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what's up guys and welcome back to some more Five Nights at Freddy's security reach ruin now in today's video we're going back into the game because we still have some hacking to do and some other pretty insane stuff that I'm going to show you guys now as you guys know there is this black bunny in the game or black rabbit whatever you want to call it AKA glitch trap AKA well whatever you want to say it is and uh well there's been a beta version of this thing found in the game files and it looks absolutely insane I'm gonna be showing you guys that in today's video we're gonna do some more hacking and go from there now of course you guys do a chance to win a copy of FNAF security reach ruin AKA for now security reach because ruin is free all you do is simply leave a like on the video leave a comment down below saying whatever you want and hit that subscribe button it really is that simple that easy so be sure to go and get entered anyways let's go ahead and get into this and start hacking so here we are on the first map that we're going to be hacking now this is Monty's Gator Golf and I think this is going to be an interesting one because well we've actually seen quite a few weird things on this map like as you guys know if you go behind um the giant Monty hologram thing there's like this creepy looking glitched out area with a bunch of body parts in it and stuff like that from animatronics so we're gonna check that out so we're gonna go ahead and toggle d Bug Camera and let's go ahead and start flying around all right so if I go ahead and fly out oh my look how dark it is all right you know what let's go ahead and put the gamma to let's just do gamma eight I think that'll be oh dude it is still so dark oh there there's the map right there oh my gosh okay oh you can see so much stuff out here we should probably uh change the view mode so we can see things oh look how weird that is uh look at that like I'm weird and broken that looks uh but there's a ton of stuff out here now wait wait okay so this is the ride now I actually heard that apparently Glam Rock Bonnie is like above this ride somewhere like the cutout of him because he shows up on the ride we know that I don't exactly remember where look at the old the young Monty right there uh where's the cutout of glamach Bonnie oh there's the ride that we're on or that we would hop on eventually there he is right there oh man that is so cool to see him now the weird thing is he doesn't look anything like this in the version that we find behind the bowling alley he looks I don't know literally nothing like like they all kind of look like how they look you know in animatronic form but him I don't know he looks a little bit different but I don't see anything above it or anything like that let's go ahead let's change the uh the lighting here to make it a little bit brighter here we are next View mode Let's go ahead and Skip through a few of these oh that looks interesting um I think that's probably the bright oh there no no that's definitely the brain oh we can already see some endos out there okay so that's where you spawn in right there the vents you would drop down onto the ride and then you ride this little thing right here through here and uh it looks like there's really nothing outside of here though I don't know why I saw like comments what is this oh my gosh I saw comments that said like check above Monty's ride because Glam Rock Bonnie's there or something but I I don't see anything unless you unless I'm missing something let me know but let's go ahead let's go back to our normal character here let's go ahead and get on the ride and spawn in the rest of the map and then have a look around on there oh my gosh this one is so freaky dude There She Goes all right so this should spawn in the rest of the map now so the game looks so bad though with this lighting it's so funny okay oh no don't let don't tell me I have to like sit on this thing come on let me let me fly around dude oh there we go nope it's broken I don't think I have to ride this whole thing before we can see the map all right let's do it all right guys here we are at the Gator Golf Course and uh well or above it I should say this is gonna be interesting because I really want to know if the rest of the map is going to be spawned below us or if it's just you know I doubt it's going to be there because why would it be but let's go ahead and toggle debug camera let's have a look all right so this is the one map though that I was pretty excited to see because it looks crazy looking so look at how oh my dude without the lighting it looks so strange dude so strange now is there anything outside the map oh wait a minute okay so what is that section over there why are the random endos hold on what is this okay so this is the ride again but what that must be like the previous map right I I have no idea but down here though obviously this would be the flip side version of Monty's Gator Golf and uh oh my goodness it looks insane in here now where is that that secret room at that you can tell oh look what's this oh this is okay okay wait there's the there's okay that's what I was looking for but hold on hold on we gotta check this out over here so this is the