have the option to go for it and then fnatic instantly picked that up as due to go for the kaiser themselves yeah it does feel almost like that kaiser has more like individual standout moments which is the office is a little more team reliant in those team fights uh perhaps here for upset uh could be something angling there for rekkles to lock in the the kaiser himself but honestly i think that seeing the aphelios already off to such a good start is such a terror in the team fights as well and i think that for upset in particular you know stepping into the shoes of reckless for fanaticans like that's not an easy thing to do but to already have an advantage and set himself up like his role in this game is to prove to fanatic fans like he is a worthy replacement at the very least yeah and i think the thing that yamato said and i love it that he said it's like look upset's finding his own role he's his own person in the context of the team but i think from a fan perspective it's like it's not like rekkles is gone for two months and you're like i'm over him i've we've moved on i forgot i made the music video we made the music it's not like it's suddenly okay so i think that even if fnatic the organization and the team of fanatic doesn't want to put that pressure on him there is still that expectation on his shoulders that like when push comes to shove you're going to be the guy that we can stick in a side lane that can get to four items and you win us the team fights when it comes to it and this draft basically spells it out right look at upsets the only real ad damage does fnatic have you know you've got the clear you've got the azir you've got the volleyball who's kind of hybrid more towards ap in the early game especially so upset needs to step up in these fights and i think that if you look at the draft again like aphelios azir this is so much late game damage you know if mickey walks up on the alistar that's the only frontline g to have they get instantly melted so g2 with the alistar camille need to make sure they find really clean engages with those two to make sure they take out one carry caps needs to poke them down and then rekkles is just follow-up factor from the alistar which is very clear on how that team fight works and how the team comp works whereas fanatics team come work slightly differently the thresh can play aggressive to hit hooks and your fellows can poke them out with the clear w or they can use that to peel kite back with the azir videos and just melt the front line which g2 has very little of exactly i think you you guys were mentioning earlier like the value of having the the thresh lantern versus you know a lily asleep or more importantly that zoe sleep but also from summer spells uh upset's gonna be rocking the cleanse as well so i feel like he doesn't even have to really worry about a qss in a game like this either like he can focus a lot on the dps and just be that huge stat machine the team fighter fellows the 200 years that we all know and love and maybe that's a strong word we loved it it's not it's not quite as is crazy now it's all just 200 it's more like 150 years now i think it got a little bit tuned down yeah we've we kind of there's how time works i mean technically we chrono-baked earlier we went back in time so you could do that with nerfs that's kind of like if they nerfed him is he more years now because the design team now has more experience so does that mean that more years on a phallios is we're gonna have to get drakendur on the case i think they're the only ones that could crack this probably all right i'm sorry to say but while we wait for the game to resume i'm very excited to hear from quickshot and videos but we'll keep you guys posted on the pause and everything that's going on as we get upset so in the meantime let's hear what quickshot and vedas have to say about this thrilling game thank you so much gentlemen and once again apologies to everybody out there as you have heard multiple times already g2 esports have reported connectivity issues so while we are pausing and investigating and discussing options various um you know got in touch with the observers got in touch with eva and said look let's run through some of the kills let's run through some of the action that we have already seen now we are building this live this is not normal this is not standard so vedius where do we want to start and how do you want to rest first i just want to check observers if you give me a bit of a wiggle if you could tell me that you can hear me that would be absolutely fantastic i've done this with my observers a few times and normally what we'll do is we'll like go to each of the plays we'll have a look and see at how there we go thank you very much observers very very cool so i'm not going to be able to draw on the screen for you guys i do apologize about that but there's been a lot of action in fanatic versus just if you hadn't noticed and so we thought that it would be fun to go back look at some of these kills and actually do like a deep dive take our time exploring some of the lane states having a look at that and because we have our observers with us we're going to be looking through so how about we jump to the first kill and we have a look at how that one broke down because the early laning phase like there was a lot happening so our observers are going to uh jump us over to either this please either in the bot lane or in the top lane i forget which kills if we can start rolling through the replay we can go at double or four times speed just so we can get the lay of the lanes within a few moments we will see the first two kills from g2 they kind of came in simultaneously top and bottom to be fair and we'll obviously be taking a look at the specific setup but what did you make of the early attempt level one yeah i think a lot of this of course is just to primarily just get a little bit of information in the enemy jungle see what g2 is up to what their pathing is and where they're going to be starting so obviously we noted that g2 is starting up on the bot side they want to go up towards top jankos wants to try and cover this camille volleyball matchup risk of potential getting dive making sure that camille isn't put in a very dangerous situation wonder getting a very early push means that he's already going to start getting very favorable trades and he will get that early level too and of course just for eva just before we do get to the