FNaF - Sister Location | Everything Solved

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[Music] i guess you forgot about me [Music] you know it's about time i cover this topic considering that i promised a video on it a whole three months ago but i never forgot so today i'll be covering everything there is to know about sister location plus my theories about the story in its entirety i'm assuming everybody here already knows the basic premise so it's time to get into the more confusing parts of the game which is kind of a lot of it anyways let's begin with the question of who exactly do we play as at first some may believe that we play as william due to some of circus baby and elizabeth's lines after all she does mention things that would have to be directed at afton isn't this why you came here to be with her again isn't this why you came here to be with me again i know it was an accident and even in the ending we're seen with purple eyes so how could we not be william well while it's true that elizabeth does think that we are william it's the final custom night cutscene that we get our answer father it's me michael i did it i found it it was right where you said it would be they were all there they didn't recognize me at first but then they thought i was you and i found her i put her back together just like you asked me to in sister location we play as michael afton clears crystal if you need more proof then take a look at one of the very first things we see when our nights start the mic name tag slapped onto hand unit so that begs the question what exactly is michael doing down in sister location well he's down there for one purpose a purpose assigned to him by william to go down and put his sister back together one thing sister location makes abundantly clear is the identity of circus baby at the beginning of every night we hear a little british girl talking to her father about not being able to go see someone daddy why won't you let me play with her daddy you let the other children go see her why won't you let me go [Music] daddy she can make balloons have you seen her make balloons oh daddy let me go to her this little british girl is elizabeth afton and the her she's referring to is circus baby but how do we know this well if you take a look at the designs of ballora and circus baby it becomes apparent that these two are symbolic of elizabeth and mrs afton who william probably based the animatronics off of one of elizabeth's lines or really lines up with the idea of circus baby being made for or like her daddy just once let me go play with her she's so pretty and shiny didn't you make her just for me [Music] so now that leaves the question why won't william let elizabeth go see circus baby well it's because of babies ai programmed to kill by looking at blueprints stowed away in the files of sister location we see that the four funtime animatronics all have specific tasks enabling them to lure and capture children funtime foxy and ballora both have lure and misdirect features while funtime freddy and circus baby both have storage tanks for the storage of their victims you very clearly see the spot the outline of a child hidden inside funtime freddy's storage tank and we even hear about these features in the game's opening cut scene there's no doubting what you've achieved on a technical level these are clearly state of the art there are just certain design choices that were made for these robots that we don't fully understand we were hoping that you could shed some light on those she can dance she can sing she's equipped with a built-in helium tank for inflating balloons right at her fingertips she can take song requests she can even dispense ice cream with all due respect those aren't the design choices we were curious about mr afton funny enough you remember how william forbid elizabeth to go see baby the secret fake ending minigame plus a secret speech given by baby really showcases what happened to elizabeth did you know that i was on stage once it wasn't for very long only one day what a wonderful day though i was in a small room with balloons and a few tables no one sat at the tables though but children would run in and out some were afraid of me others enjoyed my songs music was always coming from somewhere else down a hall i would always count the children i'm not sure why i was always acutely aware of how many there were in the room with me there were four then three then two then one something happened when there was one a little girl standing by herself i was no longer myself and i stopped singing my stomach opened and there was ice cream i couldn't move at least not until she stepped closer there was screaming for a moment but only for a moment then other children rushed in again but they couldn't hear her over the sounds of their own excitement i still hear her sometimes why did that happen it seems that upon opening day of circus baby's pizza world which was a new restaurant meant to showcase the funtime animatronics elizabeth fails to heed her father's warnings and gets clawed we learn from a teaser exactly what william did once he found out his daughter's fate in other news the grand opening of circus baby's pizza world has apparently been cancelled due to reported gas leaks in the building sources close to the establishment questioned the report saying that strange activity around the area at night suggests something else is to blame one local is quoted as saying everything just stopped there was so much excitement building around this place opening and then everybody just stopped talking about it there was only a handful of people that ever got looking at the inside