area that you teleport to and when you do um the Rabbit shows up and then eventually you know it gets stopped by helpy or whatever and then yeah this is that area right here now wait if I were to do something a little bit interesting here um let's just say you know I maybe go down here and I maybe do a little uh teleport here will this break the game oh what happened oh it's saying it's saying I'm here hold on toggle debug yeah I'm here oh my dude it looks so weird we are definitely not supposed to be here right now but uh okay well he's spawn it oh he does spawn in interesting okay now can I fly around during this oh I can yeah we're breaking things right now what else is over here like right now help he's supposed to be talking but maybe it's because I'm not oh there he is Gregory yeah yeah yeah Gregory sure mimic so that's interesting we can just kind of break the game that way but let's go ahead and go back to the main map here I want to check out the one big thing uh where the heck am I this right here this is the thing that I want to talk about with you guys because it's got some interesting stuff in it so first of all why is this back here right it only shows up in you know with Vanity's mask on it's like this glitched world over here right you have no idea it's here without it but somebody put all this stuff back here right so who did it you know like you got the big Gator head you've got legs right here now these are Montgomery Gators right you would assume I don't think they're Glam Rock Freddy's but I mean you can let me know in the comments also no prototype thing under the feet so yeah I think that those are Monty's legs which he needs them you know he kind of needs them I remember when I first found this I was like oh we must have to repair each of the animatronics but you know to get like a really good ending but no we didn't end up doing that but what else we got here a Monty chair obviously one of the little cleaning robots which we've already gotten a guitar and just some random memorabilia for like Montgomery Gator on this very strange thing I guess it's just like a head that would pop out you know and like kind of attack you on like the ride or something like that but it's just so weird I don't I don't know why that's back here now is there anything else back here we can see there's something all the way dude every time there's something all the way out there wait before you go out there let's just check the rest of the map real quick just to make sure we're not missing anything but every time there's something like really far away like that out there it's always something dude it's like something crazy so I don't see anything else here though nothing that really stands out to me I mean we have a few rooms we've seen before nothing too crazy yeah nothing nothing that's like out of the ordinary all right I'm Gonna Fly all the way over here and see what wait what's this why is there a random what is this it's a random Sun plushie just out here huh all right I'm flying all the way out to this oh my gosh guys I'm almost there and it looks like it's just a ride it's it's the ride yeah and they put stuff out here that like has to spawn in I think that's why like we saw you you know um the mimic and all the other characters that kind of spawn in this must spawn in somewhere and then oh yeah this is the ride that you take to continue on with the map probably so that's why it spawns in from out here and that's why it's out here dude that took me so long yeah dude just for this thing I mean it's still kind of cool all right let's go ahead and get out of this map and let's head into the next chapter all right back on chapter select so that was chapter three the point of this video though is we really wanted to get done like all the hacking on the important chapters that you guys really want to see because that last video I got so many comments like please please do chapter four five you know three you know sure there might not be anything on them but we just want to see you know we just like seeing you acting so I was like okay sure sure I mean if you guys want to see it but we're going to try to get it all done in today's video so like I said if we don't do another hacking video just know that there was absolutely nothing to see on that map all right so here we are on the bakery um now this is gonna be a cool little map right here so this area I place Maps so many times this is where the rabbit spawns in right here right and then he turns on this little node thingy that you have to eventually go down there and shut it off you got to go golden cupcake right here oh you can order river water which sounds disgusting cupcake Slurpee and some other random stuff is there anything outside the map though do we see anything no not that I can spot I see something all the way over there but I do want to check out the little uh arcade room over here because if you guys remember this is where that secret arcade machine is right here oh oh look you got a little uh oh she's right there so uh where's the room at oh here it is uh so right here you got the Chica Feeding Frenzy I really wished I was hoping that they were gonna do more with that that uh the beak that we found for chica I was thinking like we're gonna