kills perfect timing here slowing it down and you can already see the initiation level two and one does already got the advantage against puerpo all right so let's have a look at exactly how this one happens so first you'll notice that he has hit that level three mark he's very close to the tower but he wants to try and take advantage of the level difference between the two so he lands the stun into the auto reset and he actually hits the true damage into the shield but realizes that that's okay i think one of the biggest turnarounds here is this point right here where he actually gets his passive backup and available at this point wipo realizes that he can't win this trade anymore because all of his cooldowns are gone but uh wonders q rather is just about to come back up which means that he gets that additional damage and he's able to get that output sorry to interrupt you we do have the magic of the observer tool so can we rewind 15 seconds 20 seconds let's actually watch this bottom line can we go a little further back there eva and actually watch how this setup happens that mickey and reckless are able to pick up a kill for themselves so the very first thing to notice we saw reckless and mickey giving a a pull over to jankos which means that they get to lane late and it means that they're going to get that level two obviously a little bit delayed so upset and hillary took advantage of that and they start stacking up this wave for a push the risk of course is that talia could also come over and threaten a dive maybe even zone them away from the tower so a hook initially comes out at this point hillesan is very close to tower he just draws tower out such great awareness there from mickey to realize hey hilasang is slightly overstepped i don't think that hook was very egregious but as you noticed he got a little too close and mickey was very quick to punish it immediately who paused it just there hila sang still feeding reckless um we do actually have the ability to jump straight yeah we do have the ability to jump straight to the next kill just perfect i do want to just remind you that if you are just joining we are in a technical pause we see the players on your screen actually at the moment as we're currently investigating league officials are working with you to solve the connectivity issues i will keep reminding viewers in case we do have new ones joining us right so again uh let's very quickly pause it because as you'll notice in the early game g2 have two kills right this is huge right the fact that they've been able to get an advantage on wonder the fact that they've been able to get an advantage in the 2v2 without any form of jungle interaction is great but the big thing is that rekkles hasn't had an opportunity to reset yet so that advantage actually hasn't come through so let's now start rolling out the clip and see what happens because honestly there's been so much action in this game i forgot what kill will that's at this point so what ends up happening here mickey flashes in this is where jungler comes down towards the bot side to help look for a gank so this is where they're trying to get that reset in for reckless they're trying to push the wave in so that he can reset spend that gold and start uh utilizing some of that early advantage that he was able to get in early laning phase meanwhile on the top side of the map let's pause it very quickly and it's actually rewind just a little bit because while this play is happening on the bot side of the map self-made is like hey i need to go and clear my top side camps so with a wave stacking from whippo i now want to threaten this top lane tower dive you'll also notice that nisky has the teleport available he's resetting after just pushing in that mid-wave which means lo and behold he is primed and ready to join this dive as well fanatic know that g2 can't respond because of what's happening on the bot side of the map and with no flash on the side of wonder they deny him a lot of farm and even though he gets a solo kill it's completely mitigated by this dive from fnatic all right five minutes in one kill to two seven point six seven point six um fnatic will be giving themselves another kill in just a moment do you wanna complicate the situation we're in i believe we have the ability to draw i think we can turn the tools off okay so i think that's a no i'm not quite sure we may turn the telestrator tools on in just a moment so if we do see the tools then veris i will be asking you to draw for us and they are activated okay okay do i have observers with me as well i believe that we do okay so observers if you could just give me a wiggle yeah there we go i think we're live perfect okay supports me ah this is great so now i have everything now we get to play this is the video show welcome to the video show all right so first i'm going to get rid of some of this stuff that's not what i wanted to do normally i have a little button here that's what i wanted to do i want to get rid of this one and i want to get rid of this one and now i would like to go back to this perfect now our screen is clear and we can bring up the mini-map so now excellent i'm happy now what we can talk about in the state of the game is that what happened for g2 i've got the wrong zoom in this my producer will be very angry with me because of the kill and top side this was obviously going to be very bad for fanatics what they needed to do was try and mitigate the pressure and so that's why they set up that dive up towards the top side of the map and removed it on the bot side it wasn't reckless that actually got the kill if we can quickly bring up the scoreboard and show the item difference it was mickey that got that kill so while he does come back with the pickaxe you'll notice that because upset was still able to get a lot of farm he actually comes back to the lane with the noon quiver so that bot lane difference is also mitigated so what could have been very bad for fnatic in the early game they actually did a great job of handling and turning back around so the lane is neutral let's now run this replay let's get rid of the scoreboard and let's actually see what happens in this play we'll notice right now the yankers is on the top side of the map self made is on the bot and the first thing i want to highlight is no summoner spells for mickey because of the play that he made underneath the tower the wave is in it let's pause it right here right so this is