kids from here and there making sure everything worked right you know i guess they weren't quite as ready as they thought they were a tenant from across the street claims that they witnessed a large group of cars surrounding the building during the night and large pieces of equipment being taken out of the building under tarps a few weeks later and the building was for sale there is no comment yet from the local entrepreneur who financed the venture there was no gas leak only a cover-up to get everybody out of the building so that william could safely transport the animatronics back to his underground facility and close the restaurant on the very same day it opened now circus babies is closed down the animatronics are stored underground and elizabeth is gone or is she something you may have missed is after killing elizabeth baby's eye color switches from blue to green just like william's green eyed daughter elizabeth just like elizabeth says in sister location i'm still here there's no denying that she now haunts the circus baby animatronic just waiting for the day where her father or brother comes deep underground to set her free now something i'm left with is the question of why why did this happen why did elizabeth have to die why did william build the fun times to kill well it all leads back to something i call the criminal institute i wouldn't be surprised if you haven't heard about this it's a very ambiguous idea but once upon a time in the files of scottgames.com was this now there's a lot of different interpretations for what this abbreviation may mean and there's no way we'll ever be certain but the popular theory is that it's referencing some sort of criminal institute that has hired william to use his advanced animatronic technologies for experimenting with the properties of children and life itself it would give a good explanation as to why william would begin his murderous path instead of just working with freddies just to drop a huge bombshell literally everything i've covered so far isn't the reason i wanted to make this video as a theorist i'm here to build on concepts propose new ideas and clear up misconceptions and here's where all that really begins one of the biggest misconceptions i see or more the biggest debated question is what year does the events of sister location take place in using other games as reference points we know that it has to take place before pizzeria simulator where everything and everybody burns but after final four since in that game we see elizabeth's empty room implying that she's already died by then but what really matters is some extremely overlooked details in fnaf 1 and 2. in those games michael afton uses the aliases of mike schmidt and fritz smith to not be detected as an afton and thus associated with the killer another thing that michael does at both locations is that he gets fired for the exact same reasons to both times he gets fired for tampering with the animatronics and odor odor it seems like a weird detail and back then it was probably just a running joke but now it's important it has lore relevance michael's odor is due to his rotting body after being used as a skin suit by ennard which would place sister location after final f4 but before fnaf 2. considering that the missing children's instinct most likely takes place in 1985 i would give sister location the time placement of 1986. i feel so very strongly that the odor detail is the key to solving everything but for some reason i see people ignoring it and placing the game either between one and two or somewhere between one and three but i just can't understand why the odor detail gets ignored so much sure it was a joke but now it's important and shouldn't be ignored so now speaking of ennard and the skin suit what exactly is enerd well if it wasn't obvious already ennard is an amalgamation of all the funtime animatronics endoskeletons with the primary control module mask as their centerpiece but why exactly would they all want to escape if so far i've only explained a baby's possession come to think of it has there been anything through this whole video that suggested who or what the other three fun times are in my opinion the spiritual identity of those three animatronics is the biggest mystery of sister location so let's see what we can do first of all some may assume that these three aren't possessed by anything or anybody but the molten freddie blueprints show that the collective of those three contain remnant so they aren't nothing next there's the idea that they're possessed by some unknown kids captured while being rented out since the facility does operate as a rental service but we never see any evidence for there being alternate unaccounted for children so that doesn't exactly work either currently the most widely accepted theory is that the fun times contain a remnant from the missing children's instant animatronics this idea really kicked off with the release of the forest closet but has since gone uncontested one reason i feel i need to contest it is that there's some real flaws to the idea the main one being that there's no suggested point in the timeline ever where william would have been able to take remnant from those animatronics most believe that william would have taken the remnant when destroying the animatronics in the fn f3 minigames but there's a problem with that the fnaf three minute games likely happened soon before or soon after freddy fazbear's pizza in 1993 so there's a huge time gap between those mini-games and sister location also encompassing the fact that the theory heavily relies on the novel trilogy and it just doesn't sit right with me so you may be