repair all the animatronics I was saying with amanti's area but it's kind of unfortunate we didn't end up doing any of that I don't know what happened with that I I'm a little confused by it too because you repair her and then seemingly nothing happens so I I don't know what they were doing with that whole thing but maybe they'll update the game later on and do something with that I doubt it though but I guess we'll have to wait for the next game to like find out exactly what's gonna happen but regardless in this area nothing really here absolutely nothing got a little staff bot right there whatever you want to call it the glitched area nothing here once again now you do have chica's nasty looking area right here now obviously normally you could not get into here wait we're in the uh no no we're in the we're in this area the the main light conveyor belt area where you you know you hop on it and then go to this the next area oh I didn't even know that would be part of this map oh and yeah this is where you get dropped off right here so this is kind of cool to see though like how when it's all glitched out you got like all the purple goo everywhere and stuff like that it's pretty nasty looking but I do want to hack to one thing on this map all right before we go on to the next map whatever that is out there okay there's something out there you guys know I gotta know what it is it's gonna take me a long time to get to it but I'm gonna do it guys I'm approaching it and you can already tell what that is you see what that is right that's Glam Rock chica out here obviously she attacks you a few times on this level and uh Yep this is her all the way out here just hanging out and you got Cassie's arms out here dude what the heck her arms are just hanging out out here why well yeah it's just her uh T posing all the way out here which is still kind of cool to see though I don't know why Cassie's like in her feet like this but and it's just Cassie's arms everywhere it's always just Cassie's arms but uh yeah that's it for this level let's go ahead and toggle debug camera go back to the main menu and let's check out the next chapter now the next chapter I want to say is the salon right or the uh whatever you want to call let's see here yeah the beauty salon so let's go ahead and hop into this and give this a shot uh once again another map I don't really think there's gonna be anything here but like uh let's see I don't like telling you guys oh dude there's gonna be like this big secret here and then there's not so I'm just being honest I don't know what we could find here because you know the other Maps you kind of like spotted stuff that could you know be interesting outside the map but on this one I can't really think of anything um let's go ahead and toggle the debug camera though let's have a look around here so once again this is this area and there is you know really nothing to spot here these are you know the rooms that you eventually go to to leave the map over here though you would go through here and where am I oh yeah check out the princess Quest mini game by the way do the lore behind that the the the lower behind this whole chapter or this whole DLC is so interesting if you guys haven't checked it out be sure to I'll link my brother rexford's video in the in the comment section down below go give it a watch because it's very interesting uh the stuff that they you know have hiding on this uh DLC all right so right here though Roxanne wolf right here obviously you should run off into here and uh disappear chasing after Gregory aka the mimic um this area out here where is where you would activate the nodes or whatever to eventually progress through to here and um you know do the final one or actually the final one's right over here and then Chico would run into here and you would put her beak in her mouth or whatever her voice box um but in terms of outside the map do we have anything oh I didn't realize so in the glitched world this is a giant hair dryer what wait so okay that's this part of the map right here but in the glitched world it's open with a hair dryer I never noticed that I mean you'd have to look up once again to see it but look it's got the hot warm cool settings on it that is so weird it's just shoved through the ceiling like that and there's other you know random stuff oh there's a door up here hold on a minute what's this oh are we about to oh dude I thought we were about to find something hold on can we I don't know for no I heard her fall oh no yeah I keep here hold on hold on hold on turn on the flashlight is it on oh wait where am I oh my gosh I am not supposed to be up here um hold on I can't tell if she's there or not this could be something though it might be like hold on we have to do next View mode okay let's get our lighting back to normal all right now teleport her oh no look you see okay I see what's happening here teleport yep she's she's stuck on the bottom first of all but I don't think okay so now she's over there right I don't think you can actually get her up here yeah look she falls right through so it's it's it's like um it's not an actual platform unfortunately at least from the looks of it because look if I teleport her all the way over here and then try to get her back