where for g2 it's in a very awkward spot and i'm sure many of you in your solo queue games have been in this position before where what you want to do and not you'll normally do is you'll walk up to here and you'll just be like you know what if we kill these minions we'll be absolutely fine and that is exactly what this duo is looking to try and punish they recognize at the moment rekkles and mickey have overstepped even this line that is enough for them to be able to get that kill so as we roll the replay out what you're gonna see is lo and behold mickey immediately splits off from reckless he's saying i'm dead there's nothing we can do i can't escape and if i run with you you might have to burn your flash as well so good guy support is there to cover for reckless and now the bot wave is in a very awkward position for g2 and now all of a sudden the game is very heavily in the favor of fnatic okay now pause for a brief moment we're seven minutes in two kills to two the gold is still even um the state of the game and let's rewind a little bit when we look at the compositions is there an onus is there a preference like did you want to see one team maybe playing slower or faster you know in the contrast because i know we always say we expect a bloodbath and i know we always say like it's fun but is this going to benefit one side or the other it's still very early days well i think what's really interesting about these comps is that they both scale quite well i think that camille has a slight advantage especially in the side lane later on into the game but volleyball is a champion that as long as he doesn't fall too far behind can actually match her quite well you also have a felios and you have an azir who are both very strong scaling team fighters that are going off for huge especially in these drake fights but the range that is offered from a champion like zoe can definitely mitigate that so i'm actually quite excited in terms of execution around these fights because i think that there are pros and cons for both sides when it comes to that i think that fnatic have slightly better scaling um but that's mainly because of the talia difference between um the lilia yeah i think that she just offers a lot more damage so when it comes to these drake fights she's going to be offering a little bit more um but i do think that it is very close and execution's going to be key all right now vedius we're seven minutes on the clock and if you are just joining us the game was paused at around 10 minutes g2 did report those connectivity issues which we're still investigating the moment i have an update i will share it with you in the interim we've been able to spin up a frankensteinian telestrator scenario we need to name this thing maybe you guys can help us with three minutes with three minutes left of gameplay i'm going to ask eva to just press play and start running through the the the game for the last few minutes as we approach a kill eva if you can pause for us to set the scene and venus now we're gonna have just a little bit of time where we can start looking at how this game progresses on this sort of even killed even gold states yeah so uh if actually we can pause it very quickly here and we can do like a quick summary of like what's going on with the waves because laning and wave state is really important in pro play um and the most awkward thing for for g2 right now is this bot wave that they need to try and fix somehow um so what they one option that they can do is that they can push in mids and then they can use the pressure that they have in mid to then threaten bot right obviously caps is a little bit too low to be able to make that but the crucial thing is that he's forced both hillasang and nisky very low which then makes things very awkward for them when it comes to actually supporting the bot side so there should be options for them to be able to break up this freeze meanwhile if you have a quick look at the top side the thing that wonder is thinking about is is there a risk of me getting dived here so i'm going to quickly draw your attention to the mini map once again and you're going to notice well okay what is the most immediate concern right now for self-made he does have all of his top side camps up and his blue buff is up along with this control war that you can see sitting right here so this threat of what wonders thinking is hey guys there's a real risk that i could get dived but of course with the pressure that they have in mid that mitigates that but i'm not sure if they actually see the uh the talia and mid yet but talia's more concerned about what is happening in mid and needs to cover for that period in time at the risk of a potential dive or to make sure that these two players on fnatic are not suffering so a lot of praise needs to go to caps here because his little play making not only pushes niski back but also hillary back that will actually stop any potential dives happening in the top side and can also potentially push out the wave in bart all right so let's carry on rolling through this clip as you can see hila sang went very very low draco's almost lost his mind as hilly was able to escape and then there's all this again very quickly sorry to cut you off there trevor but i just kind of wanted to very quickly go back to what we were talking about earlier where getting that mid prior was so important did you notice how quickly yankos and uh mickey went through the enemy jungle to make it more awkward for self-made to rotate and actually started threatening bottom the main goal is number one to threaten a potential dive onto this man right here but more importantly to break this freeze because the longer this wave stays here the longer reckless doesn't get farmed and that's bad that's really bad notice that fnatic upset is already level six and they want to try and stop him getting as much solo xp as possible all right i have just got an update that internet connectivity has been restored in the g2 house just to confirm uh deborah are we good to go back to the caster desk well the game has been resumed without further ado let's get back to our match of the week venus go let's get back the game you are a machine thank you for that and thank you eva thank you eva thank you quick shot thank you vedius for that fantastic breakdown as we bought a little bit of time kept you guys entertained but we are about to get back into game i believe any moment now potentially