wondering if i don't agree with any of those theories on the fun times then what do i believe well i've got something new to bring to the table and so far as i know my own original idea original ideas are hard to come by these days when it comes to the classic lore so it's best to at least propose ideas if they have evidence i'd say this idea is just about as plausible as nightmare and nightmare fredbear idea from the other video but that's for you to judge anyways to get straight to the point i believe that the three funtime animatronics all have remnant originating from elizabeth now the evidence for this may not immediately be clear but it'll all make sense so first of all the order of vents works well with elizabeth dying inside of baby william discovering that she possesses the robot and then taking remnant from baby for further testing i mean with how william operates i wouldn't be surprised if he didn't care where the remnant came from just as long as it can further his testing the next bit of evidence refers back to the molten freddie blueprints where we can see that the collective of molten freddy contains the most remnant of any animatronic out there considering that william would have divided baby's 100 remnant collective into 25 percent for each animatronic molten freddy would be at least 75 percent after ejecting baby now this last bit is actually what started this whole tangent for me and what i feel is the most solid evidence listen to michael afton's speech at the end of sister location and see if you can spot what i'm referring to father it's me michael i did it i found it it was right where you said it would be they were all there they didn't recognize me at first but then they thought i was you and i found her i put her back together just like you asked me to i put her back together just like you asked me to william tasked michael with putting elizabeth back together but how would he expect michael to do that william knew elizabeth was divided elizabeth is only put back together when the fun times fuse when ennard is whole it's a strange idea since it's so new every new idea takes some getting used to but i do feel confident in this one just as my nightmare duo theory from a previous video now with a new idea comes questions and those questions are what i had to deal with while working the theory out the main issue i juggled for a while is a certain line from henry in his secret hry 223 audio log from pizzeria simulator it's only now that i understand the depth of the depravity of this creature this monster that i unwillingly helped to create as if what he had already done wasn't enough he found a new way to desecrate to humiliate to destroy as if the suffering wasn't enough the loss of innocence the loss of everything to so many people small souls trapped in prisons of my making now set to new purpose and used in ways i never thought imaginable he lured them all back back to a familiar place back with familiar tricks he brought them all together henry references the mci animatronics being used in some way that henry sees as unimaginable many thought of this as being used for the fun times but i'm not absolutely sure about that is it possible that henry is referring to the animatronic suits and parts being used in fazbear's fright possibly even causing the phantoms notice the title of hry223 being an abbreviation for henry 2023 being the year he recorded it in the log henry mentions william having a new way to desecrate to humiliate to destroy this could very well be in reference to the animatronics being used in a horror attraction it's humiliating and it's desecrating now the only thing left to answer is the more obvious question of if annard is entirely elizabeth then why would baby get voted out which has to do with the science of a remnant remnant is a life essence in a physical form remnant seems to be a byproduct of death usually of a children who are full of life any animatronic that receives remnant will become an entity that has consciousness but lacks sentience and a soul stays in its animatronic shell even if its remnant is dispersed now that i'm done rambling about my animatronic science and terminology what does all that have to do with the baby banishing it's a battle of spirit versus a.i the ai tells the fun times to kill while the entity just wants to be free from the facility and it seems that by the time of entered banishing baby the ai has overpowered the entity and what that means that the anim three animatronics will no longer tolerate being tossed around by the only one with any soul left elizabeth and it seems that by pizzeria simulator even elizabeth couldn't overpower the ai five lost souls in one place william henry charlotte michael and elizabeth burning everything down is the only way of saving the souls ending the entities and stopping the suffering once and for all if only it were that [Music] easy [Music] you
Channel: Under_Score
Views: 38,901
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Five Nights at Freddy's, Under_Score, FNaF, Sister Location, Lore, Theory, Sister Location Lore, SL Story, SL Lore, Sister Location Theory, FNaF Theory, FNaF SL Theory, Circus Baby, Ennard, Elizabeth Afton, Circus Baby's, Sister Location Timeline, Sister Location Explained, FNaF SL, Ennard Theory, Funtime Posession, Funtime Remnant, MCI Funtimes, Funtime Animatronics, MCI Remnant, Funtime Theory, Circus Baby Theory, Elizabeth Theory, Molten Freddy, Scrap Baby, FNaF 5
Id: IP4c5gdNfTY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 53sec (1193 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 23 2020
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