on here yeah she just it doesn't work dang it all right yeah I don't think this is anything it's still kind of cool though to see this weird door out here I'm leaving on this lighting for right now because the other one's cool and all but it is very bright it was like blindingly bright all right so I think that's really it for this map now obviously we can go to the sewers and stuff like that but once again I don't think there's gonna be anything there so let's go ahead and head into the next chapter all right here we are the Raceway now this one I know we we go to the Raceway a few different times obviously at the end of the game whenever you kill in uh quotations um you know Roxy Roxanne or Roxy or whatever you want to call her and then we go there again another time when we're leading her through the map um and this oh dude I didn't even notice this by the way but apparently this is something big it might actually in my playthrough we did notice it but um the audio was bugged so hold on let me see if I can get this to activate so yeah yeah she's out talking to Gregory here no response might be able to get a signal if I hit deeper into the Raceway okay now this right here this staff bot if you haven't seen my original video my original playthrough go back to part I think it's part five or four it's like the hour-long video go back to that video and watch this part right here when I walk up to the spot let's see if we can get it to happen no we didn't get it so in my playthrough the staff bot falls down and he says he's like Cassie Cassie is that you Cassie it's me Gregory or something like that and Gregory is communicating through the staff bot to Cassie now is it the real Gregory I don't know like imagine that I I don't know I don't think it was or was it the mimic going through the staff bot to communicate to Cassie I don't know I want to believe though that that was like Gregory like the real Gregory and he was like Cassie is that you like somehow he was like trying to get to her through the staff bot but then again when you see him at the end I think he's like oh what are you doing down there like he's very surprised so I I don't know it's just a very interesting Easter egg that you guys should definitely check out if you haven't already already all right so out here though let's see if we can spot anything I do not see a thing whoa check that out I didn't even notice that so this is outside oh I never looked up here that is cool so that's Moonlight coming through and then you're in like the stars oh and then when you actually go out here it goes away yeah it's like a cone or something and but look from this angle it looks so nice in here look at that some nice pretty little stars out here all right now what else we got out here anything crazy let's go ahead and change the let's change the view mode oh my gosh it is so dark let's change it a few different times there we go all right so this will be able to tell us if there's anything out here um I know in the previous hacking video we did see the Raceway and it had like the staff what the heck is that it had the staff bots on it but this one doesn't yeah it's just an empty Raceway and then everything over here is normal hot dogs stuff like that nothing too insane um some random balloons out here why are those out there you'd never see these I don't I don't know and then there's something red out there is that a door all right you guys know I gotta go out there and see what that is I think we finished off looking at the map though I don't see anything so I'm gonna go ahead and get out there I gotta know what this is before we get out there though guesses in the comment section down below Okay now what's on this map Roxanne wolf um what's red that would be out here I can't think of anything what could this be all right I'm gonna guess it's like just some random red door or something we are approaching it and that's gotta just be a door dude that is why is that out of here though is it like no I don't know what why that would be here it's literally just a red curtain or a door I don't know what that is yeah it's got to be just a some kind of door if you guys have any guesses let me know this has to be something like spawns in though I don't know what it is though it looks like a curtain right but the curtain that I'm thinking of would be like you know Glam Rock Bonnie's area at the bowling alley there's a curtain that you have to open up to eventually go to the vent and continue with the game but that wouldn't be here so there must be another curtain somewhere on that map that is for whatever reason all the way out here but all right we did it I had to know what it was all right so we have one final chapter to hack okay and then we have successfully hacked the entire game so then uh all the comments are saying hey you got to go to that chapter you gotta do this chapter well we've done it them all so this is the final chapter we've already done the other ones if you want to check out the other hacking videos um this one is oh fazzer blast okay this could be fun this could be very cool I definitely I definitely want to check out the Glam Rock Freddy that's like you know I'll beat up on the ground there's some princess Quest items on this map that could be