almost instantaneously we're waiting for it it'll happen all right first you gotta read our names to remember who we are 30 seconds i'm daniel dracos that's christy you might have forgotten already that's christy feyerson that's mark lamont that i almost forgot mark with the k right with the c you've been casual to me for so long i forgot everyone spells my name wrong you know even i don't know if my family spells my name wrong sometimes okay i hate that's fine it's it's what happens you know what i mean so in america we spell it with a k that's all that's all i'm going to say and i'm adjusting you know it's something to get used to that said you're not here to hear about casual as exciting and interesting as cadre is or even ender or myself you're here to hear about league of legends and we are just a few seconds away from getting back in the game and to remind you if you're just joining us again apologies for the technical issue actually if you're just joining us you're probably fine if you've been here sorry for the technical delays if you're just joining us you're right in time because we're getting back in the game and we need to talk about what is happening big news right now upset wildly ahead in a game where he has to be the carry and he is the man that we are looking at to step up in this matchup yeah we've been waiting for him for him to show up for a long time you know back when upset first joined the league he was like the next guy to try and come and challenge up against rekkles back in the day he had his shot 2018 summer finals wasn't able to come away with the win in that one but here he's already out to a big lead 20 plus yes over reckless and he is the focal point of this fanatic composition yeah definitely but look at this top side there's four man five man hovering towards the top side and we said this before the game was paused that fnatic want to play to bot side and then gt will struggle to contest but they're going for two minutes for this dive you see a good follow-up gets the heel back dunks down oh oh it's not even tft it's a thumbs up and a laugh spam you gotta respect it whippo finding the kill g to invest so many resources top side look at them sprinting towards both try and get to bot wave to stop fnatic from crashing this huge wave if fnatic can answer this with like a volleyball team or anything they can really really snowball the game oh the weaver's wall to push g2 away from the tower caps is gonna try and farm if he gets three or four minions off that but all these turret plates are going to upset and all these minions have been denied from reckless it's a disaster now they have to sprint back to mid look at caps and yanks they're trying to get back to this mid wave now they dropped so much tempo by going five man top side but if they get asleep maybe they can get a kill sleep looking for the setup caps already burned no maybe get the follow up sleepy self made good damage to coming from the back position to body block now push back that is clutch nisky right when it matters caps no summoner spells left to pick up goes for the final flash but he'll get shut down in the end before the pause it was the up upsets joe now it's the niske show the huge huge emperor's divide just absolutely crazy coming through from him yanks and caps they pushed a little bit too hard and they got punished that was a crazy out player not only was it crazy i played mid it was a crazy out playing top as well you know grippo wins a 1v2 dive nisky wins the 1v2 with selfmade coming in just in time to sleep hits but caps doesn't actually have the portal jump to follow up with too much damage and now when you see the damage come out onto on the self made nisky just gets a flash hold both of them going to the tower and although they do have flashes jankos dies before he can even use it yeah it was just a little awkward there because capps used his first paddle star on the minion wave instead of looking for nisky then they didn't have the damage to actually one shot self made and once again it looks like rekkles just completely abandoned this bottom lane it's 800 gold lead here for upset rekkles is trying to get as many plates as he can they've got the herald two to try and equalize yeah but just take a count of what happened whipple won the top side niski himself made one mid and the upset and hillary got so many plates involved the herald will come in and i think this tower will die but i think that upset just picked up both power just in time so he got the first tower gold he got five plates in the bot tower and g2 tried to use all their numbers to go towards top side because they knew bot was losing but they didn't get there in time and if you look at the scoreboard upset is ticking over and ticking back to having a bounty just from the farm advantage that he has built up in this game he is so incredibly far ahead of the clock he is shredding through this objective and fnatic are set up for success this is 13 minutes in it is a two drake 2k gold lead for the side of fnatic in a game where they are set up to fight hard in the late game yeah i mean it's it's too early drake's with a monster team fight comp you know we were sort of talking about in the break fnatic their backline is absolutely menacing here you know and a lot of melee champions on the side of g2 caps who's more poke style he's a big focus of this g2 comp but he's not going to be that much value in a straight up team fight they have to take things slow play off of his bubbles and that is not the easiest thing in the world yeah there's two big things to note here first of all the item disparity look at captain reckless they haven't even completed an item yet wunder's picked up the divine sunderer but yankos has gone for the moonstone so there's really not much damage on this g2 lineup i think they don't have much frontline for this huge scaling of felios and azir and they don't have that much damage deal with it either but you can see upset move towards the top side both powers down kanji might find the pick the glance interrupts the hook shot behind himself mate there but he doesn't have a lot of mana the fallout potentially here caps lands the sleeping bubble from downtown eyes on upset as well he's been exhausted miski in the midst of everything whip off to the side maybe g2 can find the glass hook shot wall dive but he dashes over he turns back and he takes down reckless that was personal upset now set up to throw down some damage a brief pause as mickey runs for the hill but that's gonna be at the threaded volley the kill for self made this is fanatic's game whippo showing up with the huge damage making it personal up against rekkles completely wiping g2 in that team fight fnatic popping off and those left the game notifications are from the earlier pause that didn't actually happen it's not a rage quit it was comedic although you know maybe after 800 damage uh vola bear q it could be personal yeah look at g2 they're really overextending for this fight you know they know if they go into standard lanes fnatic can snowball a game so they tried to make a pick but they didn't account for bripus tp behind and although it does look good here for g2 whippoe turns it with the ultimate landing on top of reckless hits the w and completely pops the 80 carrier jesus 462 from the old 339 from the w i mean that hurts absolutely sent him to the shadow realm there is nothing left for upset in that fight cleaning up mickey x as well on the back end of that one and the bad news is the obelisk is also just getting stronger in the midst of all this the azir was just chilling in that fight and whippo is still the point that fnatic have to be or rather g2 has to be worried about right now but the azir and the ofelios are just getting stronger and stronger the longer this game goes on yeah the problem that g2 are doing this they're trying to group up a lot you can see five members towards the top side we saw them try this again earlier when they were trying for the 1v2 dive we saw it even when they went for the blue invaders five men they need to group up and find picks because they know fnatic outscaled them so hard they need to find some kind of kills try and get towers get the camilla head get the zoey ahead so they actually have a win condition but right now it's kind of like g2's carries are just falling behind and wounder is two levels down mickey's trying to auto uh get out of there buddy no hex flashes over the wall okay yeah can't pick a fight with that guy at this point in the game and you know honestly you're talking about g2 finding picks i feel like they're really unhappy that it's an infernal rift right you know zoe finds you know so much value out of having those walls now they're cut in half there's less brush to work with too but now g2 just sprinting equipment look at them again another four man played towards both sides mickey's even catching midway but whippo hassled he has no flash the sleep is coming in sleep unstoppable now as he goes into the tower but wonder following up with still very tanky there's more than enough damage to finish the job that's the shutdown but the one for one trade back oh it's a horror for g2 again they keep trying to go for these four or five man plays but look how many waves they're losing mickey's holding mid alone he had to try and ult to clear the wave niski's hitting top tower we've seen this so many times throughout the whole game where g2 committing so many numbers to one individual catch the fnatic just win on the other side of the map yeah it'll be two turrets for fnatic and to kill and deter it for g2 that mid turret also falling is fine so much control over this middle lane and uh i'd have to ask our observers to bring up the gold on these individual players because that is absolutely crucial you see still the 800 lead maintained here by upset and uh the top side of the map tube whippo really getting out to a lead over wonder i think the important thing to note is because fnatic was winning out of the map so much they've picked up every single neutral objective and that's so big apart from the first hell that went mid g2 haven't really been able to touch these neutral objectives the moonstone lilia is down a level doesn't have that much gold compared to taliyah is a thousand gold ahead i just don't see g2 having enough damage to be able to deal with whippo with hilasang and actually out damage the carries of fnatic who are scaling so quickly into this mid to late game you see the xp and level difference whippo walking through here three members of g2 waiting in the shadows waiting for an opportunity trying to find anything to get them back into this game they already took whipple's shutdown they're shutting them down here again matter a lot for the state of the map i mean the more i think about it the more i think g2 lost uh to a bit of rng here with the map choice too uh you know just trying to figure out how they can camp inside these brushes because you saw caps wanted to move down mickey was thinking about walking into that that red side jungle but it's just such open terrain there that g2 really don't have much to play with yeah g2 3k gold down they're looking for all these picks but they haven't been able to find them and every single time they found it it's been a one for one but now fnatic pushing forwards trying to get some vision in the bot side jungle trying to open up this game with the gold league they've accumulated and trying to get this third in frontal dragon which i think g2 will trade for the top tier one and for the start of the season fanatics games were messy so many individual plays so many individual mistakes but here we see the benefit as they've been testing their limits they're finally prepared for this matchup versus g2 they're winning out in so many of these individual trades and so many of these individual plays as they trade their top tower for their third drake of the game and this whole split long fnatic have been very confident in their play you know on social media saying that this is the way they want to play they're going to continue to commit to it and you're seeing that pay off here four and a half minutes away from a deciding infernal soul fight and on red side g2 have so little options to actually enter into the river and here's the thing i asked you before friends at home and i'll ask you again the games stay very different from the last time i asked but who is going to take this game fanatic or g2 spam and chat fanatic at this point no doubt they are favored they are 3k ahead they are three drakes up tied in towers but that's just about it as they double the kill score of g2 esports this will be a tall task if g2 wants to come back yeah definitely look at the top side of the map for fnatic look at the level difference self made two levels up whipple and nisky up one level each respectively and look at the items