very interesting to see along with some other pretty crazy things so this could be fun all right so talking about camera we might have to go through the vent though before stuff spawns in yep so oh wait Freddy's here okay so Freddy is right here headless kind of floating so the giant prototype thing on the bottom of his foot very weird um of course the little gift box inside of his stomach right there and uh that appears to be everything that there is to do with him now do you guys think this is from the ending where the staff Bots like tear them to pieces or what do you guys think this uh this Landmark Freddy is from so I'd like to know your opinion on this one but he's just out here hanging out he got a few doors that obviously don't open and uh let's spawn in the rest of the map what's this down here so this would be the glitched world right so yeah right here is the princess Quest sword kind of saying that we conquered the game we beat it and uh oh yeah that thing right there so yeah this is like the the princess quest ending basically is what we got for this game um let's go ahead and talk with camera let's spawn in the rest of the map though and see if we can spawn anything else I should just have to go oh there it definitely just spawned in the map that little like uh yep there it is so here's the map way more lit up I didn't even realize this thing this is from one of Scott's other games that we've seen before um maybe I I did realize I forgot but yeah that's kind of cool to see uh what do we got here a few games air hockey stuff like that and then just a ton of Staff Bots have been destroyed what about in the glitched version of the world down here anything insane nope everything looks kind of normal here nothing too too uh special in here obviously a bunch of stuff flying around stuff like that and that guy's now a lot more aggressive but that appears to be everything here all right well guys we have hacked everything in the game at least outside the map of everything in the game and if anything does get found you guys know I'll do a video on it if there is anything but the final thing we're doing this video is we're gonna check out this mysterious black rabbit uh beta version of it which it sounds pretty insane let's go and take a look at it so I do want to start by sending a massive shout out to Nico over on Twitter I'll have them Linked In the description down below um these are from his Twitter page and he kind of share these like videos of the rabbit and like the animations that it has so check this thing out oh my wow that thing looks cool man that thing looks so cool so what so people are saying that this is like the beta version of the rabbit that we got or like an early version of it before they changed it this one looks a lot creepier a lot more Sinister a lot scarier but um it doesn't exactly fit the you know the glitch World feeling like the other one feels more of like uh it'd be in this like glitched out Video Game World this one while it looks way scarier oh man I kind of I still kind of wish we got this one but I mean the other one with the one we got I feel like makes a lot more sense but this is still very creepy oh my gosh I love when they leave stuff like this in the files because it's so cool like that thing is so crazy looking now we do have a few other ones let's check them out all right so this is the last one that we have on this guy right here and let's go ahead and press play and see what he looks like oh man this thing where is he oh there oh my gosh dude he looks like something from like Donnie Darko oh my like he looks so good so creepy I love the teeth on like the ears the teeth the just everything looks fantastic hold on we gotta pause it look at that that's so cool the fingers how long they are the toes are very long but this thing looks insanely good like it looks so cool all right well guys that's it for this video I just want to show you guys these you know I want to hack the rest of the game because you guys were telling me to and then I want to show you guys this unused version of the rapid and boy oh boy that thing insane I I know we won't be able to see this thing in game at any point because they went with the one that they went with but or maybe this could be if he ever enters the real world that's what he would look like I don't know but it's cool anyways I'm in this video here or here I hope you guys enjoyed leave a like if you did subscribe right now and I'll see you guys in the next one thanks so much for watching peace out
Channel: FusionZGamer
Views: 749,762
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fnaf security breach ruin, five nights at freddy's security breach ruin, fnaf security breach ruin gameplay, fnaf security breach ruin walkthrough, fnaf security breach ruin ending, fnaf secuirty breach ruin fusionzgamer, five nights at freddy's security breach ruin gameplay, five nights at freddy's security breach ruin walkthrough, fnaf, glamrock freddy, fnaf security breach, fnaf ruin, fnaf ruin dlc, security breach dlc, fnaf security breach ruin dlc
Id: jXC3dn41fGs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 29sec (1289 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 29 2023
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