as well upset's got two items this geek's completed as mythic item and they're scaling so quickly into this late game not only do they have the infernal soul in the cards in four minutes but they also have huge item disparities they have huge scaling numbers compared to g2 so g2 they have to keep trying to do this five-man play trying to find picks get some vision and try to get up to the objective first because control is a resource vision is a resource these kind of things help you set up the dragons and they help you in the fights yeah and for uh up reckless rather it feels like such a such a difficult situation to try and team fight up against fnatic because you know you don't want to be you can't really be diving into the fnatic back line playing off of your ultimate all those champions can push you away very strong at facing off into and also you know there's going to be this vola bear just sprinting at him every fight there's not really good peel options when mickey is on the engage dude hang on they're starting up the baron here oh matt doesn't have tp and g2 are going five-man bot side wunder is on the top side of the map but fnatic shred this baron yeah upset has crescendo so it's down below 5k moving slowly mickey's not even going to see it they're going to score and he'll say waiting in the bush maybe they get a pick to follow up but are you kidding me fanatic they're going to look to grab a little bit more lantern coming in a little bit late mickey punted back hillside may be overstaying here but upset has the perfect setup if he swaps to gravitate he can get the cc follow-up to take a fight off wonder just going to get deleted oh no this is not a fight that g2 can afford to take into the back line my god the thousand-pierced bear just shredding through g2 whip was just an absolute machine yankos is looking for a vanity over the wall wide glide and that's all it takes revenge for fanatic and rebirth is upset makes his mark on this team and whippo shreds through the fight all that's left are the former fanatic members captain reckless while fnatic with this 20-minute baron are just blitzing down that top tower and caps he's looking for more but he's in trouble oh man pulling back reckless flashing forward you can't do that don't get insane and he makes it work anyway on the one-for-one tv is coming in frederick don't want to stop here wipo joins the fight can he catch caps he doesn't have that fast bear sleepy caps oh he's gonna start with the w waiting to get anything else down he goes out he comes back in and he goes down wonder also gonna use his tp in that instance tactical sweep not gonna connect but put now stepping forward that's gonna be the stun mickey on the way in but still wonder going to be able to back off hilusang coming in to back up whipple if necessary but finally after minutes back to back of fights the map will calm down for a brief moment yeah non-stop fighting the gold leads gone to almost 6 000 now for the side of fnatic i think their tempo meter was andre because they saw the g2 as going five-man bot side they instantly started the baron and with the zero felios they one-shot it and not only do they get the baron bripo even wants to base here and just use the baron to siege down the towers but hillestein finds a pick the fight starts and reckless and caps just can't do enough to win the fight for them yeah honestly it looks like it might just be a one for one trade at the start but but bo is an absolute machine here it's crazy the aoe damage from his ultimate he's even about to be put to sleep but the dps from this bear he's absolutely unkillable too even when he's being put to sleep cage yeah picks up a double finishes the fight here and then decides to base and tp back into the fight to try and caps catch caps later on into the fight but like you said captain records are the only ones standing and they just couldn't find the kills and we've seen these carry performances from whippo earlier this split right with his pantheon performances and he has to be the one to step up and carry you know in those games it hasn't always come through but fnatic have such a big lead that him on the front line it is looking unstoppable and this was supposed to be the game where was the upset you know you know we had the ophelia's thresh in the bottom lane but it is whippo who is making his mark on the map how many times did we watch wonder smack him in whippo's first split in those top lane matches you remember the clad counter picks is the jacks the back and forth but this time around he gets the bula bear often considered an even match-up but it's not even for whippo he has been clutch across this entire game yeah g2 pushed in bought they have some kind of priority around this objective it's the fourth dragon for fnatic but fnatic just want to go for the base g2 don't have any wave clear so if they face too late they can look for an end you know fnatic are coming into this tier three i think they're going to drop the infernal soul perhaps and just try to go for the nexus yeah i mean fnatic they they have a cannon minion they've got a full wave here g2 you have to recall yes there's an infernal saw on the map but fnatic aren't gonna stop i think they're gonna try and pick up the drake before they try to base but i think fnatic might be able to run it down the baron is off so they could try and turn down here use it to the old used to use whipple's volleyball trying to get in this fight but i think they're too late looks like they're trading an inhib for the infernal soul i don't think fnatic knew that no one based from g2 it was just mickey but yet they're still here looking for the fight wonder kind of tough position for them there's no way for fnatic to work with but they're looking for wonder g2 are kind of stuck here they have to look for some kind of fight i think if fnatic stepped too far forward they can look for an engage you know self-made can use the wall to try and block them off his hands trying to look for an engage they have to hit a hook that's why he flashes over really hook his wonder he can play him back over the wall pull back he's waiting for his opportunity it goes without the rest of g2 peeling back as much as they can the flash is out to safety it's flawlessly played g2 on the retreat but upset is now hunting he will not connect on the ultimate and it's a brief break but no the wall yanko's just barely able to make it out in time as the walls are certainly closing in on g2 esports oh it's very close here just one kill for fnatic and g2 they're gonna say worth baby they got the infernal they slowed this game down they gave themselves more time but don't forget fanatic team fighters insane capsules picks up hilasang with the ignite with the q and like you said ender g2 of both time five minutes on the clock that they can use to try and scale try and find some more picks and the reason this game is such a bloodbath is g2 wanna group up his five and find picks whereas fanatic want to group up as five and just do team fights here goes caps moving in gets a little bit of damage down to upside let's sleep in trouble down limiting the options for movement but he'll walk away before there's any follow-up there's no one here if g2 are going to stand a chance it has to be the caps clinic right like they're outmatched in the team fight they're down in terms of itemization but zoe can do some beautiful things even from behind the long range bubbles the huge burst damage that's what g2 have to play and that's the key thing g2's only way to out arrange fnatic is caps rekkles isn't wants to dive in wunder wants to dive in mickey wants to dive in yankos can only really get in there with a flash q sleep if he wants to get on the back line so caps is crucial if he can chunk out this keeper for the fight if you can chunk out upset it makes bripos drop a lot harder to carry these fights and this is gonna be such a difficult comeback if g2 can even mount it because whipple remains incredibly strong imagine that he is working towards the gargoyle stone plate he will be nigh on killable a second massive shield to back him up into these fights but the camille is getting stronger that's two items eventually eventually she will win out in this 1v1 matchup but it's still a long way off especially when you look at the items coming through from all of fnatic the death caps the ga an extra bf sword for upset they are set up for success it is now just about bringing it home in the face of g2 g2 a team that we know the game is not over until you take the nexus from g2 esports yeah this baron is spawning so soon whipple is gonna base probably go towards both side he has the tp and fnatic we saw it before but they just have more items now more firepower they can start up this baron whenever they want and just shred it down push out the waves make straws g2 have to walk through the jungle either decide to turn or just burn the nash down before jankos can even answer he's level 12 at 26 minutes yeah you'll notice upset's been holding on to his crescendo right so on the way he was using infernum the aoes he wants to hold on to that baron shredding machine of a gun there and uh just five seconds left on the clock again on infernal map it's so hard for g2 to get through their jungle it's all this open space here try and pass on through and fnatic have full control yeah some sneaky waters are kind of saving them the bubble just hit on the hillside he has no flash caps might look for the poke but he does decide to put it on the south plain instead so fnatic trying to keep this wall of vision up trying to stop g2 from being able to get into the baron get some sneaky warts in and you can see two players of g2 trying to push out the waves three of them contesting vision fnatic are a bit down on tempo now they might have to back up a bit and respect g2 a little bit more and wait for them to catch these sideways which whipple's pushing bot and there's a top wave crashing top so g2 have to back off and it's going gonna be a vision war until fnatic want to burn this baron now crucially for g2 there is no flash on caps two and a half minutes away on that one and and for him he feels so much pressure riding on his shoulders from this deficit to make that play to find the sleepy trouble bubble so any sort of mistake from him and he's instantly going to be absolutely perfect he's looking for some kind of tp he's going to base here and make sure his tp has the home gods kill us is there some kind of fight they're just going to one shot hillary clinton they're going to pull off the baron upset fishing for the ultimate but it will not connect it's wandering to the back side immediately he's trying to take down self-made mickey's there as well this fight is split his whip on the backside versus three members of g2 but whipple refuses to go down the sleep coming in no gargoyle stone play baby there's no man comes in stone available combination is absolutely insane fnatic they don't need a baron they don't need the dragon soul they're going for the next yeah definitely outscale their whipple 1v3 in the back line looks like vladimir take this game in 28 minutes and i cannot believe it but fanatic coming back for revenge they are certainly look like a reborn lineup really good game for fnatic i think they threw so many fights towards g2 they played so well around their win conditions they had winning lanes they executed them properly and they made so many plays around the map where g2 just looked a little bit confused just trying to make pixer on the map look it was the fast paced you know full ham style that fnatic had been going for every single game thus far this split and it worked seemingly all over the place early on g2 got out to the lead but past that point fnatic were able to bounce back in almost every single lane and brippo in the team fights was an absolute beast yeah i can imagine the play right on polar bear is going up by at least five percent of course the weekend that was a disgusting performance yeah sterrick's stone plate definitely looking like a strong build of course we're gonna have whippo on pgl later tonight but your kia player of the game on twitter whippo nisky upset fantastic performances it has to be said from the two new members of this fanatic lineup it feels like after three weeks we're very used to seeing these guys here but remember they've only had a few weeks to play with this team and in their first few weeks they're beating g2 esports so it's not a bad look look it was good individually and also just the way the team played the map you know you look at that game it was bloody all over the place but also the use of pressure was immaculate as well yeah you could see g2 trying to nail in their wing condition getting won their head on the camille he did make a mistake and get solo killed whippo did the same but whippo just ran away with the game he was one between them in tower dives he was tower diving wunder he was essentially 1v3 on the back line every fight and you could see in the team fights he just always one shot reckless somehow i have a sneaking suspicion we know who's gonna win player of the game this is suspicion though we're soon gonna hear from upset before blippo joins us in the post-game lobby so don't go anywhere we'll be right back with more league of legends content lovely it was a bloodbath [Music] [Music] so the systems are overloading we can't risk another game we need to take a break and regroup we're starting to lose our mind captain we cannot go back to elo hell last time it took us months to get out of it initiate break protocol hurry up yes yes i did it we did it we did it even the biggest champ needs a break [Music] [Music] know [Music] from the [Music] through words days love but there's no fears [Music] us [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes [Applause] [Music] uh breaks the flames [Applause] [Music] [Applause] welcome back to the lec after what was an incredible match of the week and upset i'm just gonna leave you the first words any first impressions after facing g2 and winning against them um yeah just pretty happy with how we played today especially in comparison to the other games we played so far i think it was a lot more controlled let's say and people had a fantastic performance honestly effort on my team played really well so yeah just super happy we got to win and super happy about my team how they played that's amazing to hear i want to know about the mindset of the team and you especially today before facing g2 when you think about the performance you had yesterday i'm wondering how much it impacted you but i'm guessing not that much well yesterday after the game we we reviewed a lot and we realized that the enemy towers deal actually more damage to us than the enemy champions pre-15 minutes so we just said that we don't want to die to towers as much anymore and once we realized this it was like a magic moment you know and hilly still from time to time took some tower shots and died but uh the rest of the team didn't die as two towers as much so now i think we have figured it out finally life of a pro player learning new things every day who could have imagined but i'm okay focusing more on the game you had today what made you better than g2 statistically and in game i think top was very explosive but repo ended up getting really far ahead and on bot even though the enemy tower was really strong we managed to also get a very big lead and oscar i mean self-made always has very good pathing and gets elite in the jungle so from the early game we were already in a very good spot just everyone getting their own leads and trying to play together and then our fight execution later on in the game was good i think we knew what we wanted to do with our champions and it was quite easy to play with the lead we got from the early game so yeah just solid play and enemy had like losing lanes or whatever and it kind of snowballed out of control was there a specific moment in game you were like okay we can take this one we just need to keep focused and stay calm and collected and yeah just take this one to the nexus uh yeah especially basically in the past we all had like this realization that if we don't make it too crazy we will very likely win this game so we felt really pretty good about ourselves um with our chances in the game and we all said like calm down a bit because our games tend to go very crazy and one million kills so this time we wanted to take it a little bit more slow and just make sure we played a macro game as well and yeah it paid off it paid off indeed but talking about you upsets i'm going to be very honest here i feel like you entered this year with very big shoes to fill and i'm not even gonna compare you to reckless on the rift i'm just talking about the uh media noise about about you guys and reckless joining g2 and the fact that you had to replace him and the fact that he's historically known as an emblematic player for fnatic so how did you adapt through this pressure uh because you basically had to fit in with a new team so i'm guessing this was too much noise for you to having to focus on so did the pressure affect you being compared to reckless and did it play for you entering the game today uh no it didn't really make a big difference for me to be honest i was just super happy i got to join fnatic because i thought they were a great player and this great players in the team and i didn't feel like there was huge pressure on me because the pressure feels way less when you have belief in your team and you know that you are surrounded by really good players so i just felt really happy to join fnatic and i have played verse reckless many times i never felt too scared of him i think he's a very good player but his playstyle is a lot more passive so i don't really feel that pressure playing with him i actually quite like it so uh it's always like a good experience for me to play with some either i learned something or i get some csd so yeah it wasn't a big factor for me today i love everything about this answer and i'm going to give you the final word is there anything you would like to say to the fnatic fans who've been watching you and sharing for you so far and today through the match of the week yeah thank you for supporting me it's been great so far um and also don't be too hard on hilly sometimes it looks like he's dying a little bit too much but there's uh there's genius behind the madness and he's doing a lot for the team so send him some love as well he's a great support and yeah just thank you for the support some nice words to the fan and your support as well upset thank you so much for the interview and congrats on winning match of the week against cheated yeah thank you let's go bye you're welcome bye-bye and yeah we're going to take one last break and we'll be back in a few minutes for the first game we'll be with repo see you guys [Music]
Channel: LoL Esports VODs and Highlights
Views: 222,113
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lcs, league of legends, lck, lpl, lec, season 11, s11, 2021, lcs 2021, lec 2021, spring, vod, full game
Id: ZpVxRubhP8c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 24sec (4524 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 06 2021
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